Imperial Uncle

Chapter 63 - Fanwai · Willow (6)

Liu Tongyi added some tea to the teacup in front of him: “His Royal Highness, the house where you live now, named Xishan Hongyeju, is the house left by my father. When my father was seriously ill, I accidentally saw him steal it. After writing the article, I learned that he had another name, Xishan Hongyesheng, who wrote the legend of Chivalry. I was about the same age as His Royal Highness. When I knew about it, I was extremely shocked. My father was very cautious and straightforward. I never expected him to return. I have another status. After my father died, the only person in the world who knew this and this house was me. I found out all the legends he wrote, and even books similar to him … Later, my grandfather took me back. Beijing, I dare not let grandfather know about this, because grandfather, as well as my uncles, and anyone else who is the same official, reads that the legend of chivalry is an extremely dirty and dirty article, write these legends People are also a disgrace to the sages, and have a bad character … “

I heard that Liu Tongyi said as if it were a regular conversation, but he felt that his father ’s legend was better than many serious articles, but he did not know whether he had violated the saints ’teachings. Who should his grandfather and father agree with. Contradicting, he secretly continued to look for legends, and even went to the royal banquet with his grandfather to look for opportunities to sneak in, and accidentally met Jing Weiyi.

Liu Tong leaned back: “At that time, His Royal Highness King Huai told me that he liked Xishan Hongyesheng’s book very much. He commented on the legend of the chivalry, as solemnly as when reviewing serious articles. It was only then that we realized that The legend of the knights and the book of sages are all written by the people in the world with sincerity, expressing their feelings, but in different ways. This article has no highness and lowness, only the sincerity and hypocrisy. And for many reasons, like or dislike, in the final analysis, It’s just a matter of preference. “

He later said that when Jingweiyi ’s mother-in-law was born, he came to the door to congratulate her mother. He also wanted to tell Jingweiyi something about the legend of the chivalry. When he looked to the backyard, he found that Jingweiyi was with a group of princes in the snow. Play around.

I heard him say plainly, at that time, he was watching from a distance under the eaves. Jingweiyi lifted the princes one by one and climbed the blossoming plum branches in the snow. He suddenly understood that his grandfather said that Liu and King Huai It wasn’t what all the way meant, the scene was like a painting, but he was destined to be the one who appreciated the painting.

There are some truths in life, only one moment when realized.

Liu Tong leaned down on the tea cup: “The person who appreciates painting is more suitable for me.”

So from then on, he just watched from a distance.

From the outside, you can see very clearly what many people cannot see in the painting.

Such as his preferences, such as his habits, such as the one who is always with him, he really likes it, and who is suitable for him.

My teeth were a little bit sour, and I frowned, “So you tell him what he really likes Yun Yu?” I suddenly felt an aperture appear in his back of his head.

“Do you feel that you are so noble and very understanding, as if you stepped on a cloud and are about to fly?”

Liu Tong relied, “He doesn’t like me. Even if he gets wrong, he will wake up in the future, and everyone will be troubled at that time. I actually don’t want to lose myself.” He smiled. . “

I touched a piece of snack and stuffed it into my mouth, and then sipped tea: “Then you save him now, don’t look at it.”

Liu Tong relied, “It’s just that the canvas may be folded, and it will be flattened by those I see. I also don’t want me to see it later.”

I had nothing to say, and thought that the halo of his back of his head blinked brightly.

“Forget it, you’re tired of watching. It’s not as good as I like you. You come to like me. The two love each other, even more simply.”

I bite the loquat cloud cake and sincerely suggested: “I will kill Jingweiyi now, you and I will start a new one!”

Liu Tongyi’s face suddenly changed, and I laughed: “Fool you, since you told me the truth, I also told you how to drive me this ghost.”

I stood up and drew my shirt: “Go and find some peach wood sticks to cook with rice wine, and then let Jing Weiyi drink it. I can’t stand it. Taomu is an exorcist, so there is no damage to Jing Weiyi.”

Liu Tongyi frowned: “But you …”

I said, “Well, just go out and be a lonely ghost and ghost. If you thank me, burn me more paper money and do merit. Maybe I can go to the prefecture. But you asked me this. In a word, I am very satisfied. “

I walked to the courtyard and looked around. I had always wanted to come to Jiangnan. I never thought about Jiangnan, and eventually I saw only two courtyards.

Liu Tongyi was still standing under the porch. I said, “Go and find it. Let me drink before the sun goes down tonight, or wait until tomorrow.” I turned around, “I’ll wait for you in the courtyard next door.”

In the afternoon, Liu Tong Yiyi came. I squinted to see the wine and peach sticks in his hand, and looked at the sky. It was still early, and it was still some time before dusk.

I took a small copper stove and a small pot to boil Liu Tongyi and watched with folded arms.

The rice wine was poured into the pot, and the wine swelled out. I stepped forward and hugged Liu Tongyi and kissed again.

His expression changed, and I let go of him: “It’s nothing, I’m just a little reconciled, and I won’t be able to kiss after a while.”

Liu Tongyi asked me softly, “What happened to you that day?”

I sat down on the steps: “I can walk or not. Why do you ask too much?”

Liu Tong leaned back, “Since you’re leaving, why not tell me?”

I smiled at him, but still didn’t say it.

The wine dipped in peach branches has been cooked, and I stepped forward, raised it, and poured it into a bowl.

The wine reflected the glow of the sunset. I also took out a roll of paper from my sleeve and handed it to Liu Tongyi. I stared at Liu Tongyi and asked, “How? My painting is better than Jingweiyi.” . “

This is a picture of the snow scene I drew on Liu Tongyi’s words today. It was when he was standing under the porch when he was young, watching the scene of Jing Weiyi and the princes in the snow.

I haven’t seen what the young Liu Tongyi looks like, I just draw it by guessing, but I think I must have painted a lot more than Jing Weiyi.

“When you are in the painting, others must be in the painting.”

I just want to take this picture and say this to Liu Tongyi.

I held his sleeve: “Ran Si, do you know why I am willing to leave, because when you said those words to me, I really like you, really.”

The light of the setting sun came obliquely. For a while, I took a look, and it seemed that he also liked me a little.

I loosened his sleeve: “Forget it, I wanted to see if I could finally coax your soft heart, but if you are a ghost, you have to keep your promise.”

I held up the wine bowl, drank it, and pointed to the paper in his hand: “Where the money is, it’s my nickname.”

The body gradually became a little erratic, and the ghosts that I had accumulated finally managed to dissipate a little.

When I lay on the couch, Liu Tong leaned around my cuff and said, “You …”

Liu Tongyi, in fact you guess who I am, I guess wrong.

No matter how savvy you are, you can’t guess right.

I yawned: “Well, Zishu is a nickname.”

“An unnamed scene, you should have enjoyed the incense in the Ancestral Temple.”

“You should have called You Taizong Emperor”

“Those who sit in the mountains and enter the Zong Temple are Jing’s brother Jing Jing.”

“Your ancestor Liu Xun and Xun’s mother thought that Xun preferred painting and calligraphy, and was not suitable for the emperor. Therefore, he replaced him with King Jin and imprisoned Xun in the stone prison in the name of Chen Wangshizi.

Jing Ye and I are twin brothers. Because I was born a little earlier and took advantage, I became a prince.

I didn’t intend to be a prince originally. Jing Yan is good at martial arts, good at riding and shooting. He likes to study military methods, and is very similar to his father. I have proposed to my father several times that the prince’s position should be surrendered to Jing Ye.

I’m sincere, but Jing Ye is when I guard him. Resolutely resign.

At that time, Mrs. Liu and her mother-in-law also said in front of the father and emperor that Xu must set up the eldest son as a prince, so that he could set an example for future generations.

But the emperor’s father had just crashed, and that night when I ascended the throne, my mother-in-law and Taifu had me fainted. When I woke up, I was already in the stone prison.

At that time, the stone prison was extremely secretive, with walls on all sides and only a small door. The mother-in-law, Taifu Liu and two other loyal ministers persuaded me in this stone room to persuade King Jin to replace me, because I was not suitable for being an emperor, as if I were an emperor, Jingshi would die.

I just do n’t understand. When I want to give out, they do n’t. I really did it, and they want to grab it again. Why is this?

I know, even if I promise, I will become Jing Ye, Jing Ye will become emperor, I will certainly not be quiet forever, and be guarded for the rest of my life.

Might as well be completely cut off, they are at ease, I have a relief.

At that time, there was no guard in the stone room, only me. I think Jing Ye, mother-in-law and Taifu Liu all want me to do this.

The mother-in-law and Taifu Liu also gave me Jing Yi’s clothes, so I agreed to put them on. I still gave him the purple sash belt of the robe. Jing Ye also laughed at that time and was able to serve as two ambassadors, but because cutting the belt is not good, he will use it. I didn’t expect to grow just enough for my use at this time.

Hanging in the air, I really thought it was over.

However, I did not expect that the fact that the hanged ghost could not be reborn was true. The death was smooth, but after suffering, I was tortured. I knew that I would be a king of my life and be alive for decades.

After holding Jingweiyi, after coming out of the prison, I found that the world is indeed well managed. If I were emperor that day, maybe the country would not be as prosperous as today.

If the world is like a chess game, about me is the **** that is destined to be abandoned for the whole world.

After giving birth to me and always loving my tender mother, I always taught me how to be a prince of Mingjun. When I was a child, I was always inseparable from the scene, and everything I did was fake.

Is there any genuine intention in the world?

It seems that there are still, but I have not encountered them.

In fact, I did n’t know what would happen after the Taomu brewing method forced me out of Jingweiyi.

I had taken off Jing Jingyi and seemed to be fluttering lightly.

Gradually tired

I don’t know if it is ashes or smoke, or it wakes up to Huangquan in a dream.

If I could have another life, I hope I can have someone who is painting with me and painting with me.

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