Imperial Uncle

Chapter 16 - Start reading

The next day, I finally had a free day. There was no call from the palace, and no guest came.

People sometimes have such problems. If they catch up with their busy schedules, they always feel that they are not getting enough sleep. When they are about to get up, they ca n’t wait to get back to bed and lie down while they are sending their face wash. But it ’s really nothing like today. No one is disturbing Wang ’s good dreams. I slept on the bed and slept. I did n’t sleep until noon and I could n’t sleep.

After meals, I went to eat in the atrium alone, feeling a little lonely, so I changed my clothes and went to a place where I could find some joy.

There are a lot of Lou’er Ge’er alleys in the capital like Wang who can enter, but there are not many places where Wang can go. Because my taste is not the same as others, they generally love the small voice at that age. The tender face is tender, my older age is slightly older, but the age like me is still not very clear.

In fact, the king doesn’t care much about being unclear, but it is not clear. If it is not a top person with a good reputation, he is generally afraid to accompany the king. It may be difficult to wait for the king due to rumors. , I don’t think I am a caretaker. Maybe I’m really picky about what I look like. There can be a few people in the whole capital, so I even feel lonely when I walk around the building.

I arrived at the Twilight Pavilion, played chess with Chu Xun for a while, and ate a few cups of tea.

Chu Xun is the person I have been looking for in the past two years. He is handsome, good at dealing with, and easy-going. He can always say the right things at the right time, and not say a few words when he shouldn’t. Even in the court, those who can do this are already considered personal.

In normal times, although I think Chu Xun is good, it is probably because he is a bit lonely today, and I think he is extremely valuable.

When King Wang embraced Chu Xun on the bed, he felt more and more that he was in harmony. I pulled some wet hair that was sweating just above his forehead, and said with a half-true smile: “Either you go back to the house with Wang . “

Chu Xun laughed, and his voice was a little lazy: “Isn’t Wang Ye never bringing people back to the palace?”

I said, “That’s the past, it’s not a rule.”

I sat up and looked at him, “Go back with me.”

Chu Xun stood up, pulled his hand over his robe and put it on his shoulders: “Huh.”

I really took Chu back to the palace. For so many years, Ben Wang was in the Qin Tower. This was the first time that he had taken someone out of the house to lead the government. Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that I was bitter.

This time is the afternoon, and it is still a little late in the evening. The king came to the Twilight Pavilion and didn’t want to be too public. some.

Chu Xun sat next to me, and he followed me immediately after bathing. When the sedan body trembled slightly, the aroma that had just been bathed on his body was looming.

There is such a person around me who can touch it with his hand raised and hold it when he wants to hold it. Someone speaks in response and feels more solid in his heart. It is not as empty as last night to morning.

I pulled Chu Xun’s hand, and just about to do something else, the sedan trembled and stopped.

I waited for a while and said, “What’s wrong?”

The attendant outside the sedan replied, “Master Wang, the road ahead is blocked. I don’t know why, someone has been sent to investigate.”

After a short while, the inquirer returned, and Xun reported: “It was Liu Yanxiang’s official sedan who was standing in front of him. It seemed that someone had complained against him and stopped Liu Xiangye’s sedan. The entire road was blocked.”

I immediately opened the car curtain: “Such a thing like this? My king went to see it.”

This Shenglong Street is a relatively wide street in Beijing. Many officials in the Central Government usually pass through this road. The emperor occasionally accompanies the queen queen to the palace to worship the Buddha in the temple. Walk here because it’s spacious. The emperor’s ceremonies were more than enough to spread on the road together, not crowded, but after the king got out of the car, he saw a crowd of people in front of him, old and young, male and female, all flat-headed people. A wide avenue was blocked so tightly that water couldn’t get in.

The crowd’s voice was noisy and noisy, with the guards of the Prime Minister’s House inside to let idlers wait for crowds to scream and drink farther away from the Prime Minister’s sedan chair, and even more screaming and screaming louder than the crowd, it should be the cry of injustice .

I went into the crowd, and several servants of the royal palace shouted in front of them: “His Royal Highness is here, and idle people will make way for you!”

The noise of the crowd was much lower, giving way.

I went forward again, and saw Liu Tongyi standing in front of the official car. He was kneeling on the open space not far in front of him, two or three men and women in shabby, rags and rags, crying and grabbing the ground, expressing their grievances.

“… Father, my family has five lives, and the grievances are as deep as the sea ~~ Xiaomin’s father is still in jail today, and his life is still alive. Please ask the grandfather to claim the grievance for the people ~~ Jianzhou County’s grasshopper life is unreasonable! … “

The headed man climbed a few steps forward and held up a roll of things to the top of his head: “Sir, this is Xiaomin’s pleading. Please accept it, and redress my family!”

There was blood on his forehead, and it flowed down the dirt-stained face. The white cloth in his hands was red and stained. It should be a blood book.

The king could not help but say, “After three hours of daily application, the limousine of Dali Temple Secretary Zhang Ping must pass by Xingzhao Street. You might as well hurry up and rush to Xingzhao Street instead of yelling at Liu Ye here. Go and stop Zhang Ping’s official sedan. “

The man raised his head tremblingly, Liu Tong leaned slightly to the side, and bowed, “Master Wang.” I hurriedly said, “Liu Xiang doesn’t have to be polite. Wang just happened to pass here, and was curious for a while, come and see.”

I walked to Liu Tongyi and stood side by side. Liu Tong leaned toward the humane: “The words of the Lord are the truth. Instead of handing the paper to the Prime Minister, you might as well go to the Dali Temple. The grievance you have said is already true. Dali knows that after Dali Temple accepts it, Ben Xiang will pay more attention to the case and urge the Ministry of Penalty and Dali Temple to try it in detail. “

The man’s gaze sharpened again a bit, and he sternly said, “Is that Liu Yanxiang turned a blind eye to such grievances! He intends to perfuse Xiaomin and others, and watch the emperor’s people being persecuted by dog ​​officials under the mighty sky. Let the defiled officials scramble for life! “

I said, “It is not perfunctory to let you go to the Dali Temple. You need to know that in the court, you must follow the rules. Liu Ye replaced the emperor to worry about the world’s affairs. Although the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and Dali Temple are under his control, they are only supervised by the government. Investigate the case in person. If Liu Yanxiang now accepts your case, this case will not be transferred to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs until tomorrow, and the Ministry of Criminal Affairs will be handed over to the Dali Temple for trial, which will be transferred to the hands of several officials. Maybe you need to write two or three more documents, cover several official seals, and drag them to the day after tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, so that your grievances can be filed for trial in Dali Temple. You said that your father is still alive in prison. It ’s a little more than a day. It ’s better to stop at the Xingzhao Street when the time is not yet, and he will take the title. Liu Yanxiang will tell the Ministry of Criminal Affairs and Marble about the case. At the latest tomorrow afternoon, Dali Temple will begin investigating the case. “

The man stared at Ben Wang and Liu Tongyi with a stunned look, and after a moment he began to **** his head and said, “Thank you for your guidance, great graciousness, Xiaomin will never be forgotten.” He raised his head slightly and looked at Ben with grateful eyes, “Xiao Min heard that Lord Xiang Xiang called this noble man the royal grandfather. I don’t know which royal grandfather?”

Don’t hurry to stop Zhang Ping’s sedan chair, and ask what the title of the king is here?

Liu Tong leaned back: “This is His Royal Highness King Huai.”

The man stared at the King again, his eyes flickered, and he shoved his head again and said, “Thank Your Highness King, Your Highness King.”

The two men and women behind him also followed.

When his head was finished, he did not hurry and climbed two steps forward. He lifted up the blood book: “Xiaomin went to Xingzhao Street immediately, but he also asked the grandfather to look at Xiaomin’s appearance and begged Lord Xiang must help Xiaomin in redress! “

Liu Tong leaned back and said, “Okay.” He stepped forward.

I suddenly felt a little strange. The king who applied for the grievance had seen a lot of experience. It is reasonable to say that the grievance in this case was quite large. The people who applied for grievances cried terribly, but they seemed too suffocated and did not run immediately. Xingzhao Street is only here to grind, and I am not afraid to delay the hour to stop Zhang Ping.

Do you think that Liu Yanxiang and the king already know this case, so they feel confident to reverse the case?

Liu Tongyi had bent down to pick up the blood book, and the man still bowed his head and knelt, “Xiang Liu Xiang, Xiaomin always thought that you are a clean and honest person, like Lord Liu in that year, a good official.”

He suddenly lifted a hand holding the blood book.

I was shocked, and rushed forward without thinking, grabbing Liu Tongyi, and yelled, “Tong Yi, step back!”

Between the electric light and flint, I saw a ray of cold light pointing at Liu Tongyi and piercing his left chest. I had no time to extend his arm to protect him. A bit of coolness pierced the clothing and penetrated into my right arm.

There was a sudden turmoil around me, and I didn’t feel anything. Liu Tongyi was tightly guarded by me, but I didn’t know if it was hurt. I asked in a loud voice, “Tong Yi, did you hurt? Where does it hurt? “

If Liu Tongyi did not return to me, he held my right arm with his hand. “Yang’s arm is injured. Come and bandage up, please doctor!”

It was very noisy on the side, and then I grabbed him and said, “Tong Yi, have you been hurt?”

The blue piece in my arms moved and sighed softly, “Yeah, the minister is fine.”

Liu Tong leaned on this move and answered this sentence, and I slowly slowed down.

After slowing down, I found that it was wrong. The king and Liu Tongyi were so close to each other. Just now I guarded him tightly. He now supported my right arm with one hand, just like me and him. Hold the same in front of the eyes in the street.

When I realized this, I first floated a hint of crispy joy, and then let go.

I was pregnant in the palace with a glimpse of other people’s understanding of the current affairs. Only then did I come to support the king. Liu Tongyi also let go of my right arm. I looked at him carefully. Although he looked calm, But there are so many concerns.

Hey, in a hurry just now, the king couldn’t help but shouted Tong Yi a few times, not knowing what he thought after hearing it.

The three callers have been **** by the servants, overturned, and the head-headed man shouted while struggling: “Liu Tongyi, you are actually treacherous with the traitor king Wang Huai, who gave you the white name Liu and insulted you Good reputation for home! “

joke! I glanced at him and said, “My king didn’t go this way every day. Today he passed by accident. Can you even count this step and prepare for a knife in advance?”

Brother Assassin struggled again, but did not say a word.

I said, “No need to pretend, whoever instructed you, why do you want to do the willow willow prickly willow, there is naturally someone waiting for you in the lobby of the Criminal Department.” Raised his left hand to the guard, “Drag it down.”

Helping me, one of my discerning domestic servants immediately said, “Master Wang is really too wise, how could such a small character be acting strange in front of you?”

I smiled humblely: “How can I flatter the king like this in front of Liu Xiang and show Liu Xiang a joke?”

Liu Tongyi sighed softly: “The prince still hurried back to the doctor’s office to heal the doctor. Mo was joking with the minister here. The matter of today is that the minister didn’t notice it for a while …

I interrupted him, “Liu Xiang, if you really want to thank me, don’t say that now.”

I never dared to think that I would have the opportunity to hold Liu Tong in my arms in my life. Today, I unexpectedly held it. I think it would be worthwhile to be pierced with three or four swords.

Liu Tong looked at me, and I looked back at his clear eyes. For a moment, the feeling in my heart was difficult to describe. I smiled and said, “However, Liu Xiang was probably frightened and a bit silly. The dagger was still stuck in the king’s flesh, and you called for bandaging. This is not good.”

Liu Tongyi finally revealed a smile: “This is the so-called chaos, not only silly, but also silly and thorough.”

A few of my house servants have gone to ask for a doctor. The others who have been supporting me have followed me to the sedan chair. Liu Tongyi walked with me. When I came to the sedan chair, I Road: “Liu Xiang went back to his house to rest first. The king is not in the way. The dagger is short and he only pierced the meat. You can still move the lower arm and hand. When you get home, the doctor pulls it out. It will be all right, with only minor injuries. “

Liu Tong leaned on my blood-stained sleeves and frowned: “The Lord ’s words are called polite at this time, anyway, I … Chen must go with the Lord to conceive the King’s Mansion. Do n’t delay, get in the car quickly.”

I was about to bow and say yes, the attendant opened the car curtain, and Liu Tongyi’s gaze fell into the car.

I watched Liu Tong’s eyes lowered unchangingly, “Liu Xiang … My King …”

Liu Tongyi lifted his sleeves up: “However, when Wang Ye was cured, outsiders could not be bothered to be present at the scene. The minister still obeyed first, and Wang Ye returned to the house quickly.”

I had to nod my head stiffly: “Then King will go one step ahead, and Liu Xiang will go back and rest in peace.”

The breeze lifted the car curtain into a gap, and the king saw Liu Tongyi’s official car going far away along the other road from the gap.

This is indeed the first time that the king brought people from the building to the palace, and the king felt bitter in the breeze.

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