
Hi all. I'm going to be blunt with you. I'm sure most of you have noticed the recent slowdown in the number of releases. Well, that is in part due to the fact that I am in the final year of my uni course and trying to balance writing and editing Whilst also doing a full-time uni curse that requires me to be on placement for most of the week is difficult. 

I am basically making this announcement to state that this story will be going on Hiatus until I finish my uni course which should be summertime this year. I'm doing this because I believe it is the best decision for me and the story. If I were to continue as I am, there is a high chance that i'll drop the story due to burn-out, and if that happens, I might never come back additionally, I do not want the quality of the story to drop as well. I want this story to be the best that I can make it, and I simply can't do that if I'm stressed with a million different things. Also, as this is my final year of uni. I kind of want to pass it I've put in too much work to trip at the final hurdle ya know.

In short. I am stopping the story now to focus on my studies, with the plan to resume when I finish sometime around May/June. In the meantime, wish me luck and see you around. 


Diva and her hive will return. I promise you that. :)

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.