Imperial Beast Evolution

Chapter 74

Chapter 74: Sequence 39

The man with the mask hesitated for a long while, and then his eyes gradually became firm.

“That, I don’t know if I can…”

The masked man talked a little bit.

But Lin Yuan could probably guess what the masked man wanted to say.

Lin Yuan said first.

“Then you and I will sit upstairs in the pantry, we will say slowly.”

The pantry on the third floor of Zhenwuge is actually an elegant and comfortable private room.

But with special soundproof design, people do not have to worry about being heard in the pantry or being disturbed for no reason.

The masked man quickly responded.

“it is good!”

was ready to follow Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan did not expect that this masked man had been a calm temper before, but now he was suddenly anxious.

Lin Yuan pointed to the four butterfly cocoons on the counter and said.

“We have to complete the transaction of four butterfly cocoons first.”

Lin Yuan, while collecting these four butterfly cocoons, looked at one of the common white butterfly cocoons and felt the excitement in his heart.

Lin Yuan packed the blue flash butterfly’s butterfly cocoon in the box alone.

The remaining three butterfly cocoons were left for Chu Ci, and Lin Yuan also put them away.

As for the other two pale green butterfly cocoons, the other white butterfly with a large looking cocoon is a hunting butterfly.

As a butterfly creature, the most evolved existence is the steel butterfly.

Although it is not particularly rare among butterfly creatures, the price is also very expensive.

The price of the elite diamond can be sold to about forty Huiyao coins.

As for the poisonous white butterfly and the hunting butterfly, these two breeds are less than ten shining coins.

Therefore, if you don’t buy the four butterfly cocoons without Blue Flash Butterfly Lin Yuan, you will lose money.

However, with Blue Flash Butterfly, no matter how counted it is profitable.

After the transaction, Lin Yuan was about to transfer the money to the mask man via Xingwang.

The man in the mask said he didn’t want anything, Lin Yuan simply patted the man on the shoulder and said.

“One yard to one yard, I bought your butterfly cocoon and naturally want to give you the Yaoyao coin, if you want to say something in a moment, we will talk about it when you come to the pantry.”

Hearing Lin Yuan saying this, the man in the mask was willing to give up.

When Lin Yuan found the staff and proposed to use a pantry, he was directly led to the third floor by the staff.

The environment of the tea room is very good, and there are even pots of bright silver-scale flowers in it.

Let the house have a delicate fragrance.

Sit on the sofa in the pantry, drinking spirit tea cooked with spirits.

couldn’t help feeling that the tea fragrance washed away the slight fatigue in the body.

The man with the mask sat there obviously had no mind to drink this cup of spirit tea that is rarely seen on weekdays.

said Lin Yuan.

“Say what you want to say directly to me.”

Lin Yuan didn’t directly break the mind of the man in the mask.

Because there are some things, Lin Yuan hopes that the masked man can say goodbye to his past.

The man in the mask looked at Lin Yuan for a long while, then slowly reached out his hand and took off the mask on his face.

I saw that the face behind the mask was not as big as Lin Yuan imagined it was when he was middle-aged.

looks like he is twenty-six or six years old, but there are vicissitudes in his eyes that do not match his appearance.

After taking off the mask, the man runs his own mental power.

Then a dark purple rune came out and circled around the man.

The spiritual power in the man’s body was also transferred.

Although there is no cyclone on the body surface, there is already airflow.

Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows, but did not expect that there would be a rune of will on the mask man.

And the aura level seems to have reached the A level, and then one step forward with a fantasy species of spirit beast can be called a king level strong.

The age and talent of this man cannot be an ordinary person.

Such a talent is also known as the top of the shining Federation, not to mention that it also has a source creature, the worm mother.

If the worm mother was not seriously hit, it reached a state of near death.

I am afraid that the man in front of me should be a master of the younger generation.

Lin Yuan didn’t ask questions, at this time the man wearing the mask opened his mouth.

“Introduce myself, my name is Liu Jie, twenty-seven years old, and I was a B-level combat reiki professional, possessing a fetish worm mother and a platinum-level epic quality.”

Liu Jie introduced himself very seriously, Lin Yuan also listened carefully.

After introducing his information, Liu Jie added.

“Two years ago, others also called me Baiya Huiyao, the sequence of thirty-nine, the heart of the swarm.”

When he heard this sentence, Lin Yuan’s eyes widened sharply and his pupils shrank.

Sequence thirty-nine, the heart of the swarm?

Even Lin Yuan, who was not keen on news before, had heard the news of the heart of the sequence of thirty-nine worms.

A three-dimensional crack hole opened not far away from Frost City.

These three-dimensional rifts connect the dark underground world.

The creatures in the underground world are notoriously greedy and cruel, and will hunt all the living life on the surface.

This third-level dimensional crack did not cause any damage to the Frost City, just because the heart of the sequence of thirty-nine worms ruled the worms. UU reading dragged these three-level dimensions with their own efforts. The beast of the cracked underground world is half an hour.

This is half an hour, so that Frost City will not become a purgatory.

However, after that, the heart of the sequence of thirty-nine worms disappeared and never appeared again.

Although two years is not enough to smooth everything.

But compared to other shining sons, the reputation of the Heart of the Swarms of the sequence 39 has long gone.

One year ago, when the Shining Baizi series was ranked.

Because the heart of the swarm did not arrive, it was disappointed to disqualify Baiyao.

But Lin Yuan didn’t expect such a character who was on the 39th series of the shining hundred children, but took his injured source creature to wear a mask on the ground floor of the treasure hall to find a butterfly cocoon to maintain his livelihood.

This made Lin Yuan’s heart suddenly have an inexplicable depression.

Xu saw the change in Lin Yuan’s complexion, and Liu Jie continued to explain.

“The previous battle made it almost impossible for me and the worm mother to survive. It took Master Zhujun three months to heal me, while also reluctantly maintaining the worm mother to a near-death state. Now life I chose it myself, I don’t want to be a waste person, and live by the glory of the past.”

Lin Yuan heard Liu Jie’s pride from Liu Jie’s words.

Lin Yuan did not fully understand Liu Jie, but he admired it.

Perhaps this is the life chosen and dedicated by the heroes.

At this time, Lin Yuan heard Liu Jie say again.

“But today you let me see hope, I don’t know why your aura can restore the damage of the worm mother.”

said that Liu Jie knelt on one knee and made a sworn gesture.

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