
Chapter 198 - Fanwaiyi wedding night talk (1)

“Well … then?”

“Then you drove this car full of flowers and passed directly through the space field to reach …”

“But how could flowers pass through the space field?” Lu Bixing interrupted Tu Lan and raised a realistic question. “The thing inserted in the vase must be carefully waited for, and it will break when touched. The protection measures for the space field crossing are no better impossible.”

“Okay, then no flowers,” Turan remembered without raising his head. “It is not impossible to fake flowers, but the craftsmanship is a bit more detailed, so that the real ones can be faked.”

Lu Bixing leaned back on the chair and sighed: “Yes, and then the front page headline was made the next day-‘Plastic partner wedding uses fake flowers, suspected of political marriage’. The director who was caught in the illegal experiment scandal did not want to step down Or do you not want to step down? Or do you want to step down? “

After the public trial, Lu Bixing publicly stated that he would resign from the post of chief executive, and brought up the interstellar election. At this time, he had just handed over the trivial tasks. He rarely had time to fish in the office and talked to General Turan on vacation. With a five-year term, the whole person is in a state of relaxation on the eve of a long vacation, talking lazily.

“Because of the crowd, I drove a car, and the idiot came down from the sky,” Lu Bixing said at the end. “Who is this to scare to death? Do you think your commander will cooperate with such a shameful performance?”

As soon as Turan thought about it, he was right, the “wedding” thing, even if there were patient people to handle it, they had to send a few evil fires, not to mention Lin Jingheng.

“Okay, then it’s simple. I still have a second option,” Turan said on his personal terminal. “Don’t open the wedding, and change to a small family and friends gathering.”

Lu Bixing nodded quickly, and just halfway, he heard General Turan’s brain open again: “At that time, for the effect of the program, we will put you in a big gift box, find a few delivery robots at the door, put the gift box Go ahead-you said that you picked up the commander’s eco-cabin? That’s right, make the gift box in the shape of the eco-cabin and let him ‘pick’ you once. “

“…” Lu Bixing asked dryly. “General Turan, are you planning a wedding or an **** show?”

“Hey, where do you want to go,” Turan waved her hands with a smile, sitting in a tight position, showing a little indecent atmosphere, “Relax, you will be wearing a gown at that time, just put on the shape of an ecological cabin, no He said it would restore you to … um, that kind of point. “

Lu Bixing looked helplessly at Turan, who was more active than anyone else: “Aren’t you anti-marriage?”

“Yeah,” Turan let out a hand, “I was opposed to being one of the two protagonists at the wedding. I didn’t say that I was against the fun of spraying champagne on the new couple! I still have a plan of 3,456,678 …”

“Okay, get your magical power quickly.” Lu Bixing glanced casually and couldn’t bear to look carefully.

He pulled out his personal terminal, sent a message to Lin Jingheng, and asked him: “Turan suggested we have a grand wedding. What do you think?”

Lin Jingheng replied in seconds: “You asked her to come to me and say.”

This is just a bland word, but Lu Bixing and Turan both read a certain tone from it.

“Go on vacation, Elizabeth,” Lu Bixing sincerely suggested, “run away, don’t let him catch it.”

“Under broad daylight, threatening the personal safety of legal citizens!” Turan moved a little back, “I’m going to call the police! You don’t care about him, President Lu!”

Lu Bixing laughed: “In short, no grandiose, grand, unreasonable, and you can stop scaring him away.”

“Oh, be simple, okay, you two go home and log in to the government website, go through the formalities each, let the secretary make an announcement, and let Zhan Lu remind him not to forget to wear a ring tomorrow-this is simple enough. Turan said angrily, “Mr. Lu, the wedding is a ceremony, not to find a reason, to toss yourself and friends and relatives to show that the relationship is hard-won, do you want to cherish it later? Just exaggerate! Be grand! Just make trouble out of no reason! “

Lu Bixing asked rhetorically, “It’s not easy enough for us both?”

Turan: “…”

After Lu Bixing finished speaking, he seemed to think of something: “But speaking of this, I have an inspiration.”

The marriage was really very simple. Just registered it and asked the secretaries of the two parties to send an official article to make an announcement. The so-called “wedding” is to open the attic of the family on the day of the announcement and set up a temporary terrace, connecting the two before and after. The small courtyard, please invite friends and family to have a private dinner, declined to interview.

Rao is like this. On the day of the dinner, Lin Jingheng was still not used to it. He stood in front of the mirror and pulled his collar hard.

He usually wears a uniform or is loose and comfortable how to come. He is not used to this so-called “tailored” dress. Because he seriously rejected the accordion, they gave him a shirt as hard as steel, and It was a bow tie cufflinks and a chest flower, and the whole chicken was broken, making him feel that he could shake in place, and was out of breath.

“Jingheng, the guests are here!”

“I see.” Lin Jingheng responded, and the boss murmured impatiently in his heart, “Come in when you come, or else let me meet?”

The layout of the entire courtyard and the attic was made by Zhan Lu. For this brand-new work, the artificial intelligence showed great enthusiasm, searched all kinds of wedding materials from ancient and modern, and used their small one-acre land for three points. To the extreme … So it seems that the league has made him an unattractive mech core all these years, and really wronged him.

Except for Anakin, who was on a long business trip, several guards of the Silver Ten Guards were here. At that time, most of Xinghai College’s students were not at the Star, and they also took time off to fly back. As a representative-the battle of the Samsung Department has basically subsided at this time-the remote video recording that could not come.

Even Dr. Harden and Hope came to show up.

As soon as the guests arrived, before they were seated, they were shocked to find that some people were already seated.

“General, general?” Nagus was stunned by one of the backs, and it took a long time to reach out to the man, and his fingers passed through the man’s back. He realized that it was only One can really project with falsehood.

General Lu Xin in the projection then turned around and smiled at him: “Come here, Nagus fat, come here, come and sit at our table.”

It’s like a soul coming.

Nagus was speechless for a moment.

“This is modeled by Zhan Lu based on the data during his lifetime. It is a bit similar to the NPC in the game. All the words he speaks have been said before, they are all memories, and may not be able to communicate with you in depth.” Tulan said, The probe greeted “Lu Xin”, “Hello General Lu, you were my idol when I was a kid. Can you sign me in a moment?”

After Lu Xin heard it, he happily went to pull the lady next to him: “You hear me, and there is a little girl who worships me. Hurry up and watch me!”

General Lu Xin was beside the gentle and elegant Professor Muller, and nodded to Turan, saying softly: “Miss, I’ll post you ten dollars. Trouble and hurry up and take it away. No need to change.”

The one-eyed hawk dragged a stinking face like a creditor, looking at the anger, as if the old cat had been stolen from the dried fish by the winter, from time to time he stretched out his paw and patted Lu Xin to come and slap his hand.

Opposite the round table was a somewhat alienated and indifferent General Lin Wei. Lin Wei did not communicate with the people around him, but just looked at Dr. Lauragden, who was not looking up very often.

In addition, there are Chief Edward, Zheng Di, Constable Yu William, Saturday, Weasel … and even Woolf and Lin Jingying are also there-to prevent guests from being uncomfortable, these two are arranged in the attic high, each other Obviously there is no communication, looking up from the yard, more like two pale silhouettes.

For a time, the small courtyard seemed to become a wormhole passage, staggered in time and space. The living and the dead, nostalgic and soon to be remembered, sit at the same table.

Bayer sat next to the late Captain of the Silver Seventh Guards, and before he could speak, he saw a few six or seven-year-old children running over their short legs, and they all took a bamboo basket and distributed flowers, drinks and sugar.

“When did they get out of the baby!” Bayer was startled, stretched out his hand and raised the back of a little boy, and pulled the cat closer to him like a cat. The little boy had a clear eyebrow and a unique mourn. , Waving his short limbs in vain to resist, Bayer looked at it for a moment, and said in amazement, “Don’t say, this is not correct to see people’s bad behavior, it is really a bit of commanding charm … What’s your name, baby?”

“Little baby” opened his mouth and made a cold adult man’s voice: “I’m a film actor, let go. Did you go out with a pair of glass **** in your eyes, stupid?”

Bayer: “…”

Thomas Young smiled straight at the table.

Except for the last surrendered Xuanyuan, the remaining heavy armor of the top ten swords have been damaged on the battlefield. After salvage, the Engineering Department is trying to repair the armor core. A large amount of deformable materials from the first galaxy came in handy. .

Among them, Cheng Ying, Long Yuan and Chun Jun have basically completed the system repair and eliminated Woolf’s transformation of them. They can change to a different place for exhibition.

It happened that there were a few little flower girls at the wedding scene, and the deformable materials made the best use of them.

Zhanlu, the head of the top ten famous swords, finally raised his eyebrows and exhaled on this day-he was the tallest in the organic core of the place.

At this time, Turan suddenly took the lead in blowing a whistle, and the protagonist appeared.

Lin Jingheng’s gaze swept around the acquaintance of the light and shadow in the field, knocked on the glass, and after all the noise was successfully suppressed, he supported his head and sat aside, giving the home of speech to Lu Bixing.

When General Lu, who had always been alive in the river, opened his mouth at first, he didn’t have time to say a whole sentence, but he was choked by his own saliva: “I … uh … cough.”

“Teacher Lu, don’t be nervous,” White coaxed. “You can pretend that we are all lights on top of the sky.”

Thomas Young: “The commander may be the laser, the most lethal one.”

“When you mature one day, you will understand that moderate tension and heartbeat are beneficial in some occasions, young people.” Lu Bixing always pretended to be bragging about his students, never drawing drafts, but bowed his head, He saw Lin Jingheng’s face. Lin Jingheng was sitting under the lamp. The dim light blurred his sharp outline, and also lit the depths of his pupils, like a pair of warm fog lights.

Lu Bixing: “…”

Zhan Lu whispered: “Principal Lu?”

Lu Bixing sighed, “Sorry, I forgot my words.”

The crowd laughed, and General Lu Xin’s projection whistled realistically.

Li Fulan seized the key words: “And again?”

“Many years ago, when Beijing Beta Star was not an anti-ballistics experimental base, I ran away from home. I stayed there for five years, sold a modified mech, and co-founded a little sponsorship to build a new one. The school is called Xinghai College. “Lu Bixing said,” The school didn’t run very well. It was only the second year of operation. The students recruited in the first year had almost run out. At the second opening ceremony, I invited one Sir, I did n’t expect it. I did n’t expect that at the beginning of the school speech, he actually came. As soon as I saw him, my prepared speech evaporated from my eyes. I do n’t remember a word. Guess this. Who is Mr.? “

Lin Jingheng narrowed his eyelids and did not ask himself: “Do you blame me?”

“I blame you,” Lu Bixing accused earnestly. “Mr. Lin, this is the second time you have hung me on the podium.”

White scratched her hair: “Hey? Teacher, I remember you finished talking very smoothly, without snoring.”

“Crap, can I still poke on the stage to see it? Of course, cheating,” Lu Bixing said frankly to his grown-up student, “I have spare speeches in my contact lenses. It was the Academy of Information Science of the year. It was written by the old dean, I read it. “

“What?” Mint said, “Mr. Lu, have you been so deceiving? The speech that has affected the old lady for decades has nothing to do with you!”

“What does it have to do with my half-money?” Lu Bixing said, “As for your pile of rotten wood, if the speech was not young and handsome, I would read it, would anyone listen to a punctuation mark?”

The teacher smelled shameless, and the four students collectively booed him.

“The gap between the old dean and the young is too deep. After the speech was finished, it caused a big laugh, because of this, my faculty and staff resigned collectively on the first day of school.” Lu Bixing paused, and again “I hope they leave Beijing Beta after they are disappointed, so maybe someone can survive the catastrophe.”

The courtyard gradually quieted down, and no one laughed.

“You should have found that there are some friends who have left us around you,” Lu Bixing continued. “In preparing for this wedding, Elizabeth once said to me that the wedding is to toss yourself, toss family and friends, to It ’s hard to find a marriage relationship, but I think, is there any easy step for me and him today? “

He glanced at the indistinguishable projections. The projections sat side by side, pretending to listen to him and respond in a timely manner, but in fact it was controlled by the computer. Lu Bixing knew that they had no thoughts and could not Understand what you’re talking about.

His biological parents, his adoptive father, his elders and friends who traveled …

“I always think that our marriage is not a beginning, but a hard trek, and finally it is a fruit.” Lu Bixing said, “So we finally decided to cancel the traditional programs at the wedding. Today we will not cut the cake and spray champagne I also don’t give you a chance to force me to kiss the commander in chief. I would like to invite everyone here to bring one or more of the projections and talk about something related to our past. “

Dr. Harden glanced up at Woolf on the terrace and asked softly, “Are there a Solitaire? Is it goodbye or a memorial?”

“It’s both a farewell and a commemoration.” Lu Bixing waved his hand, the lights were dimmed, and the light and melodious music sounded. This is probably the quietest wedding in the world. “Then Zhanlu will prepare a small gift for you, Are you ready? Let me start— “

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