
Chapter 29 - The edge of the underground world

The real-time navigation chart of Mech “Beijing” showed a blank space. At this time, the channel they passed was an underground channel that was not on the map. It was created by numerous smugglers who shuttled through the eighth galaxy. This means, There are no safety guarantees on this channel.

“Beijing” is the name of this small mech.

Generally speaking, only heavy mechs like Zhanlu will have their own name and number. A small mech like this model, at best, can only be regarded as a small flying insect. Without artificial intelligence, of course, it does not have Must have a name. Lu Bixing insisted on calling it “Beijing”, as if he borrowed the last mech on the Beijing β star to commemorate the place they could not return to.

Huang Jingyi knelt down on the corner of the training room, and opened a small window with a large palm on the bulkhead. She looked out through the small window, and there was still constant darkness outside, nothing was visible, no light everywhere. There are no celestial bodies and no celestial bodies are visible-in interstellar travel, gravity is sometimes lethal, and the channel must avoid large celestial orbits.

Only very occasionally, the mech will crash into some space dust. The fine dust floats and rotates, reflecting the light of distant stars, looking far away, like a layer of veil with a slight halo, as thin as a cicada. Wing-like.

They have been walking on the underground channel for nearly a month, and during several non-emergency jumps, Huang Jingshu has gradually been able to tolerate the feeling that the five internal organs are almost squeezed out.

In addition, the environment around Mech has always been such an environment that is neither exciting nor thrilling, making people think that this boundless loneliness is the norm.

Either the battle between the Alliance and the Star Pirates, or the crazy Prince Gloria, or the homeland that is so dying … it seems that it is just a strange dream.

The backward students produced in these backward areas did not gain special talents because of their special experience. They are still just a bunch of useless burdens.

There is a simulated mech in the training room, and a simulated miniature spiritual net is installed. Their devil trained for a month, so far no one can successfully access it.

White is a weak chicken. Whether it is physical fitness or anti-weightlessness, he is the bottom of his classmates. So far, he can draw it directly after connecting to the simulated mech.

The silly big **** is physically better and eats everything, but the growth in intelligence is really not very pleasing. Without a basic level of education, it is basically semi-illiterate. Not to mention teaching him sophisticated technology, it just makes him feel awkward to read the manual of a small appliance, accompanied by behavioral obstacles such as attention and violent tendencies.

If the above two people have problems, but they can be solved slowly, the situation of mint is not so simple.

She has a certain degree of dark phobia. Previously, she did not live alone in orphanages or girls’ dormitories, so the symptoms were not obvious, but once connected to the spiritual network, human senses will be shared with the mech senses in the universe. Just as normal people will pay most of their attention to the external environment. If they do not deliberately, they will not pay attention to their own heartbeat and breathing. People who have just connected to the Mech Spirit Network will also be surrounded by a lot of information outside the fuselage— — The dark and cosmic environment brought her tremendous mental pressure. Linking to the spiritual network took less than five seconds. She began to cry and scream, her sweat was cold, and her heart and lungs were so dysfunctional that she almost needed drug intervention.

As for her Huang Jinghuan-cephalocephalic is cephalocephalic. So far, she has not matched 30% with SpiritNet. The reason is unknown.

Griphook ringed softly. Someone drove a beer beside her. The taste floated. Huang Jingxi turned his head and said, “Mr. Lu.”

Lu Bixing pulled out a paper cup and poured half a cup for her: “This is Lin’s previous inventory, and it is estimated that it was put by his people. They don’t know if he doesn’t like to drink this. I think it’s almost expired.”

Huang Jingbi said half-deadly, “No one is drinking too soon, and you are so stingy, can’t you get me a can alone?”

“It’s good to give you half a cup, boy, how can you get used to you?” Lu Bixing stretched out his hand, “Pour me back without drinking.”

Huang Jingyan quickly took away the paper cup.

After waiting for her to drink almost, Lu Bixing opened his mouth to break the silence: “Your homework yesterday had a high error rate, and there were traces of plagiarism in the dissertation. The whole thing was perfunctory. This was not the case before, why?”

Huang Jinglian: “How do you know I copied it?”

“I won’t give students an extended book list that I haven’t seen. Some of you don’t learn anything, and obviously you don’t have the habit of reading actively.” Lu Bixing leaned against the wall on the side of the training room, standing very relaxed. , But it doesn’t seem to be foolish, “So I know which book and paragraph you copied, what’s new?”

Huang Jingying’s dead pig was not afraid of boiling water and bowed his head, “Oh, you’ll get me a share.”

Lu Bixing glanced at her, waiting patiently for his following.

Huang Jingyi poured the remaining beer in the paper cup with a sip, and the little Taimei swept her mouth full of style: “Mr. Lu, there are certain things that can’t be achieved by hard work, and people are different-some people are born Without arms and legs, some people are born to be doomed and destined to be eliminated. I … a few of us are like this, when they leave the factory, they are unqualified. Sorry, Mr. Lu, teach us to operate the mech, than to train the hamster. Isn’t it hard to drill a ring of fire? “

Lu Bixing said nothing: “A hamster drills a ring of fire without any ornamental value.”

“But since the war has begun, people who can’t operate mechs will have a hard time living in space in the future, right? I don’t know what will happen in the future. We can’t be waste forever and rely on others forever.” Huang Jingxi calmly “Mecha operation requires strong physical and psychological qualities, smart enough, and no genetic defects. Don’t you think this is also a natural choice-to eliminate those who are defective and only save the correct ones.”

“Well,” Lu Bixing raised an eyebrow in surprise, “the teacher is a little surprised to hear you say that.”

Huang Jingzhang asked, “‘You are not talented enough, but you have not worked hard enough, and you have to pay attention to learning methods’-do you want to say this? President Lu, your teacher ’s lines have not changed for hundreds of thousands of years. ? “

“No, I want to say, I always thought that only relatively introverted young people would think about life and society. I did not expect that your hobby is the same as holding beer bottles in groups.” Lu Bixing said, “The original inquiry is One of the common instincts of humankind after entering adolescence. You can’t see that you are still an ancient and simple ‘social Darwinist’, advocating the survival of the fittest. “

Huang Jinglian: “…”

Although I didn’t understand it, it didn’t feel like good words.

“The evolution of human society and species is a too long and complicated process. When you rely on your more than ten years of life experience to observe and judge it, it is like watching a leopard in a pipe.” Lu Bixing said without hesitation, “I said on the first day of school that the world is changing too fast, maybe every ten years will be upside down. Can you predict exactly what the next decade will look like? You will have hundreds in your lifetime. Years old, if you ca n’t predict for the next ten years, why do you think you can define what is flawed and what is right? ”

Huang Jinglian was speechless.

Lu Bixing took a slow sip of beer: “Little girl film-according to my understanding, there is no evidence that cephalocephalism can absolutely not feel the spiritual network, there is a lack of talent, you can choose other after fully understanding yourself and mecha The direction of development, rather than getting started a little slower than others, you can escape. You can ask General Lin, even in the silver fortress, not everyone’s mental strength is as strong as him. “

When his voice faded, he heard Lin Jingheng’s answer from the broadcast in the training room: “Of course not. Except for front-line combatants, the Silver Fortress has no mandatory requirements on the level of mental strength.”

Lu Bixing was caught off guard and sipped his beer into his lungs.

Did n’t you say that the underpass is in danger? Why does the driver still have a leisure time to overhear him to educate the little girl?

Lu Bixing had an illusion for a moment, as if Lin’s gray eyes were everywhere, watching him all the time. There seemed to be a few pounds of chicken feathers in the beer he drank just now, and his throat was dry and itchy. He quickly cleared it and changed his position: “Isn’t it close to the underground supply station?”

Lin Jingheng: “According to your map, the voyage is about one or two days away.”

The tightness of the training room is good … great, if the door is closed, there will be a slight echo inside, and the sound in the radio seems to be close to human ears.

Lu Bixing didn’t get excited a little, and opened the door and went out.

Standing in the staircase at the entrance of the training room, you can see the bottom of the mech from the top, with a huge three-dimensional picture of the route of the underground channel on the bottom.

The interstellar channel is not like the highway on the ground. It is impossible to stand still there. The route map is also regularly rotated and transformed. The dense coordinates are dazzling and complicated enough to make the cockfighting classmates cry.

Lin Jingheng was on the channel map, and the small bright spots that kept spinning across his clothes sometimes illuminated his face. When he looked a long way, it was a bit dreamy. Lu Bixing found that this man was dressed casually and casually, but his casual manners would bring out many straight and upright soldiers, mixing up some kind of unusual contradictory temperament. His iris is gray, and the original hair color is not particularly dark. If you look carefully under the light, it is slightly lighter. Each of the five features can be removed separately for a long time. When combined, it is inexplicable to look at it. Just remember a cold face.

Lu Bixing has known him for more than five years, and for the first time found that he didn’t read enough books.

“General,” Lu Bixing skillfully dented a romantic style and leaned against the railing. “How many confession letters do you receive each year when you are in the Silver Fortress?”

Lin Jingheng looked a little stunned for a moment.

Zhanlu interrupted, saying: “The general’s mailbox has a filtering function and does not accept messages from unknown sources, but in the silver fortress’s public mailbox, hundreds of thousands of messages are written to you every day, especially if you refuse publicly. After Miss Evgenia. “

Lin Jingheng: “Why don’t I know?”

“There is no important information, and the guard and the secretary will take care of it for you after screening,” Zhan Lu answered with a scrutiny and a news broadcast. “According to statistics, about half of the emails rebuked you for hurting the goddess’ feelings, and Half of them are enthusiastically saying, ‘No matter whether you are an impotence violent man or a perverted sexual indifference, they will love your face as always’. “

Lin Jingheng: “…”

“Yes, there are some very impolite,” Zhan Lu said with reasonableness. “But statistics show that when facing public figures, it is indeed easier for people to make impolite and uncivilized remarks, and they cannot represent society. Bad temper. “

Lin Jingheng: “Li Zheng, shut up.”

The AI ​​faithfully executed the order, and it turned into a dumb place.

Lu Bixing interjected in a terrible way: “Why so fierce, isn’t it handsome to look handsome?”

When Lin Jingheng waved his hand, he was not very angry or sternly scolded: “Nonsense, are you okay? You have nothing to do to repair weapons and equipment.”

Lu Bixing licked his dry lips, squeezed the empty beer can, stuffed it into the mech’s garbage disposer, and went obediently. He felt that the word owed just sounded like a joke.

“This way he is not angry.” Lu Bixing, like an experimenter full of exploration spirit, secretly remembered it, as if he had completed a small adventure, with a little excitement in his heart, and went to work happily. .

Half an hour later, a communication signal was suddenly detected on Mecha Beijing-someone nearby, they touched the edge of this underground world!

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