
Chapter 4 - My name is zhanlu

Cosmic time is 13:00. It is the late night of Venus Port on Beijing β star.

Port Venus is a semi-abandoned interstellar port. Only a few workers are left with minimal wages from the government and come to do basic maintenance every day.

At this time, the cold night was deep, and there was no one around the port of Venus. On a large open field, the frost-covered dry grass was as tall as a person. It swayed back and forth in the sound of the whistling wind. Going like a no-man’s land, with a desolate and gloomy color, old buildings and launch pads in Victoria Harbour are on display, like the scenes depicted in old science fiction, ugly beyond words.

Bai Cao sandwiched a narrow road, which was about the passageway for workers to enter and leave the port. A group of homeless homeless people was walking along the path towards Victoria Harbour. The workers would drive them away during the day and could mix in at night. Shelter from the wind.

A wandering old man with a spine on his back, carrying a child in the same clothes on his back. Suddenly, he slumped under his feet and fell to the ground. The child on his back rolled down unknowingly and rolled over stiffly. , Showing a small face with blue and purple-it turned out that the child was out of breath.

When the garbage can on the roadside detected the body of carbon-based organisms on the ground, it started an automatic cleaning system, drove over “hummingly”, stretched out a cold shovel and a robotic arm, and shoved the body away. His arms rushed up, trying to cover the child with his own body, as if he could give the dead child some vitality.

Unfortunately, although the system of this trash can is backward and not so easy to cheat, it continues to shovel. Between the square inches, it started a cold tug with the elderly.

No doubt, the trash can won.

The cowardly old tramp was knocked down by the rude trash can, kneeled on the ground, and sadness came from it, and he couldn’t help crying. His companions glanced at it from a distance, and continued heartlessly to their destination. Because here, it is not uncommon for a dead person to be sacked by a trash can, and it is not a fuss.

The wanderers drifted away. Suddenly, a pair of hard-soled boots came out of the white grass, paused slightly, and walked towards the bin.

This is a man, a big man, with sharp short linen hair, pale skin, and the facial features are somewhat rigid because he is too standard and straight. He moves his legs, each step is tightly spaced, and the shoulders are straight. Although wearing casual clothes, he has an inexplicable military temperament.

The man silently reached out to open the background program of the trash can, bent over and fiddled with it for a moment, the trash can “creaked”, the shovel slowly flattened, and handed over the small corpse that was just devoured by it.

He wasn’t too dirty. He took the child’s body with both hands and returned him to the old tramp kneeling on the ground: “Sorrowful.”

The old homeless man looked at him sternly, and the man stretched his finger in another direction: “The direction of three o’clock is detected, about two hundred meters away from you. The soil is the softest. You can choose to bury your child there, again. You regret the loss of your loved one. “

This man not only has the same stride, but also speaks out at a constant speed, with little ups and downs, like a machine. After finishing the set of running accounts, he touched the heel of his back, bowed briefly to the old tramp, and turned to leave.

The old tramp couldn’t help asking: “You are …”

Before he could blurt out, the old tramp immediately regretted it, because the strange man was neatly dressed and showed a low-key and elegant appearance, like a “superior man” in his eyes, living in the old tramp’s duckweed life Here, it’s best to stay away from these “superior people” with interest, otherwise, people will often suffer because of being rejected.

Who knew that the man listened, but stood still, and answered truthfully: “My identity is an encrypted file and I cannot check it. My name is Zhanlu.”

The old tramp looked at him in disbelief.

The man who claimed to be “Zhanlu” asked again, “Do you have any other questions?”

The old tramp who couldn’t find the north came back to his senses, wiped his nose in a panic, shook his head, and the man stepped away with his long legs, following the path of those tramp just before.

There was heating in the reception hall of Victoria Harbour, and the homeless people took off their jackets, rubbed their hands and feet to warm themselves up as soon as possible, grasped the last night before dawn, and raced to sleep every minute.

Within half an hour, the snoring sounded loudly.

At this moment, a sneaky, thin figure stood up from the corner, carefully avoided the others, and walked towards the port.

If the bad girl Huang Jingying is here, she should be able to recognize it at a glance. This is the disguise of the “monster” who sells children. He escaped from the back door of the “Break Tavern”, and landed directly near Victoria Harbour through a small space field, mixed with the wanderers, and planned to leave Beijing β star from here.

The security passage between the reception hall and the launch platform is locked. The fake tramp touched a large chip from his body and stuck it on. After three seconds, the door lock program jumped silently and heavy. The door opened to both sides, he looked around cautiously, and drew in.

“It’s me, the spider,” there was no one in the safe passage, and the thin “vagabond” took off his tattered coat, his bones stretched and widened, and changed back to his original appearance. He lowered his voice and talked to his associates. … get a fart, I was stared at, I could hardly get rid of it! “

The security passage is long and narrow, and it is very close. Although it is clear that the monitoring system has been blocked, the echo of his own speech still makes this “spider” quite anxious. He scolded and said, “A bunch of garbage, you know you want something. Even the **** silent call system ca n’t be copied. The Alliance Dog is almost universally used by civilians. Would you like to overthrow the Alliance? Dream of his mother ’s daydream … I do n’t know, a woman–how do I know her Who is it? “

“Spider” said as he pressed a few times on his wrist. Immediately an image floated on his wrist, which was Huang Jingying’s recent photo.

Then, the photo flashed, and Huang Jingyi’s identity information, address and other information were displayed in front of him in no detail. “Spider” gave the girl with a **** eye a hard glance: “Take It ’s her information, I do n’t know if it ’s true or not, but I do n’t think she is like a government person … Well, it may just be a coincidence. The sewers in the eighth galaxy are full of craniocerebral disabilities … ”

The safe passage came to an end. “Spider” came quickly to the platform. On the empty platform, only a few machine security guards were patrolling. “Spider” probably confirmed the position of the machine security and pressed the jammer in his hand.

On the platform, the machine security and monitoring equipment are stuck at the same time. “Spider” bypassed the static mechanical security without fear, came to the outermost track, and took out the small mech docked in the space field. The mech landed firmly on the launch pad, and the hatch automatically opened.

“Spider” stepped into it, and the fluorescence of the launch pad condensed into a layer of cold metal like light on his face. He said, “No matter who she is, no matter whether it is a coincidence or not, I’ll kill it—”

His words did not fall, the alarm system on the mech screamed for no reason, the “spider” screamed in the ear, and the call was immediately cut off. He suddenly raised his head, and saw that the mech on the launch pad was like a living creature. Secretly shivered, the spiritual network in the mech had not had time to connect with the owner, the fuselage suddenly trembled, and the “spider” slumped backwards. At the same time, the spark of the mech’s spiritual web jumped up, and a smell of ozone burned ——This is the result of serious interference of Mecha!

But in the backcountry of the eighth galaxy, the vast majority of hooligans have never seen a hair of mech all their lives. Where did this interference technology come from? !!

“Spider” was creepy.

The spirit net in the mech was disordered, and he was rushed into it, let alone a person. Even if a silicon-based creature really came, it would have to be half-disabled by electricity, so he didn’t want to, and smashed the emergency safety valve with a punch. Quickly switched to manual operation, forcibly opened the heated door, and yelled and rolled out.

The smoke of the mech behind him was billowing, and the security machine that had just been fixed by him somehow came back to life. Seventy-eight laser guns aimed at him, but no one was visible on the platform.

Those **** flies haven’t been thrown away!

The cold sweat of “Spider” came down, and he reached into his arms with one hand and pressed it on his left chest-there was a small piece of implanted chip there, which was his last hand to let go.

The security robot approached him–

“Illegal intrusion! Illegal intrusion!”

“Failed to scan the intruder’s identity!”

“Warning! Raise your hands!”

The next moment, the invisible field was centered on the “spider”, and the tide was spreading out. The positioner of the machine security lost its target. The scan results showed that there was no one on the platform. The machine security held a laser gun and turned blankly on the “empty” platform for a moment. Nothing was found, so they had to return to the patrol track.

“Spider” stood in place, exhaling a few breaths, showing a somewhat proud smile. He patted his left chest and whispered, “Finally the waste is still useful.”

With this “secret weapon”, he can control the senses of all people and machines as he wants, just like letting everyone mistake a child for an old tramp on a city bus, even if he encounters the “empty brain” of a small **** Disease, “for a moment, it will not be a problem.

“Come and catch me!” “Spider” yelled fearlessly, and blew a sharp whistle, without making a sound, he laughed loudly, and compared his **** with the sky, ready to re-attach to the mech.

As soon as he turned around, a very thin red light suddenly shot out of the wall and passed straight through the “spider” neck. The “spider” laughed before closing his mouth, and said nothing. Planted it.

Later, I saw only a blank wall suddenly raised, and the man with short flax hair came out of the wall like a man, and it was the man who called himself “Zhanlu”.

Zhan Lu stretched out his right hand, and the pale hand turned into a mechanical hand out of thin air, just like the one in the “Breakfast Tavern”.

The manipulator scanned the unconscious “spider” from head to toe, and made a few beeps, and found a strong energy field at the “spider” heart.

When Zhan Lu tilted his head, a tiny probe protruded from the palm of the manipulator’s hand. At the same time, a mist-shaped disinfectant was sprayed on the fingertips of the five metal fingers, which temporarily created a narrow sterile environment. The probe was quickly inserted into the “spider” chest, and within five minutes, the minor operation was completed-a biochip was removed from the comatose “spider” heart.

At the moment when the biochip was peeled off, the metallic skin of “Spider” immediately collapsed, and his temperature, heart rate, and metabolism dropped sharply. He seemed to be several decades old and his face was almost wrinkled.

The robot hand made exactly the same voice as Zhan Lu himself: “Scanning the unknown energy field-“

“Scan failed.”

“Failed to scan again-Unrecognized-Warning-“

“Shield it,” Zhan Lu whispered.

Zhanlu carefully collected the strange chips, and the manipulator changed back to the human hand. He searched all the electronic equipment on the “spider” and stripped him into a primitive person. A’s encryption system took it away and left the port of Venus.

He was planning to return the same way. As he approached the hall, Zhanlu’s footsteps suddenly stopped. He closed his eyes with his head up, and then, as if summoned by something, turned to the other direction and walked straight into the dense white. In the grass.

Deep in the dense dry grass, I don’t know when to park a car. Brother Si put his arms on his chest and leaned on the body. It seemed to wait for a while.

Zhan Lu gave the fourth brother a bow with a clear eye: “Sir.”

The fourth brother lifted his chin and motioned him to get in the car. Zhan Lu threw the man he caught into the trunk and stretched his hands on the body. Then his “hand” turned into a hand, then his body, his head … He slowly disappeared and merged with the body. At the same time, the sleeping car of the fourth brother automatically restarted.

This tall and handsome “Zhan Lu” is actually an artificial intelligence just like a real person.

Zhanlu’s voice sounded, “Sir, where are you going?”

“Back to the tavern,” Si Si said, “Who is this passer, can you see?”

“Prepare to start the space field and locate the tavern-judging by the model of the mech, it should be the person of the ‘poison nest’.”

The “poison nest” organization is located at the extreme edge of the eighth galaxy. If you go further, it is not suitable for human survival. “Poison Nest” rarely interacts with other gangs in the galaxy. The gods are not so much a gang, but rather they are more like a cult. The children of the eight galaxy are singular, and there are quite a few cults, but everyone usually It is based on ancient legends that some gods and ghosts are fabricated to worship, and then they are worshipped as cats and dogs, but they are also mammals-organizations that worship bugs such as “poison nest” are more unique.

Brother Si was a little surprised: “What are they doing here in Beijing?”

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