
Chapter 11 - Rain is coming

“That’s Lu Xin.”

At the Diamond Plaza in the capital Xingtuo, Lin Jingyun turned back in surprise, and found that it was Marshal Woolf, who spoke to her, and quickly stood up and greeted, “Good evening, Mr. Woolf.”

Diamond Plaza is the transition zone between the Central Hall of the Union Parliament and the Forest Park. At this time, a ball is being held in the Central Hall of the Union Parliament. Night lights pass from the hall through the semi-closed Diamond Plaza, and continue to reach the blue water park, blink In the meantime, clothes are fragrant and laughter like songs.

This is the civilized world.

During the day, the Eden Management Committee and the Legislative Council of Votor made a side-view, and representatives of the seven galaxies quarreled in the parliament hall. They tried to do it several times, let alone see. In the evening, everyone asked Eden to adjust hormones, change clothes, wipe their faces, and bring a family of friends who are happy and peaceful.

As the wife of the parliamentary secretary-general, Lin Jinglian is sure to attend. There are too many people who want to talk to her and dance. If they answer one by one, Ms. Lin may have to turn into an automatic spinning top, so she usually hides herself in person, waiting for the secretary-general to complete the communication task, no matter where Li came out and went home with him.

On this day, Lin Jingying just hid in the stele forest at the entrance of the forest park.

Since the establishment of the alliance, all heroes who have made outstanding contributions to human civilization will have their own stele in the stele forest. The stele is recorded with the master’s merit, and a half-length portrait is on top. Marshal Woolf, who has been in charge of the Alliance’s Military Commission for more than two hundred years, has one. General Lin Jingheng-due to his early death and great death, he also got a place.

Among these steles, there is a very special place. There is only a boxy stone base with a height of about 30 cm. There is neither a carved monument nor a stone statue on it. It looks like a tooth in the neatly arranged forest of steles. .

Lin Jingzhen just sat on this stone base to rest.

The old Marshal is more than 300 years old, spanning both the old and new ephemeris eras. It is not necessary to be polite with anyone. He simply nodded at Lin Jing. He looked at the solitary stone base: “This stone stele was originally Lu Believe it. “

Lin Jingyi immediately stepped back and apologized: “Sorry, I don’t …”

Marshal interrupted her: “Have you seen Lu Xin?”

Lin Jingyi hesitated and replied cautiously: “No, I haven’t heard it too much.”

“Don’t dare to mention, the entire capital star, except for the old things like my loess buried in the neck, there are no taboos, who dares to mention Lu Xin?” The old marshal kicked the weeds beside the stone seat with the tip of his boots and smiled bitterly. Many of the records he set at Ulan College that year were still unbreakable. I personally brought him up. Later, he fought into the eighth galaxy, and was ranked among the top ten generals after World War I. He was only 36 years old. , There is no ancient man before the meritorious service, and the world is full of praise … He is not tame. Glory came to him too early, and eventually ruined him. “

The old Marshal’s jaw stretched into a sharp and vicissitude line: “Finally fell to treason wanted, there was no place for burial, and there was no stone statue left.”

Lin Jingxi listened quietly, with patience and disinterest, perfectly playing a headless tree hole.

The old Marshal immersed himself in his memories for a long time, a fine evening wind blew, and rolled up the fragrance of Lin Jinglian’s body. The old Marshal’s nasal mucosa was a little sensitive, and he couldn’t help but sneeze by tilting his head. This sneezing brought him back: “There are so many old sayings, sorry, seeing you reminds me of Jingheng. Lu Xin’s temper is famous He has always hurt him, and even Zhanlu has left him … Maybe it is because these military sacks and rice bags of the Military Commission are not worthy of touching his mech. “

Lin Jingying tilted his head slightly: “My honor.”

The old Marshal looked at her. It is said that the brothers and sisters of the Lin family were twins. At a rough glance, the two people looked like outlines, and their facial features were quite similar. However, if they looked closely, they felt that they were the same-there was no father or daughter between them. Brother and sister’s sense of blood, behavior and temperament are all very different, like two strangers who just look a bit like each other.

The light of the ball changed color, which meant that it was about to end. The old marshal made a gesture of please, and let Lin Jingxu carry his arm. “Your brother is very talented, no less than his teacher Lu Xin, It ’s just that he did n’t have to work. When he was at Ulan College, he always got stuck in the grade of being able to get the scholarship, and he did n’t want to spend an extra point of mind. If he did n’t force him, he would never be absent-minded. I taught him, took He never knew what he wanted. “

The smile on Lin Jinglian ’s face seemed to be drawn up, and he could n’t say the exquisite falseness: “His person is easy to make people feel a sense of distance. Every time we meet, we routinely greet each other. After the two words of greetings are finished, there is no Others are talking. “

“I thought the twins would be very close,” the old Marshal said.

“Maybe, but we were separated at a very young age, and there has been no intersection over the years,” Lin Jinglian’s voice was soft like Ling Ling’s spring water, not anxious and impatient, but also without feelings. “When I was intimate, I was probably sharing At a womb, I may not have known you yet. “

“This is also good, the relationship is not deep, and saves a lot of sadness,” Marshal Woolf smiled half-heartedly, spreading like wrinkles and ripples, one of the founders of the alliance said softly, “Unlike my useless old thing, I was trapped in Votor throughout the year, sending my students and juniors to the battlefield one at a time, watching them never look back … or they will become famous for a while and then be forgotten. “

The Alliance has not had a war for 100 years. In the past ten years, only a few Star Pirates have made several terrorist attacks. With the reduction of military spending and the disarmament of the government every year, Lin Jingheng took a silver fortress that would soon become a master camp. It can also be settled silently. Often people only learn that there are pirates in trouble, and the pirates have already fallen asleep. It can be seen that the troubled star robbers are also loud and the rain is small, which are all remnants that can not lift the waves.

Since it is easy to handle, of course, those who deal with this matter have nothing to do with merit.

No one cares how many battles the Silver Fortress has fought and how many Star Pirates have been defeated, but remembers that the goddess Yevgenia confessed to Admiral Lin in the past. Yevgenia ’s agency spent a lot of money in the Garden of Eden. Everyone who watched her confession can personally feel the turbulent feelings generated by the turbulent hormones, and the goddess fans’ emotions have fluctuated greatly, almost overloading the Eden network.

Unfortunately, Admiral Lin shielded the Garden of Eden. The goddess was completely glamorous and tossed to the blind man. He didn’t even show his face. He only issued a cold statement in the official name of the Silver Fortress, excluding the rhetoric and soundness. ? I do n’t know, I ’m busy, get out.

To this day, if it wasn’t for the dead, and the Alliance would take Lin Jingheng to the throne in order to appease the army, Lin might be a well-known interstellar scum, impotence and brutal terrorists.

This will be the case on the frontline, not to mention the “do nothing” Alliance Military Commission. This seems to be a place where the prodigious and powerful children will hang around. The most important task is to maintain the image. Dressed out of dress, you have to come out and apologize.

After Lin Jingheng’s death, interstellar piracy activities became increasingly rampant. Representatives of the seven major galaxies and Votor clashed over military autonomy. However, the opinion of Marshal Woolf was still insignificant in the Union Parliament.

Even Wulan College is no longer a pure military college. The “First Military Academy” only retained its name, and 80% of its graduates entered the non-military field.

As the secretary-general’s wife, Lin Jinglian knows these things well, but is inconvenient to evaluate, so she has to laugh and not speak.

The song and dance venue was near, and the old Marshal and Lin Jingyi were relatively silent for a moment.

Marshal Woolf said suddenly, “You and Jingheng have grown up and separated from each other because of political reasons and circumstances, not his fault.”

Lin Jingyi reasonably answered, “Of course.”

“After all, it’s your brother, Miss Lin,” Marshal Woolf may be a little old-fashioned, forgetting that she is already Mrs. Gordon, and he mumbled, “Don’t forget him, I don’t know yet I can live for a few years, and I’m afraid that as soon as I close my eyes, no one can really remember him. “

Lin Jinglian’s hand trembled, and the mask-like smile almost couldn’t hold it.

The old Marshal did not look at her and whispered to himself: “For the convenience of generals abroad, the contact person usually fills in his own lieutenant, secretary or chief of guards. Your brother has been in the silver fortress for so many years and urgently contacted It ’s you who fills you in, and it ’s never changed … he ’s not indifferent to you. ”

Lin Jingying’s footsteps stopped, and after a few steps, she stood in the midst of the lights, her face blurred, but her eyes reflected the fine light, like tears.

“Grand Woolf, I’m sorry.”

Her voice was vague and almost pressed into her throat. The old marshal turned a little back and asked, “What did you say?”

Lin Jing’s bright red lips trembled for a moment, forcibly flattened by her, dragging back an indifferent smile: “Nothing, good night, very happy to chat with you, Gordon is there, I want to leave first.”

After speaking, Lin Jingyi stunned at him, like an elegant cloud, and floated away in a hurry.

The new star calendar is June 29, 275, at 22:00 UTC. The parliament hall of the Votto Alliance is still brightly lit, the ball is about to leave, gentlemen and ladies are farewell, the forest park whispers in the night breeze, and the forest of monuments is silent.

Underneath the peaceful Silver Fortress, Mech Zhanlu slept lonely in the top secret place. No one except the Chief of the Silver Fortress had the right to get involved, so no one noticed that a small chip on the gate was unknown to the ghost. Feeling plugged in, it invaded Zhanlu’s energy system.

“Beep” sounded softly.

The sleeping Zhanlu didn’t mean to be alarmed.

All the heavy weapons sighed collectively, and the pieces of light went dark, and then a sharp alarm sound pierced the sky.

“The energy source is abnormal!”

“The first backup energy system cannot be started–“

“The secondary backup system cannot be started!”

“The third backup system is out of control …”

“The energy network is under attack!”

“UFOs have been detected outside the artificial atmosphere.”

“The defense system has a level of alert … the defense system is shut down … the alert … is shut down … the defense system commands are confusing and cannot be connected, cannot be connected …”

Admiral Li climbed up in a fart and never saw such a battle. He stumbled for a while, then his whole hair exploded-the silver fortress was attacked!

The silver fortress is a military powerhouse. If it is a golden weapon, the last sword of the Alliance Military Commission will always report the silver fortress to ask for support only when there is an emergency in other galaxies.

This is impossible.

However, at the next moment, the commander rushed in: “General, the defense system is disordered, at least a thousand super-time heavy mechs have passed through the artificial atmosphere.”

“Wh …”

“Boom–” There was a loud noise, and the ground trembled violently. Admiral Li slammed into the wall, and the flames burst into the sky.

At the same time, on the capital star, Secretary-General Gordon bid farewell to his colleagues and took his wife home by car. The low-profile mount has a defensive system for a mechanized car, but it is very light. It can travel freely in the suspended lane, and the people in the car can barely feel a little noise and vibration.

Gordon was a little bit timid, afraid that Mrs. Zhao would hate it. Before he got in the car, he let Eden adjust the alcohol concentration on his body and held the woman’s soft and slender hand. “They invited Yevgenia to sing at the ball, did you see her? But the woman in this package really couldn’t take a closer look, and it was almost like you … haha-how are you today? “

“Happy,” Lin Jingbi gently shook his hand, “I am today …”

The car suddenly stopped, the instrument panel was shining with unusual light, the artificial intelligence inside was silent, and the car was suspended in a dusty track like a dust.

Gordon asked strangely, “What’s going on?”

Lin Jingying looked up.

The bodyguard sitting in the front row immediately got up to check. At this time, the artificial intelligence on the car opened and spoke intermittently: “The system has suffered an unknown attack and the security system has been automatically pushed … oh …”

Gordon frowned. “What?”

At this moment, a row of small mechanized cars suddenly rushed out of the darkness, and the track security system turned out to be unresponsive! The Secretary-General’s bodyguards responded immediately. This was an assassination!

When the bodyguard car rushed up, the crossfire sounded immediately, Gordon yelled, tightened Lin Jing’s hand, and yelled at the bodyguard: “What are you doing, stupid, start the space field, send us away!”

The bodyguard responded “Yes”, and quickly pulled the safety door under the driver’s seat. The emergency space was inside. Gordon suspected that he was slow, pushed him away, entered the instructions quickly, and turned back to Lin Jingying. The teleportation is uncomfortable, you … “

The words “forbearance and forbearance” did not say, the artificial intelligence in the car suddenly went crazy, a laser knife bounced out of the space field, and the Secretary-General Gordon was cut into two tight halves.

The bodyguard and Lin Jingyu were silent for a while, and Gordon kept looking at his wife, his eyes seemed shocked.

The next moment, his whole body was split into two, and his whole body splashed out like a fountain of blood, spraying Lin Jingxu all over.

The bodyguard shouted, “Mrs. Flash away!”

Lin Jingshou was rolled out by being hugged, and in a place no one saw, he put out his tongue and licked the blood on the corner of his mouth.

“Hot,” she thought. “It’s kind of sweet.”

Then, as if the three souls and seven souls had just returned, she screamed in due time.

As far as the eighth galaxy Zhan Lu felt something, the whole person suddenly stopped there, the cup of hot water was full, and he spilt a hand with boiling water.

The fourth brother looked up froze.

Rain is coming-

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