Imperial Uncle

Chapter 58 - Extra · Sayanagi (1)

I was in mid-air, watching the situation of the sorrowful underground, excited with anticipation.

I have been in the prison for many years, and finally wait until today, and the opportunity of possession comes to my eyes.

I am a ghost, an unjust soul, how many years I have stayed here, I am too lazy to count, I no longer know.

A long time ago, like the man on the ground at this time, I was put in this cell. It was very wrong, I didn’t want to open it for a while, I hanged myself on the beam of the house with a belt, and then died, and became a hanged ghost.

After I became a ghost, I learned that the original legend is true, and the ghost land government that committed suicide is not accepted, especially the hanged ghosts.

I can only stay here and wait until the next hanged ghost appears before I can get a rebirth.

However, after I became a ghost, the top of the cell was nailed with wooden boards, the beams were sealed, there were no nails on the wall, and I could n’t find a place to hang on the wall. The ghosts in other cells came and went, and only I boiled year after year.

I am very resentful. I do n’t want to be a man or a ghost. God wants me to stay in this cell endlessly. Then I will go against the sky. I ca n’t cast a ghost without a substitute. Just find a dead person and have it with you.

I am a suicide ghost and can only be attached to the suicide person. This cell didn’t come in easily, and had to wait for a few more. It didn’t mean to find short-sightedness. It was tenacious until it was killed or released.

Finally, after countless years, he came in.

I can see that he will not be killed at all, and may be released soon. But it is not easy to see what he encounters.

It was destined to be sent, let me have possession.

I watched with a smile as he swallowed the pill and waited patiently.

At this moment, on the ground, he murmured and explained his last words. The man named Liu Tongyi was pale and his eyes were full of despair.

The world is like this, they can’t see their own hearts, they can’t see the will of others.

The look of Liu Tongyi clearly liked him, but unfortunately he turned a blind eye and moaned.

I looked at Liu Tongyi’s expression and suddenly felt envious. If someone could look at me like that then, I would be worth the death. No, I am not short-sighted to kill.

I slowly dropped.

He spit out the last few fluttering words; “Ran … Ransi …” The hand grasping Liu Tong’s jade-colored sleeves gradually let go. I was about to aim at the fall, and he suddenly took a breath, Then he tightened Liu Tongyi’s sleeve and said something quite stubborn.

“I’m not that good at burying … it’s embarrassing … it’s still burnt … sprinkling the ash into any mountain or river … everything is clean.”

Yes … Is there anything wrong?

It was too stingy to say that he would burn a corpse, even if he wanted to die.

Innocent, how can you be the one after death?

Seeing that he had loose hands and a crooked neck, his head slid against Liu Tongyi’s shoulder, and I slowly dropped.

Body changed smoothly.

The silence was all around, and the body next to it was stiff, as if it had become a corpse. I held a corner of the cool cloth and opened my eyes halfway: “Ransi.”

Liu Tong shivered violently. I leaned closer to the side of his face and pressed the voice to the lowest level: “Ran Si, we are acting only. This time I pretend to be dead. Please help me once, and I will escape. “

Liu Tongyi’s body became stiff again.

There were hurried footsteps beside, and noisy noise. I closed my eyes again and put my head back on Liu Tongyi’s shoulder.

I felt that Liu Tongyi slowly released me slowly and stood up.

After a while, his voice said without emotion, calmly, “His Royal Highness King Huai committed poison and committed suicide.”

At this time, I suddenly noticed something.

There was no other ghost in the cell. Where did the soul of Jing Weiyi go?

Somewhere in the body, something faintly moved, and then it was silent. Qi Ruo hit a blast of mine with a thunderbolt.

It is … the soul of Jing Weiyi.

He is not dead. He didn’t die. He turned out to be dead.

I was actually attached to the body of a living person.


Is this life?

One hand, pressing the neck that is currently mine, and also Jing Weiyi, rolled over the eyelids that I and he currently share, touched our common pulse, and touched our common chest.

“The Emperor Qilu, His Royal Highness Huai has died.”

The subsequent voice was loud and angry.

“Re-examine him again! King Huai is never short-sighted! He must be pretending to be dead!”

Although the emperor of this generation is young, he is a Mingjun.

So after some groping, there was a sound of purr and purr.

“The Emperor … His Royal Highness … He really is …”

“Huh?” The emperor’s voice sneered, “he won’t hesitate when he crashes!”

Footsteps approached me and stood still. “Uncle Huang, I know you’re pretending to be dead. You get up and forgive you for your innocence.”

He is drowsy and won’t wake up for a day or two. I can get up, but I just want to know how to get out of this body.

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