
Chapter 20 - General, send you

The one-eyed eagle thought it strange: “Why did he bomb the space station? Is he sick?”

“It’s all blown up. Why are there so many?” Lin Jingheng stepped into Mech and said to Cyclops, “Not yet, do you want to die?”

The one-eyed hawk and his bar raising are almost cost-effective: “Well, I don’t need your leave … Lu Bixing, you little bunny, what are you doing? It’s against you!”

Although Lu Bixing was also poor and embarrassed, he didn’t have a gunpowder store in his head, so he knew the priority of his father, the terrible explosion was getting closer, the ground began to tremble, and all the mechas that were docked began. Shivering, Lu Bixing had to commit the following crimes, forcibly slamming the arms dealer who had jumped in place on the mech. Before the two of them stood still, the hatch was automatically closed and locked. Immediately, the defense system opened to maximum power and a particle bombarded The mech flying through the space station entered and exited the verification gate, and the mech flew directly.

Small mechas usually cannot carry high-power power systems. To escape from gravity, the entire power system needs to be warmed up for at least two and a half minutes. Therefore, in order to save the mecha’s own energy, the general method is to use the track of the mecha docking station as an external force to accelerate the mecha.

At this moment, the sky’s fire flared up, and the explosion of the space station became a series, so it was obviously too late to warm up.

The mech directly hit the orbit and accelerated as it slid. Behind it, the orbit continued to shatter, and the space station was collapsing rapidly in the explosion.

Lu Bixing didn’t hesitate to breathe, and quickly went to check the power system of the crazy rotation: “No, if you continue like this, you can’t complete the acceleration …”

Before he finished speaking, the fuselage vibrated fiercely, the space station began to break and twist from the middle, and the crazy alarm sound interrupted Lu Bixing’s voice-the acceleration orbit completely broke down, and the mech speed was not enough, and the space station’s artificial Gravity sucked in!

The streamlined fuselage rolled a few times in the air. The driver, Mr. Lin, may have been used to flying alone, lacking passenger experience, and no hints of “settling and sitting well.” His unlucky passengers collectively became rollers. The socks in the washing machine were messed up.

The four teenagers called out the effect of the choir, and the one-eyed eagle hit the hatch with one head, looking at the expression, presumably he had planed out Lin Jingheng’s ancestors’ eighteenth generations and greeted him.

Lu Bixing hurriedly grabbed a seat belt: “Lin!”

Subsequently, the strong gravitational alert suddenly changed its tone, and the artificial gravitational field of the space station began to be unstable, but this was obviously not a good thing.

One-Eyed Eagle: “It’s going to explode, can you surnamed Lin–“

The next moment, the space station of the poisonous nest exploded into a firework in the dark universe, and the huge energy erupting hit the mech defense system severely. The damage of the shield was more than 80%, and the latter half The fuselage went straight.

The sirens and the passengers’ calls were mixed up, and Lin Jingheng said, “The backup energy is out.”

The mech warrior broke off the rear half of the fuselage with a broken wrist. With this wave of energy to increase the speed, the fire broke out like a wild horse and flew to the vast star sea of ​​the eighth galaxy.

As soon as Lin Jingheng turned around, he pressed the ears that were hurt by the noise, and thoughtfully asked, “Do you need antiemetics?”

White was so faint that he couldn’t stand up. He knelt on the ground and retched, telling him in body language that he needed it.

This mecha was originally Lin Jingheng’s small collection on the Beijing Star. He skillfully pulled out the medical equipment and threw four students into the nursing room. Unconscious 001 was tied to the electric shock chair by his hand. Then, he started the automatic return flight, moved his stiff shoulder and opened the wine cabinet on the mech.

Lu Bixing came together thoughtfully and asked without a word: “Would you like me to drive?”

Lin Jingheng was silent for a moment in front of the empty wine cabinet: “Is my wine delicious?”

Lu Bixing, who drunk the interstellar, was speechless and had to smile at him with eight bright white teeth.

“I didn’t even leave a bottle of wine for me,” Lin Jingheng said with admiration. “Master, the teeth are so good.”

“The bottle is left. Where is it?” Lu Bixing quickly raised his hand and pointed, “Use of waste to improve the boring ecological environment in the mech.”

Lin Jingheng looked up and saw a row of transparent wine bottles floating above his head. The bottle was filled with plant nutrient solution, which was soaked with fluorescent grass. This genetically modified ornamental plant was very good to feed, into the sealed nutrient solution One bubble, three years and five years will not die. The small leaves stretched evenly in the bottle, and the turquoise fluorescence shook gently with the hanging bottle body, as if in the evening of summer, the rotten grass was fluorescent.

The shimmering light on the wine cabinet hit Lin Jingheng’s face, as if he was brushed with a layer of filter, the gray dust on his face, the blood stains on his chin, and the faintly impatient face were filtered out, like It was Lu Bixing who had seen it in the album many years ago.

Somehow, Lu Bixing had a short-circuit in his head and blurted out, “General, here you are.”

After speaking, he immediately returned to God, almost bit his own tongue, and felt that this remark did not really sound like human words, because his behavior did not belong to borrowing flowers to offer Buddha—he gave the Buddha’s back garden bald!

Fortunately, Lin Jingheng didn’t plan to have general knowledge with him, and turned around expressionlessly. Lin Jingheng said, “Here is my heart, but I still have a little green above my head, I still respect and thank you, and quickly get rid of it.”

Lu Bixing: “…”

“That’s right,” Lin Jingheng stepped forward. “The medical room is over there. You should take out the illegal chip on your body first.”

The one-eyed eagle, who had planned to come to find something, heard a long speech, his face changed: “What chip?”

The moment Lu Bixing heard this sentence, his heart suddenly stagnated, and a certain kind of strong resistance rose, not as strong as his character, as if an alien beast was locked in his heart, angered by this sentence, growled violently: “No one wants to take my power!”

Lin Jingheng looked at him calmly. Lu Bixing met his cold eyes, as if poured by a bowl of cold water, and he was startled, thinking, “Why do I need so much power to start a school?”

“Well, let’s go.” Lu Bixing vaguely felt the danger of the chip, and absently responded, taking two steps, he remembered something, “then you can stop doing it, otherwise I won’t be able to open the shelf Now. “

The one-eyed eagle is now allergic to the words “chip”. Before his instructions, Lu Bixing was slammed into the medical room by his old man.

Lin Jingheng watched them enter the medical room with his hands on his back, thinking: “Strong addiction.”

Only when he was on the space station, he had this feeling-otherwise, he could not explain why the poison cult, a small cult originally belonging to the eighth galaxy, would surrender to the pirates outside the region, and it was served from the inside out. Without exception.

Humans have escaped the evolutionary process of natural selection since the ancient industrial revolution … even the more ancient agricultural revolution, and chasing pleasure is like cancer written in genes. Before the founding of Eden, the controversy about its addiction lasted for half a century, and then it was tested by strict regulatory legislation. To this day, it does not make sense whether Eden has addiction-it is the same as breathing, eating and drinking Has become one of the elements of survival.

But after all, the Garden of Eden is under supervision, and there are too many things this wild road chip can do.

Does this thing only exist in the eighth galaxy, or has it quietly flowed into the entire league?

Lin Jingheng opened the mech cockpit into a single-person lounge and sat down slowly. Zhanlu kept silent, clasped quietly on his arm, like an ordinary ornament.

At this time, Zhan Lu was just a mech core. After all, it was not a complete mech. The protective cover that blocked Lu’s energy knife almost exhausted his energy. At this time, he had to use the mech’s energy system to slowly charge.

Without Zhan Lu, Lin Jingheng could not contact Baiyin Jiu.

Fortunately, he could not take a group of idle people and so on to an unknown journey, just to return these people to Beijing Star safely, but he was not in a hurry to wake up Zhanlu.

And on this day, too many facts happened.

Lin Jingheng felt vaguely out of control. He closed his eyes and sank himself into the mech’s spiritual net.

Linking the spiritual network has made the cockfight concussed unconscious, but for Lin Jingheng who has been used to this connection, this is a way to rest.

The mech returning along the established route. At this time, the spiritual network was very calm. The subtle fluctuations collected the surrounding information. Lin Jingheng’s consciousness spread to the infinite with the spiritual network, and his heart rate was slowly decreasing.

He often calms himself in this way, like a fish sinking into the sea, quietly digesting everything.

Every corner of the mech is within his sensory range, but the volume is much lowered, making him feel so noisy.

Lin Jingheng saw that Lu Bixing had taken out the chip. The moment the chip left him, his body was double-backed—the knee joints that were smashed across the ground were smashed, and the arms attacked by the poisoned nest militants were suddenly disengaged. With a fracture, the one-eyed hawk jumped up and down with distress. Fortunately, it was not a long time, it was all trauma, and the medical system on the mech handled it quickly.

In the nursing room, each of Lu Bixing’s four students received a dose of anti-dizziness medicine. The medicine took effect very quickly, and the four people who were just dying had already talked with you sentence by sentence.

White said, “Although I have to write a dozen to check back, I think it’s worth it. With this experience, even if I migrate to the seventh galaxy in the future, it will be enough for me to blow my whole life!”

Another boy, that is, cockfighting, said: “I don’t know if we will not be divided into colleges in the future. If they do, I must choose mecha operation, it is too exciting.”

“I almost irritated you,” Mint said coolly. “Hey, nerd, give me the balance before you immigrate.”

“We are now at the mercy of life and death, but you only care about my money.” White sighed. “By the way, don’t we have scholarships in our school, what do you two want so much money for?”

“I want to feed my family,” Mint was silent for a while. “I was in an orphanage. The dean ran away with money last year, and the orphanage also spread out its stalls, and took a bunch of cubs. There was no way. After discussing it, I decided to give it a try first, to see if I could get money, no … no more, let’s go their separate ways, and let those little babies survive on their own. I have sold things on the black market, and I have changed weapons for personal use. They can only make a little money. I heard that mecha design is the most profitable, so try your luck. “

Huang Jinglian was lying alone in the nursing room, somewhat out of place. At this time, he inserted: “Immigration is not good, everything is the same.”

Several students remembered that she had cephalopathy, and knew that her family might be a “lost person” from another galaxy, and for a moment did not dare to answer.

After being silent for a while, Mint deliberately broke the embarrassment and said to White, “Hey, nerd, aren’t you rich? Give me a price and go back and write the check for you.”

A few teens, you bargain with me.

“Wait back to school …”

Lin Jingheng didn’t listen any further. He brushed Huang Jing’s stubborn face through the spiritual network, remembering her name.


“Marrying a person from the Gordon family means marrying the‘ Management Committee ’. If you think about it clearly, say no if you do n’t want to, anyway, I ’m not dead yet.”

“I’m voluntary, brother, is there anything wrong with marrying the management committee?”

Her tone of “brother” sounds as polite as “lord” and “sir”. When she speaks, she doesn’t look into his eyes, stays on his lower half of the face, and laughs with a three-pointer before asking. Ask Only one sentence was answered, as if this brother was just a strange man.

He remembered the day he was taken away by Lu Xin. The little girl chased the car behind her until the car flew into the air orbit. When she looked up, he fell and the robot and nanny screamed and rushed to throw She took it away, Lin Jingheng couldn’t see if she was crying.

So long.

For decades, he didn’t remember the appearance of the little girl.

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