Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 2641

The floating island whale sailed into the Klein hub and appeared in the spirit lock space.

Standing on the back of the floating island whale, Lin Yuan found that he could faintly see the edge of the spirit lock space.

Lin Yuan suddenly discovered that the edge of Suo Ling Space was also gray.

This is very similar to the edge of my own kingdom of God.

Lin Yuan suddenly had an idea, Mobius’s spirit-locking space would not be related to the kingdom of God! ?

I don’t know much about the Kingdom of God Lin Yuan.

Because Lin Yuan’s kingdom of God is still in the stage of biological explosion, a lot of power of faith is invoked by the truth of the Holy Spirit.

Let Lin Yuan’s Kingdom of God be in a state of rapid development.

Only in the stage of biological explosion, life will evolve in all kinds of strange directions.

In the process of cultivating spiritual creatures, Lin Yuan will try his best to make the spiritual creatures evolve in the optimal direction.

Even if Lin Yuan treats spiritual objects like this, he naturally also upholds this philosophy when dealing with the Kingdom of God.

Simply, Lin Yuan put a lot of power of faith into the correction of the life explosion stage.

Only those groups that have potential and development, and are more likely to evolve with high quality in subsequent evolution are left.

Such a choice is bound to make Lin Yuan consume more power of faith.

But Lin Yuan always felt that using the power of faith in this way was not considered a waste.

The species evolved during the life explosion stage of the Kingdom of God will be the foundation for the subsequent development of the Kingdom of God.

If a kingdom of God has not even established its foundation, how can it steadily increase the prosperity of the kingdom of God?

Lin Yuan’s choice made Holy Spirit Truth feel very painful every time he used the power of faith.

But the truth of the Holy Spirit is joy from the heart.

Now the Holy Spirit under Lin Yuan is still only himself, and he has become Lin Yuan’s confidant.

Serving as the holy spirit in a powerful kingdom of God, you will be able to stand above all living beings with the glory of God in the future!

Since Lin Yuan’s development of the Kingdom of God is only in the early stages, Lin Yuan hasn’t explored much in the gray space outside the Kingdom of God.

Right now, Lin Yuan just feels that the chaotic space at the end of the spirit lock space is very similar to the space outside his own god.

Lin Yuan told Mobius his guess.

Mobius pondered for a moment, then shook his head slightly, but Mobius didn’t know about it either.

After being promoted to the mythical species, Mobius understood the promotion of the world, and knew how to transform the first-level world into a second-level world.

But for himself, Mobius still didn’t quite understand.

Just like Mobius still can’t see through his own species!

Lin Yuan turned his attention back to the floating island whale, and said softly to the floating island whale.

“I’ll take you to the ground to promote the mythical species. If you need any resources, just tell me like before.”

The whale’s wing of the floating island whale set off a gust of wind, which made it pass through the whale’s blood barrier and land on Lin Yuan.

The breeze blowing made Lin Yuan feel very comfortable.

This is a new way for the floating island whale to communicate with Lin Yuan after it grows in size.

After Lin Yuan received the response from the floating island whale, he returned to his room in Chengtian City, the Cave Continent.

Immediately, Lin Yuan summoned Heng Yuan and asked Heng Yuan to take him to the ground.

The buildings in Chengtian City are very dense. If a floating island whale is summoned in Chengtian City, a large number of buildings in Chengtian City will be smashed to pieces by the body of the floating island whale.

The underground environment is also not suitable for creatures like floating island whales, which belong to the sky and sea, to be promoted.

The entrance from the cave continent to the ground is controlled by three wheel mirror masters.

After seeing Hengyuan and Lin Yuan behind Hengyuan, the three masters of the mirror wheel retreated to the side and hurriedly let them go.

Just kidding, no one can stop Lin Yuan and Heng Yuan!

These three wheel mirror masters were able to carry out tasks according to Lin Yuan’s instructions, and the other wheel mirror masters who were not assigned to the task were envious.

Even the masters of the reincarnation realm rarely have the chance to show their faces in front of Lin Yuan, let alone the masters of the wheel mirrors!

After arriving at the ground, Lin Yuan looked around and found that the Gobi Plain also has a desolate beauty unique to the Gobi Plain under the afterglow of the setting sun.

Lin Yuan hurriedly summoned the floating island whale that had been waiting for a long time in the spirit lock space.

A whale cry that seemed to come from ancient times resounded on the Gobi Plain.

Let this bleak beauty have a magnificent and sacred taste.

There are many winds and sands on the Gobi Plain, and the blowing and erosion of the winds and sands makes the world a bit turbid.

The air currents raised by the floating island whales settled the dust and made the sky and the earth clear.

The sunset has become the background color of the floating island whales soaring into the sky.

If you look at it against the light, Lin Yuan feels that the floating island whale seems to be holding up the sky.

In the process of soaring, Lin Yuan also faintly felt that the floating island whale did have a feeling of blending with the sky.

At this time, the voice of the floating island whale rang in Lin Yuan’s mind.

“Lin Yuan, I want to try to promote the spirit of the scroll!”

“It’s just that I need to devour a lot of aura and the energy of Feng Shui dual elements if I want to be promoted to the spirit of Tianjuan!”

“The purer the dual-element energy of aura and feng shui, the better!”

“My situation is very different from Huihui’s. Huihui has been accumulating in the spirit-locking space when she turned her egg into ash, and Huihui itself has a trace of the blood of the spirit of the scroll.”

“This part of the blood belonging to the spirit of Tianjuan has been hidden all the time, and it was only stimulated when it was promoted.”

“And I don’t have a trace of the blood of the scroll spirit in my body. What I will undergo is a complete transformation of the level of life!”

Lin Yuan heard the words and gave the floating island whale a very positive answer.

Lin Yuan’s answer made Floating Island Whale full of confidence.

Lin Yuan took out a diamond-level spirit box, which was filled with aura crystals.

Four wooden boxes with a size of one cubic meter also appeared at Lin Yuan’s feet.

Of course, these are only part of Lin Yuan’s current hoarding of resources.

The floating island whale raised its head suddenly and let out a deep whale cry.

A hole appeared in the sky, and the floating island whale was not obsessed with relying on its own body to resist the baptism of heaven and earth.

Hengyuan shot to disperse the baptism of heaven and earth, and the favor of heaven and earth fell on the floating island whale.

The current floating island whale should be regarded as a real mythical creature!

However, Lin Yuan’s heart did not let go as the floating island whale was promoted to the mythical species.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan finally felt nervous at this time.

Because the floating island whale will face the test from the sky next, just like the test of the sun when the mother of blood bath transforms into the spirit of the scroll.

The sky seems calm, but the sky contains too many images related to nature.

If the floating island whale wants to carry the will of the sky, those images are what the floating island whale has to bear!

To a certain extent, the Floating Island Whale had to bear to be promoted to the Spirit of Heaven Scroll, even more than the Mother of Blood Bath!

Lin Yuan has a deep relationship with the Tianjuan Pavilion, and learned a lot about the internal situation of the Tianjuan Spirit from it.

There is a saying in the spirit of the scroll, that is, the more natural images associated with the spirit of the scroll, the stronger the potential, but the more difficult it is to promote.

The promotion of the strength of such a scroll spirit requires the consumption of incalculable resources.

There are many such spirits in the Tianscroll Annex.

But such scroll spirits rarely reach the level of the museum owner.

The Amascroll Villa once carefully wanted to promote an Amassaku spirit related to various natural images as the owner of the museum.

But after putting in all the resources they could, they still couldn’t cross that threshold.

Lin Yuan is confident that he can afford to raise the floating island whale, but he cannot guarantee that the floating island whale will be able to complete its transformation.

The mother of the bloodbath rules the sun, and this natural image alone makes the mother of the bloodbath suffer great suffering and danger.

Right now, all Lin Yuan can do is to provide resources for the floating island whales besides asking Hengyuan to protect the floating island whales!

The calm sky suddenly changed, and a storm was brewing in the whole sky.

The rain, snow, and lightning kept gathering in the storm, and the changing power of day and night also quietly emerged between the sky and the earth.

More and more natural images are integrated into the storm, as if the sky uses the storm as a carrier.

This scene made Lin Yuan’s breathing stagnant.

It can be said that what the floating island whale is currently undergoing is the test of the fusion of sun, moon and stars, night and day, wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

The Mother of Blood Bath, the Holy Weeping Moon Beast, Ziqing, Baifeng, Huihui and many other spirits of heaven and earth must endure the test as one.

This is simply too appalling!

This made Lin Yuan feel that once the floating island whale is promoted to the spirit of the scroll, it can become the absolute king of the spirit of the scroll.

However, the changes in the sky are just the beginning for the floating island whales.

Suddenly the power of the ocean’s turbulent waves condensed on the wasteland.

Good guy! Is this another blue lotus added! ?

What the blue lotus carries is only the power of the four seas, but what the floating island whale carries is the power of the world.

The test of the sky and the sea is going on at the same time, which is almost equivalent to the will of the main world testing the floating island whale!

Hengyuan tried his best to suppress the changes in the world here, but Hengyuan found that it would be a bit difficult to suppress such changes with the strength of his previous life.

Hengyuan hurriedly explained the situation to Lin Yuan.

Hearing this, Lin Yuan immediately summoned the Abyss Emperor controlled by the red thorn.

With the Abyss Emperor on the side and Hengyuan suppressing the vision between the heaven and the earth, the vision between the heaven and the earth was controlled within a certain range.

Don’t let this vision spread out and affect other innocent beings.

But the many natural images between heaven and earth were aroused, and the other spirits of the scroll must have felt it.

The vision of heaven and earth is still brewing, and the floating island whales are fluttering their wings, waiting for these natural images to test themselves.

The phantom of Mobius appeared beside Lin Yuan, and spoke softly to Lin Yuan.

“With Hengyuan and Abyss Great as partners here, the Floating Island Whale will definitely be able to withstand this test!”

“You don’t need to worry too much!”

“These resources are definitely enough for the transformation of floating island whales. You have to believe in our accumulation during this time.”

“The floating island whale will be able to stay in the spirit-locking space from now on. Just absorbing the spirit energy in the spirit-locking space is enough to make up for the floating island whale’s daily consumption of spirit energy!”

“The exclusive characteristics obtained by the Floating Island Whale’s promotion to the mythical species are somewhat interesting.”

“With the exclusive feature of the Floating Island Whale in the Sky Beyond the Cloud, we don’t need to rebuild a new shelter!”

Hearing this, Lin Yuan questioned Mobius curiously.

【Spiritual Name】: Floating Island Whale

[Spiritual Species]: Big Whale / Island Whale

[Spirit Level]: Lord Rank (3/10)

[Spiritual Items]: Water/Wind

[Spiritual Item Quality]: Mythical Realm


[Whale Blood Barrier]: By burning the blood essence in the body, an arc-shaped barrier is formed on the back that can protect everything on the back.

【Water Vapor Baleen】: Turn whale baleen into water vapor, through the water vaporized baleen, capture the nutrients that are free in the environment, and restore your own consumption.

[Whale Jet Empowerment]: Through the air holes on the top of the head, the energy in the body can be released in an instant, and supplied to the objects fused with its own flesh and blood to replenish energy or repair them.

[Whispering Tail Wings]: Often nourished by pure aura, the wings and tail grow skin that can filter the aura. Every time you flap your wings and swing your tail, you can gather the aura to your back and increase the concentration of aura in your back.

[Flesh solidification]: An auxiliary mouth is formed under the stomata. The auxiliary mouth is connected to the auxiliary stomach. The metal and solid rock eaten by the auxiliary mouth will be absorbed by the auxiliary stomach to strengthen the flesh and blood. The solidified flesh will not affect the extension of the whalebone.

[Whale’s Breath]: Gather the energy in the life body that you share with yourself, and use the energy contained in the target that shares life energy with you to hit the target in the form of a whale spout. Before the target gets rid of the breath lock, the breath will automatically The target is locked and tracked.

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[Floating Whale Pendant]: When the things and creatures guarded by the back fall, a sad song is played, using the sky as the deep sea, and at the cost of one’s own body and soul, resurrecting the things and creatures guarded.

Exclusive features:

[Floating Island Mystery: By devouring the energy of the wind element, a special space is opened in the whale’s belly. The higher the purity of the wind element, the larger the space in the whale’s belly, but the area is the largest, and it will not exceed twice its body size. By devouring the energy of the water element, the flesh and blood are filled with a powerful fusion ability, and any living and dead objects can be rooted in the fat layer of the whale skin to warm and nourish these living or dead objects. The higher the purity, the stronger the ability to fuse flesh and blood. 】

[Desperate symbiosis]: Choose the creatures on your back to fuse with yourself and share your vitality. Before your own vitality is exhausted, the target will not be destroyed. Before the target dies, you can survive even if you are severely injured.

【Containment Transformation】: To accommodate an area into one’s own body, one’s own body will merge with this area and become a part of the area, and the things on the body can be arranged in any position in the area by itself, borrowing the source of the environment The power to maintain the body, allowing oneself to gain the recognition of the environment.

Seeing the exclusive feature of the Floating Island Whale promoted to the Mythical Species [Containment Transformation], Lin Yuan understood what Mobius said.

It is also clear why Mobius thinks that the floating island whale must be able to withstand the test of many natural images.

The exclusive characteristic [Environmental Transformation] has the ability to make the surrounding environment identify with itself.

This allows floating island whales to relax in the face of natural challenges in the future, so that they do not have to choose between life and death every time.

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