Chapter 10: Upgrades.


chapter on the shorter side today, sorry.

<Mother? can you hear me?>

<Hnnngh…. 5 more minutes>

<Mother, wake up. It's daylight outside>

I slowly opened my eyes and saw one of my children flying in front of me.

<wh…wh *yawn*…. What are you doing here> I said sleepily.

<do you not remember mother?>

I tried to think back to what had happened, but I drew a complete blank. My head was Too foggy to start thinking about anything, let alone what happened yesterday

<Can you err….. remind me?>

<Of course, mother!>

He did a quick barrel roll and flew closer to my face.

<Well, mother, After you specialised your eggs. You->

I instantly raised my hand to stop him.

<Ho…ho how do you know that!?> I panicked.

He stopped flying and landed on the bridge of my nose.

<Mother…..we live inside of you………>

DON’T SAY IT LIKE THAT?! I sighed. Great, Now all my kids know I was making eggs and…..OH, GOD.

<Mother, are you alright? You sound agitated.>

I quickly snapped back to reality

<ERRR….ha…ha Yes I'm fine ….., continue.>

<Of course, mother, after you specialised your eggs, you said you felt extremely tired and went straight to bed. You summoned me and told me to wake you up when the sun rose>

<Ah. Is that all? Nothing else happened?.>

<Well, when I came out of the room smelt lik->

<THAT’S FINE. Thank you. You can, errr go rest>

<Thank you, mother.>

He flew away from my face and into my arm.

Oh god, I'm never gonna live this one down. I sighed. I need to take my mind off what just happened. let's take a look at all the notifications I’ve been ignoring for a while.


Level up X 15

45 points were added.


Woah, That’s a lot of levels. It must be that [outworlder] title.  And points? The system did mention an ability shop earlier, so I guess this must be tied to that.


Congratulations! On reaching Level 5: Ability shop Unlocked. This can be found in the stats menu.

Congratulations! On reaching level 10: You are now able to level up abilities

Congratulations! On reaching level 12: The attributes section is now available


Level ups? Now, this is interesting. Any way to gain more power Has me completely interested  


  • New Title awarded: Silent Assassin

 You prefer the more clandestine approach to killing your enemies.

(Enemies you kill stealthily award 15% more XP)


So what is that, like a 65% XP bonus or something if I get stealthy kills. Levelling should be a breeze, And it's nice to know kills I get with my children also applies to me.


  • Hive Link has reached level 2: You can now see through the eyes of 4 members of the hive.
  • Living Nest Has reached level 2: You can now store up to 400  royal flies inside of you.

My eyes bulged, seeing that I could now store 400 of my children inside of me. I put my hand on my chest, and surely I could feel all the new members of my hive buzzing around inside. I felt a smile creep onto my face.

<I’ll have to make sure to welcome all of them.> I felt a smile creep onto my face. I'm looking forward to it.

Thankfully there were no more notifications after that. I quickly opened my status and opened up the ability shop.

Ability shop.

Purchase and improve abilities here. More abilities will be made available as you level up. Additionally, all skills can be upgraded to the next level using points, But at a very high cost. You can also level up the ability by getting more proficient at it.

  • Improved system interface.

Tired of this ugly interface. Try our new and improved interface that comes with a host of Incredible new features, such as. Health bar, Mana Bar, a new slicker design, and so much more.

Cost: 15 points.


  • Rapid Gestation.

In a pickle and need a member of your family at your side. With this ability, you can have a member of your family right at your side in a fraction of the time.

(WARNING: The egg must be implanted directly into a host to do so and will Guarantee the host's death)


Cost: 30 points


  • Efficient Processing.

Tired of the pitiful number of resources you’re getting? With this skill, you can improve the amount you get by an AMAZING 10 per cent.

Cost: 10 points.


  • Paralytic venom.

With this nifty little upgrade, your venom won’t kill people but immobilise them instead.

Cost: 5 points.

  • Conversion Process

See someone with skills you like, Knowledge you want. With this skill, you can turn them into one of your own and make them your subordinates.


Cost: 35 points.


  • More Eggs.

15 eggs not enough for ya, huh. Well, get this Amazing little upgrade to Double the number of eggs you can hold from 15 to 30  and improve the speed they produce.  


Cost : 10 points




I let out a deep sigh. I’m going to have to speak to Cindi about why all of these descriptions feel like some sleazy salesman wrote them.

 I looked over my abilities again, there were some very tempting picks, but I settled on 2. [Improved system interface] and [efficient processing]. In total, they cost me 25 points and seemed like the most obvious choices.

[More Eggs] Was very tempting, but that’s something I can hold off on for now, and besides, I barely have the ability to look after 15, let alone 30.

The rest of the abilities were either too expensive or just felt stupid to buy, like paralytic venom. If I remember correctly I could earn abilities via experimenting. I’m pretty sure I could achieve the same effect another way. I selected the 2 skills, and another blue box appeared.


Are you sure you want to purchase these 2 skills?

[YES] [NO]



I pressed yes, and the system instantly disappeared; suddenly, warmth started coming from my stomach, and in my head, the heat kept increasing and spreading all around my head; thankfully, It never got to unbearable levels.


System interface was upgraded.


Woah. Now that’s cool. My system had a completely new redesign gone; where the blue boxes now, I had sleeker-looking grey ones. I quickly brought up my status to see what had changed.



Diva: LVL 15



MP: 400(NEW)





(outworlder) (herald of the end) (Fanatic Xenophobe) (sadist) (Silent assassin)



MIND: 30 (NEW)







Living nest (LVL 2)

Bestial call (LVL 1)

Venomous constitution (LVL 1)

Enhanced reaction (LVL 1)

Insect Vision (LVL 1)

Insect speech (LVL 1)

Hive link (LVL 2)

Efficient Processing



Cindi (Servant)









My jaw smacked the floor.



Seriously! Why is the better option locked behind a paywall!? This is some bullshit. I spent the next few minutes cursing whoever built this damn thing.


<Come on, diva, this doesn’t help anyone. Let's just find out what all the new stuff is.>



You can also spend points in this section to improve yourself in general. The more points put into each attribute, the better it gets.

MIND: Your intelligence, will, and cleverness are all tied to this stat. Also, increasing this stat increases the amount of MP you have.

BODY: Your physical resilience, strength, and reaction speed are tied to this stat. Increasing this stat increases both health and stamina.

SOUL: Your ability to interact with others, your resilience to fear and difficulties and your ability to spot lies are tied to this stat.

RECOVERY: How quickly your stamina, health and MP recover.





That makes sense, I guess, but damn, another place to dump points to. This is Going to be tricky to balance, I'm going to need to be careful with how I spend my points. Out of curiosity, I tried to upgrade Living nest to level 3.

Living nest upgrade cost: 60 points. YOU DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH POINTS TO PERFORM THIS UPGRADE.


60 POINTS! I instantly closed the menu. There is no way I’m going to do that. So instead, I decided to put 10 points into Recovery and soul.


Recovery Increased to level 20

Soul Increased To level 20


I felt warmth spread from the centre of my chest and all over my body.


<Oh wow, That is amazing>


My entire body felt good. It felt like every part of my body had been refreshed, And I felt more confident too. Now so much that I could take on a dragon, But I feel more certain in my actions. I revelled in the feeling until it faded, leaving me Feeling empty inside. I decided not to dwell on this and finally got out of bed.


<I think its time i pay our little guest a visit ♡.>

I'm pretty sure most of you have figured out what's gonna happen, so I'm gonna take my time with it. Make sure I do it right. Also, yes, i have switched to using tables and boxes. I didn't before because scribblehub table interface is kinda shit (it's not bad bad, but its really tedious to use, and it doesn't help that the table don't copy properly from word. and adds way more time on to editing)   


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