
Chapter 23 - Lover is where he returns

“Sir, I detected that your heart rate is 20% above the normal range. Are you okay?”

Lin Jingheng was speechless.

He spent eighteen years, while tracing the mysterious figure who had taken Mrs. Lu back then, while digging through the mind and eliminating dissidents, he climbed to the forefront of the league and stationed in the Silver Fortress. Silver Fortress is a military powerhouse. With the pirates outside the region still watching, he has the highest mobility, and only there can he give him the freedom he dreams of.

Fifteen years ago, he finally found a chance, and deliberately let go of an interstellar pirate, allowing them to flee to the eighth galaxy, taking advantage of the opportunity to chase it, and through the Gloria Star, he played a subtle time difference and left the team alone. The arms dealer’s one-eyed eagle was blocked in a suspended nightclub in Gloria’s atmosphere.

The one-eyed eagle was looking for joy at the time. He was caught by General Lin without even putting on his pants. The whole process of interrogation was a shameful shame in the life of the arms dealer. In the end, he had to admit that he was the one who stole Mrs. Lu. And gave him a pair of pants.

Looking back objectively, Lin Jingheng admits that he was young and vigorous at the time, and things were a little detrimental, but one slap was not sounded, and the old Persian cat worked hard to make the first-rate contribution. In short, this pair of pants was the sturdiness of the two of them for a lifetime. cornerstone.

The one-eyed eagle with bare legs and **** let three miniature particle cannons stand from the sky, and was forced to surrender Mrs. Lu’s ashes, the admiral’s badge that she took with her, and the voyage recorder on the little star ship she was riding in … … But no children.

The one-eyed eagle gritted his teeth and told him that Mrs. Lu was dead, and the child Lu Xin had been waiting for was not guaranteed. Lin Jingheng certainly did not believe it, but at that time did not find evidence of the child’s existence, and he could not stay too much, so he had to temporarily let go of the one-eyed eagle.

When the stone statue in the forest of Lu Xinbei was smashed and removed, Lin Jingheng spared no effort to keep one piece. The engraved was exactly the letter of Lu Xin. In the long years since then, Lin Jingheng repeatedly deduced the place where Lu Xin ’s mech crashed. A lot of effort was spent searching the remains, and a total of three small pieces of fingernails were received.

The wreckage is his body, the stone statue is his glory, the epaulette is his life faith, and his lover is his soul.

At this point, except for the child whose life is unknown, these four things can finally rest together.

Five years ago, Lin Jingheng was obsessed with immortality, returned to the eighth galaxy, and made a gene lock outside the ecological cabin. He used the genetic information of the fetus left by Mrs. Lu during the birth check-up. Unexpectedly, Lu Bixing was accidentally opened outside Beijing Star.

Is it God’s will? Is it a fate he never believed?

Lin Jingheng’s gaze is attached to the mech’s spiritual network, which extends far. The perspective of the person in the mech has spread to the boundless darkness, looking back suddenly, looking at this humble, pathetic little mech with mixed feelings.

Over the past five years, he had doubts about Lu Bixing over and over again, disappointed over and over again. Because more than thirty years ago, Black Hole was the closest partner of the Cyclops. He didn’t even bother to hold the Black Hole in his hands in order to find clues …

“Why … why does the brain’s genotype not match the body?”

Zhanlu replied, “Sorry, there are so many possibilities, I can’t judge.”

“Oh,” Lin Jingheng paused, and said to himself, “Do you think he looks like Mr. Lu? I don’t think so.”

Maybe it was the unlucky one-eyed eagle who did something. Maybe he was just more like a mother—Lin Jingheng and Mrs. Lu were not very familiar. For more than 30 years, it was too long. He did n’t remember people and things that were not familiar Cleared.

For a moment, he even had a lot of irrelevant thoughts in his intricate brain, messy, everything, illogical, as if it was a short circuit.

Zhan Lu seriously asked: “Do you want me to analyze and compare the facial features of President Lu and General Lu Xin?”

“……Do not.”

“Sir,” Zhanlu said, “I must remind you that your mental strength is very fluctuating, and the degree of matching with the mech link is declining. According to historical data, it has approached the lowest value, are you okay?”

Lin Jingheng’s gaze remained on Lu Bixing, and he absently asked, “Huh?”

“The current value is 56%, and the degree of matching drops below 50%. You will face the risk of involuntarily disconnecting the spiritual network link. You have never involuntarily disconnected since graduation.”

“Really? Then my life is really incomplete.” Lin Jingheng smiled inexplicably, and then he closed his eyes and cut off his sight. Only then did the undulating mental network calm down and the matching value stopped. After a moment, it began to rise, as if held by a powerful hand, rising to 89%.

Slowly shaped like an invisible armor.

He became the general who was in landslides.

“It is less than twenty minutes from the waste station. We are preparing to descend and dock. Injured patients and those without mechanized driving qualifications are all returning to the nursing cabin.” Lin Jingheng ordered with his back to the crowd.

If he is willing to be the teaching director of Xinghai University, the school’s ethics and discipline will definitely be refreshed. From the rebellious principal to the rebellious students, he listened to his instructions and said nothing. They all lined up to everyone, obedient, like a group of wild animals with circus accounts.

“Sir,” Zhanlu asked in the spirit network. “Will you talk to President Lu about this?”

“No,” Lin Jingheng said, “How many times I said, I don’t like chatting.”

He deliberately misinterpreted Zhanlu’s questioning and evaded the answer, but the simple artificial intelligence did not hear it, and still asked: “Will you give me all of my backup permissions like General Lu Xin?”

Lin Jingheng was silent for a while: “No.”

Zhanlu was quietly waiting for his words in the spiritual network, but according to historical data-when Lin Jingheng spoke in such a tight tone, the next 90% would pretend to be deaf and dumb.

But this time, he kept talking.

“Your ex-host is a great idealist who can sacrifice for some convictions.” Lin Jingheng said lightly, “I’m not the same. I don’t have so much affection for sustenance. Without wine, I would drink blood. I Waiting to collect corpses for all those who want my life, I do n’t have whoever I want to inherit or who I want to achieve … And, Zhan Lu, all the data today, including what I said to you, medical information, The spiritual network matches the data, all of which are encrypted according to the highest level. “

“Okay,” said Zhan Lu, “but principal Lu may not know his blood relationship with General Lu Xin.”

“He doesn’t need to know.” Lin Jingheng started to adjust the route and power system, preparing to land, and his matching degree with the Mech Spirit Network rose quietly by one grid, reaching the limit of human-mechanical interaction- 90%.

Soon, the obsolete station can be observed in the spiritual network, the mech slowly decelerated into the abandoned supply station track, and the friction of the artificial atmosphere was felt on the periphery of the cabin, and the heat insulation layer rang gently, as if the wind of hunting was already heard .

This is good news, the artificial atmosphere is still there, indicating that this abandoned supply station is likely to be operated by someone.

At this time, the mech’s energy reserve dropped to 7%, and the red warning lights lit up regularly, matching the fluorescent grass on the wine cabinet, which is a great landscape with red and green.

The Cyclops came over: “Is this energy enough to land safely?”

As this is a nonsense, Lin Jingheng ignored him.

“Okay,” the one-eyed hawk eased his tone, and asked in person, “Do you know the prince guard of Gloria?”

Lin Jingheng carefully calculated the whereabouts and gave him a reaction with the corner of his eyes.

The one-eyed eagle glanced back at the direction of the medical room. In the slight noise, the voice was lowered by eight degrees: “Prince Gloria” was originally Flemish Feng. It was a complete perversion. More than a hundred years ago, he Chased by Lu Xin outside the eighth galaxy, the relative soldiers around him collectively mutinized and beheaded him. You know, the eighth galaxy has always hated your hypocritical alliance dogs, but in order to overthrow Prince Gloria, we chose Lu Xin. “

“I heard that during the reign of Prince Gloria, except for the Prince Guard, the eighth galaxy banned interstellar navigation. The entire starry sky is his private property.” Lin Jingheng said, “He has the most advanced scientific research achievements and armaments, but to prevent anyone Rebellion, spreading anti-science and anti-intellectualism repeatedly within the interstellar range, promulgating 103 injunctions, almost blocking the life of folk science and technology, nearly 150 years, the impact is still there. “

“Is that what you heard in the textbook, little admiral?” The one-eyed eagle smiled coldly. “I’ll tell you something new-do you know the infamous Rheinberg Lab?”

Lin Jingheng didn’t talk to him to ridicule each other.

So Cyclops continued: “Prince Gloria believes that the life span of three hundred years is not enough. He also wants to live forever. He has set up the Riinburg laboratory and performed eight years of human experiments. I don’t know what results they have developed. In short, they have produced 10,000 people in eight years … No, it is a 100,000-person pit. “

“In 128, the 60th year of Prince Gloria’s eighth galaxy, the entire eighth galaxy was sucked by their vampires without bone marrow, and the people actually started a famine-do you know what famine is? Earth Age Just a word from his mother’s clearing up from the history of human beings. In this era where a single dose of nutrition can’t die in space for two months, tens of millions of people have starved to death. The Prince Gloria government falsely established a The disaster relief team collected the money from the garbage, allowing people to use the corpse of human experiments as raw materials for compressed nutrition meals, cutting corners during the disinfection process, and the outflow of experimental viruses in some corpses actually caused a plague. “

“Well,” Lin Jingheng finally answered, “I heard, rainbow virus.”

Rainbow virus, the most shocking plague culprit in modern human history, is the product of human wisdom.

This virus is purely synthetic, highly pathogenic, lethal, and extremely difficult to kill. It is very creatively implanted with a miniature artificial intelligence-like that allows the virus to deform at any time according to the environment. The eight galaxies could not be resisted at all, and even scattered cases flowed into the alliance. It took more than six years after that, a team far in the capital Voto developed a special drug and vaccine against rainbow virus, which won the Nobel Prize and freedom of the year. Contribution Award.

When Lu Xin’s expedition to the eighth galaxy in 136 brought antibodies, the eighth galaxy was saved from this ridiculous catastrophe.

“I don’t know who this self-proclaimed Prince Gloria is,” Cyclops said. “But in the Prince Gloria Guards that year, sadness is a tradition, so they suddenly appeared in the eighth galaxy. I have … wait, energy. The amount has dropped to 5%. Can you do it? “

“The docking valve is ready to land.”

“Warning, insufficient energy–“

“The transceiver signal is normal, is it turned on?”

“Warning, energy is less than 5% and it is expected to be difficult to land safely.”


Lin Jingheng suddenly said: “Turn off the main power system.”

The one-eyed eagle was shocked: “Why …”

The powerless mecha trembled fiercely. As the fuselage lost its power, the mecha that had slowly descended suddenly became a free fall. The students screamed in the nursing cabin, and the one-eyed eagle supported it. On the wine cabinet, he felt his weight slammed hard.

“Warning, due to gravitational forces, the fuselage crashed–“

“Ah ah ah!”

The protective gas inside the mech suddenly opened the cabin, and everyone floated together. Immediately, Lin Jingheng used the remaining energy to open four energy knives. The energy knives lined up, and the excess protective gas in the cabin went along. The blade is diffused, and the thick special substance condenses into a thin film on the four energy knives like the umbrella skeleton, like a large parachute, and the resistance and gravity balance in a matter of seconds.

In the deafening noise, the mech fell exactly on low earth orbit.

At the same time, all the equipment in the mech turned off at the same time, the spirit net disappeared out of thin air, and there was no electricity at all. After a pause of the entire fuselage, it suddenly slid in along the track, and under the tightly fitted track brake system, the docking valve The sparks from the friction burst out and stopped violently-safely landing!

There was a silence in the fuselage for a moment, then the exit whistle and cheers broke out, and the students who were down to earth almost wept.

The one-eyed eagle pointed at Lin Jingheng: “You … you are a crazy dog!”

“Thank you for your compliment,” Lin Jingheng nodded his face unchanged, took off his gloves and threw it on the wine cabinet. He slightly adjusted his collar and took the stubble without hesitation. “Prince Gloria von Feng was After the killing, the two sons fled to the outside of the territory separately. The boss was betrayed by his men and died halfway. The second child inherited the name of Prince Gloria, packed the running dog left by his perverted father, and re-established the Prince Gloria Guard. With the arms and technology exploited in the eighth galaxy that year, they quickly swallowed up many pirate forces. In recent years, it has been said that they are still patrolling near the eighth galaxy. “

The one-eyed eagle froze: “You actually pay attention to them?”

Lin Jingheng’s mouth tickled, as if smiling, and he said, “I’m sorry, I attacked the guard of honor in 258, and I came straight.”

Cyclops: “…”

He is the earth emperor of the eighth galaxy. He has some meanings of not listening to the events outside the window. He has been lazy and carefree in these years. As long as the fire does not burn to the eighth galaxy, he does not pay much attention to events outside the galaxy.

So he didn’t hear it at all. Why did his baby boy bring up the “Liberty Day attack” in 258? That was a very compliment!

It is illiterate to bully my dad, and Lu Bixing has the ability to do that. Under his nose, he holds the stinky foot of the surname Lin!

Running away from home for five years, the wings are hard!

The one-eyed eagle Qiqiao raised the faint cooking smoke, and his whole body exploded more than two feet, almost becoming a sea urchin.

He lowered his voice and looked sullen: “I repeat, you stay away from my son!”

Lin Jingheng raised an eyebrow: “Looking so strict? Is the son of a teenager?”

“Our countryman in the eighth galaxy cannot climb up to your league general!”

“Your son is so poor, that’s not what he said when he used my banner to swindle and cheat.”

The one-eyed eagle had two last regrets in his life. One was when he went to have fun 15 years ago. There was no other laser gun on the belt of his underwear. One was that he felt that the boy should be beaten when he was too big. Knelt gave cash to help his son run away from home.

Cyclops: “You fart!”

Lin Jingheng smiled back.

“Two, two! Why are they noisy again?” Lu Bixing’s sterilized bubbles finally came off. When he came out of the medical room, he didn’t know where to get a suit and put it on, dark blue. It was very formal, and Xiao Li collar gave a poke, showing a mature and stable person like a dog. When he stretched his hand between the two, he said with a headache, “I just thought skydiving was not exciting enough, did I? Up you. “

The one-eyed eagle’s wrath remained: “It’s none of your business!”

Lin Jingheng, however, was very elder, and asked gently, “Do you feel better? You are too risky this time.”

The one-eyed eagle then reacted. In order to fight for favor, he quickly pitted a kind smile, enough to scare a kindergarten child: “Dad didn’t say you.”

Lu Bixing looked helplessly at Cyclops, feeling that his old father’s psychological age was really youthful, and he was ten years old at the age of two hundred years, so he coaxed and said, “Dad, let’s still beat others’ mechas. You know something. “

Cyclops: “…”

Lin Jingheng’s eyes fell on the navy coat on his body.

Lu Bixing turned his head, because the dead pig is not afraid of boiling water, and spreads his hands shamelessly: “I have borrowed your mech and borrowed your wine. Now I wear one more dress and pack it as a favor. ? “

Lin Jingheng wanted to say “you can do it yourself”. He thought he was too cold. He wanted to change it to “honor.” He felt very different from the usual style, afraid of scaring others. Then he came to his lips, but he held himself somewhat restrained. He nodded hurriedly, and by looking at the air pressure and air quality outside the cabin door, avoided Lu’s necessary sight.

The hatch opened slowly, and the abandoned supply station appeared to the crowd.

In the artificial atmosphere, the air pressure and air quality are ideal. You do n’t need to wear a space suit. The supply station ’s plant and track are in good condition. The artificial turf on both sides is flat and flat, but it is silent. The human path is empty and the ground is still on the ground. With traces of ruts, smart trash cans, security robots, and ferry cars are displayed deadly on both sides, like a row of ugly furnishings.

A group of people followed the sign to the core control room of the supply station.

“The energy system is turned off, but the hardware itself is fine.” Lu Bixing observed for a moment. “I try, it should be able to restart.”

Huang Jingzhang asked, “Mr. Lu, didn’t he say that this supply station is on the smuggling waterway, will anyone use the waste station to do business? People?”

“Let ’s go, but I ’m afraid it ’s not long before, you can see the lawn at the door, the equipment is obviously always maintained, and there is still room temperature on the machine. Sometimes doing this kind of illegal trading is like this. Somewhere, I do n’t know when they will run or when they will come back. ”Lu Bixing said tinkering,“ Girl, take a picture of me. ”

His voice faded, and a very soft white light hit him, bright enough without hurting his eyes.

“Ah, this is good,” said Lu Bixing casually. “Who loves studying so much, and there are eye protection lights on personal terminals?”

After he finished speaking, no one talked about it. Lu Bixing then turned around and realized that several students stood respectfully a few meters away, and it was General Lin who illuminated him.

Lu Bixing froze. Before he could say anything, another light came from the other direction. It turned out that the one-eyed eagle was unwilling to be lonely, and followed by a beam of light. The strong light was like a searchlight, shaking both people at once. You can’t keep your eyes open.

Lu Bixing: “Dad, do you catch an act? Your eyes are blinding you!”

Lin Jingheng: “…”

“No,” Lu Bixing responded to what he said, “I didn’t mean that, Lin … heh, that …”

Lin Jingheng interrupted him: “Just use your usual name.”

Lu Bixing glanced at him secretly. Under the gentle white light, Lin Jingheng’s face also looked a little pale, probably this thrilling journey was not easy. Somehow, Lu Bixing remembered the various expressions he slaps with this face, a short in his brain shorted up, and suddenly thought: “I wish I had a picture.”

Lin Jingheng-but the last general in the league, actually let him see alive!

Lu Bixing didn’t take the one-eyed eagle’s bad comments on Lin Jingheng seriously, because it may be because of the asymmetry of the two eyes, the one-eyed eagle is full of prejudice to everyone, especially the handsome same-sex.

When he was young, he looked up at the stars and was curious about the outside world. He regularly collected news about the seven galaxies. Since he was impressed, the alliance has been singing and dancing, and the military committee has gradually weakened, like a donkey after unloading. , Overshadowed, only General Lin was alone, the merits were hidden in the lines.

Lu Bixing is very sensitive to numbers. He found that in the early years, there were at least thirty or forty terrorist attacks on foreign pirates every year. Each time the alliance issued a tragic condemnation, mourning the dead, and then using ten times the strength. To recoup a game, the pirates often failed to fight and fled outside the domain, waiting for the next opportunity, like an endless cockroach. However, the terror attack data and the coalition casualty data suddenly fell off a cliff-like style more than a decade ago, as if the pirates had been good overnight and evaporated by themselves-that was after Lin Jingheng took over the silver fortress.

Lu Bixing: “To be honest, I’m still dreaming. You are really … oh, without a lot of time to ask, the old nest of the poisonous nest exploded.”

The soft white light hit Lin Jingheng’s gray iris, and it was incredibly gentle: “What do you want to ask?”

Lu Bixing wanted to ask too many questions, including the details of each battle that the league had not seriously reported. Is Zhan Lu really the Zhan Lu? What is it about Evgenia who refuses to be called “the first beauty in the league”? What happened to the assassination of Rose Heart five years ago? The most important thing is, how did he hide the sky and cross the sea so that Eden couldn’t detect it?

However, he glanced around and found that several students were listening with his ears raised. Lu Bixing hesitated a bit, not sure if Lin Jingheng was willing to disclose his identity. Besides, he was an admiral of the alliance, so he left the alliance under false pretence. The eighth galaxy has been in such a ghost place for five years, and there must be many difficulties.

Adults–especially those who are inherently restrained, like Lin Jingheng, may not want to show blood and tears to others.

In the blink of an eye, Lu Bixing managed his strong curiosity. After turning his voice, he asked jokingly: “Can you sign me?”

The four students who were secretly listening to the corner next to each other almost collapsed, and frowned at each other strangely.

Mint wondered: “Is this the cult fan or fan?”

White couldn’t say anything.

Huang Jingyi looked around and motioned his eyes to the students: “Should we avoid it?”

The cockfighting eyes widened and glanced at Lu Xingxing’s clothes with the corners of his eyes: “Mr. Lu wasn’t wearing this body just now!”

Huang Jingying took one hand, dragged away the cockfighting and White, and mint clever, and quickly followed. Several students pretended to be curious and surrounded the one-eyed hawk, asking with interest the prospect of the arms business in the eighth galaxy, and He expressed high appreciation for his fashionable eyes.

Contemporary teenagers are very motivated-if the principal can successfully turn to the fourth brother, the college may not be able to sign a long-term agreement with the black hole in the future, and it is fair to let the black hole accept the graduates of the college, how frankly academic and promising!

Lin Jingheng listened to President Lu’s “irrational request” and hesitated for a moment. When Lu Bixing thought he was going to say “No sign, get out,” Lin Jingheng found a pen in his pocket: “OK.”

Lu Bixing: “…”

Lin Jingheng asked patiently: “Where to sign?”

The self-taught principal, Mr. Lu, was never overwhelmed in the classroom. For the first time, he felt the embarrassment of not being able to ask questions. He stared at Lin Jingheng with a big stare for a moment. He reached out in panic: “No, I …”

Lin Jingheng supported his wrist, his palms were dry, his fingertips were covered with hard cocoons, his knuckle fingers looked very powerful, but his movements were very light, and he swept through Lu Cing’s cuffs like feathers, and wrote on the back of his hand A chain of “Lin”: “My signature was on the official announcement of the Silver Fortress that year. If you are interested, you can do a handwriting identification.”

Probably the sequelae of the fracture just now, Lu Bixing felt that he felt numb from his finger to his wrist, as if he had forgotten the words at the opening ceremony.

The one-eyed eagle is surrounded by a group of rampant bear children, and it is annoying. Seeing this situation all the time, a sudden association of seventy or eighty rampant thoughts rose in his heart: “Where do you touch it!”

Lin Jingheng let go very naturally, reminding: “The process of restarting the energy core is over.”

“Oh,” Lu Bixing laughed dryly, “right.”

He secretly moved his numb hands and confirmed the restart command. For a moment, the entire supply station uttered a sigh, as if he had come back to life, countless lights gradually turned on, and the huge energy tower sent out radiant laser light. The silhouette of the mech is projected, and people are repairing the machine in a row of elevators. They are busy starting to automatically repair the damaged mech. Lin Jingheng ’s silent Zhan Lu also lights up, happily connected to energy. The tower, constantly absorbing energy.

“I’ll take a look at the mech.” Lin Jingheng instructed, “If you need anything, go there and look for me at any time.”

After he finished speaking, let the angry one-eyed eagle go away.

Lu Bixing stunned for a long time, glanced down at the “Lin Fei” on the back of his hand, and was sweated by the cooling system of the main control room. He folded his cuffs carefully. He fiddled with the equipment in the main control room. .

This supply station actually has an illegal communication network that can cover the entire eighth galaxy. It is quite advanced. Lu Bixing ordered the repair order, and thought in a mess: “Why is he suddenly so good to me? Is it just to fight with the old man? … Hey, this ghost place’s energy and material reserves are quite sufficient, and the materials can supplement it. Who knows when the pirates blocking the traffic will leave … Why is my hand still numb? Do you want a prelude to hemiplegia? Uh … … There is also a library of weapons and equipment that needs to be cracked … He has long fingers … Hey, what do I think? The encryption method of this lock is … “

The dongle at the abandoned supply station was not very good. Under the condition that Lu Bixing only had one tenth of his brain to work normally, he was pried away so foolishly.

Lu Bixing’s mind was circulating in Lin Fangcai’s low voice, “Go to me anytime” at any time, and heard a soft sound of “嘀”, reluctantly withdrew the misty clouds of Yunshan, and glanced at the inventory absently: “唔,empty.”

Lu Bixing’s eyes stared blankly at the empty weapon inventory, and his mind remained in the white light before him. Lin Jingheng’s face looked much softer. After half a minute, Lu must stun the spirit and return to the spirit—no, energy and material reserves are so sufficient, why is the weapon inventory empty? !!

He looked up suddenly, glanced over all the equipment in the main control room-the production date on the mainframe shell was 200 years in the new calendar, and it has run very smoothly so far, indicating that the software and hardware in it have been maintained and upgraded for a long time, and this supply station has always been there!

Why did they leave in a hurry, leave the supplies that can feed a starship here, and take away all the weapons?

“Dad,” Lu Bixing sank, “We might need to …”

He didn’t finish this sentence, and the communication system that he just repaired was read and activated.

The large screen above the main control room lit up, first a snowflake, and then a man appeared on the screen, half of his body was mechanical, empty eyes shot from the screen, gloomy, full of malice.

The one-eyed eagle shoved away the **** fighting in front of it, and the blue tendon burst suddenly on the forehead.

“His friends and relatives in the eighth galaxy, everyone,” the man smiled stiffly and strangely. “I’m Ares Feng, do you still know my old friend? It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, I will introduce myself again A moment, I, Prince Gloria, who was abandoned and betrayed by you more than a hundred years ago, is now full of hatred, with the sword of revenge, and crawled back from hell. Are you happy? “

White fought the Cold War for no reason, subconsciously pulling Lu Bixing’s sleeve: “Principal, who is he?”

The man who claimed to be Prince Gloria said, “My family has ruled the eighth galaxy for more than sixty years, and has fed countless grateful maggots and rubbish, allowing you to live in a paradise, free from alliance exploitation and aggression , But my dear people, how do you repay me? “

“You brought the Union dogs, betrayed their masters for the sake of a few bones, killed my father and brother, and let me fled out of the country, so far the flesh can only be supported by these scrap copper and rotten iron-how, this For hundreds of years, has it been easier for you to surrender to the Alliance? Has the Alliance given you freedom and dignity? If you wept in pain in the fire, will the great Alliance Saviour send someone to save you? “

When he said that, he burst out laughing out of breath: “Let’s celebrate my return together.”

The voice dropped, and a loud noise came suddenly from the screen. Several crickets of overtime heavy mechs aimed at Gloria Star, and Prince Gloria issued a long whistle, and hundreds of nuclear missiles flew in the rain. The star of Gloria, which has no resistance, is overwhelming. The huge wave of energy can’t be opened. The capital star of the eighth galaxy is immediately drowned in the fire.

A planet has died out in this world.

The stunned people had not responded yet, and the man on the screen shouted, “Surprise! Next!”

The interstellar coordinates on the screen light up, and the muzzle points to Beijing β.

Not every time you go, you can go back again.

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