Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 120

Chapter 119: Rule Rune

Bloody energy filled the entire apse, and the radiance of the dozens of diamond steps in the lotus pond was completely covered.

Those platinum-sucking goldfishes also hide under the lotus leaves, not daring to show their heads.

This blood-colored energy made Lin Yuan feel as if he was in a blood that was not seen in the bottom and could not travel.

The sticky blood seems to be able to devour everything.

The bizarre female voice has a special tone, and the solemnity is revealed in the cruelty.

A **** rune emanated from the carapace of the bloodbath mother spider, glowing scarlet waves of blood.

“My mother in the blood bath swears with rule runes, concludes the contract of protecting the Dao, and becomes Lin Yuan’s protector.”

As the voice fell, Lin Yuan could feel that this **** rune separated a trace of energy and fell on his body, making Lin Yuan faintly feel that he was connected with this **** rune.

After concluding the contract of protecting the Dao, the mother of the Blood Bath officially became Lin Yuan’s Daoist.

Lin Yuan also has his own **** from this moment.

After the mother of the blood bath and Lin Yuan concluded the contract of protection, it seemed that they consumed a lot of energy and said angrily.

“It’s really good luck to conclude a contract to protect the Dao. Under the influence of the energy of my rule runes, you can feel the runes of will much easier.”

When the blood-blooded mother spoke, she was moving her studded legs.

The scarlet eyes were full of the smell of Lin Yuanzhan.

After talking, the blood-bathed mother turned to look at the moon and said seriously.

“In the past, the grace of the adults to rebuild after the moon, this time it should be the gratitude of the adults after the moon.”

After the month, looking at the mother of the blood bath, said coldly.

“Apprentices who guard this palace and become guardians of the disciples of this palace, this palace should be filled with your affection.”

The mother of the blood bath didn’t speak anymore, but directly turned the scarlet energy into a centimeter-sized, exquisite red crystal spider.

Then, with a light jump, he jumped on Lin Yuan’s hair.

Disappeared in Lin Yuan’s hair room.

As a protector, the blood-bathing mother and Lin Yuan had no feelings at all.

Only by the grace of the rebuilding after the month, will they be willing to be Lin Yuan’s escort.

Therefore, the mother who bathed in blood would not treat Lin Yuan preferentially, but would do what the Taoist should do, and not let Lin Yuan die.

The **** energy slowly melted into Lin Yuan’s spiritual power, making Lin Yuan feel lighter, as if the whole world had become more clear.

Suddenly Lin Yuan felt as if he had realized something, as if he could reach out with his hand, but there was a layer of window paper faintly.

What is the rule rune that the mother of the blood bath said before?

Lin Yuan opened his eyes from the previous insights and saw that the moon was looking at himself with a smile.

Not waiting for Lin Yuan to ask, he spoke already after a month.

“When the mother of the blood bath became your protector, you realized a trace of rule runes that the mother of the blood bath comprehends. This will be very good for you to realize the will runes in the future, and it will be for the younger generation to realize the will runes between the world and the world. The hardest part is that there are now three runes of will in the first seat of the Shining Baizi series.”

The purpose of saying this sentence after the month is to not only give Lin Yuan the power, but also want to give Lin Yuan pressure.

Telling Lin Yuan his strengths also allows Lin Yuan to know the state of the strongest younger generation.

Lin Yuan’s fists suddenly clenched, isn’t there just three runes of will in his spiritual space?

It’s just that I have never spoken to others.

Although his own strength is still lacking, in terms of comprehension of the rune of will, he has unconsciously been the same as the first person of the younger generation of the Federation.

Where does Lin Yuan know that he has unknowingly gained the advantage that others have dreamed of.

That is inspired by a trace of regular rune energy, which will undoubtedly greatly enhance the ability to perceive the rune of will.

It’s just that Lin Yuan still doesn’t know what the rule rune is.

Yue Yue looked at Lin Yuan’s inquiring eyes and explained.

“After the five changes in fantasy, you will be promoted to the rank of lord. If you want to touch the myth and become a myth, you need to transform the rune of will into a rune of rules.”

The month later said leisurely: “The rune of will will only be the rule of understanding between heaven and earth, and the rule rune is the understanding of the rules between heaven and earth, and it will be used for its own use. So the gap between mythological species and fantasy species will be so great .”

After Lin Yuan and Yuehou asked some knowledge, they conducted a question-and-answer exercise between the teacher and the apprentice.

After Lin Yuan asked the month, he would use his own experience to answer.

Asking Lin Yuan later is also helping Lin Yuan consolidate his knowledge.

One question and one answer is the pleasure of master and apprentice.

After Cangyue walked away from Lin Yuan, he walked to the jade table and picked up the delicate white pot with sweet white glaze.

A cup of amber tea was poured into the cup.

He said before the hand to the back of the month: “Adult, you haven’t been so happy for a long time.”

Pick up the teacups after the month, and the amber tea inlet will bring back the sweetness.

“It feels good to have an apprentice. I suddenly felt it was a proud thing to watch a little guy grow up step by step, as if I saw myself being young.”

When talking later, the corners of the mouth were slightly upturned.

Perhaps this is what the teacher is the teacher, and the disciple is the student, which is said to have been passed down.


After leaving the back hall of the Hall of Faith, UU Reading Lin Yuan headed towards the treasure house of the Hall of Faith on the other side.

Lin Yuan’s recovery soil already exists, and one liter of grass spring water and two redwood cores are also needed.

Caomu spring water and mahogany tree core may be relatively rare outside, but in the treasure house of Huiyue Temple, Lin Yuan is really worried that it may not be there.

Because these two kinds of spirits are really a bit low in the treasure house of Huiyue Temple.

In the soft hair on Lin Yuan’s head, a one-centimeter-long spider lying like a ruby was lying quietly on his stomach, the mother of the blood bath.

The mother of the blood bath is now in a strange state.

In Lin Yuan’s hair, the mother of the blood bath always felt that Lin Yuan’s body exuded a very pure aura.

Spiritual creatures like pure aura very much. The mother of the blood bath smells the aura exuded from Lin Yuan, and suddenly feels that maybe becoming a Taoist is not as bad as expected.

The idea of the spirit is very simple. The vegetation and spirit of Lin Yuan’s body makes the mother of the blood bath feel cordial.

The mother of the blood bath is naturally much better for Lin Yuan’s senses.

Lin Yuan knew that the mother of the blood bath was lying in her hair, and she couldn’t help saying.

“Senior, I’ll trouble you in the future.”

The mother of the blood bath hummed, raised her feet and jumped to the tip of Lin Yuan’s nose, and said.

“You don’t need to call me senior, just call my name the mother of the blood bath. Don’t call me normally, I won’t make a shot until you die.”

After talking about it, the mother of the blood bath jumped from Lin Yuan’s nose again, just falling on the leaf-shaped diamond-order trapped spirit box hanging on Lin Yuan’s chest.

Like a red crystal spider dotted on a leaf, it is very delicate.

Even if you look closely, you can’t see that the spider on this leaf is a living creature.

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