
Chapter 85 - Azure sea

“Ma’am, I’m sorry for your loss.” The woman said, handing a bouquet of flowers, “This is my family’s own cultivation. After this, everyone’s living area is crowded a lot, and we can’t help it It ’s so difficult to leave a small flower garden. There are too few species that can be cultivated, and the color matching is inevitably monotonous. Please don’t dislike it. “

Lin Jingyu was stopped by her during the walk. Although impatient, she thanked him and took the flowers politely.

This is a bunch of roses called the “blue sea”. The flower heart is a dark blue close to black. It is shallower as it goes outward. The bottom of the outermost petals is blue, and it gradually fades upward. The circle is close to the white border, that white is very delicate, not pure white, cold and misty, like the distant horizon when the sky is dim. At the dark heart, there are small silver highlights, like starry sky and petals of blue, which are exactly the color of the sky in the day of the planet Votto-the more beautiful the “stars” are, the more blue the blue The more clear the “horizon”, the better the flower looks.

The “Blue Sea” became popular after the Alliance Central was transferred to the Angel City Fortress, because the Angel City Fortress was artificial after all, the artificial energy tower was used for lighting, the artificial atmosphere was breathed, and the sky did not have the natural magnificent change. Moreover, Angel City is small and delicate, and the area is not wide enough. Generally, the horizon does not appear at the “early day” and “sunset”.

So “Horizon” became the saddest image in Angel City. The “blue sea” encloses melancholy, which is as lost and elegant as those ancient poems describing the ruins of the country.

Lin Jingyi glanced at this so-called “home-grown” flower. This is a rare and rare bouquet, with a thick rose fragrance. When you look at it from a close distance, it almost makes you feel dizzy-it is worth a little money It ’s not much, and you can exchange for a medium-sized mech.

“If it wasn’t for the war, the children could be cultivated in vitro, and with the care of the Garden of Eden, there would be no mistake … This is really regrettable and shocking. And you have just left the hospital and you have to run for the management committee. I’ve been stunned a lot, it’s really sad. “This woman may be the wife of a senior official, with a Peugeot face that can’t be remembered, and a mouthful of” votor “can be heard-softly Whisper and affection.

Lin Jingying patiently thanked her for this nonsense, but still did not remember who she was.

The woman mourned for a moment alone with a sigh of relief, tears shed half a bottle, and finally spoke of the theme: “Madam, when can we return to the Garden of Eden?”

Prior to the withdrawal of Votor, the secretary-general of the parliament, Gordon, was assassinated. Lin Jingying’s child became Gordon’s only blood, and his value immediately changed. Follow his elders to take the first batch of mechs to Angel City to leave and enjoy the **** specifications of the management board directors.

However, in the event of unforeseen circumstances, the Gordon family may have been in trouble for too long, and suddenly it was the same as being doomed by doom.

The old directors originally had two sons and three adult grandchildren. In order to avoid risks, they should go in batches, but the pirates came too fast at the time, and the Vote capacity was limited. The third batch of transfers did not know that they had to wait until the year of the monkey. They refused to stay for another minute, so they didn’t listen to the advice. The whole family took the same batch of mechs to Angel City, and they happened to be attacked by pirates on the way, and they were all in trouble.

The old directors could n’t stand the blow, and they could n’t afford the illness. As the veterans of the Eden Management Committee, the Gordon family must have a seat. The seven aunts and eight aunts on the side branches smelled and all swarmed up. The old directors had no choice. I had to temporarily push Lin Jinglian’s granddaughter-like granddaughter to the front desk to be her own spokesperson.

Lin Jingzhang got on the political stage. What was unexpected was that her “vase” -shaped “microphone” actually performed like a decent figure. She danced in the management committee with long sleeves, and the special charm and methods that others did not understand took root. Because of its good image, it has now almost become an external spokesman for the Management Committee.

Just a week ago, Ms. Lin ignored her body and insisted on leaving the Angel City fortress to visit the Eden test base. Unexpectedly, she was ambushed on the way. She escaped under the guard’s deathly protection for nine lives, but “unfortunately” lost the precious one. Posthumous child-In this age when most people choose to have a baby in vitro, a noble lady was forced to conceive herself because of the war, and she also encountered a tragedy that only happened in ancient times. We heard that the group had shed tears for a week for her. It is said that there are still people who are actively running and want to give her the Free Contribution Award in 1976.

“You know, the eight major galaxies are like plates broken by pirates. It is unrealistic for us to restore the communication network in a short time, and Eden also lacks hardware support. However, the management committee is now actively looking for other ways. Our test base has already With several proposals, can you please bear with me for a while? “

The woman hurriedly took a step forward: “I know this, I mean … Have the management committees considered partial Eden? Do n’t worry about them without restoring communication. We use the inner network of the Angel City Fortress to make a small area. Eden, isn’t it? “

Lin Jingbi lowered her eyes, so she groaned in a difficult way. In fact, she wanted to smash the head of this idiot with a shot–so that she could return to Bliss as she wished.

However, the smile on his face was still as sweet as a press conference. Lin Jingying said in a breeze-like voice, “But the most important database of Eden cannot be restored now.”

The woman said busyly: “It doesn’t matter, it is enough to restore basic functions. Since I left Eden, I have suffered from anxiety and depression all my life. Without Eden, I would never fiddle with the robots that are old and fall off slag. Life is a mess … they Also restrict the sale of mood-stabilizing potions! “

Drugs related to emotional stability are in short supply. Without Eden, it is easy to cause abuse. It was ordered to be supervised by the Central Government. Now it is in the Fortress of Angel City and can only be obtained through special channels.

Lin Jingying immediately knew what the precious “blue sea” was about to buy. She approached the crying woman’s ear and said something softly, then opened the personal terminal on her wrist to connect with the other party, and swiped a special seal.

Lin Jinglian: “It is necessary to use the right amount of stabilizer.”

“Okay madam, I don’t know what to say, thank you so much.”

Mrs. Lin, who had sent a lot of gratitude to her, thought that Lin Jingyi had been attentive for a few weeks, and had been watching the other person’s back disappear in the same place, so she continued to move forward.

The guard behind her was separated by a distance. Only one captain was qualified to follow her closely. The captain whispered to Lin Jingying: “I heard that you had an abortion a while ago, the old man was sober.”

Lin Jingyi squinted his eyelids: “Is that a few minutes?”

“About twenty minutes, we were forced to inject him with a strong sedative.” The captain said quickly in a vaguely inaudible voice, “the first time his grandson died was a ‘terrible coincidence’, the second The next time he died the family was a ‘tragic accident’, but again and again no more, this time he couldn’t react again, it’s really been in the management committee for so many years. Not that I said, this time you are too obvious, why? What about a child, even if it is born, can it pose any threat to you? “

Lin Jingyi glanced at him with a smile, and the captain of the guard shuddered inexplicably.

“Baby is a little thing that competes with the mother for nutrition in the mother’s body, you die, especially those babies who are not expected, that is something you will never rationally like, but when you are under the action of hormones, It will naturally be fooled by it, creating the illusion that it loves it, so that it can slyly take care of it, and when it grows up, it will settle accounts with you after the fall. “Lin Jing laughed,” Mammalian mother-child relationship, huh. The old man is only now Understood? It’s too late, and he still can’t see the situation? Then I will arrange for him to dementia, so I don’t have to pretend to see him every day. “

Lin Jingying said, while walking on the pedestrian street with soft-soled leather shoes, the fortress of Angel City seemed to be a small Votor. It was beautiful, the streets were hierarchical, people and cars did not affect each other. When there were cars passing by, the lights It will be driven from the closed traffic lane, and delicately through special imaging devices, people walking on the ground will see huge phantoms floating in the air from time to time. It is designed to be a legendary beast like Kunpeng, accompanied by music. The chanting of the fountain, or flying or swimming, plunged into the layered aerial forest, and people walked in it, just like walking through a fairyland.

The music fountain is in the central square. The six-meter-high crystal statue of the goddess is standing in the mist of water. Her tulle skirt is completely visible. She holds the skirt in her hand and looks up at the sky. The slender neck looks like a The swan just about to fly away was contaminated by the water vapor in the fountain, and was full of tears.

Just looking at it here, who can imagine that the alliance is in the midst of a full-blown war?

Suddenly, a siren sounded on the street, and the guards quickly stepped forward and surrounded Lin Jing’s group.

I saw a middle-aged man suddenly rushing over from the other side of the pedestrian street. This man was well-dressed and handsome, but his eyes were red, his body was shaking like epileptic, and his mouth shouted vaguely: “Let’s go! Let’s go! “

Everyone’s personal terminal flashed a red light. The next moment, the flat slab suddenly rose, just tripping the man, he fell a meter away, and then a circle of security robots with live ammunition rushed from all directions. Come out and hold him in a clumsy manner.

The man was desperately struggling to grab the ground with his head, and his brain actually knocked a thick slab out of a pit.

The security robot skillfully stunned him with electric shock handcuffs, closed his mouth, and bowed apologetically to the residents walking around, saying “Thank you for your cooperation, I apologize for the inconvenience,” and then sent the man to a dead dog. Towed away the same.

“Nothing,” the captain rushed to the guard behind him, “just a drug addict.”

This is a new type of drug, with a long full name, called “implantable human body and brain wave biochip”, and people call it “opium” for short.

The security department didn’t find out where the thing came from, but could only pinch the **** basin on the star pirate. They initially entered the market with a gimmick of “enhancing physique and alleviating the human disorder caused by the lack of Eden.” It was discovered that the implantation of this biochip not only makes people feel good, but also the body has the “superhuman quality” overnight. “And it can control human consciousness and surrounding machines under certain conditions. It is a simplified version of Eden.

So “opium” swept the coalition overnight, until the authorities halted it, publicly declared that the opium chip was addictive, and long-term implantation would make it difficult for people to extricate themselves, lose their sense of reason, and incorporate it into the “drugs” explicitly prohibited by law “category.

Lin Jingyi asked with an unheard of voice: “What happened to the opium after the alliance ban?”

“It ca n’t be contained at all. It ’s too hard to live without Eden. You see, there are even decent people in Angel City. Imagine what has changed below.” The guard said in her ear, “The alliance has been in Find a way to shield the invasion of electronic devices by implanted chips, so the implanted chips must be replaced every month. Because of the ban, we have taken the opportunity to raise prices again. This month, sales in the seven major galaxies increased without falling. “

Lin Jinglian: “What about the eighth galaxy?”

“This … the eighth galaxy is all poor ghosts and empty brain …”

Lin Jingyi stepped a foot, and asked expressionlessly: “So you can lose control at will?”

The captain immediately bowed his head: “Yes, the pilot has started as you ordered, but …”

Lin Jinglian couldn’t see the emotions on his face. He bowed his head deeply and took a scent of the rose, and handed the precious “blue sea” to the captain of the guard: “When you go to see your daughter, let her play. I like her very much. She will be a little beauty in the future, and she will be a good match for flowers. “

The head of the guard buried his head deeper, his flower-receiving hands trembled, and he swallowed the words behind “but”.

“The blue sea,” Lin Jingchi laughed, her lips red and her teeth white, with a little innocence, “a really good name.”

A small hunt-like battle is taking place on the interstellar channel of the eighth galaxy.

An unmerged “merchant ship” landed in the eighth galaxy. During the investigation, it was discovered that these “merchant ships” turned out to be camouflage.

“What’s the line? What trees do I drive? I sigh,” Turan yelled in the communication channel. “Oh! TOC-R space missile, fat sheep! No! Broke it to me! All **** control the firepower! Did the team fight lose the streak yesterday? Hurry up, you can’t win their spirit net, you are still streaking today! “

“Team battle” is a way to train the mental strength inside the Silver Fortress. Because of the joining of the Self-Defense Force, Turan was re-incorporated into daily training. The ground training ground simulates the mech mental network environment. Zhang Spirit Network, cooperating with each other to compete for each other. Forced pop-ups on the simulated spirit network will spit at most, and will not be injured into a vegetative. So the desperate Captain Turan Guard invented the “streaking” punishment in order to urge everyone to do their best.

This wretched, low-level taste was bumped into by General Lin once, calling Turan a curse and swearing, and cutting two “tentacles” on her head. The captain of the guard bears humiliation and is forced to relax the streaking conditions-men can carry a pair of briefs, and women can wear three-point bikinis, but have to sing.

Everyone was crazy when they heard it, and sang in trembling in order not to be in the eyes of the crowd, and surrounded them with red eyes.

The mech squad disguised as a caravan was completely stunned—I do n’t know when the eighth galaxy, which has always been a “three no matter”, actually had a patrol team and would conduct security checks on the past merchant ships. You must know their regular shipping lanes and smuggling before the war The shipping lanes are stupid.

And the patrol team in this ghost place is not a Caotai team, and there are not many people, but it is very mobile, like a wave of piranhas that roared, and removed their spiritual nets!

“Captain,” said the soldier who first took the other’s spirit net in a communication channel, “they have a problem with their goods.”

Two hours later, the patrol escorted the captives across the jump point and landed at the base of Qixingxing. Lin Jingheng, who had received the news early, waited on the platform. Turan walked towards him quickly, saluting a rare and serious gift, and took out a small chip wrapped in a bag of evidence from his pocket: “General, you see, this kind of thing again.”

This is exactly the kind of biochip that the Freedom Corps used to test in the eight galaxies with poison nests at that time. The general function has not changed, and it has undergone a simple upgrade.

“Three days, this is the fourth batch we have intercepted.” Turan said, “The equipment and configuration of these people are standardized and should be organized. We are now strengthening all commercial routes and traditional smuggling channels. Troubleshooting. “

Lin Jingheng glanced at the unconscious captives, stepped onto the captured mechs, and saw the huge chip boxes stacked with neat biochips, giving a sense of industrial cleanliness and refinement, without any sense at all. The messy style of the Free Army.

“From which direction?”

Turan said in a deep voice: “Alliance.”

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