Imperial Uncle

Chapter 41 - Start reading

Qi Tan and I were sitting in an open booth in Jiqingfang.

Qi Tan took a sip of wine. He sniffed in front of his nose again: “I didn’t expect that the small wine in Chengzhou is quite good. This Huadiao wine is really unique.”

I said, “This is green bamboo leaves.”

Qi Tan was startled, “This is not a flower carving? Why is bamboo leaf green and flower carving a taste?”

I said, “Because it is a bamboo leaf green in Chengzhou.”

Qi Tan had an unbelievable face. He tried and tasted a glass of wine again and again. At the end, he returned the empty glass to the table: “Uncle, where have you been in the past few years?”

I said, “Just the south, the south, the north, and the sea.”

The statue of Qi Tan froze for a moment, then laughed: “I didn’t expect my uncle to recognize me. I just wanted to come and see. If my uncle asked me who you were without knowing, I would go back.”

I said to myself, even you came, if I look dead again and don’t confess my account, it will be too much.

Qi Tan stumbled again, and said, “Uncle, maybe you guessed it, I actually came here with Yun Yu,”

I nodded slightly.

Qi Tan continued: “This time, I came to serve the will of the emperor. Yun Yu is in the Ming, and water control is one of them. There is another important task. I am in the dark, and it is for this matter.”

I calmly listened to him.

Qi Tan paused: “I … and Yun Yu both served the imperial brother’s will and came to invite someone … Uncle probably already knows who this person is …”

A word of mine was prepared in my throat–

Qi Tan, although you shouted your uncle, the uncle agreed, but the uncle in front of you is just a trader, and the former traitor king in Beijing now sleeps in the grave, it has nothing to do with it, you understand ?

I drink lightly, Qi Tan said: “It seems my uncle is guessing, and I will no longer go in circles.”

He tapped his forehead with a distressed face and sighed: “Yes, this person is Liu Tongyi. The emperor wants to ask Liu Tongyi to go back as a prime minister.”

Qi Tan frowned and said plainly: “I think the decision of the emperor is really brilliant, and I wholeheartedly agree. Zhang Ping … 唉! Zhang Ping …”

I couldn’t help asking, “What’s wrong with Zhang Ping?” I remember Zhang Ping was quite upright and honest. He had made great achievements in Dali Temple. He solved cases quickly and swiftly.

Qi Tan said sadly: “Yes, uncle, you have been running jovially in the South China Sea for the past few years. I do n’t know how hard we are in the North. Zhang Ping … He is indeed a good official. But he is only suitable for the Ministry of Criminal Affairs or Dali Temple. It is really not suitable for being a prime minister. “

According to Qi Tan Road, in the past few years when Zhang Ping was the prime minister, the entire court was permeated with a gloomy atmosphere at the trial of the Dali Temple. Even when Qi Hui went to the court every day, when he saw Zhang Pingchu at the head of the hundred officials, he felt that Being in the execution hall.

Because Zhang Ping is an addicted to crime, especially to kill strange cases such as door murder. In the past, when he served in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, when he tried a new case, he buried himself in the old dossier and collected the old fruitless strange case. As soon as it was re-examined, it also found out the wrong cases that had been misjudged in the past, which involved some officials in the DPRK. Therefore, the name of Qing Tian was broadcast. After Liu Tongyi became the prime minister, he was promoted to Dali Temple Secretary. When it comes to word of mouth and popularity, especially among the common people, Zhang Ping is the highest of all officials. After Liu Tongyi resigned, most of the candidates who could take over the prime minister were several decades older than him. Those with similar ages, high expectations, and remarkable achievements, only Zhang Ping.

It is said that while Zhang Ping was still being discussed as a prime minister, Zhang Ping pleaded enthusiastically several times and only wished to dedicate his life to Dali Temple. But at that time, Qi Zheng and all officials regarded him as modest. Necessary contrition. The night when Feng Xiangyan’s book came down, Zhang Ping sat in the gate of the Dali Temple for a night, tearing the archives.

Qi Tan said this, I recall, that day I was still the traitor to King Huai, one year after his birthday, Zhang Ping went to the palace of Huai to send He Yi, and solemnly told me that the sword on the wall should not be sharpened. It is easy to hide the assassins in the large vase near the wall. When sending people to inspect the Fuzhong every night, you need to catch nets in the pool. It is best to raise the wall of the palace of Huai Wang. At that time, he looked at my eyes, full of anticipation for my assassination. When he left, he lingered meaningfully at the rosette. He seemed to hope that a few assassins could be drilled under the flowerstand, or he could get an iron ladle on the flower stand Dig out a skeleton. At the time, I was still thinking that this adult Zhang was also frank and frank. Even if I was a traitor, you don’t have to expect me to be killed when I was born. It now seems that he has always been so, but it was my heart at that time.

Qi Tan Road, when Liu Tong leaned on as a prime minister, there was a warm spring breeze in the middle of the country. Fortunately the year before, he was in diligent administration in Henan Province, not in the DPRK, and did not deal with Zhang Ping. After returning to the DPRK last year, he brought the antiques obtained from the “industry administration” to the palace and displayed them to Qi Yun. It happened that Zhang Ping was present, and Qi Yun casually asked him to identify. As a result, Zhang Ping speculated about three for each antique. In the above **** story, there were murders, injustices, and unsolved cases. The princess and several little princesses who were eavesdropping behind the screen were scared to tears. After returning to the house at night, the princess princes and Qi Tan had tempers. To do this, Qi Tan must throw these haunted things out, otherwise she would take her child back to her maiden house and not pass him.

Qi Tan said bitterly: “Now my nephew is still restless at home. By the way, Zhang Ping is most interested in you, Jun Jun.”

He talked more and more smoothly, and even Uncle Jun called out. I was too lazy to correct him. Now he should be called Uncle Wang or Uncle Cai.

Qi Tan continued: “Zhang Ping didn’t know whether it was intentional or what. He repeatedly raised you uncle before the emperor, and said that day, you may not have died, this is a fraud, Yunyun Yunyun said. After a while, Probably uncle, you are really dead because of what happened, but you did n’t see what happened at the post-mortem. At that time, when the uncle was awake, the truth was clear, Zhang Ping repeatedly mentioned the matter, and he took a needle to cut the wound, and put the heart in the pan. It ’s no different. Zhang Ping ’s courage is so big that he also recommends to take the ashes for examination, saying that the poisoned ashes are different from those around him. When he moved the grave, it was Yun Yu who hosted the matter, and he went to Yun Yu said, could you take a handful of ashes to test it in private, and almost killed Yun Yu, and was almost dragged by the Emperor Huang to cut it off at noon. Alas, at that time, it was difficult to say a word. “

Qi Tan looked up at me: “Seriously, uncle, why did you only let the uncle know about it at that time, even if you were afraid that the emperor could not hide the queen mother there, others can always say it.”

I said, “It’s all old stuff. It’s fine in the past.”

Qi Tan looked at me again, and said, “So did my uncle.” Suddenly, he smiled, “But thanks to Zhang Ping, in the past few years, my uncle may have died, and my uncle may have died, tossing repeatedly. Nephew When I saw you in the cabin, I didn’t take the uncle as a ghost. “

He took a chopstick and poured a cup of Chengzhou bamboo leaf green and took a sip: “Uncle, what are you going to do in the future?”

I said, “I’m a merchant, and I will probably go around in the north of Tiannanhai in the future.”

Qi Tan said rudely, “But … when I met with my uncle … even if I didn’t say it, Yun Yu was probably …”

This kid is slyer every day, Yun Yu really concealed it for me, but he stumbled into the shop, followed by a large number of Beijing guards and local dispatched dark guards, a few uncles in front of Bai Rujin When he called, Bai Rujin didn’t notice it at that time, but depending on his relationship with Master Zhifu, a little inquiries, he must have guessed. He also innocently pushed responsibility on Yun Yu.

I said, “I’ll talk about things later. You and my uncle and nephew haven’t seen each other for a few years, so drink a few more glasses.”

Qi Tan said: “Uncle wouldn’t blame me for rushing over to dismantle you … I was hesitant, but I thought that Yun Yu had spent the night with Uncle last night. I am afraid Liu Tongyi would have known this earlier. I can’t hide it … “

I said, “Liu Tongyi didn’t know until Chengzhou that it was about the same as yours.”

The meaning of “I’m afraid to know earlier” is profound. Let’s clarify for Liu Tongyi first, so as not to drag him down.

Qi Tan looked at me with a bitter smile: “Uncle, Zhang Ping is really right. If you are not dead, I’m afraid no one will believe it.” Hold up the glass and drink it.

After drinking three pots of wine, Qi Tan’s tongue was a little big, and he sneered at me: “Uncle, if you have something in your heart, you can’t help but tell you. You always feel that you were prevented from feeling uncomfortable, but it wasn’t that you were alone. For example, I am actually more guarded than you. Brother and I are close brothers … my father and emperor loved my mother-in-law, and my uncle hurt me when I was a kid … until I lost money with antiques, everyone regarded me as a prodigal, Only then. Only my uncle does not hesitate to lend me money … so that it is rare for everyone to be the throne. But the emperor is really a good emperor, and it is really good for us brothers … I I feel that life is alive, and you ca n’t always think about the place where the traffic jams … Live happily, that’s it … “

I raised my glass: “Uncle is a lot older than you, but this opinion is not as good as you. Just say that, uncle should respect you.”

Qi Tan smiled and said, “Uncle, I’m talking about the truth.” But his eyes drifted to somewhere where he kept staring at him when he met him. Can you remove the root bones and show me? Is it a long time ago, is it an old thing from a foreign country? “

After coming out of the tavern, Qi Tan had a little footsteps, and the dark guards who followed him ambushed in the vicinity with great responsibility, leaving me to hold him alone.

Qi Tan didn’t go back to the door, and now sent him to Liu Tongyi. I’m afraid he wasn’t successful. Instead, he smoked Liu Tongyi. I had to drag him to the boat of the Bai family and return to my small building.

Qi Tan was dragged onto the second floor corridor, and I looked around with a straight eye: “This toilet room looks so unique.”

I almost missed him and turned him over the railing and fell into the water: “This is where my uncle lives now.”

Qi Tan rubbed his eyes: “The bathroom in the residence?” Raised his finger to the wooden bucket that filled me with water, “Why do you put a stove by Gong ’s bucket? Are you afraid of blowing cold?”

I originally intended to press him on the bed. After listening to this sentence, I saw that he was not too drunk. Then I unrolled the bamboo bed sent by Bai Rujin, threw Qi Tan on the bamboo bed, and gave him a pillow. Qi Tan turned over and fell asleep immediately.

I burned a pot of tea with a fire and had tea reconciliation in the hall, waiting for Yunyu or the prefecture’s Yemen to lead people. Later, even I went to bed to sleep for an afternoon, and in the evening, Yun Qin Cha came in a small boat.

Qi Tan was awake, but didn’t plan to go back, and wanted to have another dinner.

Yun Yu asked the guards to make some porridge and side dishes. Qi Tan and I sat at the table, but Yun Yu stood beside me. I said, “Master Yun, please come and eat together.”

Yun Yu said indifferently, “I have already used dinner, and Mr. Zhao is not polite.”

After dinner, Qi Tan finally left with Yun Yu, but did not show up the next day. I guess it was to persuade Liu Tongyi.

Another day is the day when I and Liu Tongyi negotiate to collect silk. In the morning, Liu Tongyi arrived in the shop as promised, Bai Rujin took the account book, first adjusted the silk number, and then set the silk price and Bai Rujin had probably inquired about the arrangements for delivery, and his attitude was slightly different from the previous one. It was not a bite of a younger brother, but he was somewhat restrained. Liu Tongyi still remained as usual, as described by the boss of Mei .

After discussing for a long time, when I took a breath and drank tea, I took advantage of Bai Rujin to go to the toilet and smiled at Liu Tong. “I heard that boss Mei recently came to the lobby and advised you to switch to another business.”

Liu Tong replied with a smile: “Boss Zhao is very informative. Now that the business is doing well, he does not plan to change his career for the time being.”

I said, “That’s good. I’m afraid Boss May has changed his career and doesn’t plan to help me with delivery.”

Liu Tong leaned on the tea cup and said, “Boss Zhao’s delivery is a big deal. Now that I have promised, how can I keep my promise?”

I arched my hands and laughed, “The boss of Demei promised that he could borrow Dongfeng from Kong Ming and be assured.”

Liu Tongyi said leisurely: “Dongfeng does not need to be borrowed. The southerly wind has risen in recent days, the water is falling, and the day after tomorrow can set off.”

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