
Chapter 91 - Clasped his hand

The silver march’s rapid march under sufficient energy is very anti-human. Before the people with insufficient quality must receive a large dose of soothing agent, during the entire march, anyone-including the chief commander and All of the mech’s drivers, including the mech, were not allowed to move on the mech, and everyone’s position was fixed by protective gas. Because the speed is too fast, all Mecha sword communication is limited to simple communication signals on Mecha without language.

When Lu Bixing hurried up, his personal terminal on his wrist had forgotten to turn off, and he was still showing the eighth galaxy communication network design.

Lin Jingheng was waiting for him at the entrance of Zhongsan. He wentssiped and said directly: “To get to today’s mech, the body must be in the best state, and there is no discomfort. If you have a problem, stay at the base and wait for me.

Lu Bixing was not a little uncomfortable. He ran madly all the way. His ears rang into a wind tube, and his chest seemed to explode. “Give me … give me a dose of soothing agent.”

Lin Jingheng took a deep look at him, nodded quickly, turned around and stepped on the third, the sleeping monster sent a deep sigh as soon as he connected to the spiritual net, within five minutes, the entire mech squad was in order Arranged perfectly on the track, the track warm-up began.

Lu Bixing’s heart rate slowly dropped, but the scorching anxiety rose immediately.

One-eyed eagle is not a nanny-style father. Previously on the Gloria Star, he hanged around everywhere and ate, ate, gambled, and made a bad textbook-like role model for children. He has never been a father In this way, of course, there is no majesty, and it is impossible to guide him like a serious adult.

But for a sapling, if the soil is fertile enough, and the sun and water are sufficient, even if no one comes to trim it at any time, it will grow into a tree by itself, and freely paint a natural shape.

To Lu Bixing, the one-eyed eagle is like the ubiquitous soil. He does not always have to look down to observe the state of the soil, but also knows that it is the source of his life. When he was the youngest and most vulnerable, he knew that this person would give everything to him. That strong sense of security was like the thickest layer of protective cover, which supported the landing and must be rehabilitated again and again, facing him directly in the basement. After the monster collapses, it regroups itself.

The one-eyed eagle’s long-distance contact with the base was immediately disconnected after the alarm. What does this mean? Lu Bixing didn’t dare to think deeply and had to force himself not to want to.

Lin Jingheng will certainly not comfort him. Fortunately, Lu Bixing is not a person who needs to be comforted. The two passed one by one in silence and quickly to the core control room.

All personnel in the third stage have been put in place. The core control room is different from usual. It is filled with one-by-one nursing cabins, like a cocoon. When the mech passes through the first transition point, protective gas will move the nursing cabin. The entire space outside is filled to maximize the protection of the members on the mech.

Lu Bixing retracted his eyes from Lin Jingheng’s back, closed his eyes calmly, received quick disinfection and full body scan, stepped into the nursing cabin, and began to calm himself by counting his breath. He thought, if it was just anxiety, he could stay in the base silently, and since he got on this mech, it would be better to think about some useful things to distract-for example, who would ambush the Cyclops? Vengeance, revenge? Or is there another plan? Who among these people has the ability to transfer the strength of a legion?

Miscellaneous thoughts rose and fell in his heart like a tide, and for a moment no clue was found. At this moment, Lin Jingheng suddenly reached out and held down the hatch that was about to fall.

Lu Bixing took a moment to look at him, and Lin Jingheng held up on the nursing cabin with one hand. The cold metal shell of the nursing cabin complemented his cold face. He seemed to want to say something, but he was not good at it. It’s hard for him to improvise. So Lin Jingheng remained silent for a while, pulled up Lu Bixing’s hand without a word, gently opened the palm of his hand that was stamped out by his nails, and closed the design artwork in his personal terminal for him.

I don’t know why. With such an action, Lu Bixing’s emotions that finally settled down almost failed.

Lin Jingheng frowned, and said gently, “I’m beside.”

Lu Bixing clasped his hand and exhausted all his strength, as if trying to squeeze him into the palm of his hand.

He lost his hand for a second, and let out a little smile at Lin Jingheng: “General, you are very insidious. Is it true that the most vulnerable when arresting people is to fool into it, so that you can lose yourself?”

Lin Jingheng didn’t have time to answer, and Zhong Sanli had already heard Zhan Lu’s voice: “The airframe is pressurized and the power system is warmed up, please all personnel in place-“

He lowered his head in a hurry, put a corner of his mouth on the back of Lu Bixing’s hand, and released the nursing hatch.

The falling hatch blocked the eyes of two people, and Lu Bixing exhaled a long breath, and his eyes were a little hot.

With a buzz, the advance team has begun to take off, and the ground of the base trembles slightly as the mech group rises and falls.

“Wait, what if you have an unexpected situation halfway?” The first time I encountered this battle on Saturday, I was still worried when I lay in the nursing cabin. “Can you communicate in a timely manner here?”

“Emergency situations usually don’t have time to communicate, and the driver has to be cheap.” Baiyin Jiu next to him said, “Did you not notice that the first driver of each mech is a major or above … oh yes, now also There aren’t many majors, rest assured, young people, these people have fought more wars than you have eaten, and the tacit understanding between them is no less than the ten fingers of a pianist. “

Although they have been chasing Lin Jingheng and calling General on Saturday, what level is the “Admiral of the Alliance”? The gangsters of the eight galaxies actually have no concept, but the “major” he knows-the junction of the seven or eight galaxies The principal of the Border Smuggling Administration is a major. Saturday is the descendant of the smuggler. He is familiar with this major. He knew from an early age that he was an old bureaucrat with a full stomach and a full stomach.

Shocked on Saturday, and couldn’t help but ask a stupid question that hadn’t seen the world: “Major, major, did the major participate in the battle himself?”

The mech slowly took off and landed, fell on the track, and was slightly shaken when docking. Bai Yinjiu next to him laughed and laughed at the dimples: “What is the major? You have been with the general until now, and you see a major return Fresh? Do you know that there are only sixteen generals in the entire league? In your impression, are senior military commissioners all old fat men who stand up to the generals’ stomachs?

Squinting on Saturday: “… isn’t it?”

“Of course not! Physical well-being and poor image. If the media catches it will cause a storm of public opinion, that is, officers in your remote areas dare to be so casual. In the Union Central Military Commission, even the 300-year-old marshal is You have to control your diet and body. “

He swallowed on Saturday and was shocked by the military commission, which was stricter than the model team’s requirements.

“Of course, the main job of mixing at this level is to maintain the image. General Lin will be the only one on the front line,” Bai Yinjiu smiled gradually, and he paused. “General Lu Xin was because he recovered the first The eight galaxy was promoted to admiral. General Lin was born in a peaceful era. Originally, his age and qualifications were not enough to reach this position. In addition to complicated political games, there are some reasons because of our silver. Ten guards. “

On Saturday, I was born with an ambitious ambition to climb up. I was very clever. I knew that Lin Jingheng had mixed the Self-Defense Force into Silver Nine. Although he was tortured by daily torture, he was also trying to promote them. Staring, he couldn’t hear it.

“‘Silver Ten Guards’ was named because it had been stationed at the Silver Fortress. It was divided into ten according to different functions. Its predecessor was ‘Phantom Shadow’. Before the establishment of the New Star Calendar Alliance, it was the first intergalactic mercenary group … 唔, You can also understand that we are the most powerful interstellar pirates. At the end of the war, we acknowledged the Alliance ’s Declaration of Freedom and stood on the side of the Alliance, laying down the establishment of a legal government of the Alliance government. The military commission controlled it. At that time, the alliance needed the support of all parties. It couldn’t talk about it, so it could only sign an equal contract with Phantom-that is, the other army was confirmed by the military commission. We were hired by the military commission. This is The history of the Silver Ten Guards. “

“For more than two hundred years, many people have died and many people have changed, but the generations of the Silver Ten Guards have honored their commitments and traditions. Unless they leave, they will never leave the Silver Fortress for ten sailing days without war. In addition, we will never arm ourselves or expand our team. We swore to give up all our personal freedoms and fight for the Declaration of Freedom. The only right reserved is that we can ignore the command of our immediate superiors and be autonomous by ten captains in emergencies. So far, we have acknowledged that there are not many commanders, and General Lu Xin is one. However, as the Alliance ’s eight major galaxies were recaptured, General Lu Xin began to participate in the overall management of the military commission. I feel that the tradition of the Silver Ten Guards being obedient to him is private. In order to avoid being suspicious, he announced that he would no longer directly manage the Silver Ten Guards. “The cover of the nursing cabin slowly fell down to cut off Saturday’s line of sight. At last glance, he felt that the silver nine brother’s face had a touch of faintness. Wind and frost.

The release of protective gas sounded, and on Saturday, I heard the person say, “To this point, we have a slap with the Alliance, because the Alliance broke the Declaration of Freedom first …”

A huge roar rang, drowning his voice, the protective gas was released, and the entire space was filled. The mech group centered on the triplet, and passed through the atmosphere of the star star like a light, straight to the first jump point There is no communication, each mech seems to be a part of other people’s body.

The moment I passed the transition point, on Saturday I felt like the whole viscera had been dropped. He wanted to pull out his heart and liver, and his back was almost stuck on the mech bulkhead. He had a terrible illusion, as if He was being torn apart inch by inch, and the confined space like the suffocation of the nursing cabin exacerbated this panic. On Saturday, he put his nose and nose close to the oxygen mouth, panting heavily, and used all his power to restrain himself from screaming.

He couldn’t imagine how the driver in this state could maintain a high level of calmness. After a little thought, he almost felt a bit horrified.

However, no matter how high the speed is, they can’t keep up with the rescue Cyclops, unless they have a super transition point that can burst the entire galaxy, allowing them to teleport accurately.

The one-eyed eagle has not experienced the feeling of being forced down the spiritual net little by little for many years. When it is about to break, he seems to have hallucinations and heard the war song of a hundred years ago-

“We are from the cape, closed to the silent mountains,

In the wasteland abandoned by the stars, light a smoke that calls for freedom.


“Hear …” The one-eyed eagle’s lips moved slightly, muttering the lyrics that seemed to have been forgotten for many years, “The wind is roaring …”

Suddenly, he realized what he was doing, and turned to the communication channel that had been silent for a long time. The faint singing flew from the communication channel intermittently and gradually became clear. The most widely transmitted version of the Free Alliance Army was played. There was nothing technical in that version. The complex tunes were simplified to be almost flat and straightforward. The chorus didn’t distinguish high and low voices, but everyone’s voices were mixed together, which seemed extraordinarily sincere because of clumsiness.

“The wind is roaring, the blood is burning—”

A small mech that had fled abruptly came out from behind the ambush, and a missile suddenly cut into the ambush. I don’t know if it was technical or coincidental, and just hit a medium-sized mech arsenal.

The opponent’s armament was obviously very sufficient. The arsenal exploded in shock and shock. The flanking mech group formations were chaotic and did not wait for them to respond. Another mech was smashed in another jump point, and a row was almost unavailable. The high-energy particle flow of the differential attack just swept across the dead body. The missile fragments rolled up a deadly whirlwind of energy and crashed into the enemy army. At the same time, the gunner uttered a cry in the communication channel: “footsteps In the transition, the flag is falling-ah, friend-“

Another voice sounded: “Grey wolf, go tune away Voto!”

“Grey Wolf” didn’t have time to answer. Unit 6 went away at a touch, disappeared into the jump point again, and briefly disconnected from the communication channel, leaving only his “three days around the beam, endless nightmares” song.

The little mechas that had disappeared into the traceable area came out one after another, like fleas flew out from various cracks, and shot one place for another.

The enemy army was cleared, but there were too many people, and it was a bit inflexible. It was like an elephant tortured by mosquitoes, roaring angry and uselessly.

They came back!

But what do these wastes come back to? !!

You need to find old things to eat with antihypertensive drugs twice in emergency jumps. Shouldn’t you pick up your tail to escape and find a ditch to hide and wait for the end of life?

Really remember that the lyrics are still heroes!

The one-eyed eagle painfully touched the medical cabin, poked his arm into it, took a second dose of soothing agent, the muscles jerking violently, tearing, wrapped around the bones, “squeaked”, he yelled, and was worthy of man The degree of matching remained above the 60% level, and then plunged into the midst of the smoke-filled enemy camp. High-energy particle guns swept through the fuselage, the protective cover began to alarm, and flying missiles passed him by. At this time, the disappeared No. 6 machine just came out of another jump point, and the gray wolf was still singing in a wasteland: “Oh, friend …”

He hasn’t been on the battlefield for too long. He took the lead with blood, chose the wrong course, and hit a stray bullet.

Stray bullets blocked his No. 6 aircraft in the transition point, leaving ten missiles in the mech arsenal, along with the energy system next to it, a fierce self-detonation. Due to the risk of violent energy detonating the transition point, all around At the same time, the mech received an alert and spread out. The one-eyed eagle’s anti-missile system fired the last missile and hit the front door in a gap. It rushed out of the encirclement of the enemy, and rushed to the place like a gamble. Debris covered jump point.

In the communication channel, the recording of songs uploaded by other mechas continued.

“Ah, friend, come with us, remove the shackles and raise the sail.”

The one-eyed eagle won the bet. The energy of the No. 6 machine’s self-detonation was almost unacceptable, and it did not reach the order of magnitude of the detonation transition point. At the last moment, he rushed over, and the debris of the wreck scratched his only protective cover. The sparks jumped up and down due to the leak of flammable gas.

The breakthrough one-eyed eagle happened to meet William’s tenth machine, and the two met briefly on the communication channel.

The one-eyed eagle’s voice was hoarse, and he was about to ask, “Did everyone have an underpass?”

William Yu: “We passed on!”

“Let’s go, don’t gather!” Cyclops said, “We each find a way to the end!”

Lin Jingheng The coordinates of the last alarm they received were near here. As long as the commander they sent had brains, they would sneak in from underground tunnels unknown to the enemy. In case there is a glimmer of hope, they can drag in the reinforcements.

Suddenly, William Yu said, “The only people who know our itinerary are the few old friends we visited along the way, right?”

“Nonsense,” the one-eyed eagle yelled, and at the same time tasted the salty taste flowing into the corner of his mouth, he felt sweaty, “Fuck, let me know which **** is raised, and I will go back to kill his whole family as a ghost! They chase Come up, leave! “

The two mechas passed by at their respective full speeds. The connection between them was like a long spider silk, stretched to the limit, or quickly disconnected. In the vast universe, no one can see who .

As William crossed another jump point, most of the pursuit pressure was shared by the one-eyed hawk. He passed through several jump points in a hide-and-seek manner, and the surroundings were quiet. According to the agreement, the pursuit was temporarily rid of, He should immediately rush to the underpass, waiting for his companions to return from danger.

Yu William put the map of the underpass on a large scale, and the entire mech bulkhead was full of small bright spots that marked the encrypted hidden transition points, like an escape route.

At that time, the Alliance forces that liberated the eighth galaxy from the shadow of the rainbow virus also came in from the underpass, thought William.

He looked for a moment and started to modify the underpass map.

In the year of the Police Superintendent, he was a reconnaissance arm in the Free Alliance Army. He has explored numerous roads and personally participated in the revision of hundreds of military waterway maps. Although it has not been used for more than a hundred years, and the craft has been returned to General Lu Xin, based on the original channel map, it is still barely possible to modify a fake and fake map.

After doing this, he entered a series of coordinates through the remote communication network of the jump point around him-all the planets and space bases they had traveled along the way, and the remote communication was quickly connected in the military songs of the Free Alliance Army. William’s coordinates appeared in liaison stations at several locations almost simultaneously.

The person on duty at the contact station immediately reported and uploaded, and more than twenty communication screens appeared in front of William. There were various people with different looks on it. Among them are the indifferent friends who swept the snow in front of the door, and the betrayer who secretly sharpened the knife.

Yu William did not speak, and directly played the space video recorded on the mech military recorder. From the time they were enclosed, to the one-eyed eagle alone to cover up all the people and flee, and then to the people who fled back, the gray wolf was hit by stray bullets. In the crowd, everyone broke through …

If this is the “wolves,” it’s probably the most clumsy group of wild wolves ever.

Yu William’s hand trembled, sending a distress signal to everyone, as well as the interstellar waterway map faked by others. In the empty mech, the song of the Free Alliance Army was coming to an end.

As William set off, he adjusted the coordinates and flew away following the fake interstellar channel map.

Those headless flies like chasers will soon receive information from traitors to catch up, so … what about the others who received his coordinates and asked for help?

Will they continue to watch?

Will you hear the song of the Free Alliance Army?

Yu William didn’t know, he thought, he probably wouldn’t be the one who picked up the eighth galaxy in person.

He is just an ordinary scout.

That’s it.

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