Imperial CEO Sweet Sweet Love

Chapter 1786

"He learned the essence of Yao Zhen after so long."

Force him with death!

"Ha ha."

The old man smiled and said, "I'm really raised for nothing."

Murong Lian didn't inherit his temperament at all. No, it's not his son. How could it be inherited.

"Shanshan, stop him outside. No matter how noisy he is, I don't want to see him."

The old man left a word before he came back to the room.

Murong Shanshan replied, looking at the figure of the old man, she felt that the old man would be soft at last.

Murong Lian was adopted and raised by him, but after so many years, the old man was reluctant to leave him.

Murong Feng is in a good mood. When it comes to Murong group, his mood is better.

He didn't give Murong Lian and Murong Yu another chance to think about it, saying that one day is one day.

After arriving at the office, Murong Feng sent a text message to Murong Lian and Murong Yu to remind them to come and sign at nine o'clock in the morning.

A contract to sign a share transfer.

Murong Yu saw the message and blew up her mobile phone.

There is no news from Murong Lian. It seems that the old man doesn't care about his affairs.

"It's no use being angry."

Said don, who was by his side, with a smile.

Yes, it's useless to be angry. Since Murong Lian is useless and can't do anything, don't blame him for not recognizing his six relatives and implementing the second plan.

When Murong Yu arrived at Murong group, he was invited to convene the board of directors.

Murong Yu sneered and straightened out her clothes.

In addition to Murong Shanshan's absence, all the other directors are in the meeting room, and there are several lawyers in suits.

Murong Yu sat down in his seat with a calm face. Murong Feng said lazily, "Murong Yu said that he would transfer the shares to me, so please come and witness."

The parties involved in the transfer of shares do not need so many directors at all.

In addition to scaring Murong Yu, Murong Feng wants to see what choices Murong Yu will make.

If Murong Yu doesn't hand over the shares, he will broadcast the video in front of the directors today.

At that time, Murong Yu's face will be very beautiful.

"Hum." Murong Yu snorted, "fengshao's ambition is not small."

"You already have so many shares, and if you want me to have them, it's hard not to buy everyone's shares."

Murong Yu deliberately said this, trying to provoke the conflict between Murong Feng and the directors.

When Murong Feng and Murong Shanshan entered the board of directors, these old men were not satisfied that two young people were above them.

It's Murong Feng and Murong Shanshan who prove their abilities and convince them with their own strength.

Who brings them the most benefits? Who do they have.

This is the most basic principle.

However, when hearing that Murong Yu said that Murong Feng would also buy their shares, they were really in a panic.

The prospect of Murong group is very good now. None of them is willing to buy the shares in the group.

"Ha ha." Murong Feng did not panic, he smiled. "I'm only interested in your shares."

"Murong Yu, sign it."

Say, Si Bai put the agreement in front of Murong Yu in the past.

Murong Yu didn't even look at it. She pushed the agreement open with her hand.

"Take it away."

He stood up and said, "I won't sign it, and you don't want to threaten me."

"Is it?" Murong Feng's choice of Murong Yu is not strange.

Three years after leaving Murong's family, Murong Yu who came back has become totally different.

Three years ago, Murong Yu would protect Murong Shanshan. At that time, he still had love and righteousness. Now, he is washed by the desire for power and money, which is totally different from the former Murong Yu.

Murong Yu didn't leave at once. He was still in a panic.

It's important to know that once Yao's video is exposed, not only is Murong Lian's head green, but his face as Yao's son has no light.

Now, he hates Yao even if he falls.

For the sake of her own desires, even her son's interests.

It's time for her to lose face and let herself suffer.

But Murong Yu can't do that!

He also needs Murong Lian's support. What's the good for Murong lian to abandon Yao jiangluo.

"Murong Feng, I didn't expect you to be so mean."

Murong Yu said in a cold voice, "you used such dirty means to deal with my mother."

Murong Yu, in front of the director, first told the story.

He asked them to pity and see how cruel Murong Feng was.

"Dirty?" Murong Feng is still lazy smile, in the face of Murong Yu's accusations, he is not angry.

Murong Lian and Murong Yu are only allowed to use dirty means against others, and they are not allowed to fight back.When Murong Yu wanted to talk, the door of the conference room opened, and Tang Si rushed out in a hurry, "Yu, it's not good."

"What's the matter?" Murong Yu asked.

"Aunt she's on the top floor of the building."

After hearing Tang Si's words, Murong Yu rushed out at once. He turned to look at Murong Feng on the throne and said angrily, "Murong Feng, it's all forced by you."

He said that before he left with Tang Si.

Because Yao Zhen came here to jump, people on the board of directors talked about it.

Some people went to the Party of Murong's family yesterday and knew something about it, but I don't know what means Murong Feng used to deal with Murong Yu's mother and son.

"Fengshao, you can't move a woman any more."

Some directors advised first.

"Did I move her?" Murong Feng asked, "which finger of mine did you see move her?"

Being blocked by Murong Feng, the director didn't know what to return.

"Spey, call the police." Murong Feng told Sipai.

"OK, fengshao."

Murong Feng didn't worry at all. Yao ran to jump from the building. He didn't think of it, but if she wanted to jump, just jump. Anyway, it wasn't him who died.

"Fengshao." Another director can't sit down. "This person can't die in our Murong group, or it will affect the stock price tomorrow."

"That's a problem." Murong Feng agreed.

If you want to die, you must choose Murong group. You just want to play a good play.


Murong Feng raised his hand and said, "let me have a look."

"If you are interested, come along."

Of course, the more people you can take, the better. I'll see Yao jiangluo dare to jump.

When Murong Feng went out of the meeting room, he thought of one thing and said to Si Bai, "go and invite the reporter from the TV station to say that Murong Yu's mother is going to commit suicide in the Murong group."

Sibai smiled and said, "fengshao, do you need to do this?"

Yao Fulu was brought in by Murong Yu. She didn't really want to jump. She used the jump to divert Murong Feng's attention and delay time. If she didn't want to win the pity of a group of old men from the board of directors, Murong Feng would not be embarrassed by the pressure.

How do you say that? Murong Feng has forced Yao Xuan to jump from the building. He can't get a good reputation and will affect the stock price of Murong group. The board certainly didn't want to see this happen.

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