
Chapter 189 - If you want to marry, you will only marry and will not marry.

In the eighth galaxy, Turan watched with horror as she watched the abnormal energy fluctuations coming from the entrance of the wormhole. Then she suddenly died and became dumbfounded. At first, she suspected that her soothing agent was too much to produce hallucinations, and then reacted. The tunnel was sealed from the other end!

This one was too timely and successfully maintained the shaky battle here. The two super heavy armors that had not had time to come out would never have to come out again.

Turan couldn’t help but yelled on his command ship: “Long live Mrs. Lu, close the door!”

But at the same time, Lin Jingheng immediately understood what Lu Bixing was about to do, and Qing Jin jumped up and down: “Lu Bixing!”

Wormhole interference lasted only a short time, and a weak response soon followed. Turan stayed at the border for months and was already familiar with the various signals in the natural wormhole area. He was confused: “… over there Did n’t you close the door and beat the dog?

Compared to her, artificial intelligence reacts faster, and several super heavy armors have reached the conclusion at the same time-they have been dragged to the eighth galaxy, and the chip people have gone to the heart of roses.

“It seems that President Lu has intentionally exposed his identity over there,” said Zhan Lu, “is he trying to share the pressure of the eighth galaxy, and at the same time rely on the natural wormhole area to hold the enemy?”

“This **** **** …” Lin Jingheng was half-fired, and suddenly asked Zhanlu, “What did you just say?”

Zhan Lu is very accustomed to it: “It seems you still have different opinions.”

Lin Jingheng paused for two seconds, and raised his head suddenly, as his mind moved, the command ship immediately turned around, and the frigates around him followed closely. Lin Jingheng fired a high-energy particle cannon in the direction of the void. Although the Silver Ten Guards were unknown, But immediately received the signal, followed closely.

And almost at the same time, all the mechas in the artificial intelligence army suddenly contracted together–

In this “electronic vacuum” laid out by Lin Jingheng, the communication network between artificial intelligence mechas was disrupted. Several super-heavy armors could only carry these small mechas remotely using the spiritual network, which seemed to be inconvenient, so except for the super-heavy armors, Apart from the more intimidating mental spirit attacks, the rest are nothing.

However, at this time, the super heavy armors who had acted separately were gathered together, as if they formed a huge magnetite. Numerous small artificial mechs centered on it, rushing together densely, layer by layer, far away. At first glance, it seemed that a huge honeycomb was formed. If it was not for Lin Jingheng’s retreat in time, the striker would almost collide with them.

Zhanlu felt that his aesthetic as an artificial intelligence was insulted, and he couldn’t bear to evaluate it: “Too shameless.”

The forward of the silver nine’s artillery fire flew over immediately, but the outermost artificial intelligence mech formed a layer of shield, knocked out one layer and one layer, and then “rolled” forward.

Zhanlu’s thinking is the idea of ​​artificial intelligence. Of course, what Zhanlu can understand instantly, Long Yuan also understands.

The heavy armored army that invaded the eighth galaxy was not as expected by Lu, and was then led back to the first galaxy. Instead, they rushed to the eighth galaxy with a more decisive attitude.

Because Lu Bixing must not have many manpower, and the first galaxy is still the base of artificial intelligence, after all, don’t rush to catch him. As long as you completely win the eighth galaxy and completely control the natural wormhole area, the situation will change from “the main force of artificial intelligence” Trapped in the eighth galaxy, “became” Lu Bixing was isolated into the first galaxy, waiting to be captured by the puppets. “

The AI ​​Corps made a fortune and unrelentingly pushed forward with its own mech as its shield, forcing the Eighth Galaxy Self-Defense Force to be stunned away by an avalanche and constantly forced to retreat.

Suddenly, the artificial intelligence who had been passively beaten against the artillery fire turned the muzzle at the same time and swept out of the Self-Defense Force. With the quality of the Self-Defense Forces, of course, they will not be swept by them. The various mechas are in perfect coordination to avoid the fire attack.

“not good!”

The missile that was mistaken in the past did not return in a circle, but went all the way.


“Electronic Vacuum” is broken!

The first galaxy-

Lu Bixing did not know that the response of artificial intelligence was not satisfactory.

But he has merged with the main forces of the coalition.

The main forces of the coalition arrived at the Heart of Roses in batches during this time. According to Lu Bixing’s arrangements, they came and fled-it can be said that nothing was done.

During the escape, they touched the bottom of the complex heart of the roses in advance. There is no transition point near the heart of the roses, which is not easy to be detected by artificial intelligence and is relatively safe.

In this meeting, the coalition forces became a guide for Lu.

“After receiving the news, I should be the first one,” said the fifth star commander, Lao Bu. “Silver III, and the previous pilots, I haven’t seen them, and there aren’t even wrecks. The first galaxy’s communication is inconvenient, and I I searched nearby with a glimmer of hope, without their trace. “

Lu Bixing shook his head sinking like water: “Be prepared for the worst.”

Everyone got together and explained their experiences in three words, and they all focused on the situation. No one mentioned the rumor that Lu Bixing was a chip person at this time.

“Next, where are we going to find the host of artificial intelligence Woolf?” Nagus thought for a while, trying hard to run the infrequent organ on the top of the neck. “Woolf was either in Votor or in The Angel City fortress is nothing more than these two places, isn’t Votor blown up like this, shouldn’t be in Votor … Then we go to search near the Angel City Fortress? I remember the old white of the Strait The face also said that the launcher seemed to be buried in Angel City. “

“I don’t think so,” said the commander of the Sixth Galaxy. “Can you think of it, can others think of it? Will Lin Jingyu of the Freedom Army not think of it? The host is really in the Fortress of Angel City. Just put Angel City fortress down. “

Lu Bixing moved in his heart and raised his eyes to look at these veterans who were faster than a candid man. The veterans often referred to the “Freedom Corps” as “Chipman” before, so it seemed to be more gnashing their teeth, but he found that from reunion to Now everyone no longer mentions the word.

The old coaches seem to be defending him in this vague way.


Lu Bixing returned to God: “I think at the beginning, the host may indeed be in the Fortress of Angel City.”

“very beginning?”

“Yes, the angel city fortress was opened because the three major pirate groups invaded the alliance, the Eden collapsed, and the military commission took the opportunity to repress the management committee. Compared to the undercurrent Volvo, the angel city fortress is Woolf’s. A place with complete control and one-handed coverage. “Lu Bixing said,” The Angel City Fortress has been home to a large number of Votor refugees, and is also the Union Army Command Center. The outer circle of the Angel City Fortress is surrounded by many small man-made bases to meet the garrison and people All kinds of production and life needs are a very complicated system. “

“Yes, the Eden test base was such a personal space station at the time.”

“So the host of the artificial intelligence Woolf is most likely to be hidden in one of the artificial space stations,” said Lu Bixing. “After the starter was opened by Hope, it evacuated the energy of the entire Angel City fortress system and started it in disorder. Out of the Angel City fortress, through the communication network and the transition network, controlled the entire first galaxy. “

Nagus’s head turned into two big heads: “If it goes flying around, where can we go?”

“Don’t worry, everything can be followed.” Lu Bixing said, “I just said that the artificial intelligence Woolf controls the first galaxy through the communication network and the transition network. It is like a spider on the web. We kill the spider and we will You have to go up the Internet. There is a clear mark on the interstellar channel map of the transition network. As for short-distance communication networks— “

“The first galaxy’s communication network was rebuilt after the surrender of the Pirates’ Glory. We participated in the whole process,” said a major general from the Alliance. “The layout of the interstellar base station is familiar to us.”

“Great,” Lu Bixing said. “The two networks are too complicated for us. We have limited time. We need to reduce the dimension of this matter. Brothers in the center of the alliance, can you help us cut off the first galaxy first? Communication network? “

The major general agreed in one sip: “No problem!”

“The First Galaxy Border Guard can cooperate.”

With a wave of his hand, Lu Bixing popped up the simulation map of the communication network, leaving only the interstellar channel map floating in mid-air.

“If the communication network of the first galaxy can be destroyed, our problems will be simplified a lot,” said Lu Bixing. “When the artificial intelligence Woolf has only the transition network, his host will be forced to attach to one of the transition points. on.”

“But the first galaxy has more than 400 transition points.”

“The first galaxy is located in the center of the alliance. It is heavily guarded and the transition points are managed by region. Each region has military fortresses to ensure that any place where anomalies occur, the alliance’s garrison will arrive as soon as possible. Jingheng told me, In the past, the alliance was uniformly deployed by the silver fortress. After receiving the order of the military commission, the silver fortress will send remote orders to the military fortress in the corresponding area through the remote network communication. Although the remote communication is fast, the interstellar distance is too long, so the response time is long error.”

“The first galaxy was not large. The transfer order of the Silver Fortress passed to the nearest military district and the farthest military district. After counting back and forth, there was an eight-minute time difference.”

“Now that Woolf already knows that I am in the first galaxy, he will mobilize all the forces and hunt me across the entire galaxy.” Lu Bixing said, “Then I will test the reaction speed of the major military regions, and we will calculate backwards. The military area where the host is located. “

Lao Bu busy asked: “How to test?”

“We have captured several prisoners of war of the Free Legion. When they were chased by artificial intelligence, the non-navigation road maps they took were recorded on the captured mechs. It happened that they had already explored the road. We can directly use them for reference.” Lu Bixing took a light tap on the interstellar waterway map. All military fortresses of the first galaxy were marked out. “The first galaxy currently has sixteen military fortress areas. We are divided into sixteen roads and take non-navigation road lines to the various Near the military fortress, I figured it out. Without a jump point, from here, the farthest military fortress is probably about six or seven days. Six or seven days later, the eighth galaxy ’s super heavy armors. It’s almost out of the wormhole area, so we have to move fast. “

“Let’s check the table and use the Voto standard time as a standard. After seven Votos, at zero, I will land here by an emergency jump.” Lu Bixing circled a jump point. “After the host finds me, it will simultaneously send When the military region issues an order, there will be a time difference here. “

“In this way, you have to be exposed to the eyes of all the artificial intelligence of the first galaxy, which is too dangerous,” said Lao Bu. “We don’t need to divide the sixteenth road, right? If you only calculate the time difference, send two or three teams and choose two or three. Far-reaching military region tests should be sufficient. “

Lu Xingxing: “What if there is more than one host?”

The old cloth had goosebumps for a while.

“And the comrades-in-arms sent to the sixteen military regions are not the only one. When we lock down the military region where the host is located, the team in charge of this military region must follow the way Marshal Linger used to deal with Hulls at the first time. The outermost transition point is cleared, and the host is isolated on the “island.” Lu Bixing took the interstellar channel map back to the personal terminal. “Then it is our turn to test its antimissile function-everyone, are there any objections? No If so, we will act immediately. The communication base station will be handed over to the Alliance and the First Galaxy Border Guard, and the rest will be sent to separate groups to set up communications encryption. We have no time to delay! Act! “

Nagus asked suddenly, “How about you?”

Lu Bixing looked up and looked up at him.

“Marshal Linger used his body as a bait to lead Prince Hels and his heir to Votor. On the way, the command ship was shot down and martyred,” said Nagus gently. “What about you?”

Lu Bixing laughed: “I won’t, Uncle Nagus. Someone held down the top ten swords and the main force of the artificial intelligence legion for me. If I can still be killed by Woolf, then my legendary ‘chip transformation “Superman,” “The only successful body of the son-in-law project,” aren’t you too sorry for those technological pioneers? “

The coalition forces have been trying to avoid this sensitive topic, but they did not expect to be lifted out of him, and for a moment did not know how to answer.

“I have issued a statement on the eighth galaxy, and I will give you a thorough explanation afterwards,” Lu Bixing said. “Rest assured that I, as a person, have been living like a child since birth. It is not easy to live so big. It ’s a terrible death, and I will only love you if I want to, and I wo n’t. ”

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