
Chapter 98 - May we meet in **** again

Lin Jingheng just effectively overturned a weird drug dealer’s nest, killed several freak chip people with teeth and claws, prepared to take the dropped chip, and went back to his engineering team to analyze and analyze the mystery … … He also hit a large amount of visually significant supplies-more than two hundred square kilometers. Such a giant artificial space station is filled with excellent military supplies. Thanks to great technology, a nutrition needle can support a metabolism. With a relatively small number of months of life, the nutritional needles stored in this place are enough to let the eighth galaxy government breathe a sigh of relief. In this **** era, this stuff can even be used to add credit to the new government’s currency.

He almost became a hunter who supported his family by “hunting”, poor and busy, dragging his family around.

Until he saw the woman.

She dragged him from the desolate eight galaxy back into the icy alliance, Lin Jingheng stood there blankly, almost forgetting where he was.

Brother Lin Wei ’s father, General Lin Wei, should be regarded as a very pure and valuable child. His parents were martyrs who sacrificed for the Union government. Lin Wei himself was raised by Marshal Woolf. The Alliance Honors are his uncles and elders. There is no accident. In his life, he should be promoted step by step and make a fortune. If he is a little talented, he may become a candidate for a new marshal. After years of blessings and thanks, they rebelled with the bear children who did not accept discipline.

Such a man may be a good gentle man, and may be a swaying man, but in any case, he should not be a dumb, gloomy man.

He died too early, and Lin Jingheng’s biggest impression on him was the eyes that seemed to be frozen and never smiled.

Of course, Lin Wei has never abused his child-this kind of thing is not allowed in the civilized society under the Garden of Eden, but he is not a person who can make the child coquettish and ask him “where is his mother”.

Lin Jingheng vaguely remembered that when he was very young, he seemed to have a deep fear of Lin Wei for no reason. His family was like Laura who had never been before. Even before he was in the league, he could only find a few old ones online. photo.

This was actually the first time he saw Lauragden, who would talk.

And she said in the suffocating flames of fire: “Human-computer interaction technology was first applied to entertainment, and then divided into two, entering the space mech and civilian intelligent life areas, as early as the old ephemeris era, the alliance has been relatively mature. After the establishment, people who had rescued their families during the war years and promoted the establishment of the alliance attempted to rebuild their homes and promoted social and economic development. As a result, a large number of pillar industries were created. The Alliance Central Government gave them maximum support in the early stages. Among them, ‘Eden Garden’ is the most important project, led by the eight well-known big names. As the largest shareholder of the Alliance Central Government, the original idea was just to make a public service platform to unify the human-machine interaction agreement of all galaxies, making all citizens equal and convenient To enjoy social benefits. “

“When did things start to go wrong?”

“Beginning with the Eden legislation–“

This is a well-known historical event. In the 21st year of the new calendar, the artificial intelligence medical capsule has completely replaced human doctors. The medical capsule relies on Eden, and Eden allows all medical capsules to share data, which is equivalent to people all over the world having the same person at the same time. “Health management expert”, safe, efficient and cutting-edge, and successfully solved the problem of doctor-patient relationship.

Correspondingly, the patient’s personal privacy issues surfaced and caused the first questions about Eden in society in the following years. At that time, most people rejected Eden’s “real-time health management” function, let alone accept it. To monitor your hormone and mood levels.

In the 26th year of the new calendar, a famous scandal has triggered people’s resistance to the Garden of Eden. A senior government official’s child pursued an actress and was resentful after being rejected. Through bribes, she obtained her personal medical records, including her treatment of irritability. Depression and Sexual Addiction. The actress’s public image has always been very healthy and inspirational. The wretched man made her privacy records public in order to get revenge, but what the fool did not expect was that this matter not only did not get the effect he wanted, but triggered the public to the individual. The privacy and security panic. At that time, public opinion supported the victims almost side by side. The streets were full of people protesting with the Declaration of Freedom. They forced the coalition government to investigate immediately and found out a string of corrupt elements in the management of the Garden of Eden. The Alliance announced legislation for the Garden of Eden.

The “Eden Law” can be said to be a great victory of contemporary civilization and democracy. In this incident, the response of the central government of the Alliance did not disappoint the “Declaration of Freedom”, it was sensitive to public opinion and paid special attention, and the law enforcement and legislative departments were extremely efficient. A clear attitude and will not tolerate anyone-the most respected one of the eight directors of Eden was arrested for the son-in-law’s involvement in the case, paid a huge social compensation after public apology, and then withdrew from the management committee, and eight directors became seven directors.

“The real number is that before the 26-year scandal broke, only 3% of citizens chose to use the” health monitoring “function of Eden. They were stubborn chronic patients, far from the 30% mentioned in the propaganda at that time. This number really started to rise. “It was exactly after the scandal.” Lauragden said, “After the Legislative Council began to discuss the” Eden Law “, and after eight directors became seven directors, the” Eden Law “was publicly consulted. Seven amendments were made, and each time the number was revised, It has risen. After the finalization of the legislation, the utilization rate of the monitoring function of Eden rose to 64% … “

“Dr. Gordon!” Someone yelled in the background of the video, “The escape cabin is ready, let’s go!”

Lauragden glanced at the source of the sound and ignored: “The result of this incident is that the people are very happy, everyone can feel that civilization is advancing, their own voice can be heard, and their resistance And participation can make the alliance better-and at the same time, it makes some smart people feel the operating law of the society. “

“Every 100 years after that, every time there was a problem in the Garden of Eden, it would cause a wave of public opinion. There is a cycle of continuous circulation-passionate people, free people and the humble central government to fight out the” enemies “and fight with them. In the end, justice defeats evil Amend the Law of Eden and rejoice in the finale. After the same routine and infinite cycles, people began to hold the Garden of Eden on their minds and treat it as their most conscientious relative. They must report for eating, drinking, and drinking. I believe in the **** that can be instilled in education, and let this thing be freely portrayed in myself and the child’s mind, turning people into a fast chip. “

“Because of being angry, those who allow you to be angry, those who resisted others to guide you, and achieved the victory written in the script, think that they have become the master of fate, consciously have a straight backbone, unlimited freedom under their feet,” the woman’s sharp mouth With a sharp smile, “I can’t find anything more stupid than public opinion, except the animal trainer’s monkey.”

“Then I will publish another truth-every clause in the Law of Eden will not be violated after being written into the legislation, as if this law was not written on paper, but on human genes. Here, it is not the clear analysis of rewards and punishments, but the banishment of the will and power of mortals in this area like the hand of God. “

“Truth two, when Eden’s attempt to penetrate into a new field is not smooth, and the public acceptance rate is still below 10% within six months of promotion, several black horses will appear in the Eden system and be pulled out for public trial, like being **** The sacrifice of the torture column, after the ‘legislative ceremony’ is completed after the incineration, the light of Eden will shine on the earth. “

“Truth three, the” legislative ritual “will begin to occur once every two to three years on average, and then the frequency gradually decreases. It has been 15 years since the last legislative ritual. With the development of society, this ritual will disappear in the future. In the long river of civilization, because everyone is sufficiently trained and happy, he will no longer raise objections. “

An exclaimation came from her mech: “Dr. Gordon, leave, the last frigate was shot down by them!”

Lauragden smiled and said to the camera: “Really, General Lin, it seems that you are shaking your hands today, has such a large target and so many effective shots not shot me down?”

“Doctor, they sent a message asking us to surrender.”

Lauragden shrugged expressionlessly: “Tell them to take a break.”

“Doctor, the other party is trying to invade our spiritual network!”

“Oh,” the woman lowered her head, took out a chip syringe, and poked her neck into the screen. “Sorry, generals, I have no military training. It is inconvenient for me to fight with you or pinch my wrists, so I want to Cheating-SpiritNet gave me that they couldn’t **** it. “

Lin Jingheng seemed to be flooded with ice water over his head-the chip injection position was exactly the same as the position of the freak chip that had just been thrown at him!

But the chip she injected herself is obviously much smarter than that of the Liberty Corps, which has brain damage after the injection, so is it possible that the source of the chip drug “opium” is her-the producer of “opium” did not get A complete set of technology, and Lauragden obviously has a connection with the Rifles, at that time the Freedom Army will take the opportunity to attack the Rifles’ nest?

“Why is there a cephalocephalic phenomenon in this perfect world, and why our technology has not been able to rescue these” cursed poor people “? Friends, every day you are being forced to fall to the siblings of the eight galaxies. Tears, right? Until now, Baita still has a dedicated research team trying day and night to overcome the problem of cephalopathy, which is not easy-of course it is not easy, because cephalopathy is probably the soul’s last warning to us. “

“Dear Admiral Lu Xin, do you know why your eighth galaxy must suffer? Does the alliance really lack that money and feelings for poverty alleviation? Don’t make a joke, only comparison can make everyone loyal to Eden. Really Sorry, you may not have a chance to hear what I said. My friend, I hope you can be smart, don’t always be **** like an orangutan, or you will be executed by ‘public opinion’ after 20 years. “

The mech shook violently again, and at the same time, an alarm sound came from the cabin: “Second backup energy is damaged. Please note that the second backup energy is leaving the fuselage-“

The person who was pursuing them might be a Parkinson. After playing for a long time, they changed their angles and hit several backup energy sources. They wanted to use up their energy and forced fishing.

Lauragden seemed to be very cried and shook her head: “Lin Wei, Lin Wei …”

“Fifteen years ago, my last Baita director, my teacher, was tied to a torture column, charged with anti-humanity, colluding with extraterrestrial pirates, taking advantage of his position, and obtaining a variant of the rainbow virus, trying to use it for illegal genetic modification. Research, he is also suspected of multiple cases of disappearance of people, rumors of missing people were arrested for human experiments, heartbroken, Eden can not cure his abnormalities-because of him, the Eden system has also become a mandatory registration, so in the future Every citizen will ‘see people alive, see dead bodies’, and there will never be the concept of ‘disappearance’ … I wonder what crime they will charge me? “Her cold gray eyes began to blink Glimmering, facing the lens, “You all outside, the light of human freedom is in your hands, the prophets, for life and nature, I will dedicate everything to myself. May we meet again in **** and see you again.”

The video ended abruptly, and the house was silent.

For a long while, Turan coughed softly and opened his mouth: “That’s it. In this core confidential folder of the Anti-Uzbek Union, there are also some detailed financial statements that record from the domain’s The large amount of financial support organized by the ‘Ukraine’ organization … It can be said that the Anti-Ukraine Association can stand outside the region and become one of the three major forces of pirates. This is why these names in the anti-Ukraine list within the domain are not shocking. We Everyone knows that the first person in charge of Baita, Ms. Lauragden’s predecessor, Dr. Harden, was imprisoned because of anti-humanity. He and his group of arrested military and politicians were in the early days of the anti-Uzbek in the region Member, did not expect Dr. Gordon to take over his mantle … “

Chief Edward interrupted her and said, “Why didn’t anyone know about this? Was she secretly executed by the Alliance?”

“Well,” Turan took a careful look at Lin Jingheng through the telecom screen. Lin Jingheng, maybe because of the delayed signal and no expression on his face, “Maybe it blew up before the energy ran out … But Dr. Gordon really did It was covered by the alliance. If I remember correctly, I just heard that she was sick … “

“The Alliance cannot use the crime against humanity to execute two Baita leaders in succession. Then it will not cause the right social anger with the right people. What impression will it make on society? No matter how stupid the people are, Conspiracy. “Lin Jingheng said suddenly,” Not to mention General Lin Wei’s status at the time, if he insisted on covering up this scandal, the Military Commission would come forward for him. “

Before Lin Wei died, he left a suicide note and refused to enter the monument forest after his death. He hoped that after his death he would be completely forgotten and completely disappeared in the history of the alliance. Is it related to this matter?

Lin Jingheng couldn’t say clearly. He looked around and felt very ironic. Fate was like a twine, and he was dying around his neck. He was out of breath: “What else is in the encrypted file?”

“The son-in-law plan.” Turan said, “The rainbow virus outbreak in 136 even flowed into the alliance. The alliance emergency organization infectious disease and micro-artificial intelligence experts studied antibodies and vaccines. After the success, the Eden Management Committee added the rainbow virus epidemic prevention to In the medical and health system of Eden, at the same time, people have noticed the characteristics of the rainbow virus that degrades the cells. A lot of research on the anti-Ukraine inside and outside the domain thinks that this may be the key to human evolution, so there is the ‘Nuwa Project’— —The human society shrouded in the Garden of Eden has no hope, and the future of humanity is outside the territory. The Alliance is under the Garden of Eden, and there is no way to conquer. At the time, Dr. Harden believed that pirates outside the territory could not break the network of Eden by force, even with their technology Material support, so while expanding the military strength of pirates outside the domain, they hope to cultivate stronger, smarter and more perfect evolutionary people … There are a lot of materials for the son-in-law plan in the encrypted files … but we have not yet found a living thing. The relevant content of the chip may have been lost during transmission. “

“Nüwa”, “Eden”-a beautiful myth from the ancient earth age, was poured by a bowl of black human blood.

After a while, Chief Edward suddenly said, “For life and nature … to fight for freedom.”

He crossed his fingers together, arrived in front of his forehead, and suddenly lowered his head with a smile: “Really great pioneers. The hundreds of millions of people who died of the rainbow virus at the time were the three planets blasted into **** by the madman of Prince Gloria. Hungry, what are we who almost died of the plague of rainbow virus variants? What is it called? ‘Every life comes from its own, are some people more free than others’? [Note] “

The author has something to say: Note: The last sentence of the president is translated from “All animals are born equal, but some animals are more equal than others”-by “Animal Farm”

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