
Chapter 77 - Color, rainbow ...

When the old Persian cat talked about the son-in-law’s plan on the spot, coupled with Lu Bixing’s weird body genes, Lin Jingheng actually always had a general guess. He sometimes knocked sideways, but he didn’t persevere to ask-because Lu Bixing now looks Everything is up, and I am jumping around every day, like a teenager with excess energy. He thought that no matter what happened in the past, whether it was sadness or joy, he had already turned the page.

He thought …

For such a moment, Lin Jingheng suddenly remembered that when they were still on the Beijing Star, he took Penny to Xinghai College to send Lu Bixing to mech, and accidentally passed the back window of the staircase, and heard Lu Bixing’s words about different pets–

“Have you seen anything like a snake?”

“For my father, I slipped into the basement and found her, a girl …”

“Then I shot her and killed her.”

Fifteen years should not be a one-time treatment process. It has probably gone through countless failures, countless break-ins, and countless breakdowns.

How tenacious and fragile should human life be?

A little boy, the biggest expectation every day is that Gloria Star is snowing. He can get a license to go out and play for a while. When he misbehaves, he accidentally breaks into the one-eyed eagle’s basement, and sees a human body laboratory like a stranger. What was he thinking about?

The one-eyed eagle may not be able to concoct different pets by himself, but since he pays for it, of course, there will be more mad people doing it for him.

Isn’t buying and selling in disguise?

Those head monsters, one by one, looked at him indifferently through the cowardly nutrition capsule, and they all had pity with him for the same illness, and they all came to this end.

When he first discovered it—when a teenager impulsively held up his gun and killed the lingering girl …

Who is he trying to kill?

Lu Bixing always seems to be able to live, he is very happy, and can even raise the trivial eating and drinking Lhasa to aesthetics, sometimes overdone, almost like a world-class male brother.

Has such a person ever felt that survival itself is too difficult to survive?

However, it was difficult and unbearable, and his life would be like an arrow that never turned back when he opened his bow, and he kept flying forward, otherwise, a cowardly escaper, how should he face the virus at his disposal? How did the one-eyed eagle strain face the more than 300 million faces that disappeared into the dust … and how did it face the humanoid monsters deprived of everything in the cold basement?

The two were relatively silent for a long time.

“Look at it,” Lu Bi forcibly broke the silence, dared to cling to Lin Jingheng’s stiff shoulders across the isolation jacket, “This breaking thing is neither pleasant nor helpful to the problem we are currently solving. Why do you have to ask? Let me say first, even if you have heard this, you do n’t need to comfort me or pity me, otherwise I ’ll turn my face and I ’ll turn my face very fiercely. “

Lin Jingheng suddenly felt it was difficult to breathe. It seemed as if a stone weighing more than his life was pressed on his heart. He was a little vomiting, maybe he could be stung by inexplicable words, maybe he was wearing a heavy isolation suit on his body, he had been holding it rigidly for a long time, and it seemed that a liter of acid water had been injected into the scapula slit of his back. A little squeaked.

The next moment, Lin Jingheng realized that this was not ordinary muscle stiffness.

He quietly pressed on the wrist of the isolation suit, waiting for three sounds in the headset, followed by a mechanical voice: “The current temperature of the armpit is 37.9 ℃.”

Low fever.

Lin Jingheng slowly exhaled the gas stuck in his chest. The knife hanging over his head finally fell to one side. It was not thorny, but only a memory of 30 years of landing. There is a long and deep texture. Dull pain.

Lin Jingheng didn’t say a word, banned Zhanlu in the spirit network, and stood up calmly. By looking at the route map, he stayed away from Lu Bingxing, and calculated how long it would take to reach Hope.

When Lu Xin brought the antibodies of the rainbow virus to the eighth galaxy, he must have never thought that his son would entangle with this kind of thing for life. As he didn’t expect, he didn’t die with the guns and arrows of the Management Committee, and the pirate assassination with the heart of the rose. He has survived to the present, but may be about to die from an accidental virus variant. This unexpected Homecoming can make a comedy on earth.

Votor time jumps to a new day

The star city of the star is approaching dusk, and the self-defense team members in isolation suits lined up for a day. They did n’t enter because they were too tired and they did n’t communicate with each other. The posture seemed aggressive.

Residents peeped out of the cracks in the windows, and secretly speculated what these people were doing. They are already struggling in the depths of the water, and they really don’t want any more people to add firewood-whether it is the alliance or the pirates.

The footsteps were heavy on Saturday, and he looked up in the direction of the sunset. The sky was clear and the clouds were spreading in the distance. The star climate is superior and the temperature is suitable. Galaxy City is divided into two seasons, dry and wet. It is like spring all year round.

Just as he thought about it, suddenly, a scream came from the crowded houses not far away.

It was a woman whose voice was almost heart-broken, for half a minute, and the onlookers could not breathe, followed by a pause for a few seconds, and turned into a hoarse cry, saying something while crying .

Suddenly there was an ominous foreboding on Saturday. He raised his hand to signal the crowd to stop. He raised his leg to go to the small residential building, and before he stood in the narrow stairwell, a man crawled up and down. He ran out of the ground, slammed his head on Saturday, and fell on his back with his four feet to the sky. However, he neither apologized nor scolded anyone, and, like a ghost, threw his limbs and crawled out.

This man was wearing a dark blue shirt with a pharmacy brand embroidered on the neckline. He was excited on Saturday-he knew that some poor people in the eighth galaxy were like this. They would not go to the hospital if they were sick, and they could n’t afford the medical cabin. Usually you will find an acquaintance in the nearby pharmacy to see that the salespersons in the pharmacy often have some medical knowledge and can diagnose some common diseases according to the original knowledge and then sell the backlog of expired medicines to these dying poor ghosts.

He grabbed his collar on Saturday: “What are you running!”

The man’s legs were as soft as noodles, and he couldn’t stand up on the ground. He said incoherently: “color, rainbow …”

His eyes widened slyly on Saturday, and the sweat that was covered by the isolator immediately became cold. He reached for the medical scanner and ran upstairs in three and two steps. He saw a unkempt woman kneeling in the corridor, arms Holding a comatose girl, the girl burned a crimson red with a small face and a strange blood stain on her hand, which had begun to fester.

The scanner issued a uniform warning signal indicating that it was an infected person.

And this girl is not on their search list!

On February 15, 276, in the New Star Calendar, a six-year-old girl named “Angela” confirmed that she had been infected with the mutant rainbow virus and had been in charge of patrol without ever approaching a key epidemic prevention area or leaving her home. The captain of the Self-Defense Force immediately quarantined the entire residential area on Saturday. With a glimmer of hope, he found someone to get antibodies to the rainbow virus.

The old antibody did not help as expected, he could only contact Turan while watching the virus destroy the girl’s immune system. She was too small and too vulnerable to attack, and the rate of disease was much faster than that of adults. Her skin spread to her entire hand at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and before the roots had sprouted completely on this tiny body, the girl died of complications of organ failure.

Cameras three blocks away captured what happened 48 hours before the girl’s infection.

After a quick investigation, apart from her family, the only living thing this little girl had touched was a group of harmless sparrows, one of whom had pecked her finger.

In the known traditional rainbow virus transmission methods, there is no precedent for other animals to carry the virus, except for the carrion of the dead of the dead. Carrion-infected animals will develop the disease faster than humans, instead of carrying the virus everywhere.

This means that the mutant rainbow virus can silently lurk on any living creature and be taken by them anywhere.

This is just the beginning.

Within the next two hours, Turan received five consecutive suspected cases, and the captain’s nerves were tightened to the extreme-the virus may have spread.

What spreads faster than viruses is people’s fear.

From the moment I met the infected person at the night market, there was a vague rumor in Galaxy City. At that time, he was calmed by the cowhide that Lu Bixing had blown in public, and it did not happen for a while. Appear one by one. Under the huge panic, the air in Galaxy City started to become thin. The only public hospital was clogged up. People wore gloves and masks and wrapped themselves in armour. They asked the hospital to immediately explain the source of the virus and issue a rainbow. Viral antibodies.

Surrounded by irritable crowds, the hospital had to be closed temporarily. Foucault brought a group of self-defense forces to maintain order. They were also blocked in the hospital wall by desperate people.

“Captain, I’m afraid this is not the way,” Weasel ran to ask Turan, “Are you going to send someone an explanation, or do it directly? Have to decide quickly, anyway, they can’t be squeezed together like this, in case there is one in the middle Two infected ones, they really can’t be controlled. “

White is helping Turan count the remaining medical supplies: “Otherwise, tell the truth and tell them it’s a mutant virus, and we don’t have antibodies now.”

Turan and the weasel spoke at almost the same time.

Turan: “No.”

Weasel: “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Turan: “The eighth galaxy’s memory of the rainbow virus is too deep. Now what exactly is the variant virus? We ourselves are not clear. The hasty announcement will only aggravate the panic. We have no credibility and no ability to fully control Galaxy City. Chaos can be passive. “

“More than passive, the eighth galaxy, don’t look at these people who are usually half-dead. It’s really a matter of life and death. In order to be alive, they can do everything. Throw the alive patients into the fire and burn them. Dead, even people who have been in contact with patients and are not sure whether they are infected have burned alive. Do you think these things were done by Star Pirates? “Weasel sighed.” As for those who are already infected People, just concealing the illness is kind, and some people will deliberately break into the downtown area and pour their blood on the crowd. You little kids do n’t understand. I experienced it during the rainbow virus era, half of them Not by a virus, but by cannibalism. A virus can divide people who are innocent and innocent into two camps. “

White didn’t dare to say a word.

“Say me,” Weasel stretched out his rough and yellowed hand and asked for a cigarette with Baiyinwei next to him. He quickly got together and took a big sip, and the white smoke refused to spit out. “Captain, when this pit is abducted, don’t be too ethical. Listen to me. Isolate the infected people in the hospital and isolate them. Then find a placebo such as glucose and saline to appease the residents first. Emotions, although a bit lacking in morality, but it is a moment to drag on for a moment. Now it depends on whether Cyclops and Teacher Lu can do something on both sides. “

Turan had no choice but to nod, and at the same time quickly briefed Lin Jingheng on the crisis on the star.

The rising body temperature caused Lin Jingheng to sweat while chilling. He quickly said in a deep voice: “Gather mechs, immediately block Galaxy City, and pay attention to releasing the interference of the space field, in case there is … Zhanlu among the people, what is going on? “

Before he finished speaking, Turan’s signal suddenly disappeared.

“Sir, there is a violent energy response near the half-day of sailing. We are about to enter the area of ​​unknown armed activity. If we do not cut off the communication, the probability of remote signals being scanned is as high as 75%.”

Zhanlu’s voice has just fallen, and the outline of the opponent can already be seen on the huge holographic projection-it is a mech squad, with about hundreds of small mechs, patrolling near Hope’s “Nest of the Anti-Uzbek Lair” and waited for it. , As if the rabbit was “waiting” to hit the stump!

Lin Jingheng and Lu Bixing sank at the same time.

Hope is upset!

As soon as the signal was cut off, Turan stunned for two seconds and immediately reacted, furious: “Hope! My mother wants to film him!”

This time, Hope was no longer treated as a guest. He was brought up by two silver guards, and the neckline of the long trench coat was kept under his shoulders.

However, whether he was steamed or braised, Lin Jingheng had no way out.

“At that time, the Rainbow virus in Ruinburg swept the eighth galaxy within a month, and even passed to the Alliance. No one was spared after the rainbow virus in Emma’s laboratory broke out within 72 hours. Animals may carry viruses, sparrows, mice … bugs flying everywhere in the wild, so make the worst assumption, it may be too late to block Galaxy City. “Lin Jingheng’s throat began to irritate, as if a rusty knife cut back and forth. Holding his throat, he cleared as quietly as possible, and tasted bloody.

Lu Bixing’s intuition was not right, because only before it began, Zhan Lu began to be unusually silent. The mouth-to-mouth artificial intelligence communication function was almost turned off, as if he had become a navigation robot asking and answering, but he was not sure, after all, Zhan Lu followed. It is also common for Lin Jingheng, the unlucky master, to be banned for no reason.

“Lin, are you okay?”

“Not yet.” Lin Jingheng replied without changing his face. “Zhan Lu, shrink the spirit net, pay attention to invisibility.”

Lu Bixing: “If the epidemic situation cannot be controlled, what will happen to Captain Turan’s guard if he cannot contact you?”

Lin Jingheng: “…”

If the epidemic cannot be controlled, Turan will pack up her combat power and evacuate from the vicinity of Galaxy City at the fastest speed. At the same time, in order to prevent the virus from spreading further, she may consider a missile.

However, after hearing Lu Bixing’s phrase “I was born to owe this place by birth”, Lin Jingheng couldn’t say it anyway.

“I remember that in the underground warehouse of the factory, Captain Turan once asked you if you would consider contacting the ‘center’ in extreme cases,” Lu Bixing asked, “what is the center? What kind of situation is considered extreme?”

At this point, there is nothing to hide in front of anyone. Lin Jingheng broke the jar and broke, and was too lazy to worry about what he was like in Lu Bixing’s heart. He said in a few words about the big pit he dug in the alliance: “Before leaving the alliance Arranged a place for the Silver Ten Guards. Among them, in addition to the Silver Ninth Guard’s mobile waiting to be deployed, others lurked in the vicinity of Lu Xin’s old parts of the seven major galaxies. When the time comes, they will be responsible for the last one Put fire. A three-element network of contacts is established between me and the Silver Ten Guards. “

Lu Bixing learned from his knowledge and immediately reacted to what the “three elements” refer to-remote key, center and standby center.

The remote key is a remote connection established through the known transition points of the seven major galaxies. As long as the alliance is not bombarded, Silver Ten Guards has not hurriedly transferred, and even if Lin Jingheng is out of the domain, he can control the global situation in real time.

And if it is 1 in 10,000, the remote contact network is really out of order, then the second contact method is adopted-using the “center” agreed in advance as a signal transfer station and re-establishing indirect contact. Furthermore, if even the “center” is lost, there is another “standby center” as double insurance.

“The alliance was suddenly invaded by the pirates, the Garden of Eden was broken, and my remote contacts with the Silver Ten Guards were all disconnected,” said Lin Jingheng. “My transit center chose to be in Votto-Votto has lost control.”

Lu Bixing simply didn’t know what to say, and felt that Lin Jingheng had to stay away from gambling in his life, or the **** around the world would not be enough to fill his negative luck to zero: “What is your backup center?”

“A person I trust very much,” said Lin Jingheng, “Silver III is the technical department and will bid farewell to the Silver Fortress after I leave. I leave them a letter of recommendation and let them follow him …. One person in charge, Marshal Woolf. “

Lu Bixing’s eyes brightened: “Isn’t Marshal Woolf sitting in the fortress of Angel City?”

If there is really no way out, can I ask the alliance for help through this channel?

Lin Jingheng’s eyes shot out through the protective cover, and slowly shook his head.

“After seeing Zhongsan,” he whispered, “I can’t trust anyone in Angel City now.”

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