Immovable Mage

090 Calamity

– Era of the Wastes, Cycle 216, Season of the Rising Moon, Day 19 –

A pale-faced Terry opened his eyes. He noted that he was lying in the infirmary again, but had no recollection of how he got here. He was about to push himself up when a hand forced him down again.

“Stay down and rest.” Cadence looked at him with worried eyes. “You collapsed. You need to recover. The fight is already over. Those that supported Bright— The survivors of those that supported that woman have all fled.”

Terry’s expression froze for a moment. He did not know how to interact with Cadence right now. They had pretty much decimated the members of her circle today.

Terry felt Cadence channeling a healing ability to support his recovery.

“That kind of reliance on potions is not healthy.” Cadence’s expression switched repeatedly between concern and reprimand. “Same for such an excessive use of scrolls beyond your limit.”

Cadence bit her lip. “Honestly, I’m surprised you’re not showing worse symptoms. Dhruv will check you out later. His druidry has some spells that are better suited to deal with these aftereffects.”

Terry lowered his gaze and was unsure what to say. When he looked at Cadence again, he noted Cadence appeared similarly conflicted.

“I’m sorry, Terry.” Cadence’s voice was quivering. “I’m so sorry for what happened to Lady Sigille. I am, but I couldn’t join in that fight. I’ve lost so many friends today. I can’t…” She took a deep breath.

“I’m sorry, Instructor.” Another voice from a nearby location interrupted their silence.

A wounded disciple was speaking to her personal mentor.

“I know that you did not want us to join this battle. I know that there will be an aftermath, but Instructor Sigille, what she did for me back then… I just couldn’t…” The student hung her head. “I’m sorry…”

“If you had to make the choice again, would you pick any differently?” asked the older Guardian warmly.

Terry and Cadence involuntarily smiled at the familiar question. One smile was sad, the other bitter.

The student made no reply.

“Then it’s fine.” The older Guardian placed a hand on the student’s shoulder. “We all have to live with the choices we’ve made.” He sighed wearily. “You with yours and I with mine.” He patted her shoulder once and then removed his hand.

It took a moment before the older Guardian spoke again. “I will watch over the others here. You need to leave this place.” He was looking appraisingly at his student. “And for what it’s worth, I believe the old lady would have been proud of you. Both for stepping up and for stepping away with your life preserved.”

Cadence exhaled a trembling breath and then turned to Terry. “I need to visit a few other patients. Stay safe, Terry.”

Terry glanced at Cadence and nodded. “You too. Thanks…”


“What are you going to do from now on?” asked Palmer.

“I’ll accompany Terry to Arcana,” replied Matteo. “I intended to do that, anyway. We’ll just do it earlier than expected.”

Emily grimaced sadly. Her happiness at Matteo coming out unharmed had now been washed away. Next to her, Wallace put his arm around Emily and rubbed her shoulder.

“I’ll come with,” said Emaldine, which caught everyone’s attention.

“What?!” demanded Emaldine. She stared at Matteo challengingly. “Ma Sigille apparently thought you needed some supervision. Clearly, she had a point, given that you were practically ready to storm a Guardian outpost on your own.”

Wallace raised an eyebrow and opened his mouth to speak, but he was silenced by a glare from Emaldine.

“Ma Sigille also promised to bring Whaka Terry back to Aunt Isille,” said Emaldine. “Now that she can’t, it’s my duty as well.”

Terry’s mouth stood slightly agape at hearing himself addressed as whaka by her.

“Besides, I can tell what you are going to do afterwards,” said Emaldine while staring at Matteo. “If you’re going after Anand, then I’ll be there as well… Whaka Matteo.”

If Terry was surprised, then Matteo was outright dumbstruck, and it took a moment before he could respond.

“…alright,” muttered Matteo. “Whaka Emaldine.”

“The communications room here is busted though,” said Palmer. “Do you need help to coordinate your departure?”

“I can help with that,” said Amelia. Next to her, Dargones nodded.

“Good,” said Palmer. “What are you two going to do? Leave as well?”

“No, we still have unfinished business in Tiv,” said Amelia with a hard expression.

[Tell me, if I can help in any way,] signed Matteo while saying the same.

“We’ll stay in touch,” said Amelia, and winked.

“Are you sure?” asked Palmer. “This whole incident will have a lot of repercussions. The circle, Guardian management, Guild management, the empire itself. They’ll all send out their own forces.”

“They can try,” scoffed Amelia. “Our business is in the Wasted Zone. I’m sure the wasters would appreciate them sending a few more forces there. Besides, whom are they going to send? I want to see the mage hunter that volunteers to go after Dargo and me.”

Dargones chuckled soundlessly.

“Even if they could have their pick among the mage hunters, I doubt they’ll manage to recruit a dimensional mage capable of keeping up with you,” said Matteo. “No way that Jee is going to accept that mission and I doubt the Mage Supreme or her disciple can make the time.”

“The downsides of driving out all the capable mages.” Amelia snorted. “More upside for us.”

Dargones noticed Matteo glancing over to Emily and Wallace with worry.

[We can keep an eye on your friends here,] signed Dargones with a warm smile. [We’ll also contact your friends among the death hunters to do the same.]

[Thanks,] signed Matteo before mustering the resolve to continue with both finger runes and his own voice. [Whaka Dargones, Whaka Amelia.]

Dargones and Amelia both nodded solemnly.

“No need to point out the obvious,” said Amelia with a wink. “Anytime. Our pleasure.”

[By the way, have you seen Apex?] asked Matteo with both his voice and finger runes. [She acted somewhat differently today than usual.]

“Last I saw Apex, she was ripping the slimeball’s arm off,” replied Amelia. “Looked like she was going to beat him to death with it.”

[I caught a glimpse of the slimeball fleeing the battlefield,] signed Dargones. [Apex was chasing after him.]

Matteo nodded with a pensive expression.

“What are you going to do?” Rachel had walked into their group and asked Palmer.

“I sure as shit ain’t going to hang around this empire any longer,” growled Palmer. “Aside from that, I’m not sure yet. Some people will go out west.”

Terry could see Palmer glancing towards a group that included Isabella.

“The conclave?” asked Rachel and frowned.

“Yeah, I don’t know either,” said Palmer. “I’ve heard that the Magic Liberation Front has supposedly established a conclave way out in the Wasted Zone, but…” He scowled. “The Front has some nasty people among their ranks and most of them avert their eyes from the nastiness if it suits their purpose.”

“Maybe Syn City could take people in?” suggested Terry worriedly. He was already planning to talk to Isabella and at least repeat Palmer’s concerns.

Terry still remembered the horror story about the death of Megumi’s family, which had died at the hands of the Magic Liberation Front. He would hate to see Isabella come to harm after having joined the battle to get justice for his aunt together.

“They might,” said Matteo. “However, that would definitely invite trouble for Syn. The Guardian and Guild retaliation may stop at the border, but Tiv and the cultists certainly won’t if it comes down to it.”

“If cultists are your worry, then the Free Factions Union is out as well,” said Palmer. “Too chaotic and difficult to even get a foothold. They’re constantly at odds with each other, internal conflicts, and power struggles everywhere.”

“The cultists don’t have any trouble flying under the radar in the chaos,” said Palmer. “Add to that the conflict with Thanatos and the increased aggression from the Lich Kingdoms…” He shook his head. “Yeah, that’s out.”

“I think I’ll take my disciples and go to Thanatos,” said Palmer pensively.

Terry could see Rosheen talking to Derek in a group of Palmer’s disciples. Terry subconsciously broke out into a grin when he saw the two appearing shy while holding each other’s hands. It appeared that Rosheen would accompany Derek, even though she was not one of Palmer’s disciples.

Perhaps Derek will give family life another try. That would be nice.

“Well, that does not bode well for Tiv’s forces,” remarked Rachel wryly.

Palmer shrugged. “I have no desire to join the army and get pulled into that sort of conflict. Thanatos is the best choice. Since they are already at war with Tiv, they shouldn’t have a problem with us.”

Palmer nodded slightly to himself. “Besides, they respect strength above all, which suits me just fine. I can continue to fight the Wastes there. They do not bow to cults, and any cult would be wary of entering Thanatos borders.”

“Can I join you?” asked Tara, who had been standing quietly to the side.

“Sure,” replied Palmer. “I’m always happy to have one of Sigille’s disciples.”

“You could also come to Arcana,” interjected Terry. “I think Ma Isille would be happy to cross spears with you.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll return to the canan realm,” said Tara with a smile that displayed sharp teeth. “I had left there desperate and abandoned. Instructor Sigille has shown me a new path. A path that others could benefit from as well. I think it’s time that I bring the knowledge of aspected bursts and proper burst techniques back home.”

“We should group up with the others then,” said Palmer.

“If you know which route you want to take, I can give you a lift or provide some scrolls,” said Amelia.

“I appreciate it,” said Palmer. Afterwards, Palmer and Tara left the group.

“I wonder how long this outpost will be left standing.” The voice of Dhruv arrived. Thena and Clayson were walking with him.

Rachel smiled bitterly at Dhruv’s remark.

“So many gone, so many leaving.” Dhruv shook his head. “Only a matter of time before this city will turn into an abandoned settlement.” He looked up to see Emily and Wallace. “Not yet, however.”

“There have been some recent regulations about handing down magic items,” said Dhruv, and retrieved three bundles. “About which I couldn’t care less, like I’ve made clear before.”

“Anyway, here, I think she would have wanted you three to have these,” said Dhruv.

Terry, Emaldine, and Thena each received one of the bundles.

Terry was the first to realize what was inside. He smiled and exhaled sharply. He promised himself to work hard.

Emaldine was second, and she immediately objected. “I don’t think… I don’t have the mana control for this.”

“Neither did your ma,” said Dhruv. “I’ve seen her struggle with it for decades. She persisted. She succeeded. You don’t have to use it, though. Take it as a memento, if nothing else.” Dhruv smiled lopsidedly. “I believe in many ways it works better than a picture. A picture can’t capture the sheer grit that was the Divine Hammer.”

Emaldine quietly nodded. Subconsciously, she raised her hand to her own heart while thinking of the picture that was beneath her armor.

Thena clasped the silvery rolls with tears streaming from her eyes.

“Take care, Emily.” Matteo patted the head of the elf he thought of as his little sister. “Stay safe, grow strong.”

Emily was nodding quietly and wiped her tears away.

“You as well, kid,” said Wallace to Matteo. “Try to tone down the number of suicidal activities. Pretty please?”

Wallace moved his gaze to Terry. “And make sure the other one does not take too much after you in that regard.”

Terry cleared his throat and averted his gaze slightly.

Wallace looked back at Matteo. “Frankly, I’m not sure if Emaldine can fill the role of a moderating influence. So, please. Just…” He sighed. “Just stay safe, okay?


Terry, Matteo, and Emaldine had said their farewells and Amelia had brought them further southeast – far enough to stay ahead of whatever investigation would follow in Libra City.

Fortunately for them, Emaldine had travelled the route to the Free Factions Union not that long ago, which gave them a good idea of how to best go about it.

Terry whirled around when he noticed a mana distortion. Matteo and Emaldine quickly checked their equipment and warily observed the location.

A dimensional gate opened in front of them.

Matteo relaxed when he saw the silver-eyed dwarf step through it.

Emaldine glanced at Matteo. “Is that who I think it is?”

Matteo nodded. “Jee, come to say goodbye?”

“Among other things,” said Jee solemnly.

Terry raised his eyebrows when he noticed two familiar mana signatures.

Thena and Clayson stepped through the dimensional gate before Jee flicked his hand and the gate vanished.

“Long time no see.” Clayson grinned. “Kind of cheapens all the teary goodbyes.” He scratched the back of his head.

Thena flushed slightly and stood shyly between Clayson and her elder brother.

“You had us worried for a second,” said Matteo wearily. “For a moment, I wondered if it’s possible that someone is already on our tails.”

“Not likely to happen,” said Jee. “I only heard about what happened a short while ago. My condolences, Matteo.” He inhaled deeply and shook his head. “Tiv did not deserve the old lady. I wish I could say that if I had known earlier that I would have stood with you, but…”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Matteo. “I understand.”

Jee glanced at his little sister. “I have a proposal.”

Matteo raised his eyebrows and waited.

“You want to go to Arcana, right?” asked Jee.

“Yes,” replied Matteo. “Terry is from Arcana and someone needs to tell Ma Sigille’s remaining family what happened.”

Terry’s stomach twisted when he remembered that Isille did not know yet.

Jee nodded and glanced at Terry. “Could you take two more people? Get them settled in Arcana?”

Terry opened his mouth and only then realized whom they were talking about. “Thena and Clayson?”

“Yes,” replied Jee. “While I can’t leave Tiv yet, I don’t think it’s safe in Libra City anymore. Frankly, I’m not sure any of the frontier outposts can be considered safe with so many Guardians and Guildheads dead, gone, or pissed beyond belief.”

“Dhruv is still there,” reminded Matteo.

“Dhruv is too kind,” said Jee dismissively. “Or too tired. I don’t know. I don’t care. Anyway, these two are not like the elven girl you left there. They’re not Dhruv’s disciples. He won’t watch over them all the time. I don’t trust Dhruv to act as a deterrent, nor can I count on him to stay by their side.”

“You’ve met Emily?” asked Matteo.

“No, but Amelia mentioned her,” said Jee. “I can try to keep an eye on her and her father as well, but first, I need to know that Thena and Clayson are safe.”

“Some guard I am…” muttered Clayson dejectedly.

“Clayson, hold your tongue,” reprimanded Jee. “Your family died to protect us. I will not see the last of your line perish as well. We are all that is left. I appreciate you guarding Thena, but you are my responsibility, too. I owe you more than I could ever repay. I’ll take care of our revenge. You two take care of growing up.”

Thena playfully punched Clayson on the shoulder.

Jee looked back at Terry. “Will Thena and Clayson be able to stay in Arcana?”

Terry nodded. He was not too familiar with Arcana’s immigration procedures, but he knew that his aunt Brynn was. He was confident that the rest of his family would help, too.

“Good,” said Jee. “Then I’ll make sure you get there as quickly as possible.”

“You mean?” exclaimed Matteo when he caught on to what Jee was doing.

A dimensional gate appeared in front of them. On the other side, Terry could see the familiar blue glow of Arcana’s barrier.

“Holy mana,” exclaimed Emaldine in an impressed tone.

“I always suspected that you are capable of that,” said Matteo. “But I also thought it would break one of your rules. This has the danger of inviting trouble your way, doesn’t it?”

“It does, and that’s why I have never done that before,” said Jee. “As long as Thena and Clayson are safe, I’ll manage.”

“Must be nice being in the Guild,” muttered Emaldine drily. “A poor scavenger has to walk the whole way.”

“Hurry it up,” said Jee. “I would rather not keep such a gate open longer than needed.”

“Brother.” The short Thena clang to Jee.

“Go, I’ll visit,” said Jee. “I promise.”

Terry and the others stepped through the gate, and Jee immediately closed it behind them.

“I’m not sure if I should be impressed, pleased, or intimidated,” said Emaldine. She looked at Thena. “Your brother is quite something.”

“I think we’re all the way in the Z-zone, though,” muttered Terry. “No idea where the closest dimensional gate is supposed to be.”

“So?” scoffed Emaldine. “We’re in Arcana. Safest place in the realm. Walk in the park.”

“Hmm…” Matteo squinted at the horizon.

Shortly afterwards, Terry, too, noticed a mana signature.

Terry glanced at Matteo and wondered if Matteo’s demonic evolution had improved his mana sense. Then, he realized that there were several lightning-aspected mana signatures and Matteo had always been particularly sensitive to that aspect.

“Halt!” A soldier in Arcana’s uniform appeared with a lightning-aspected teleportation spell. Shortly after, more soldiers arrived.

Emaldine scowled and fought the urge to reach for her weapons.

“Don’t,” said Matteo and raised his hands up over his head.

“We are here to escort a citizen from Arcana back to his home.” Matteo pointed with his head at Terry. “To apply for residency for two fugitives from Tiv.” He indicated Thena and Clayson. “And for a family visit to inform an Arcanian Guardian about a death in the family.”

The soldier listened to the words, but mostly kept his eyes on Terry.

“Uhm, I have a Guardian card to identify myself,” said Terry. “From the outpost in Arcana City.”

“Terry?” A new voice arrived. “Is that you?”

“Woah…” Emaldine involuntarily exclaimed when she saw the giant of a man. Next to her, Thena also stood slack-jawed while looking up and she subconsciously stepped closer to Clayson.

“Chadwick?” Terry recognized Tiana’s brother.

“Do you know this person?” asked the first soldier.

“Yes, a companion of my little sister,” said Chadwick. “He disappeared without a trace after a dungeon dive. His family got a message from Tiv months later.”

“Then he really is a citizen of Arcana?” asked the other soldier.

“More than that,” said Chadwick. “Terry even visited Arcana Academy.”

The attitude of the other soldiers relaxed.

“I dropped out early though,” admitted Terry sheepishly.

This caused a snort and chuckle from the soldiers.

“I still need to check your Guardian card,” said the first soldier. “If the rest of you carry identification, I would like to see them as well.”

Thena and Clayson handed over their Guardian cards. Matteo handed over his Guild card.

“I only have an expired Guardian card from Tiv,” said Emaldine with trepidation. “I haven’t done any missions in a long time.”

The soldier appraised her and then moved his eyes over the rest of the group. “That will be fine.”

After checking their cards, the soldier addressed them again. “How did you arrive here?”

“A friend is a capable dimensional mage,” said Matteo.

The soldiers glanced at each other. Terry could read a trace of worry in Chadwick’s expression.

“Must be quite capable if they can create a gate through the barrier,” said the first soldier. “Not many of those around. Especially in Tiv.”

It could have been unanchored travel, though. How did they know there was a gate?

Terry wondered if something was amiss.

“Commander, may I?” asked Chadwick.

“No need to look so worried, soldier,” said the commander. “This seems different from the other cases.”

“Huh?” Terry blurted out involuntarily.

“You see, we have detected several barrier breaches recently,” said Chadwick. “Actually, since a while ago, but it was always subtle. The incidents were detected from both the west and the southeast.”

“Tiv and the Union,” added the commander. “That’s why we’re here. Our squad has been stationed to watch the Z-zone and make sure that we are fast to respond. We came here when we spotted a dimensional gate. Now, here we are. Here you are.”

“My friend is an unlikely candidate for the other incidents,” said Matteo.

“Brother has never breached the barrier before,” said Thena. “He only did it this time so that Clayson and I could come here. Please don’t cause any trouble for him.” The short dwarf looked pleadingly at the soldiers.

“Little sister?” asked Chadwick. “Commander?”

“Take it easy,” said the commander.

“Jee is my older brother,” said Thena.

“Silver-Eyes Jee, then?” asked the commander.

Matteo nodded.

“Enough for me,” said the commander. “We’ve already ruled out Silver-Eyes before. The fact that you were casually walking here marks this incident as different as well. Your identities suffice for now. Where are you headed?”

“Arcana City,” replied Terry. “That’s where I live.”

“Tiana will be happy to see you again,” said Chadwick. “She is probably itching for a spar to see your progress and prove her own.”

“You know the way?” asked the commander.

“Not really,” said Terry with some embarrassment.

“You have around three hours at manaless walking speed in that direction,” said the commander. “If you have any mana sense, you should notice the tertiary gate.”

“Commander?” another soldier spoke up while looking at a blinking device.

“Another one?” exclaimed the commander with narrowed eyes.

“Subtle, but we’ve picked it up,” came the reply.

“No time to dawdle, we need to figure out what is going on,” said the commander.

“See ya,” shouted Chadwick. He and the other soldiers turned into lightning and were gone with a flash.


Terry and the others finally spotted the city with its tertiary gate in the distance.

Inwardly, Terry heaved a sigh of relief. He was looking forward to traveling by proper dimensional gates again. Once they reached a primary gate, the rest of the trip would be quick.

He could not wait to see the rest of his family again.

A small pang of guilt sprang up inside of him when he recalled that Isille was not aware of her sister’s death yet. Terry was not sure how his ma would react to his story. Sure, everyone had insisted that it was not his fault and that Sigille herself had told him to leave, but doubt and guilt remained.

Whaka… Terry bit his lip.

*CRASH* A thundering noise louder than anything Terry had ever heard reverberated through the area.

Terry and the others reflexively held their ears. Terry even closed his eyes.

Terry felt the mana in the area shift.

When Terry opened his eyes again, he was horrified at what he saw. The sky was not supposed to look like that. This was how the sky in Tiv had looked. This was not the sky of Arcana.

For a moment, Terry wondered if they had been transferred again, but then his gaze fell towards the city in the distance.

A tertiary dimensional gate.


“Wastes,” exclaimed Emaldine in shock. “I can’t believe it.”

“We better hurry,” said Matteo. “This is a disaster that will not wait for anyone. We need to reach Arcana City before they— Wastes, can they even disable the dimensional gates in time? If not, then…” Matteo’s eyes widened with a terrible realization. “This will be a bloodbath.”

Terry was still staring at the sky. A clear, unobstructed sky.

Arcana’s barrier had shattered.


– End of Arc 3, Unyielding Fury –

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