
Chapter 129 - Recall the Silver Ten Guards

Dr. Harden was stuffed into an eco-cabin, and everyone had to pick up the spacesuit nearby. After gravity was destroyed, the atmosphere began to dissipate. Fatal hypoxia and pressure changes would follow, but isolated from the world. In the “space prison”, it is impossible to prepare so many spacesuits, and some people will surely die.

Spacesuits and ecological cabins are the first to meet high-level chip carriers. The only “fourth generation” and “three generations” first occupied the ecological cabin in the experimental building-the ecological cabin allows people to drift in the universe. Years are not dead, and can even withstand a certain intensity of particle flow and attacks-while the “second generation” have the right to receive spacesuits first. Spacesuits can provide about 48 hours of protection. In case of rescue, they may also have a chance Survive.

Some of the remaining “generations” were ordered to look for the mysterious disappearance of Lin Jingheng, and the other was sent to organize emergency repairs that did nothing. If one of them can complete the mission and prove that they are “useful” people, and there is still a surplus of space suit after being divided up by the “second generation”, they may be able to get a “survival” seat.

The generations were extremely scared, stumbled to move themselves in a changing gravitational environment, and they wailed while crashing while running, but the survival instinct could not resist the level suppression of the biochip, no matter how scared and resentful they were, They can only do things as ordered.

Dr. Harden lay in the eco-cabin and heard that the communication within the planet was disturbed by the particle flow, and the faint vocals continued to sound in it.

“No news yet … General Lin … why … monitoring failed …”

The ecological cabin issued a mechanical sound: “Alert, the external environment is undergoing drastic changes, and the pressure continues to decrease-“

“Check the last one who took a picture of him … alas … it’s too late to find it!”

Dr. Harden took a deep breath of oxygen and closed his eyes.

He thought that Lin Jingheng was born with a sharp blade, born sharp and unparalleled, and was polished many times by the outside world. He always used the bladed side to face everything, because he was accustomed to it, so he didn’t think that what the outside world imposed on him was Injury, this grinding and resistance almost became the melody of his life.

Once sharpened, he became sharper.

If one day breaks, it will be a grand tragedy.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, and the communication signal in the ecological cabin was completely cut off. Then, strange noises came, and a keyless communication channel covered the ground.

After 16 voyage days, the mech who had been monitoring the space prison far from reporting to Lin Jingyu had no time to wait for his companion. After the transition, he went directly out of the asteroid and faced the escaping atmosphere. This time, The voice from the communication channel is much clearer: “Head of the Guard, please ensure the safety of the target immediately and prepare to board the rescue mech!”

“Report, Dr. Harden has entered the eco-cabin and General Lin is missing!”

The driver’s cold voice came from the rescue mech: “The air pressure is approaching the critical value. If General Lin cannot be confirmed for safety, I am unable to advance the rescue work.”

“Reports that generations of chip carriers are starting to die–“

Exposed to the dangerous environment, the first-generation chip carriers who were forced to “repair” and “look for someone” have no more crying power, and some people strove to open their legs, suddenly fell to their knees, and then slid out gently from the ground. After a few meters, I twitched a few times and didn’t move.

As the escape of the atmosphere intensified, the chip marks of the generations dimmed one by one, dying in the despair of irresistibleness, and wondering at the moment when the alveoli burst, did they regret the rare enjoyment and strength in this troubled world, accepting The yoke of the Freedom Corps.

Something that has protected people will someday turn around and tear people’s throats.

“These wastes … let all the second generations not gather, go find someone together!”

The person in the rescue mech said, “Give me Dr. Harden, and I will report the situation to the owner immediately.”

Two people in space suits, probably medical staff, came in and docked Dr. Harden’s eco-cabin to a temporary orbit. One of them knocked twice across the eco-cabin: “Doctor, rest assured, we will take care of you of.”

Then, Dr. Harden felt that his eco-chamber moved slightly, and then began to automatically slide down the track, and the speed became faster and faster. The back door of the laboratory was opened for him. Two medical staff were outside the eco-chamber. Holding the ecological cabin from left to right, escorting him, the track kept growing on the ground, and it was always connected to the fishing net of the rescue mech.

The rescue mech asked anxiously, “Dr. Harden, where did General Lin go?”

Dr. Harden really didn’t know. Seeing this mess on the outside, he was very unsure.

He spent fourteen years and finally failed to get the trust of Lin Jingheng. He even suspected that Lin Jingheng had not developed the function of “trust” at all. Lin Jingheng had been plotting with him on the surface, and he even looked after him and Yan Yuese. In fact, he would ask for things, and he would not disclose any extra information or plans.

Harden: “I …”

At this moment, a Mecha team suddenly approached the asteroid. Then, a communication against the interference access of the particle flow, the official said, “We are the Sixth Galaxy Autonomous Patrol Team. Emergency alert, is there an artificial gravity alarm on the asteroid? Since we found that the asteroid is unregistered, if it is, please let the people on the planet show their legal resident status, and we will … “

That’s bad-the rescue mech of the Freedom Corps is tight.

Due to the interference of the stellar storm, he failed to effectively intercept the signal. He was fortunate at first and was unexpectedly caught. The secret “space prison” was exposed to outsiders’ eyes. If Lin Jingyi knew it, he would have to take him. Ling is late!

Lin Jingyi gave him two supreme orders: first, to ensure Lin Jingheng’s safety anyway; second, to not allow Lin Jingheng to have contact with the outside world in any case.

If these two things are doomed to have both, then when necessary, the latter is the first-

In other words, even if Lin Jingheng died on this asteroid, he would not be able to be discovered by anyone.

The rescue mech of this Freedom Legion pirate glimpsed his own communication channel, showing a row of small bright spots approaching—it was his reinforcements!

As soon as the rescue mech bit his teeth, a missile hit him directly and penetrated the patrol who came to check the situation. The patrol’s leading mech’s fuselage was hit straight, and the mech suspended from the atmosphere was instantly on the asteroid. Gravity fell, and a fierce spark was ground in the atmosphere that had not completely dissipated, like a trailing meteor, hitting the ground directly. Broke the track of the railcar.

The railcar that had just returned to a standstill was left unattended and fell in the direction of the break.

“This asteroid is a pirate den!”

“Call for help from the six garrison!”

“Energy alert, a pirate fleet is pushing us …”

A missile asteroid passed through the atmosphere and bombed the patrol directly. The patrol naturally reluctant to show their weakness, and launched a counterattack while calling for assistance from the local garrison of the six galaxies.

The signal from the gravitational collapse of the asteroid caused two groups of men and women to fight in this way.

Dr. Harden’s ecological cabin shuddered, and the ecological cabin bumped into the mech fishing net. At this time, the rescue mech could not take care of the people waiting for him on the ground. A fishing net rolled up, dragging the fish just caught. The eco-cabin went directly to the sky to join the battle.

The fishing net rolled up the eco-cabin and the two medical workers who didn’t know how to die. They were almost thrown into the fierce cannon fire, just like a few ants crossing the forest fire, fleeing wildly in the cracks, trying to find a way to live.

“Boom”, the eco-cabin shook, Dr. Harden almost didn’t come up in a breath, feeling that the eco-cabin seemed to have been blown to pieces, so exciting, he fainted briefly, suspecting that he was dead.

However, at the next moment, the ecological hatch was opened. Dr. Harden opened his eyes suddenly and found that he had been drawn into the rescue mech. The tail of the ecological hatch was exploded and the nutrient solution began to leak. Short, he didn’t die.

The two medical staff who just escorted the eco-cabin were also rolled up. One of them was motionless by the side and should have passed out. The other who pushed the eco-cabin cover was full of blood-the tail of the eco-cabin. The blasted debris ran through his space suit and belly.

Dr. Harden was taken aback: “You …”

The man in blood gave him a calm gesture across the space suit, and Dr. Harden suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart, trying to look at his face blocked by the oxygen mask.

The next moment, the mechanical door next to it opened, and a group of pirates from the Free Legion in Mech rushed in to see if they were dead. Followed by a row of medical cabins, Dr. Harden was pulled out of the eco-cabin by their hands and feet, turned to look at the man who was blood, but saw only the fierce white light exploding.

Everyone was almost blind in that white light, and someone yelled, “We were hit by a missile!”

“Come on!”

“Wait, Mech has no warning …”

The white light spread quickly, and the pirates, almost burned by the retina, got up in place, struggling to restore their vision, and looked at each other-it was not until a minute later that they discovered that only the “medical staff” who was blood was missing !!

The pirate closest to him realized what, looked down at his wrist, and the next moment, he yelled heartbrokenly–the hand wearing the personal terminal, starting from the wrist, was cut down at the same time, Nowhere to be found!

Dr. Harden opened his eyes in disbelief.

The mysterious “medical staff”-Lin Jingheng, with a small decoding device at his fingertips, quickly cracked the **** personal terminal encryption on his hand, and used the identity information of the unlucky pirate to pass through the machine unhindered. A, broke directly into the core control area of ​​the mech and ran into a pirate guard head-on.

The guard widened his eyes in surprise and looked at his blood, came forward to stop: “Wait, you … hey!”

He didn’t finish talking, and the man who was in blood seemed to be out of strength. He slumped and fell on him, the guard subconsciously caught it, and he heard the blood man say something indistinctly.

“What are you talking about?” The guard turned his head and stuck his ears to it, but the next moment, a cold object stuck to his back neck, and a special biochip interference wave directly penetrated his skin. The guard said nothing. “Tong Tong” twitched and knelt down.

Lin Jingheng dragged the person aside, and replayed his skills. He took off his blood-stained spacesuit three times, replaced it with the guard’s coat, and cold sweat continued to run down his horns. However, the clear pain and blood taste made him excited.

He was like a beast in a dark cage. Once he broke the cage, his broken bones would also come out.

Lin Jingheng tore a piece of clothing, blocked the bleeding wound without seeing it, pulled the jacket together, pulled down the brim of the hat, briefly covered the **** smell, and opened the shield on the neck again.

Five seconds shield the senses of the chip people around.

In the core control area, the drivers and backup pilots were fully absorbed, and they could not compete with the patrol team of the sixth galaxy.


Lin Jingheng walked among them casually, quickly and steadily mixed into the mech core control area, and even nodded at a passing pirate.


He glanced across the hall, and after 14 years, he felt the trembling control of the Mech Spirit Net.


Lin Jingheng approached the spiritual net, lowered his voice, and said to a pirate looking at him doubtfully, “urgent.”


“Why …” The pirate was about a spare driver and grabbed his arm.


Lin Jingheng laughed lowly, and a coin-sized thing popped out of his fingertips, which was Dr. Harden’s secret weapon equipped with a chip jamming wave transmitter.


For the chip people, the strong **** smell exploded in the core control area of ​​the mech. Everyone looked at it. The chip interference wave transmitter and the mech spirit network had a strange response. The driver and the backup driver were in the same place. Time felt a slight numbness. For such an instant, Lin Jingheng was strongly connected to the human-machine interface of the spiritual network.

The mecha pilot who was disturbed by the interference wave probably could not imagine that his “super soldier” with the blessing of the chip would be taken away from the spirit net instantly, and he would not have time to organize an effective counterattack and lost his consciousness.

Lin Jingheng closed the imitation gravity balancer in the mech immediately, speeding up the mech, except for himself, throwing out unprepared pirates. Immediately afterwards, he used the mech’s own equipment to maximize the interference wave. On the entire mech, the chips twitched like people were electrocuted.

Dr. Harden watched the pirates like a group of paraplegic patients, trying to run outwards on all fours, and no one could care about his old thing. They just ran past the mechanical door just before, and the mechanical door suddenly fell down. Shut it down. Then Lin Jingheng’s voice came from the mech broadcast: “Hello Dr. If you are not injured, please take a break in the ecological cabin or medical cabin for a while, we are preparing for an emergency jump.”

Dr. Harden said anxiously, “Jingheng, how did you get in here? Did you hit yourself …”

His voice did not fall, a medical cabin slipped over by himself, forcibly grabbed the old man and stuffed it in.

When the mech was fighting in the air, it suddenly blocked the communication of the “comrades in the surroundings”, and God unknowingly broke away from the war circle. Before everyone responded, he started an emergency jump. The patrol of the sixth galaxy The team and the pirate clan of the Freedom Regiment formed a team, and no one had time to stop it!

I don’t know how long it took before the melee that was constantly bumping in the jump point calmed down. Dr. Harden pushed the medical hatch open with all his might. The mechanical door that had just been closed had been reopened. He was busy controlling the sliding of the medical cabin in, Seeing corpses all over the ground-the pirates in the entire mech were blocked by various doors that suddenly fell and locked, enjoying a poisonous feast.

Lin Jingheng leaned on a high stool, his shirt was open, a medical cabin made a small area of ​​sterile membrane beside him, and the manipulator was processing the wound on his lower abdomen.

Lin Jingheng wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and smiled at Dr. Harden: “Long live freedom, doctor.”

Dr. Harden was speechless.

Facts have proved that Lin Jinglian’s strategy is not wrong. As long as he gives him a seam, he can level the entire space prison.

“You said that the Silver Ten Guards still remember the key I used to contact them sixteen years ago?” Lin Jingheng glanced at the database of the core computer on the mech, “Well … these years, they played really well with the Freedom Corps. Hilarious, thanks to the pirates who provided me with their approximate coordinates. “

Dr. Harden: “You want …”

“Recall the Silver Ten Guards.”

Lin Jingheng issued a remote command. Instantly, the rippling network in the depths of the universe sent a sound that could shock Shi Tiantian, spreading to every corner-the heart of the rose to the first galaxy.

“Do you say they are afraid?”

Dr. Harden looked at him, pursing his lips, “You … the blocker has only 90 minutes, you …”

Lin Jingheng raised an eyebrow: “Well? Chips, it doesn’t matter, you should have the technology to upgrade chips, doctor, please upgrade to the highest level for me, and it will be very convenient to meet people in the Free Corps in the future.

Dr. Harden’s face suddenly changed. He was not stingy, but he was old, his body was weak, and his legs and feet were weak. He was always using a wheelchair to move. At this moment, he even struggled to climb out of the medical cabin: “Lin Jingheng! Do you know what a biochip is and how dare you … “

Lin Jingheng looked up and interrupted him: “Doctor, are you not telling the truth?”

Dr. Harden looked at him dumbfounded.

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