
Chapter 104 - You are too stingy

White was pressed down by the heavy protective clothing and could only look at the ground-where he was, exactly where a missile fell, a pit was sunken in the ground, and the shock wave swept all the surrounding buildings into slag. It would take more than a dozen kilometers from here to see the remains of human bodies.

The surviving residents can only be transferred. As for Hongxiaxing and Egret, Gloria and Beijing β, for decades, the soil will no longer bloom.

“Teacher,” White looked up and asked Lu Bixing, “How do you revive a planet bombed by nuclear missiles? Is there technology?”

“Yes, it ’s like transforming habitable planets,” Lu Bixing replied, “Not all planets are as blessed as the mother planet. Now every habitable planet has been artificially transformed. In the complete ecosystem, various factors interact with each other, which is very delicate. It requires generations to play balance on the planet, and constantly compromise and modify each other.

“Teacher, let’s change the subject. I don’t want to study mecha anymore.”

“The topic of planet resurrection is a bit big,” Lu Bixing said. “It may take hundreds of years.”

“What about the antimissile system?” Mint asked. “Mr. Lu, let’s improve the antimissile system!”

“The antimissile system requires a lot of financial resources to be invested in military production, and our military industry is incomplete,” Lu Bixing said, “without a material foundation.”

“Can we improve the strength of the shield?”

“Yes,” Lu Bixing said, “but every unit and every energy level increase of the shield takes decades. Uncountable input of materials. Are you ready to postpone graduation?”

“Mr. Lu,” Huang Jingxi asked quietly, “what if we continue the primary mech issue?”

Lu Bixing replied: “There will be another semester, perfecting the details, and then you can apply for a patent and put into production.”

This is the paradox of the new ephemeris era. Creation and protection are difficult, and every effort can be made to take a small step. During this period, the lethality of weapons has developed leaps and bounds.

Like Sisyphus, who is always pushing the boulder.

“Teacher,” Cocky asked blankly, “What have we done for so long? Is there any difference between Beijing and Beijing?”

Robots surveying radioactive material residues came along the uneven road. Lu Bixing took the students along the bulging side of the missile pit, and silently walked into the Mechchung III isolation room, and the whole body of each person Scan, carefully remove the dirt and other harmful substances attached to each person, the special white mist is transpiration, and the number on the back of Lu Bixing’s isolation suit is ambiguous.

“We … We have established a preliminary social labor security and rationing system on the Red Star, and completed the census,” he said.

Cockfighting: “So what?”

“So we now have a list of those killed.”

After “disinfection” was completed, Lu Bixing and they walked into a small aisle.

The ubiquitous Zhan Lu greeted them one by one, because he was very polite, and when he even spoke everyone’s honor evenly, he had reached the end of the aisle less than thirty meters.

Zhan Lu said: “Principal Lu, maybe you should go to the meeting room, where the president and Mr. are waiting for you.”

Lu Bixing waved his hand to the students, signaled their dissolution, then opened the direct door next to them, and turned to the direction of the conference room.

“Xiao Huang, go!”

Huang Jingyi hesitated for a while, looking up at the aisle surveillance: “Zhan Lu, do you have information on the defense system and anti-missile system of the Alliance Silver Fortress?”

“Yes, Miss Huang.” Zhanlu answered patiently. “The Silver Fortress’s defense system is at the top of the league.”

Huang Jing shuddered, as if she didn’t know how to speak, and babbled for a while, she asked, “So … can you ask General Lin if there is anything we can borrow?”

The other three stood still, waiting for Zhanlu’s answer together.

“The academic materials and technical issues have not been encrypted. Mr. Lu has set special permissions, and President Lu and you can access them at any time.” Zhan Lu said, “But the relevant content is very complicated and inconsistent with the previous teaching direction of Teacher Lu. I need to help Do you organize systematically? “

Huang Jingyi looked at the monitoring direction with surprise: “How do you even know what we learn?”

“Sorry, this is the encrypted file.” Zhan Luton paused. “I will send the organized information to your personal terminals in ten minutes. Please come to the lounge first.”

The eighth galaxy, a girl with empty brains who likes to use beer bottles and violence to solve problems, unknowingly grew up in the smoke of gunpowder, because of impulse, Yin and Yang embarked on a road that few people walked.

In Angel City, which seems to be ready to welcome angels at any time, the flower of the alliance with her name has just encountered a kidnapping—

On the way home from Jing Lin’s home, an auto-driving car suddenly failed on a high-rise track. Someone hacked into her system. Just as she designed to assassinate Secretary-General Gordon at that time, the defensive weapon in the car pointed at the owner. But at this time Lin Jingying’s guards were much tighter than those of the arrogant secretary-general. Two guards rushed around her quickly. One of them guarded her firmly with her body. The whole person was struck by a laser knife. Fighting for a few seconds for her, another guard immediately blasted the door with his own tool and guarded her on the emergency passage next to the track.

Lin Jing’s thin heel automatically falls off, and the sole of the deformable material slowly expands to a flat bottom with a strong shock absorption function. A narrow mouth is turned out on the toe, and a laser knife that can be fired at any time is passed in the emergency. The passage, all of a sudden, if there was something in the emergency passage, if there was no sound, Lin Jingying’s footsteps slammed. The next moment, the tempered glass on the side of the passage suddenly exploded, the debris shook the eyes, and the guards rushed Turning around and protecting Lin Jingying with his back, at this time a service robot that seemed to be malfunctioning beside the passage suddenly moved and turned his head and poked the manipulator into the guard’s chest. The manipulator quickly heated up after entering the human body. The guard pit did not have time to pit. The whole person was rigid and pressed directly towards Lin Jingyu. The smell of barbecued meat permeated the passage.

Lin Jingying quickly pushed away the dead man. The hot metal buckle of the dead man’s collar still scratched her arm. She always respected and treated her, of course, with fine skin and tender flesh, and a clear red mark was immediately left on the white skin.

All the robots on both sides of the aisle turned to her with strange angles, and rounded her around.

Lin Jingying let go of his burnt arm, raised his hand and pressed his horns, revealing a formula-like smile of the Eden spokesman: “Which one? Is the emotional potion not enough? Blame me not to approve it?”

The robot didn’t answer, and slowly raised the laser muzzle against her back.

Lin Jingxi shook his head, but could only helplessly walk in the direction of the muzzle, and smiled bitterly: “A widow who breathes her nose does not know who she has suffered for, sir …”

She didn’t finish talking, the robot three steps away from her suddenly shot at her.

Lin Jing’s pupils narrowed slightly, and then, the laser gun passed her, hitting precisely the robot holding her, right in the chest’s energy battery. The robots that had just been united suddenly started to infuriate, and they started to fight each other. The emergency channel was suddenly messed up by the laser guns they fired. Then, Lin Jingyue lost his foot, and I didn’t know when a hole leaked under his foot, just enough for one person to pass. She fell straight from the hanging channel.

The next moment, a dark shadow flashed in the night, and a mech car flew near the ground, just catching her. The convertible mech car spewed protective gas as soon as she fell, and met people quickly Freezing, protecting her in the middle. Lin Jing suddenly looked up, two men sat in the front row of the mecha car. One of them operated something on the personal terminal like a flying enclave, and the other turned back. Lin Jingquan raised his hand and made a fake action to remove the cap. — Even if he is not wearing a hat.

“Hello beautiful lady,” the man’s voice was brisk and lively, showing a proud “I wake myself up every day”, “I am the third silver guard, captain Thomas Young-not the ‘Thomas Young’ ‘This Thomas Young is more handsome and chic-come here today to make a special guest appearance on your guard knight, hoping to get your five-star praise and a smile.’

Lin Jingying’s face flashed with doubt, but he was very dignified and gave him a smile.

Thomas Yang, who claims to be the captain of the third guard, turned his head sharply and threw a heavy punch on his companion’s shoulder: “Is there any general who smiles at me!”

The person punched by him frowned and said, “Then you may not live long-Hello, Miss Lin, I’m Poisson Yang, the third silver guard.”

His gaze stayed on Lin Jinglian’s burned arm. Then, the door of the armored car rolled to the side, and a robotic arm was exposed. He sprayed a colorless and odorless medicine on her wound and fell on the skin. It was slightly cold and immediately relieved the burns and pain.

It was only then that Lin Jinglian found that the two looked very similar. Although they were very different in temperament, they could still see that they were twins.

Before she could thank her, Poisson Yang looked up suddenly: “Be careful.”

The mech car struck violently, and after passing a high-energy particle cannon, Lin Jingyi turned his head and looked down, and saw that another mech car actually passed through the pedestrian street, and disappeared in a flash. In the night sky, a circle of mecha cars emerged, blocking them from the front and back, and raised their hands without saying a word.

Thomas Young laughed in a low voice: “It seems that the news of the general is that some people can’t sit still.”

Lin Jingxi jumped heartily.

The former site of the Votor League Parliament, which has been occupied by the Pirates’ Glory Group at this time, has been renovated and changed the “Union Parliament” into the “Glorious Empire Presidential Palace”.

The original forest of monuments was flattened, and the ground was covered with special material bricks, shining with metallic luster, and it was full of near-mechanical vehicles.

A row of mechanized cars rushed into the parking lot, neatly parked in a row, surrounded by an ordinary floating car in the middle, and then a middle-aged man got on the floating car, this man with a wide shoulder and a narrow waist, wearing one The black trench coat, with a very narrow mouth and a serious face, he is the empire’s power-bearer and the self-proclaimed president.

“Grand President, General Yerif is connected for you.”

The big president nodded quickly as he walked into the presidential palace. The entourage followed him step by step, using his personal terminal to connect with Yerif, the former Lu Xin Ministry who had been loyal to the alliance, and Yelf’s half-length figure floated next to the president like a ghost, wearing pajamas and smiling. He said to the president without a smile, “Why, that all the **** dream lover of the alliance can make you sleepless at night?”

“Let’s get started.” The big president didn’t talk to him. “Lin Jingheng is not a dormant person. He is still hiding in the eighth galaxy. It must be because of some reasons that the Silver Ten Guards cannot be called. Now everyone knows that we must Do it before his wings are full. I can’t reach that place anywhere, how about you? “

Yerev said blankly, “My hands are near Votor, don’t you know?”

“I mean your old comrades-in-arms,” ​​said the president. “Scattered among the eight galaxies.”

Yerif’s expression grew colder: “If Lu Xin knew that I was colluding with you now, he could jump out from under the headless woodland and blast my head, and you let his people act as a gunman for you. To clean up Lin Jingheng? Lin Jingheng and then the white-eyed wolf, which is also the grand admiral of the alliance standing in the forest of monuments, was brought up by Lu Xin. You have a problem in your head, what do you think? “

The President did not think that he was embarrassed, his eyes passed through Yerif’s face like a hawk: “People standing in the Alliance Stele Forest? Not necessarily, General, why was the Silver Fortress blown up without a fight? We are again How did you take over Votor in a state of no one? Have your old comrades ever questioned you? You ca n’t answer it … Is n’t there an answer now? ”

Yerif raised his head in a shudder.

The corner of the big president ’s mouth turned sharp. When he did n’t smile, he was quite instrumental. He looked like a stable politician. When he smiled, his face was a little crooked, and he was a little bit more sinister for no reason. He said, “ General Lin Jingheng has always been our most loyal friend of the great glorious empire. Over the years, we have been giving him meritorious service, and helped him to the top of the military commission. Five years ago, he played a “Jin Chan Huo Hu” with him. To help him break away from the corrupt group of the Alliance in a timely manner, his return is also very sincere-providing us with a secret way to enter the first galaxy and the back door of the Silver Fortress. How about, General Yerif, do you think this story says Doesn’t make sense? “

Yerif: “You’re too bad.”

“You can’t be soft-hearted when it’s time to poison,” the president said earnestly. “General, if the ‘truth’ is not the case, you at the Little Hummingbird Fortress really couldn’t tell you, let alone you were helpless afterwards We have sent troops to deal with the mad dogs of the Anti-Uzbekistan. Do you not want to completely lose your old comrades? “

Yerif was speechless.

As soon as Lu Bixing walked into the conference room of Chong San, he felt a tense atmosphere, and heard what Lin Jingheng was talking to President Edward.

“… I have summoned the Silver Ten Guards urgently with the reserve center. In any case, I should now be exposed to the eyes of the Alliance and all parties. I must remind you that the three major pirate organizations, two of which were previously I have stunned, one I have stunned recently, they will not be too happy to hear this news. And I leave without saying goodbye, the alliance may also regard me as rebellious … “

The president heard what he was about to say, and was interrupted by Lin Jingheng’s hand. The man never knew what it means to respect the old and to love the young. It is said that he was so arrogant in the Union Parliament that year, very hateful.

“This war was so stretched that everyone who lost the Garden of Eden was desperate. Pain and anger will bring unity into the city at first, but over time, it will become a hatred of the weak and incompetent government of the alliance. The alliance can’t solve the pirates now. An urgent need for a bad person to divert the internal and external conflicts. “Lin Jingheng stared down, looking at the worried face, he used to be expressionless, but when he looked down, his eyebrows would habitually raise slightly. Some, it looks particularly ruthless, “Speaking of these, I want to remind you that you now have to make a choice on behalf of the eighth galaxy government-I can separate Silver Nine from the Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force and take them away from the eighth Galaxy, in this way, although you need to rebuild the eighth galaxy’s military defense system, the probability of being involved by me is much smaller. Or I will stay here and publicly announce that the eight galaxies will be guarded by the Silver Ten Guards. I can then protect you. However, because of me, the eight galaxies will also embark on the cusp of the forces fighting against each other-the total length, let me make it clear Yet?”

Chief Edward stretched his face, and his eyes jumped abruptly. The sudden accident of Hongxia Star caused a big uproar in the eighth galaxy. Ten minutes later, he would represent the new government and tell the public about the causes and consequences of this matter and subsequent solutions. Make a public statement.

The speech was still lying in his personal terminal, and Lin Jingheng temporarily hijacked them, forcing him to choose the future fate of the eighth galaxy within ten minutes.

“I …” The boss wiped his sweat on the telephoto head, “General Lin, can you let me think about it?”

“Then you better hurry up,” said Lin Jingheng, “after all, the Silver Ten Guards and the people who want to get rid of me are in a hurry.”

President Edward was even more anxious by what he said. At this moment, the secretary quickly stepped forward, while hurriedly grooming the CEO, while whispering: “The live broadcast platform is ready, time is coming.”

Chief Edward nodded hurriedly, lifted his feet and was about to leave, suddenly remembered something, turned to ask Lin Jingheng: “General Lin, then … have you never betrayed the alliance?”

Lin Jingheng listened to this question, and Pi Xiaorou raised his corner of his mouth without smiling. Lu Bixing intuitively knew that his next sentence was not human, and he quickly walked in from behind the door: “General Manager, if the Silver Ten Guards betrayed the Alliance, the pirates invaded Votor’s At that time, there will be no room for the coalition government to turn around. “

Not only did he not explain, but he also ridiculed the ridiculous General La Hate expert, General Lin, who did not want to offend Chief Edward, but was more afraid of offending Lu Bixing, who automatically claimed the spokesperson, so he honestly retracted his sneer and sat still, sitting silent.

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