
Chapter 118 - Hands slipped off his chest

In a small man-made space station, people screamed and fled, thick ominous clouds rose, and the smoke of Zhangyawu’s claws engulfed everything.

He froze on Saturday, thinking that it was the real scene of the seventh galaxy being attacked, but then he saw the humble buildings and streets in the space station, and the old appearance was unfamiliar. He wondered blankly: “How, seventh star Is the department so messy? “

And that indescribable familiarity began to hit his heart, and a few seconds later, he could almost hear the noise from his chest on Saturday.

Memory began to wake from the nightmare.

No, this is …

In the video, a dilapidated small merchant ship stumbled from the rain of bullets, desperately threw two small side-by-side ecological cabins to a distance, and then turned into dust in the dense fire.

This scene was lingering in his midnight dreams–

The universe is too dark to see hope. In the two connected ecological cabins are hidden a boy and a girl, like two little bugs in a drifting bottle. They cannot communicate. They can only see through the small window of the big palm. Faces that depend on each other … until a missed missile passes the girl’s eco-cabin.

The ecological cabin suddenly lost its balance. The boy was dark in the fierce rotation. He struggled in the equilibrium liquid of the ecological cabin and watched the tail of the adjacent ecological cabin crack. A large amount of nutrient solution was thrown out like a heavenly girl’s scattered flower. The air pressure changed sharply. He watched his beloved girl struggling in pain, his small face clinging to the small window, and then slowly solidified there.

For the sake of self-protection, no matter how painfully he said “No”, or to detach the damaged half, that was the first time he witnessed life and death.

Since then, he has lost his identity, no history, no original name, and turned into a ridiculous “Saturday”.

On Saturday, his blood was cold, and his hair was upside down: “Who are you?”

But the other party did not reply.

On Saturday, he couldn’t help his hands. The mech on which he was riding scanned his abnormal shape and automatically ejected the medical cabin. The medical cabin was in front of him. He nearly stumbled on Saturday and yelled angrily at the medical cabin. “Go away!”

He rushed to the analysis computer that came with Mecha in three steps and two steps, but the eighth galaxy, the vast star sea, was hidden in the dark by a man, how could he find it? Saturday’s cultural level is not high, and the intelligence of the small mech is very limited. After trying several times, he was unable to locate the source of the other party’s signal, only knowing that it came from a place in the galaxy.

“Fuck.” He opened his personal terminal on Saturday, ready to contact the army’s engineering team.

Just then, the person who sent him the video sent another message: “If I were you, I wouldn’t trust the people around me that much.”

Saturday: “What do you mean! Who the **** are you!”

“The first time you heard someone talk about the” son-in-law plan “, I’m afraid it was in the Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force, could you just listen? Your family was involved in the” son-in-law plan “and died because of it. You didn’t know about it. You followed them to run errands, but you didn’t understand anything. My gosh, there are such silly and naive people in the world … Young people, I can’t stand to tell you the truth. “

The teeth were locked on Saturday, and his mind was blank.

“I’m leaving the eighth galaxy. I know you are in the eighth galaxy and the diplomatic community. I will send you a key for remote communication. You can read it when you pass the next transition point. Think Come to me if you know, young man. “

Coincidentally, just after receiving the key of the remote communication on Saturday, he immediately entered a transition point of the secret channel, and the key was immediately activated. Mecha asked Saturday whether it was connected to the remote link.

Slap on Saturday.

The principles of the encryption of the transition point and the long-distance communication, Lu Bixing took the engineering team to give them a group of illiterate soldiers to popularize the science. The specific details were heard on Saturday.

Now the transition points of the eighth galaxy to the outside of the region have basically been detonated, leaving only a secret channel for one’s own entry and exit. In this secret channel, each transition point is encrypted and cannot be scanned by outsiders. By luck, in the boundless universe, even if they achieve the speed of light, it is almost impossible to find.

However, if there is a general direction, if someone sends a remote signal to a close place, usually in the same galaxy, the signal still has a great possibility to stick to the encrypted transition point. As long as no one is connected, then this transition point is still safe, and once someone accesses this signal through the key and establishes a dual relationship with the other party, the risk of exposure of the encrypted transition point will be greatly increased.

“Is this guy bullying me to read less and trying to lie to me to expose the coordinates of the secret channel?”

He was a bit vigilant and immediately deleted the sinister key, and then called the Qixing Communication Station using the Mech communication channel to seek technical support.

The communication station was delayed for a while before someone answered it, because the war is too complicated, and all kinds of information are pouring into the communication station. The watchkeepers in the engineering department are all crazy, even the intern is arrested to do the recording work and connected. Saturday’s “intern” happened to be Lu Bixing’s student mint.

At this time, the first group of refugees in the seventh galaxy had just passed the transition point between the seven and eight galaxies. Turan had already prepared a security checkpoint and only let unarmed starships enter.

When the last starship rushed past the jump point, the tail was burning, like a lizard that escaped from the tail. When they escaped, they once watched the companions behind them being engulfed by the missiles chased by the pirates. Any reaction can only run forward in fate.

“I fuck, is this to pass the torch!” Turan scolded, she directly opened the spiritual network, forcibly took the driving authority of the Mars ship, and immediately broke away from the starship’s fire position, almost just out of success, the fire An explosion was triggered, and the SDF’s mechas were enclosed in a circle, while supporting the shield to block the energy and debris from the explosion.

Turan: “Stop the starship! The power system has failed, and you cannot brake yourself!”

The two mechas came out in response, sticking out of the fishing net one by one, and were towed out by the out of control half-starship.

“Abnormal air pressure, abnormal air pressure–“

What’s more terrible is that in the runaway half-starship cabin, the fuselage is not known to be damaged, the air pressure is constantly falling, and Turan, who has long-term control of the starship’s driving rights, tried to overhaul and failed: “What the hell! On this starship is Did you provide Lin Jingheng! “

She turned on the radio and quickly said to the passengers on the starship: “Dear everyone, due to the damage of the starship’s fuselage, the current air pressure is constantly decreasing-quiet! Listen to me! Now you immediately go to the lowest level of the starship, and there are some spares Eco-cabin, don’t squeeze! Let the old, the weak and the sick go first! “

At first, the passengers in the cabin heard that the fuselage was damaged and panicked. They rushed to the bottom of the starship and rushed and shoved each other. Someone fell. The person who fell on the ground protected his head with his hands. It was difficult to describe. Desperately desperate, he burst into tears like a sudden collapse.

The cry seemed to have some penetrating power, which instantly infected the entire cabin.

Turan was so angry: “Why are you still crying! You …”

“Everyone listen to me!” At this moment, an old man sitting in the back row suddenly emerged. He was probably a manager before. A small group of people surrounded him automatically. The old man shouted and shouted three times. The people also continued to try to appease their companions, and soon became a “light” in the chaos. The old man stood with the cabin in his arms, “I am Saipan-Mayor of the newly renamed Hepingxing satellite city Everyone knows me, and everyone follows me. Since we can escape from the pirate siege, how could we easily die here? Isn’t anyone here to save us? “

At this time, the two mechs had been towed hundreds of kilometers by the half-starship, and at the same time, they were severely braked. Most of the starship’s functions were lingering. This forced braking, imitation of the gravity and balance system, immediately failed. Everyone floated in a mess.

The old mayor grabbed a handrail on the top of the cabin and said loudly, “Grab the hands and feet of the people next to you!”

People quickly stretched their hands and feet, grabbed the people next to them at the fastest speed, and in a blink of an eye weaved a huge net of people. The old mayor had to be gray and had felt breathing difficulties: “I shouted one or two, everyone together Move down— “

Turan silently turned off the radio, and across the spiritual network, she looked at these people as if they had grown up together, struggling, struggling, and trying to live because she was too religious and almost had Some divinity.

Towing the starship’s mech quickly extended the docking channel, and the well-trained soldiers dressed in space suits followed closely, followed by the medical cabin and a large number of ecological cabins.

Turan suddenly sighed, looked away, and looked in the direction of the transition point. I wondered if I was talking to myself or saying to the people around me: “If I exploded the transition point before General Lin returned, Teacher Lu would not follow Let me turn my face? What if he hacks into my personal terminal and sticks my **** photos all over the world? “

The next subordinate thought to himself, “It sounds like a face, do you still care about this?”

Turanwu sorrowed: “But I’m such a **** stunner, in case of accidental fire, I also scored his advertising costs … I have a long face and figure, and why should I share his advertising costs? Otherwise, I’ll leave it alone. “

The subordinates nearby couldn’t listen anymore, comfortingly said: “General Lin hasn’t ordered yet, Captain, don’t be too pessimistic.”

Turan shook her head, the hippie smile on her face settled, and she sighed: “At this point, he won’t care about the seventh galaxy.”

The subordinate looked up at her unknownly.

“He’s not the Captain of the Eighth Galaxy,” Turan murmured. “He’s the head of the Silver Fortress, the last general in the league.”

No matter what he says, no matter how much he hates the Alliance, he will do his best to arrange these two galaxies even after the last second of his life.

This seems to be justified and taken for granted.

Even if the Alliance doesn’t recognize him, even if those people do everything possible to kill him.

Wulan College may be a brainwashing college.

“Captain Guard, principal Lu is here.”

“Afraid of what’s coming.” Turan rolled her eyes and thought about it. She turned her head and whispered a few words to her subordinates, and then connected Lu Bixing’s communication casually. “I know, but anyone who looks handsome There is no one who doesn’t have a spirit with me. I just want to find someone to call you. Hurry up, how can so many alien galaxy refugees make arrangements? The chief director can’t dominate me. You come and manage it! “

“That’s it,” Lu Bixing saw the chaos early on, and boarded Turan’s command ship. He drastically cleared the channel. The entire eight-galaxy channel map was in his mind. Lu Bixing roughly swept the scene and gave the planets and the The person in charge of the base made a few phone calls and was well-connected and efficient. He resolved the refugee’s whereabouts in ten minutes, and then turned to Turan. “When will Lin come back? Tell me the truth, I do n’t have the authority of Zhan Lu. He refused to synchronize information with me. “

Turan stared at him for a few seconds and pushed a cup of coffee in front of Lu Bixing.

“I shouldn’t have told you, but I myself hate talking nonsense.” Turan thought about it, and said carefully, “I guess the General himself probably did not intend to come in from this side.”

Lu Bixing’s expression changed suddenly.

Turan stretched out his hand and held him: “Don’t worry, he has given me an accurate notification, saying that he will detour to the outside of the domain. Principal Lu, since he said so, can you relax too, okay if Lin Jingheng No one can rest assured that no one in this world can be trusted. “

Lu Bixing upset the coffee cup upset, remembered something, and put it down again.

Turan checked his words, took the coffee cup, and drank it himself: “I’m not afraid to tell you, I have no intention of interfering with your decision. Do I still doubt that I will give you medicine? I don’t use such a method to catch Kaizi. Who do you take me for? “

Lu Bixing gave an awkward cough, and was embarrassed to tell Turan that all the tricks they used were shown to him by their boss.

Turan said, “You help me smooth out the mess here, and then you go to him if you like to find him. I don’t know.”

Lu Bixing was relieved. There is a friend who will give you loyalty and everything is for your good. But some friends handed you a cigarette and lighted it. When you wanted to do something crazy, you understood it and turned your head away. The former are good and precious friends, but the existence of the latter is sometimes more grateful.

Lu Bixing: “Thank you.”

He is not likely to interfere with Lin Jingheng’s thoughts in public and private affairs, even if he uses the gentle coercion of “I am waiting for you behind the transition point”. At the same time, he cannot sit in the house and wait in such a dangerous situation. He can only go to the other side of the bullet rain, if Lin Jingheng safely returns from outside the area, he will come back together if …

Turan knew what he was going to do, not because the captain of the guard expected everything, but that Lu Bixing would have no other choice.

Lu Bixing opened a school for the hooligan and built a base for the smugglers. It seems that he is naturally good at organizing the chaos. Soon, a simple refugee reception mechanism was built on the eighth galaxy to clear the congestion and be organized. . At this time, the second group of refugees came in. This time it was much more embarrassing. Several starships were already wrecked when they passed through the jump point. They had no time to collect the bodies of those who died of suffocation on the starship.

Lu Bixing gritted his teeth and headed directly to the mech receiving and dispatching room of the Turan command ship. He couldn’t wait for a second.

The guard of the commander’s mech receiving and dispatching room did not stop him. It should have been Turan’s explanation in advance, and he opened the elevator for him happily. Lu Bixing nodded his thanks, and was totally unprepared for this “good friend” … until he looked down and found himself The personal terminal signal is blocked.

Lu Bixing was startled, but the elevator door was closed.

Lu Bixing: “Elizabeth Turan!”

No one answered, the elevator went straight down, and at the same time, strong anesthetics were sprayed out of the small ventilation holes in all directions, and the white mist drowned him.

After a long time in the middle of the night, using the next three excessive tricks is the tradition of the Silver and the Ten Guards, and she still looks like a human!

Lu Bixing held his breath, but this small particle of anesthetic was obviously contact anesthesia, which quickly penetrated into the skin. His nerves were gradually paralyzed and his muscles were forced to relax. Lu Bixing exhausted his last strength and held the elevator door tightly. Unconscious nails have been split into the nail groove …

But finally he hanged down, leaving a very shallow blood stain.

In the seventh galaxy, the pirates of the Anti-Uruguayan Army are entangled with the Central Army. If the ancient cold weapon battlefield is used as an analogy, it is almost to the point of hand-to-hand combat. Although the Central Army emerges from the nest, its strength is not dominant. The seventh galaxy was so large that people were everywhere on the planets, satellites, and artificial space stations, and they needed protection everywhere. The seventh galaxy itself cut their Central Army into pieces.

However, even if it is gravel, there is a tendency to fly down.

In the communication channels of the Seven Galaxy, countless people dropped the line without saying a word, and went dark during the course of the channel, like a starry sky shrouded in haze.

“General,” the guard said to Lin Jingheng. “Let’s go, the pirates realize that their people are running towards the eight galaxies, and they have blocked the channel. If they can’t struggle, there should be no more starships.”

Lin Jingheng didn’t look back and said, “Give them a escort, and let them go first … pick up Turan.”

Turan quickly replied: “General.”

Lin Jingheng swept the communication video, but his gaze was fixed-behind Turan, Lu Bixing was lying quietly in the medical cabin, as if the sky was falling apart and he couldn’t wake his dream.

“You have to come back, General. If you go home safely, I will shave my head most, or I will be chased for a lifetime by Teacher Lu,” Turan said, “offending the technical house is a terrible end!”

Lin Jingheng chuckled at her with a faint smile: “Wait for me to bring you a wig from the seventh galaxy-Captain Turan!”


“I need you to launch the transition point blasting program in twenty minutes. Whether I go back or not, whether or not the seven galaxy refugees have finished receiving it, can I do it?”

Turan: “Received.”

“Then we will see you in the underground channel in the outer direction.” Lin Jingheng cut off the communication neatly. “What is the name of the deputy officer of Ankru’s suicide team?”

Zhan Lu: “He is …”

“Love whoever.” Lin Jingheng waved his hand. “Let that waste hand over the command.”

Zhanlu quickly replied: “Sir, the general code‘ who loves who ’said that the Central Army of the Seventh Galaxy unconditionally obeyed the instructions of the Silver Fortress.”

The pirates of the Anti-Uzbek Union clearly felt that the fragmented Central Army suddenly faintly gathered together, instead of only protecting the refugee starship, they turned to defense and attacked suddenly.

“Even if you cast a mouse jealousy, do you want to tell the enemy?” Lin Jingheng snorted, “Stupid.”

The Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force suddenly broke into the airtight pirate fleet and rushed directly into the trapped refugee fleet at high speed. The starships were frightened, they did not dare to move, and they were extremely mobile It was worth passing them by without hitting them. Immediately afterwards, the self-defense forces cut through the Fleet of Pirates of the Straits of Uzbekistan, merged with the general “love who,” and fired a hole in the pirate fleet that occupied the channel.

Lin Jingheng: “Good dogs don’t stand in the way.”

The Rifles ’pirate fleet, like vultures smelling carrion, gathered in large numbers, and the entire Self-Defense Force traveling at high speed was taken away from the original waterway. Then, the defense line was slightly weak. Next, it was blocked in various places. The Central Army took the opportunity to rendezvous for the two teams, and when the pirate main force chased Lin Jingheng madly, they gave each other a head-on blow from both sides.

The form changed abruptly in the field, and the pirates were waiting for the unilateral slaughter like a rabbit, which immediately turned into a confrontation between the two armies.

The refugee starships scattered around the seven galaxies scattered like sand, and took advantage of the opportunity to flee. Even if they wanted to hijack the hostages, they did not know which direction to take them. A large number of refugees poured into the junction of the seven or eight galaxies, and Chief Edward refused Go first, and take the guard whom Lin Jingheng assigned to him to stay at the transition point at the junction of the galaxy, to meet the refugees chased by the pirates.

Turan clenched his wrists and had fifteen minutes left.

After watching the video on Saturday, watching the girl ’s handsome face like an elf, Mint ’s face and the girl stuck behind the eco-cabin window inexplicably overlapped, blocking his mouth.

He remembered the message of the mysterious man: If I were you, I would not trust the people around me so much.

When Mint was busy, he took a cup next to him and gave himself a big sip of water: “What happened?”

“… Nothing.” He looked at her a little greedily on Saturday, and he said softly, “I want to see you.”

“Is it a neurosis! I’m so busy as a dog, who’s free to talk to you?” Mint cut off the communication impatiently.

At that moment, on Saturday’s personal terminal, a reminder appeared again. The mysterious character said, “Worry about me lying to you? Why don’t you ask the bad sister who adopted you, who betrayed your family?”

Sister Stink is still being held in his own base. After Lin Jingheng transferred the residents and supplies from the bird’s non-shit space station, they turned it into a prison, which was used to confine prisoners.

It’s not far from the underground waterway. It just happened to be inspected. On Saturday, I was absent-minded to change shifts with my companion. I randomly found a reason to leave the team. Smelly big sister.

Sister Stink was locked in a dark dungeon. When she saw someone, she almost went crazy, and rushed to the feet of Saturday: “Saturday! Saturday! I knew you had the most conscience, and I knew you would come Save me, I raised you. It ’s better to be graceful than to be graceful, right? You will forgive me for sure … ”

Saturday’s heart went cold.

Five minutes before Lin Jingheng’s order to blow up the jump point, but I don’t know on Saturday.

“I really have to leave, and I’ll be trapped in the eight galaxy if I don’t leave.” Mysterious message followed by a secret key. “Want to know the truth about the other half of the son-in-law’s plan? Come and contact me.”

Lin Jingheng integrated the Central Army of the Seventh Galaxy and dragged the pirates of the Anti-Uruguayan Union farther and farther.

Zhanlu sent the coordinates of an emergency jump to all Central Army mechs.

One minute left.

“Contact me …” On Saturday, he tightened the remote communication key, his ears seeming to sound the wonder of the Kraken.

“Contact me …”

He has left the secret channel and thought on Saturday that at this time, the remote point is used to receive the remote information in the galaxy. The signal is taken from the transition network between the seven or eight galaxies, and there is no risk of tracing back to the encrypted transition point.

He foolfully connected the key.

At that moment, Turan detonated the jump point according to Lin Jingheng’s order.

High-energy particle currents hurricane rolled around everyone, wreckage, and pirates … This time, even the internal network of the eighth galaxy has been prepared for anti-jamming.

The long-range signal that was connected on Saturday wants to connect outside the domain and can only pass through the encrypted transition point of the secret channel.

The encryption jump point was locked, and behind the scenes, the culprit watching the whole scene smiled.

Lin Jingheng issued an emergency jump order, and the Central Army of the Seventh Galaxy no longer entangled in the pirates who had been beaten up, and disappeared as a whole. He has calculated the retreat path and made three emergency jumps. He can reach the outside of the domain by using the transition network on the edge of the seven galaxies.

At the same time, the anti-Ukraine pirate mech group ambushing in a long time outside the territory moved. The soldiers divided into two paths, all the way silently through the underground channel that no one knew, and the other ambush in the seven galaxies. On the way, hiding the energy waves, hundreds of missiles are assumed to be at the locked transition point.

The moment the unsuspecting seven or eight galaxy coalition passed through the transition point, the missile group landed out of air, the transition point was overwhelmed, and it burst on the spot.

Enormous energy swept through the entire fleet, and space-time collapsed in a small area.

In the coma, Lu Bixing seemed to still be disturbed by nightmares, struggling unconsciously, his hands slipped off his chest–

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