
Chapter 108 - I only have you

“What happened?” Turan said inexplicably. “General, is this your reinforcements?”

After waiting for Lin Jingheng to answer, she rejected this conjecture herself: “Well, it looks rich, definitely not.”

“Tulan,” Lin Jingheng said, “you performed half of the soundless performance, and also took a halftime break?”

Turan: “…”

Lin Jingheng: “regardless of them!”

Their side chased after them, and the unknown armed forces who were new to the war were blocked in the front. During the retreat of the Anti-Uruguayan Army, they were blown up in the head, the command ship was unfortunately broken into pieces, and the rest of the Uighurs lost their heads like flies and were lost. The Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Forces overtook from behind and shot down one by one.

A panic-defying Mechka was out of the group, trying to reduce his target, but before he escaped, Zhanlu’s spirit network swept over, the driver dropped the line without a word, and the backup driver rushed Swarming up, desperately trying to regain the spirit network, Lin Jingheng directly opened the broadcast on the mech with the spirit network: “Be a captive or want to die?”

Several spare drivers paused for a second, then showed with actual action-they chose to die.

Outside the territory, beyond the reach of human civilization, every planet there is not a habitable planet. These natural believers can only live in cold man-made bases, exiled from the ocean and green land, and face the vastness of nothing. Yi Universe.

People who have not really struggled in faith and the universe will not understand their hysterical madness.

Lin Jingheng perfectly completed them. When they counterattacked the spirit net, they directly opened the powerful air pressure device on the mech remotely. Within a few seconds, the air in the mech could be completely drained, and some would rather die. The hero suddenly became a dead body with a burst of eyeballs, and the mech was fast-caught.

After the new armed forces joined the battle, but within a short period of time, the Armed Forces of the Uzbekistan was almost wiped out, and the defeated soldiers would be wiped out. The Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force hit an unknown armed force head-on.

Across the water is a heavy armor, which is gorgeous enough to blind people’s eyes. Comparing the hatchback, the eight galaxy is like a beggar.

No one on either side first said a stalemate.

“Sir,” Zhan Lu said, “the human-machine interface of some of the other mechas has no ‘gap’. The human-machine matching is 100%. The driver is either artificial intelligence or a chip to transform people.”

Is it the Pirates Freedom Corps?

Lin Jingheng’s doubts intensified, and he thought of the artificial opium space station that had been seized near Gloria Star for “opium”.

Turan tried to send a communication request to the other party, but Shi Shenhai, the other party did not answer.

Subsequently, this mysterious armed team was divided into two, and the latter team changed to the former team. The first few mechas slowly withdrew from this channel. Under Lin Jingheng’s eyelids, they passed through the nearest jump point at a uniform speed. Just left, the remaining mech remained in place, staring at the stare of the Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force.

Turan: “Is this the space version of ‘One, Two, Three, Wooden Men’? I see … Otherwise, try hitting them lightly?”

Lin Jingheng acquiesced to the violent suggestion, and Turan then bombarded a “light” high-energy particle cannon at the front mech.

However, with the disappearance of this high-energy particle cannon on that shield, something stranger happened-I saw these motionless mechas suddenly surrendered the authority of the spirit net!

From the perspective of the Spirit Net, it’s like a gust of wind blowing and a candle gradually goes out.

A vanguard of the Self-Defense Force stepped forward carefully, took over the spiritual net of one of the mechs, and peered into these weird mechas: “Report to the sir, the mech is in good performance and the arsenal is full.”

Turan asked, “What about the driver?”

Pioneer replied, “There are no signs of life in the mech.”

Zhan Lu interrupted: “There is no artificial intelligence to communicate with.”

Turan got goosebumps: “Who was the one who started the armor just now, ghost?”

The boots were indeed ghosts—they spent a full ten hours, the Self-Defense Force and the engineering team spared no effort, and even Lu Bixing, who was kept in a small black house, was released, like dismantling an explosive package, carefully taking the fifty A new, high-performance super-time space armor was dismantled, and a corpse was found on each of the heavy armors. When the corpses were pulled out, they all unified the posture of leaning against the wall, standing dead, and the cause of death was unknown.

It’s as if in the ancient whimsical stories, the souls were taken away collectively in an instant.

Each corpse has a biochip on the back of the neck. The chip is similar to “opium”, but there are subtle differences. When it is removed, the chip is completely inactive and cannot be detected.

The mech’s arsenal, as the pioneers who landed first, said that except for the bombing of Fangwu, it was almost completely loaded.

What is the concept of full armor?

At that time, Lin Jingheng robbed Sister Sister’s two spare supplies warehouses. For security reasons, all important military supplies were loaded on a heavy three, which was almost not full.

Turan felt like she was dreaming. A day ago, she thought she was out of luck this time. She lost a dozen small mechas that were being repaired and could not be lifted off. She was so distressed that she survived. One day later, she was hitting 5 million. , An elite macrospace heavy armor group fell from the sky and sent!

These fifty heavy armors are very new, and the technical content is far from Lin Jingheng’s old heavy tri-comparison. It can be said that compared to the alliance Zhanlu of that year, it is only a smart mech core-heavy armor It is true that artificial intelligence usually comes with them, but this batch of mechas has a strange path. If there is artificial intelligence, Lin Jingheng may not dare to use it with confidence.

Because the eighth galaxy currently does not have the ability to produce heavy armor, their existing heavy armor has been captured through various channels, bringing together the shabby shabby at home, and there is no luxury in this lineup.

The Pirate Freedom Legion, they were like a bunch of clowns at first. They did n’t know where to get a bunch of broken mechs. The quality and appearance were uneven. When the eighth galaxy expanded its business, it was also related to the non-mainstream cult of Poison Nest Organizing and cooperating seems to be particularly inferior. Compared with the other two major pirate forces, it is close to the grass-roots team that puts together the best.

But every time I meet, the equipment of the Free Army will climb up a level. What is behind this transitional development, it is really creepy to think about it.

From the beginning of the war to now, but in more than a year, to what extent has opium raged inside the alliance, so that this behind-the-scenes drug lord can accumulate money like a nuclear explosion?

“The space station was beaten down before, but now it’s completely free.” Lu Bi made up his mind, cheekily, pretending to forget Lin Jingheng’s cold war with him, and asked without a word, “This mystery The characters are very interesting, isn’t it someone who loves you secretly? Who is it, do you have any idea? “

Lin Jingheng shook his head slowly, he remembered Lauragden.

The opium behind the opium must be with Laura … and his very close people, and there are not many of them.

Lin Jingheng is in the alliance, and most of the daily contacts are senior members of the military commission. If it is one of them, he must find a way to get equipment from the alliance military factory, so as not to make the Free Legion so shabby at the beginning.

As for Laura … As the person in charge of Baita, she nominally belongs to the management committee.

Lin Jingheng and the Management Committee have always been non-speculative, and the only connection is …

Lu Bixing found that his face was not right, afraid that he was thinking wildly, and wanted to make a joke to bring the topic over. As soon as he stretched his hands on Lin Jingheng’s shoulders, he manually pricked his hair and chin with the tips of his fingers, lying on his ear and saying: “General, you look at a serious book, you can’t be too bad at picking flowers, should you give me one …”

Lin Jingheng grabbed his wrist.

Lu Bixing stayed, Lin Jingheng’s fingers seemed to be embedded in his bones, his face had no expression, but his gaze was inexplicable, as if through the flesh, someone drew a heavy whip on his soul. .

Lu Bixing: “Lin, what’s wrong?”

One-eyed eagle and Yu William, when they went to contact the old comrades in various places in the Galaxy, were betrayed by an old friend, and let the free army who hated it because of the opium robbing chase it all the way.

The Cyclops once said that he and the traitor were born to death. He had drifted in the same space mech for more than 50 days … At that time, he mocked the Cyclops and uttered wild words, saying that even if they lived together in a womb, Can’t explain anything.

He spoke so coldly, so decisively, as if he would not regret it.

“I’m only you.” Lin Jingheng pinched his wrist with clear bones, like a life-saving straw.

In the Eden Test Base, the Yang brothers and Lin Jingzhang resigned.

“We did not expect that the news would first fall into the hands of the Glorious Legion, and they actually used this method.” Poisson Young said, “Since General Lin’s experience in the eighth galaxy is well known, we have this spare The center is also meaningless, and we intend to converge with Silver Three as soon as possible and rush over. “

Surprisingly, Lin Jinglian did not force them to stay, nor did he mean to embarrass them, and prepared them all the way.

“I have a disguised mech. Now the eight galaxies are very chaotic. Be careful on the road. I heard that you are the logistics department. You should not rush to the front when fighting? So go slowly and encounter the military blockade. Just detour the road, and safety is the best. “Lin Jingyi ordered, paused for a moment, and said,” My brother hasn’t done those things, I know, it will be fine. “

After these two words were finished, the twins’ doubts about her were almost shattered.

“Yeah,” Thomas Yang reluctantly smiled at her. “It’s an insult to associate General Lin’s name with the big president of Pirates, but some people deliberately planted stolen money, and some people heard the wind is rain. Miss Lin, the alliance is now very Danger, you really don’t follow us? There are inner ghosts in the fortress of Angel City, you will be dangerous. “

Lin Jingxi shook his head, repeating lightly and word by word: “Did I not say that, it will be all right.”

Brother Yang’s brothers repeatedly advised her that Lin Jingxuan refused. In desperation, they had to leave by themselves.

As soon as they left, the Silver First Guard closest to the first galaxy sent a long-range reply.

“What did you say?” Lin Jingyi asked.

“No important information,” a man in a white coat told her, “just reported his coordinates, indicating that he was rushing to the eight galaxy. The original sentence was’ General General was ordered to avoid the little hummingbird fortress. We stopped at … … ‘”

“Little Hummingbird Fortress,” Lin Jingdi interrupted him, “is that … what’s that name?”

“General Yerif, the old part of Lu Xin that year, some people said that he has always hated the Alliance.”

“Oh, good, then he.” Lin Jingxuan bowed his head, like ordering a dish casually. “The old part of Lu Xin, the position was delicate during the war, even my brother doubted it, perfect. Regardless of him, just Let him come to light the ‘Fuse’. “

A white coat gave her a careful look: “Madam, in case he is innocent …”

Lin Jinglian looked at him with some inexplicable expression, and asked, “Does it have anything to do with me?”

The white coat froze for a moment, then lowered his head and raised an objection.

Lin Jinglian: “At the point where the soldiers and soldiers are facing each other, I can’t bear to tear my face. This is hypocritical. I’ll do this bad guy who confuses the water.”

“Ma’am, where was the envoy that day? They found your guard’s body and traces of fighting at the scene. You are missing again. Now you have made an emergency headline.”

Lin Jing narrowed her eyes: “I’ll continue to ‘miss’ then.”

At this time, the “Little Hummingbird” fortress had been relocated to the far point, and Yerif was returning from the military base to his mansion with serious thoughts, and he was still thinking about the ups and downs these days.

I don’t know why, those people talking about Lin Jingheng’s voice reminded him of what they said about Lu Xin.

Those people vowed eloquently, and the most classic piece of evidence is that Lu Xin got angry when he fought for the rights of the eight galaxies, and once said, “Look at the bird of the eighth galaxy, you might as well give it to a pirate. Go ahead! “

Lu Xin became famous too early, and he was a bit mad at a young age, but he was not a fool who couldn’t hold his mouth in public.

This is what he said while taking a private starship while chatting with the lieutenant at a supply station on the civil waterway during his vacation. Because it was a private occasion, he drank some wine, blocked his mouth, and was taken by a passing service. The robot repairman heard it.

The repairman is a hard-core defender of the Declaration of Freedom, and he has participated in every demonstration of justice, hating the Star Pirates as he hated killing his father and his enemies-although he has never seen a pirate.

After hearing this, the maintenance man thought he had identified the wrong person at first, and sneaked back. After checking the customer’s identity information of Lu Xin through work convenience, he was convinced that he was the “Lu Xin”. Shocked that the “backbone of the alliance” was so politically incorrect, the defender was indignant and worried, and he wept for a night after returning home, biting his teeth the next day, driven by the sense of social responsibility, taking Reported while recording.

They said that Lu Xin betrayed the Alliance and betrayed his faith.

They said that he was elated, that his personal moral character could not keep up with his post, that his ambition was bloated, that he did not control the military commission, and that he tried to control the alliance parliament and turn the alliance into his own.

They also said that he was a show and showed love to the public every day. In fact, the marriage with his wife has long existed in name only. So many years have been playing each other-the marriage rate in the era of the New Star has dropped to 15%. A pair of two hundred and fifty people who had been married and played under impulse all ended with a split. All day flaunting his focus on the family, what is a “hundred-year-old companion”, can this **** tell you what you believe?

What better victory than revealing the true face of the man on the altar, pulling him down and stepping on 10,000 feet?

What could embody the majesty and fearlessness of truth?

“Pour me a glass of vodka,” Yerif said vaguely to his guards. “By the way, is the fortress thermostat broken? Really **** cold.”

The guard replied, “Sir, the real-time temperature display is 24 ° C. There are no abnormal changes. Do you need a medical check-up?”

“No,” Yerif said grumpy. “Go away, I want vodka.”

The guard brought the wine obediently and poured him a glass. Yerif took a sip and the pungent alcohol rushed into his head, but he suddenly noticed that the guard in front of him was an unfamiliar face. Yerif took the small mouth The wine spit out and pushed the glass forward: “Go and add ice cubes … weren’t you from the Guard Corps before?”

“No,” said the guard calmly, “I used to be a base guard at the base. Recently, someone in your guard group asked for sick leave. I squeezed in to clear the relationship.”

He said this, Yerif was a bit impressed, dimly remembering the young guard standing at the gate of the base and saluting him every day, so he relaxed a bit: “When is it? I still want to use these messy methods to climb up , Isn’t it wise to earn some military achievements? “

The guard replied: “It is better to be a guard, safe, a high starting point, and a familiar face in front of the officer.”

“I’m the most annoying to you, speculators who have a bit of money in your family,” Yerif waved his hands and said, “Not going the right way.”

The guard smiled with a temper, and added ice to his wine without refuting it.

Yerif took a deep look at him, covering it with a wine glass, he quietly opened his personal terminal, scanned the face of the young guard in front of him, and seemed to carelessly ask: “What is your family doing, so much spare money to bribe the chief? “

The guard answered vaguely, “Doing business.”

Yerif lowered his eyes and quickly scanned the tuned file, prolonged his voice, “Oh”, and quietly issued an alert: “What business?”

The guard raised his head, his eyes collided with Yerif, the guard’s eyes were cold, his pupils didn’t know what was wrong, he looked unnaturally, like a cold-blooded animal.

“Chip,” he spit out, “General, don’t you drink your wine?”

On the file retrieved from Yerif’s personal terminal, next to the photo of the young guard, he was marked “orphan, unknown date of birth”.

Yerif yanked his gun from his waist and shot the guard’s knee with a shot: “Fart!”

Although Yerif is not a thing, he has been fighting for many years. He has the ability. It is impossible to miss such a shot at close range. I wanted to make the other party lose the ability to move and continue to press. Who knew that the guard was shot on the knee, but Shake in place, not moving!

He even glanced down at the trouser leg with a big hole, raised his trousers and shook gently, and walked towards Yerif without any restrictions.

Yerevan was startled: “What the **** are you?”

The guard smiled without a word, his distorted expression was extraordinarily weird, and he approached him step by step. Yerif took a layer of goosebumps, fired several shots at the other party, and could not help looking at his personal terminal again. —It stands to reason that after receiving an alert, his guard group should arrive within two seconds, but …

“Don’t watch, General. Your signal won’t go out, and the surveillance camera won’t capture anything.”

Yerev stepped back to the corner: “Who are you in the end? Ryukyu? Angel City? Or the President of the Glory?”

The guard’s face was slowly deformed and distorted, and it became a completely different face. The countless people and countless surveillance cameras at the Little Hummingbird base did not even notice: “This question, you can ask hell, and stop.”

Assassination is the last bottom line of the complete breakdown of modern civilization.

Three hours later, the shift guards found Yerif’s body.

Traces and surveillance on the body showed that before he died, he madly shot at an empty office, shouting something, as if crazy, and then shot into his temple.

According to his medical records, Yerif had been drinking heavily during his lifetime and was taking a lot of emotional drugs. The conflict between alcohol and emotional drugs was the main factor causing his madness, and his personal terminal also had a large number of call records. The caller is the Grand President of the Glorious Legion.

The news came out that almost at the same time, Ankul of the seventh galaxy received it through special channels.

By this time, Ankru had almost stood in front of Lin Jingheng–

At the beginning of September, when the eighth galaxy was suffering from internal and external problems, I suddenly did n’t know where to get a super-time heavy armor group. The salted fish turned around, and suddenly the Rhuwudian all the way out of the eighth galaxy. Calling for help from the headquarters, this is the end, there is no other way than to increase troops.

At the same time, the eight galaxies dispatched a large number of military mechs and began to withdraw the entire population near the frontline of the war.

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