Immortality Through Array Formations

Chapter 146 - 146 Kui Wood Wolf (Five More Updates) _1

Chapter 146: Chapter 146 Kui Wood Wolf (Five More Updates) _1

Having already mastered the Golden Armor Formation and crossed the threshold of First-grade Nine Patterns,

Mo Hua just needed to continue learning and practicing formations as he did before.

With Mr. Zhuang’s knowledge, he said it wouldn’t be hard for him to become a Second Rank junior Formation Master, which greatly boosted Mo Hua’s confidence.

But upon further reflection, he realized that while becoming a Second Rank Formation Master might not be difficult, becoming a Cultivator at the Foundation Establishment Stage was another story…

A Loose Cultivator’s journey to Foundation Establishment is fraught with challenges.

Mo Hua sighed.

Let’s just take it one step at a time.

When Mo Hua got some free time, he made a trip to the Refinery Shop and asked Master Chen to craft a new set of rattan armor.

The common armors used by Demon Refining Masters are rattan and iron armor.

Rattan armor is made from vines that have been soaked in water and dried, then refined by Artifact Refiners. Its defense is average, at best able to barely block an attack from a First-grade Mid-phase Monster Beast. If not inscribed with an Iron Armor Formation, it is easy to get injured during monster hunting.

Iron Armor is crafted from fine iron and can defend against attacks from late-phase First-grade Monster Beasts; however, it consumes a lot of fine iron and is expensive to make, so the average Monster Hunter cannot afford it.

Late-phase Qi Refinement Monster Hunters would usually ask Artifact Refiners to mix fine iron into their rattan armor, combining vine and iron to strengthen its defense without being excessively costly.

The rattan armor Mo Hua asked Master Chen to refine was the type used in the late stages of Qi Refinement.

During a previous trip to the Inner Mountain for monster hunting, Mo Shan encountered a troublesome Monster Beast. In the struggle, his rattan armor got torn open with a crack.

Mo Shan didn’t have the heart to discard his cracked rattan armor and continued to wear it.

Seeing this, Mo Hua wanted to make a new set of rattan armor for his father.

Because it was Mo Hua’s request, Master Chen gave his full attention to the task. He didn’t even let Dazhu and the others help, personally handling the hammering, tempering, water-soaking, and everything else.

And he mixed in a generous amount of fine iron.

Mo Hua wanted to give Master Chen some Spirit Stones, but Chen refused.

When Mo Hua tried to give them again, Master Chen’s already dark complexion grew even darker:

“You look down on me, don’t you?”

Mo Hua would draw formations for him and occasionally dig up some ores to give to him. Although he didn’t say much, he always remembered these favors in his heart.

Mo Hua had no choice but to bring him several pounds of beef, which Master Chen gladly accepted with relish.

After bringing the rattan armor back, Mo Hua inscribed a First-grade Golden Armor Formation on it!

The First-grade Golden Armor Formation truly includes nine Formation Patterns. Even a Qi Refining Ninth Level Cultivator should be able to use it.

With the Golden Armor Formation inscribed, the rattan armor’s defense should be much stronger.

Mo Hua didn’t want to see his father, who was a Monster Hunter, covered in scars anymore.

A few days later, Mo Shan was to enter the Inner Mountain for monster hunting again. Liu Ruhua prepared his travel bag, getting dried meat and provisions ready.

Mo Hua then gave the rattan armor to Mo Shan.

Upon seeing the brand new, meticulously crafted rattan armor, Mo Shan was momentarily stunned.

“This is…”

“Master Chen from the Refinery Shop helped me refine it. I helped him out, and he didn’t even want any Spirit Stones from me,” Mo Hua said with a smile.

Looking at the rattan armor, Mo Shan couldn’t take his eyes off it and still tried to refuse:

“It seems rather valuable. My old one can still be used.”

“The old one is cracked. It’s very dangerous,” Mo Hua said.

Liu Ruhua also said with a smile, “Just accept Huar’s kindness.”

Only then did Mo Shan accept the rattan armor. It felt heavy and warm in his hands.

Mo Shan tried it on; it was a bit heavy, but it fit well. He then tried to take it off again.

Liu Ruhua frowned, “Aren’t you going to wear it?”

Mo Shan stroked the rattan armor, reluctant to wear it because it was a gift from his son:

“It’s still new. I’ll just keep it for now. I’m afraid of damaging it.”

Liu Ruhua replied impatiently, “If the rattan armor doesn’t get damaged, won’t you be the one who gets hurt?”

Mo Shan paused, then gave a sheepish smile, “That’s also true.”

Once everything was packed, Mo Shan set off into the mountains wearing the rattan armor given by Mo Hua.

The mountain paths were rugged, and the Monster Beasts perilous.

Wearing the rattan armor into Big Black Mountain, Mo Shan suddenly felt invigorated. No matter how arduous the path ahead, there was nothing to fear.

Mo Hua watched as Mo Shan departed, a tinge of regret in his heart.

He had inscribed the rattan armor with a First-grade Golden Armor Formation with Nine Patterns.



A real first-grade formation method, huh.

If his father asks, he can even show off a little.

Mo Shan doesn’t ask, and he’s too embarrassed to brag on his own behalf.

But with the new rattan armor and Golden Armor Formation, Mo Shan felt more at ease when he went into the mountains for monster hunting, and Mo Hua felt somewhat relieved as well.

Afterward, Mo Hua continued to learn other formation methods.

Meanwhile, deep within Big Black Mountain, Mo Shan and his fellow Monster Hunting Team members gradually gathered.

This time, they were hunting a Kui Wood Wolf Demon at the late stage of the first grade.

The Kui Wood Wolf Demon, over two zhang tall, with black-green fur, sharp claws and teeth, and accompanied by a pale green demonic power.

The demonic power of the Kui Wood Wolf Demon was poisonous and of wood attribute; once injured by it and imbued with its power, the poison would spread and grow, making it very difficult to eliminate.

The Monster Hunters discussed their strategy and then set off to find the traces of the Kui Wood Wolf Demon.

Since opening a restaurant at home, Mo Shan had extra spirit stones for cultivation, and his luck hadn’t been bad either, as he had already reached the ninth level of Qi Refinement.

Mo Shan and a few other ninth-level Qi Refining Monster Hunters led the way, walking along the mountain forest and searching for the aura of the Kui Wood Wolf.

A burly Monster Hunter glanced at Mo Shan and said in surprise,

“Old Mo, you’ve finally changed out of the rattan armor?”

“My son gave it to me.”

Mo Shan’s tone was flat, but there was a hint of pride in his demeanor that he couldn’t hide.

The other Monster Hunters looked on, their hearts bitter and resentful.

“Alright, that’s enough.”

“If you want to laugh, just laugh… we won’t hit you.”

“You’d have to be able to beat him first.”

The men joked for a while.

Suddenly, Mo Shan’s expression became serious, “We’re close.”

All the Monster Hunters’ expressions turned solemn, they stopped joking, and were on full alert.

Crouched low, using the thick shrubs of the forest for cover, they carefully moved forward until they finally found the Kui Wood Wolf Demon by a babbling brook in the forest.

The Kui Wood Wolf Demon was drinking water at the stream, its cruel eyes scanning the surroundings.

Mo Shan, in a low voice, said, “Same rules as always, I’ll go first. Be careful not to get wounded by its claws!”

Everyone nodded.

Mo Shan took advantage of the Kui Wood Wolf Demon being unaware, relying on his swift movement technique, he leaped forward, his fists like the wind and wrapped with fierce flames, aiming a punch toward the ribcage of the Kui Wood Wolf.

Midway through the punch, the Kui Wood Wolf became alert and twisted its body, so the punch only hit its back.

The Kui Wood Wolf, hurt by the impact, retreated a few steps, blinked its black eyes which flashed deep green, the malice in its eyes deepening.

The other Monster Hunters also emerged from all sides, surrounding the Kui Wood Wolf.

The encirclement and kill officially began.

Surrounding and killing Monster Beasts was a very time-consuming and energy draining task that required intense concentration.

The Monster Hunters needed to be fully prepared, combatting the beasts at close range without a trace of carelessness, or else it was easy for the beasts to find an opening and cause dire consequences.

Monster Beasts have tough bodies and more profound Blood Qi than Cultivators, so it is necessary to spend time wearing them down bit by bit to death.

This process was quite lengthy and tested one’s cultivation, Taoist skills, patience, and experience.

Those who dared to hunt monsters in the Inner Mountain were all seasoned Monster Hunters.

Mo Shan’s team was no exception.

They cooperated with each other tacitly, acted decisively, didn’t linger in unfavorable situations, and didn’t hesitate to exploit any weakness they found.

Time passed bit by bit.

During the hunt, Mo Shan was even more cautious than usual, pushing his movement technique to the limit, dodging attack after attack, not wanting to leave a single scratch on the rattan armor.

After about two hours, the Kui Wood Wolf’s breath weakened, and it finally collapsed weakly on the ground.

Despite this, everyone kept their distance and stayed wary.

A Monster Hunter stepped forward, carefully checked the body, and then breathed a sigh of relief, “It’s dead.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned and walked toward Mo Shan.

Catching something out of the corner of his eye, Mo Shan had a sudden premonition and shouted urgently, “It’s not dead yet!”

Before his words fell, the Kui Wood Wolf lying on the ground opened its eyes.

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