Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: 1 Star Assessment

The white-haired old man stood below and listened carefully to the arrangement of sitting on the first seat.

However, there is obviously some confusion about Ling Xiao’s arrangement, asked.

“Adult Ling Xiao, according to the practice, the students of the lower grades are all reservers. When they are in the second grade, they will judge their potential according to the performance of the year. Why do you think the first grade students are so important?”

The white-haired old man is the dean of the Bauhinia Advanced Reiki Academy.

Bauhinia Intermediate Reiki College is regarded as a child school of Bauhinia Advanced Reiki Academy.

Therefore, the old list of reported seniors are only shown to Ling Xiao after reviewing.

The old man will provide a list of materials every month.

The above is the change information of everyone on the list, as well as the comments on the growth over the past month.

Bauhinia City is a large city in the Radiant Federation, with vast land and rich resources.

But the cultivation of the younger generation in Bauhinia City is not as good as the economic development of Bauhinia City.

is the top five cities among the 32 largest cities in the Shining Federation.

The current Bauhinia of Bauhinia has only been selected for three.

One of them also fell out of the Huiyao Baizi sequence for some reason two years ago.

This also made Ling Xiao pay more attention to the training of the younger generation.

The white-haired old man was commissioned by Ling Xiao to collect information about every potential younger generation in the Bauhinia City.

Then, after Ling Xiao’s discretionary selection, he decided on the 20 seed contestants in the Bauhinia.

The remaining eighty places will not be designated directly, but will require competition to win.

The old man with white hair didn’t understand it. Only a first-year student who had just taken the actual combat class could see talent.

didn’t see the potential at all, such a student was named by Master Ling Xiao.

Talent is born, it is indeed very important, but in the eyes of the old man, the potential shown by the hard work acquired is also important.

“It’s better to do what I say.”

finished speaking, Ling Xiao closed his mouth and bowed his head.

Looked carefully at the list in his hand and used a pen to order the characters with question marks.

The old man with white hair resigned and could not help but sigh when he left.

Lord Ling Xiao’s character is really getting stronger, but the old man who has arranged the task of Ling Xiao will naturally have to do his best.

In the hall quietly, Ling Xiao was dressed in an alizarin red dress. The lining of the hall seemed to be impregnated with layers of bright colors.

After a long while, Ling Xiao stood up and rubbed the spiritual ornaments on the temple with his hands.

“This Bauhinia Baizi’s chance of impacting Baiya Baizi should be greater than in previous years. The sacrifice of this exclusive feature has reappeared, but these are only trivial compared to tomorrow, and I don’t know the three knowledge-breaking categories. Can a guy with a perfect Aura class score pass the two-star founder?”

After the month, the adult said that he must be able to directly assess the two-star founder during the first assessment before reporting.

That is the little guy named Lin Yuan who is talented in heaven. If he can’t directly assess the two-star founder, there is no chance.

If the Bauhinia City was not because of the previous disaster, it would not be as difficult as it is now.

Everything will be handed over to tomorrow.


Lin Yuan got up early the next day.

Looking at Zheng Xiang who cleverly nestled in his arms, Lin Yuan gently stroked Smart’s white satiny fur with his hands.

Started only feel soft and unwilling to let go.

cleverly rubbed Lin Yuan’s hand twice with a small brain, with a feeling of laziness.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, scratching his smart chin, and smartly “gurgled” directly.

Looking at the clever Lin Yuan couldn’t help but think of the sound, and I don’t know how the sound has been in the shop for more than a day.

clever “meow” a sound.

Lin Yuan was worried about the sound and was smart, but he didn’t worry about it, and he didn’t know what time the sound was asleep last night.

When the sun hangs in the sky and spreads warmth, the outside becomes prosperous.

Lin Yuan also went directly to the founding union.

When he reached the founding union, Lin Yuan Lao Yuan saw Ning Lao standing at the door.

Breathing the morning air calmly, seeing Lin Yuanning said with a wave.

“Come on, come with me to take the one-star exam, and you will be tested by the one-star exam veteran.”

Lin Yuan hurried forward to give a gift.

“Trouble is getting old.”

Ning Lao patted Lin Yuan’s shoulder twice and said.

“Let’s go, I have opened an independent incubation room for you today, and you will be evaluated in the incubation room.”

The architect needs a very quiet environment to cultivate spirits.

Because cultivating spirits is a very meticulous task, and no one can disturb them.

Lin Yuan followed Ning Lao.

The assessment of the one-star founder is very simple for yourself, but Lin Yuan’s performance during the assessment is to be carefully considered.

How to behave right?

I can easily complete the assessment of the one-star founder, is it really all good for me?

Muxiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. This is a problem that Lin Yuan will always face.

Lin Yuan depends on himself in this world and has no foundation, so every step needs to be carefully considered.

If you take a wrong step, you can’t help but concern yourself.

As Lin Yuan thought, UU read books www.uukanshu. Com Ning Lao turned his head and saw Lin Yuan’s expression.

“Don’t be nervous, didn’t you say it was difficult yesterday, wouldn’t it be difficult? If you were really like the two-star shock yesterday, rushed past the old man, I’m afraid I would envy you.”

After listening to Ning Lao, Lin Yuan gritted his teeth.


Since I have already scored a perfect score in the three intellectual aura professional assessments, I have broken the record.

So simply stepped forward in the assessment of the founder.

Ning Lao said so, it wouldn’t hurt himself, but he didn’t know what would make Ning Lao envy.

“How do Ning Lao say this?”

Ning Lao laughed.

“Your kid’s ambitions are not small. I want to know what kind of benefits this is. I have to wait for you to pass the examination of the two-star founder.”

Lin Yuan could see that Ning Lao looked at his eyes with expectations.

Ning Yuan will not let down Ning Lao’s expectations.

It seems that the direct examination of the two-star founder really has great benefits.

The reform of the founding teachers’ union will naturally not be untargeted. I am afraid that there will be deep consideration in it.

Although Lin Yuan couldn’t guess the specifics of these considerations, he wanted to come to this reform in order to select new talents with more potential to create teachers.

walked into the incubation room, Lin Yuan saw an elite-level spirit on the table in the incubation room, which was the elite-level nine-level spirit with perfect quality.

Lin Yuan looked at the questions on the table.

The title is to evolve this elite class nine-level perfect quality iron head ferret to the bronze rank.

The assessment of the founder has a time limit. If an elite iron-headed ferret has evolved to the bronze rank, if it cannot be completed within eight hours, it will be considered a failure.

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