
Chapter 110 - Declaration of Freedom ...

Unlike the people of the eighth galaxy who hid and almost cut off contact with the outside world, Ankru had his own armed forces and strongholds from the beginning. For more than a year after the start of the war, he was actively separate from the eight galaxies. The “Central Army” and even the Central Committee of the Alliance have established fixed channels of communication.

In particular, the “Central Army” from various places, thanks to Lin Jingheng, was so-called “Central Army” that was assigned to various galaxies as ceremonies and decorations. Almost all were people who fought under Lu Xin’s death. After Lu Xin’s death, political resources were cut off. So naturally formed a community of interests that watch and help each other.

They wrote at this time that Ankru could not be ignored.

The secretary walked up quickly, stooped down, and quickly outlined the cause and effect in Ankuru’s ears: “Yelif’s death was a mystery, and personal terminal information was leaked so quickly after death, so the hummingbird fortress is now unwilling to spare , Insisting that he was assassinated, and searched the scene and Yerif’s relics thoroughly. “

Anklu asked, “Why is there such a big movement? What is found out?”

“Many, including he sent a letter to his guard before he died, but I do n’t know why he did n’t send anything suspicious-but this is not the point, the important thing is that there is a set of things in his personal terminal, which are directly charged That framed General Lu Xin that year was the Eden Management Committee of the Central Committee of the Alliance. “

Anklu turned his head tremblingly, as if he had lost sight of the confrontation between the two armies. His eyes jumped nervously and asked, “General Lu was concealed by the Central Bird of the Alliance. Who else doesn’t know? “

If a high-weight person dies and is convicted, then for most outsiders, he will either feel that he deserves it, or think in the direction of conspiracy theory that he is a victim of power and political struggle.

Those who refuse to believe that Lu Xin has betrayed the Alliance will certainly think that Lu Xin was assassinated by some people in the Central Union.

But this is an unfounded speculation, and there is no specific target anger.

Ankor took a deep breath. “You say.”

The secretary quickly said, “You know, General Lu Xin insisted on requesting the military autonomy of the eighth galaxy, and touched the inverse scale of the central government …”

In fact, this was not the case at the beginning. Lu Xin discussed with the Central Alliance for the Eight Galaxy, but only the social welfare, infrastructure, financial support, anti-missile and defense systems promised by the Alliance, especially the latter two. Because the galaxy is too close to the outside world, it may be attacked at any time, and security is the cornerstone of all social development.

However, the Eden Management Committee keeps sticking to it. Because the proportion of empty brain disease is too high, the eight galaxies do not have the conditions for the construction of Eden. Where there is no Eden, for the Management Committee, it is an uncontrolled and barren land. What kind of place is a lot of social resources wasted? Almost nothing to find.

Lu Xinrong and Ma Yi have said nothing to the military commissioner in his entire life. He is by no means a moderate who can sit down and talk about politics.

Therefore, he directly proposed that the alliance can not give money, and promised things can be fatal, but the eight galaxies need military autonomy, and he himself came to form the self-defense forces. This later led to a large station team collectively requesting military autonomy from all the galaxies in the alliance. Lu Xin’s attitude was tough. After turning over his face with the management committee, he actually passed the parliament and approved the construction plan of the eighth galaxy’s independent military base without authorization.

“At the time, someone reported to the Eden Management Committee that Lu Xin adopted Lin Jingheng in order to obtain Lauragden’s” Forbidden Fruit “, which involved a large number of top-secret records and documents, including the identity of the reporter and the original audio. I do n’t know why. Yerif got it, and it has now been made public. The Central Army in various places is uproarous, and all galaxies are ceasefire, asking Angel City to give a statement, otherwise they will no longer be loyal to the Alliance. “

Ankru hadn’t heard of what a “forbidden fruit” is, and because of his age and different fields, he didn’t respond to who Lauragden was, but it didn’t prevent him from catching the point in three words.

The top-secret documents related to Lu Xin ’s cause of death were suddenly made public. The “Central Army” in various places—the old members of Lu Xin—have been silent about this matter for 30 years. At such a chaotic point of time, they turned up collectively.

“General,” the person in charge of the Guards in the eighth galaxy’s car asked Lin Jingheng, “have targeted the enemy camp.”

“General,” said Ankru’s secretary, “may I ask your next instructions.”

Lin Jingheng’s hand was raised.

Ankru sternly said, “Contract your wings and turn into a defensive camp.”

“Sir,” Zhanlu said, “the other party seems to be preparing to retreat.”

Lin Jingheng almost dropped his hand and stopped: “Wait.”

“The captured remote signal encrypted by the other party seems to come from a distant galaxy.” Lu Bixing said, “The transition point and communication technology of the Anti-Uzbek Society cannot be learned in vain. We try to crack it, and there is no way, after all, their technology is still Didn’t eat it thoroughly. “

The heavy armor was moving slowly, and Anklu’s eyes crossed the mech spirit net, and various complicated parameters jumped back and forth in his eyes.

“What is ‘forbidden fruit’?”

“It is the legend that the program can completely block the Garden of Eden, and now it can explain why Lin Jingheng is still alive.”

“Don’t talk nonsense, who doesn’t have a few Eden shields? The declaration of freedom is on, what’s wrong with this!”

“Not the same, General Ann, the ordinary Eden shield, which only shields the functions of Eden. You can prevent it from detecting your physical level, you can refuse Eden’s medical intervention, and you can’t even let Eden do basic education for your child, but Eden is still ubiquitous, you use any program, artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction with any machine, even if you take an elevator, use a smart toilet-related data will be recorded in Eden, it can be accessed And integrate these data to make accurate predictions of your personal thinking mode and behavior, with an accuracy beyond your imagination. Yereve published a list of ‘criminals’ and ‘potential criminals’, the file is too large, IMHO, if the system determines that a person has an anti-Eden and anti-alliance tendency, it will be on the ‘potential’ list, and that person will be monitored secretly. Once there is a violation, the alliance will immediately kill it in the cradle. . “

Anklu slowly said: “No wonder the case detection rate is so high. It turned out that early detection and early prevention were achieved. Am I on this potential list?”

The secretary defaulted and then said, “But” Forbidden Fruit “is different.” Forbidden Fruit “is a secret backdoor opened by the White Tower rebellion in the Garden of Eden. It can hide all your whereabouts, modify the database of Eden, according to the announcement by Yerif. According to the archives, if ‘Forbidden Fruit’ locks a person, it can even automatically modify all the life’s data of the person to match the set according to the established character settings. “

In other words, for the Garden of Eden, the “forbidden fruit” is true terrorism, which can provide an umbrella and disguise countless “criminals” as good people.

“The Eden Management Committee must obtain the forbidden fruit, otherwise they do not know how many ‘ghosts’ are hidden inside, and do not know how many people have been modified by the forbidden fruit. Lu Xin must die, because a person who does not have a bad heart will not He who controls the ‘Forbidden Fruit System’ in private, since he has left the ‘Forbidden Fruit’, even if he has not committed a crime, he will commit a crime in the future. “

“They fabricated counts and falsified evidence. The truth of this series of events has been recorded in the management committee. From the information leaked from Yerif, they call this operation ‘hunting ghosts’, but it is different from ordinary politics. The struggle, in that “hunter hunt” operation, the management committee broke through the bottom line of the declaration of freedom and the law. They precisely set a plan, from gossip and unnecessary reports, to the evidence one by one. On each node, through the Garden of Eden, an instant micro-stimulus is given to everyone who hears and sees the news. As long as this person has not blocked the Garden of Eden at the time, he will be unwittingly magnified by the Garden of Eden. Suspect, anger, and jealousy And malicious. “

Ankru nodded without a word, wondering, no wonder.

No wonder Lu Xin clearly did not do those things, but had to flee before the public trial.

Because the senior central officials of the Alliance are undergoing trials, they are using a “jury for all” system, and every non-public citizen can voluntarily join the jury system and vote in real-time online hearings of the trial records.

“Tell colleagues and comrades who are far away in each galaxy,” Ankru said in a deep voice. “I am with my brothers—withdraw!”

It is meaningless whether Yerif is a traitor in the alliance, or whether Lin Jingheng colluded with pirates. Since the central army in various places is excited, they should have confirmed the authenticity of these documents.

From the moment these top-secret documents that were supposed to be on the bottom of the management committee leaked out, all people who followed Lu Xin and used this identity to help gangs and stand on the world must clearly and consciously wear ” Rebellious “hat.

At first, Ankru thought that Yerif’s suicide was a ghost of pirates. In order to take Lin Jingheng out, his methods were poor and lame. Only then did he realize that the incident was far more premeditated than he had imagined. People behind the scenes were able to get the top-secret documents of the management committee. At such a joint that everyone was trying to touch fish in muddy water, they thoroughly mixed the water, lifted the declaration of freedom high, and stepped into the mud for everyone to see.

Alliance … No, the foundation stone of the entire Nova Era civilization has been shattered. Since then, the Declaration of Glory and Freedom has become a lie and a joke.

Then the eight galaxies, the vast sea of ​​stars, and the rest are barely struggling for survival and weak meat.

“General, the Seventh Central Galaxy suddenly left!”

Lin Jingheng: “The carrier starship evacuated at full speed.”

“The other party sent you a message.”

Lin Jingheng unexpectedly looked up.

“The Seventh Galaxy Central Army Commander Ankul greeted General Lin: I remember more than thirty years ago, accompanying General Lu Xin to your entrance ceremony, the situation was chaotic and each took care.”

“Ah, gone, the remote encryption hasn’t been cracked yet!” Lu Bixing heard an ear and asked inexplicably, “He means that he took a missile and hijacked it halfway, and suddenly remembered that he had participated in your school. Ceremony, soften your heart, tell the old one, don’t you fight? “

Lin Jingheng didn’t care to answer him, Turan had been forced to a dead end by the Anti-Ukraine Society, an arsenal had been wiped out, the wounded armor had completely collapsed, and she felt that she was almost ready to blast into the enemy line.

The approach point is less than 20,000 kilometers.

They can’t take a step back.

Turan gritted his teeth. “The whole team! Send all the last words.”

“You guys,” this set of words has been heard many times since Turan joined the army. It is the first time that I have spoken it myself, and I feel a bit embarrassed because it is too shameful to say it, but there is no way. Tradition is tradition. ” If you break into bones in the universe, the wreckage will drift on forever night, and one day will be annihilated in a collision and become a part of the stars, and the soul will return to its hometown, where you set off, where you swear to guard-Manifesto of Freedom … “

“Captain, jump urgently, withdraw!”

Before Turan could say the word “year-old”, he was interrupted by an order from the command in the communication channel.

Turan was speechless and smiled: “Wang bastard, do you have to wait until I finish the show!”

At the next moment, the self-defense forces who were chased by the farewells collectively made an emergency jump, and the Fangwuhui chased after it, followed the jump point, and met Lin Jingheng and some of the reinforcements from the escort. It was too late to get out of the jump point, and he was beaten up by others.

“It’s a trap, get out!”

The pirates and their entire team were on a strategic retreat, and were suddenly hit by heavy fire behind them. The seventh galaxy Central Army, which only blocked the civilian channel, did not know when to take a detour to the back of the Fangwuhui. The anti-Uzbek majestic overtime heavy armored legion blew up the individual.

The anti-Uruguayan pirates flee and flee. The Central Galaxy of Seven Stars stays for a long time, lowers the muzzle of the Self-Defense Force of the Eighth Galaxy, and then displays the Seven Central Galaxy’s flag on the fuselage and leaves.

Just when they somehow got out of trouble, at this time, the alliance had become a mess, and less than three hours after Yeref’s secret files were exposed, the Eden test base was attacked by unknown armed forces, and the entire base was wiped out, and the spokesman for Eden was wiped out. Lin Jinglian is missing.

The bombing of the Eden test base was considered to be blatant revenge. Subsequently, the major military fortresses of the Alliance were attacked to varying degrees, and the Star Pirates followed suit to rob.

Twenty-four hours later, the Union Central issued a statement promising to scrutinize all the people involved in General Lu Xin’s case and will determine the authenticity of various sources of information as soon as possible. People take advantage.

But this statement is so faint and too late-

Just as the central coalition attempted to extinguish the fire, an unidentified armed attack on a military fortress named “Alaska” in the alliance was launched. As a result of the untimely response, the protective cover of the military fort was blasted open and the falling missile was just blown up. The “demilitarized zone” on the military fortress is the place where family members and non-military service personnel of the army are housed. The victims include the minor children of the fortress commander. The commander of the Alaska fortress was grieved and furious, leading a man to a nearby Central Army station.

This time, there was no micro-stimulus to the Garden of Eden, but the contradiction between the Alliance and the Central Army in each place seemed to be poured into the fire, and it was out of control with lightning.

The Alliance, the Central Army, and the Star Pirates from all over the Alliance had broken into a group, tearing open the numerous alliances that had been shrouded in darkness.

A group of ghost-like mechas left near the fortress of Angel City, passed through the vast universe, and headed for the secret base of the mysterious Freedom Corps. Lin Jingzhang, who should have died out with the Eden Test Base, and her corpse-like researchers were unscathed. , Have replaced the stupid white coat.

Lin Jingyi quickly walked through a glass plank in heavy armor and entered the laboratory at the bottom. Experiments were carried out behind the protective glass. Sixteen people of different ages and genders stood in a row, all shivering, shivering, and a frenzy The looking man was standing in front of them in orange eye-catching vests.

The experimenter used a microphone to say to the orange vest inside, “Send the singular person, take a step forward, line up in two rows.”

The orange vest pressed a headset and nodded at the monitor. I saw that he neither spoke nor made any gestures, as if only relying on brain waves, so that the sixteen people in front of him spontaneously stood in two rows.

The experimenter glanced at the time-consuming, recorded the data, and then, a row of sharp axes was lowered on the roof of the laboratory, right in the middle of the two rows of “experimental objects”.

The experimenter said, “The people in the back row were ordered to pick up the axe and kill the people in front of them as fast as possible, and the killed people kept upright until they died.”

The orange vest punched the monitor with a gesture of “ok”. At the next moment, the sixteen “experimental objects” in front of his eyes seemed to be like puppets, perfectly completing the two actions of chopping and killing.

An old man in the laboratory stood up: “Quietness comes, sit down.”

“The Opium ‘Second Generation’ seems to be very successful,” Lin Jingyi said happily. “The second generation suppresses the first generation. In the future, we will create three generations of chips to suppress the second generation. Encourage everyone to continue to climb up. Classes are clear and efficient This kind of society is the ideal society, and idiots should have idiots, right? Don’t let them hold the declaration of freedom and make trouble. “

The old man was silent for a moment: “Your mother didn’t originally do this chip.”

“But we didn’t get the complete technology,” Lin Jing laughed, “only free to play, right, Dr. Harden?”

The old man was actually the first person in charge of Baita, and Dr. Harden, who had long committed suicide in prison!

Harden was silent for a while: “You have stirred up the battle like this, aren’t you afraid that the Silver Ten Guards will be blocked on the road, will Lin Jingheng not be available in the eighth galaxy?”

Lin Jingxi shrugged: “Will the Silver Ten Guards still take the initiative to reconcile into this mess? Besides, was he trapped in the eighth galaxy because of lack of arms? Now the targets of the enemies have shifted, and he has The soldiers are armed again, what are they still using in the eighth galaxy? Grandpa Harden, Lin Jingheng is not so stupid. “

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