chapter 14: City of spirits part 2

sorry for the long delay. This chapter was bitch and a half to edit. Anyway, this chapter is quite long because I plan for this mini-arc to be around 3 chapters. This chapter kinda grew outta hand and is definitely 2 to 3 chapters in length(4.1K WORDS!!!!!). So I suggest reading it in bits. Anyway, enjoy.

*groan* “My head.”

I slowly raised my hand to my head as the white ceiling came into focus. My head pounded like a drum. What the hell happened to me? I've never felt like this before. I slowly sat up. Every tiny move I made sent waves of pain through my head. Fuuuckkk. It feels like every bit of energy has been sucked out of me. I carefully stood to my feet. It turned out that someone had put me to rest on a sofa outside a massive dark wood door.

“Where the hell am I?”

This place was completely new to me. The walls were made out of expensive-looking dark wood boards. Along the walls were paintings of people I didn’t recognise and some glowing balls of mana which illuminated the entire corridor. Using mana for lighting? Only the super-rich could afford to be that wasteful.

Suddenly the door swung open, and a tall man walked through. He had sleek black combed hair. Pale grey skin and piercing pointed eyes that looked like they were reading my soul.

“I see you are awake.”

I gulped. Shit, I remember this man; it’s the principal. The last time I saw him was at my entrance interview. I’m in some serious hot water if he is here.  

“Come into my office, apollinaris. We need to talk”

He turned around and beckoned me into his office. I didn't question it and went in. I don’t want to piss him off any more than I already have. I entered his office, and what I saw nearly made my jaw smack the ground.

This was probably the most expensive room I've ever been in. The room was immaculate. Not a single speck of dirt could be seen anywhere. Like the outside corridor, the room was filled with paintings; however, a few of these I recognised, they were paintings of previous principals who ran the school. Additionally, each wall was covered In bookcases, filled to the brim with expensive books that not even the library had. I looked towards the centre, where a large dark wood desk sat. The desk was covered with heaps of paper, folders, books and an assortment of scrolls.

The principal approached his desk and sat down. He gestured to one of the seats in front of him. I hurried forward and sat in it.

The principal pulled open a book and read through it in silence. I felt sweat start to form on the side of my head. God, what’s he gonna do to me? My body started shaking a little bit. Maybe I should look for an escape. He probably couldn’t react in time if i-

“Relax, apollinaris,” He said calmly.

“I can feel your stress from here. Just relax; we are here to talk for the moment.”

He folded the book he was reading and tossed it on the table.

“Let’s start from the beginning, shall we. What happened between you and mercy?”

I looked towards him. His pointed eyes looked like they were seeing into my soul. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing wanted to come out. The words were stuck in my throat. Oh god, what is going to happen to me? If they kick me out, how could I ever explain this to mom?

I looked towards the principal in silence. He looked at me for a few seconds and snapped his fingers. A green rune lit up on the table. From the rune, a small wooden cup appeared filled with some steaming brown liquid.

“Drink this tea. It should help with your nerves. And help you recover your lost mana.”

Not wanting to make him angry, I grabbed the tea and drank it. It had a herbal and lemony taste and was at the perfect temperature. I gulped it down in no time.

“Th...thank you”

He nodded slightly.

“No problem, now please, tell me what happened.”

I took a deep breath and started speaking.  I told him everything, from what led to our fight to the whispers I heard from the other students and how some of the staff talked to me. I told him everything. I don’t know whether it was the tea or my wanting to get it all off my chest, but it was nice to talk to someone about all this stuff.  

Throughout my rambling, he just nodded and took notes on his notepad. Never once stopping me to ask questions.

“is that all Apollinaris.”

“Yeah”, I sighed and slumped into my chair “, that’s about all of it.”

“I see,” he wrote in his notepad a bit more before finally setting it down on the table.  “I am..... troubled at what you’ve told me. Bullying is something we do not tolerate here at the academy. I will make it my mission to speak to the members of staff you have mentioned, and talk to the students about this. However, your actions are still not justified. There is no excuse to assault other students no matter how much they-“


There was a large explosion as the office doors flew past the desk.


A wave of mana washed over me and nearly forced me out of my seat. The pressure was so immense I felt my lungs start to give out under it. My body weakened under the intense wave of mana. Suddenly, I felt the principal's arm wrap around my chest. When and how did he get there? He gently settled me on the seat and turned to face the intruder.

“Chief Councillor Angus. How nice it is to meet you. How can I help you this morning.”

“Dont play coy with me! Where is she?”

“Whoever do you mean.”

I peeked behind the principal, and I could see Angus's face contort and bend with anger.

“The Mushy you let into the school, who then assaulted my daughter.”

“Oh her, well she’s right Here.”

WHAT! Why are you pointing him to me!? This man is gonna kill me! I looked towards the principal, trying to figure out his plan, but he still had the same stoic expression on his face.

“She is right here behind me, But I trust an esteemed gentleman of high standing wouldn’t do something as barbaric as assault a child, A poor, weak and defenceless child. A man like you would never dream of doing such a thing now, would you? ”

His face started to go pure red as the anger in him was clearly building. But he quickly tried his best to hide it.

“Of course not,” he said. “I wouldn’t dare to do such a thing. I just want to speak to her privately. Is that wrong?”

“Hmmm. And what would you be discussing?”

“it’s private”, he snapped back at the principal. “Why are you making this difficult for me? I just want to speak to the girl.”

“Well, Angus, seeing how you kicked down my door, insulted one of my students using a derogatory slur and have shown no respect to this educational establishment. I am very apprehensive about letting you speak to her. Unless I know the full details of what your conversation will be about. There is no chance of you speaking to the girl alone.”

Angus stared daggers towards the principal, but he didn’t waiver. The two quietly locked horns with each other until, eventually, Angus relented.

“*sigh* I want to discuss how she will apologise to my daughter.”

Apologise?! Why did I have to apologise when she started it? I stood up to protest, but the principal gave me a sharp glare. I glared into his eyes and reluctantly sat down. I understand the message. I’ll let you do the talking. I nodded back at him and settled down. You better not screw me over.

“And what would this apology involve?”

“All she needs to do is offer a sincere apology and swear loyalty to my daughter.”

Yeah, fuck, that never happening. I would never swear loyalty to that bitch.

“Counter offer. All apollinaris has to do is apologise. May I remind you, your daughter isn’t completely innocent in this”

Angus clearly didn’t like the offer, but he couldn’t easily argue against it.

“ Fine, but she apologises today. With me present.”

The principal nodded.

“Your terms are agreeable. I and apollinaris will meet you both in the gymnasium in around half an hour for the apology.”

Angus nodded with the principal and left.

The principal sighed and tapped his foot on the ground. Green vines shot up from the floor and wrapped themselves around the door, repairing it.

“Now, where were we.”

The principal sat down on his chair.

“as I was saying, assaulting other students is something this school doesn’t toler-“

“do I have to apologise?” I interjected, I know It's rude, but this is more important. There is no way he expects me to apologise to that bitch.

He let out a deep sigh and lent back in his chair.

“when you saw me for your interview. What did you tell me your goal was?”

“My goal?”

“Yes, your goal. We ask all our students what they want to achieve when we interview them.”

“Well, my goal is to create something that will prove to the city that we moon spirits are just as capable as them, if not better.”

“I see, and is that still your goal”.

“Yes! 100%! It's why I put up with all this crap.”

A smile crept on his face

“Good, if that is the case. Then I think you should apologise.”

“WHAT?!” My hands slammed his desk. He’s telling me I should apologise, when they came to me first. That’s-

“I know what your thinking, and hear me out. Yes, it is unfair, but I think it’s your best option to walk away as unscathed as possible. However, you have to remember that Angus is a close friend of the queen, and if he wanted to, he could easily force me into a position where I have to expel you from the school or use his power as the head of security to do something much worse.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know. But he has connections, and he is in charge of the royal guard. If he wanted to make your life hell, he could easily do it. That’s why it would be better just to apologise and get off his conscious as quickly as possible.”

His chair squeaked as he leaned back.

“Look, apollinaris, because of your background. You are at a severe disadvantage compared to the other students in this school, so you have to pick your battles wisely. I know It sucks, but this is a  battle you have to lose if you want to achieve your goal. Which I think you are more than capable of. Your magical aptitude is among the best in this school. You constantly score in the top 5 per cent in exams. There is no doubt in my mind You can achieve your goals, but to do that, You need to be able to focus, and you can't do that with Angus breathing down your neck. And you certainly can't do it without the help of the academy.”

I sat down and thought about what he said. He has a point. I can't afford to throw it all away over a spat with mercy, and even though I hate it here, I need to be at this academy if I want to prove the pure spirits wrong.

“why are you helping me? Most pure spirits hate me for just existing, yet you don’t. Or you do, and you’re very good at hiding it.”

He laughed.

“No, Not at all. I assure you I mean every word I say.  I believe everyone has the right to achieve what they want, regardless of their background. It was That very belief that founded this school. I believe through education we can change the current stigma around your people. Pure spirits and moon spirits are one and the same we are both needed for the forest to thrive. The sooner everyone realises this, the better.”

I smiled.

“It's been a while since I’ve been called a moon spirit. Most people call me a mushy.”

“don’t say that word”, he sternly said to me.

“it puts you down. You're more than that.”

I smiled. I guess there are some teachers that care in this place.

“Thank you, Sir.”

He gave a slight nod and smiled.

“don’t thank me. Uplifting a student is what teachers should do. Now come, let’s get that apology out of the way. I'll come with you to make sure no funny business happens.”

He came around the table and offered me his hand. I gladly took it.

“I forgot to mention as well. You are suspended for 2 weeks.”


“using unauthorised magic against another student and fighting on academy premises. Don’t worry; mercy got exactly the same punishment. This will be a great opportunity to catch up on your work. I’ll make sure all your lesson resources are sent to your home.”

I let out a deep sigh. it makes sense. He has to punish me in some way. And to be honest, he is letting me off quite easily.

We left his office and made our way to the gymnasium. We walked down many twisting corridors that I had never known existed. How large is this place?

“how the hell do you not get lost in here? Half of these corridors look the damn same.”

He chuckled  “what principle would I be if I didn’t know the academy like the back of my own hand?  Through here”

We went through a large red door into the gymnasium, Where Angus, his daughter, and several royal guards waited for us.

I felt my heart sink to my stomach. I am not up for this. I started to inch out of the room, but the principal stopped me

“Dont worry; I’m here.”

I gulped as He walked me towards the group. Angus looked at me with pure contempt whilst mercy still had a smug smile plastered all over her face, but there was something else as well. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but it looked like… fear…. No, it couldn’t be.  

The principal stopped a few meters from mercy before urging me to walk closer to her. God, this was a bad decision, but it's too late to back out now.  I kept walking until I was a few feet away from her.

I stared at her in silence for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. Here goes nothing.

“I am sorry for attacking you, And for any disrespect, I may have shown you.I was completely in the wrong and accept full responsibility for the events that occurred today.” I closed my eyes and gave her a slight bow.

I waited and waited for her response. It must have been a few seconds, but it felt like years. I looked back towards the principal, who gave me a slight nod.

“is that it?” Mercy replied spitefully

“I want a proper apology, one that shows me how sincere you are. I refuse to believe “that” was your most sincere apology.”

This bitch really couldn’t make it easy for me, could she. Fine, I’ll play her stupid fucking game.

“and How could I show you how sincere I am? ” I said as politely as I could.

“Oh, I don’t know; how about you get all the way on your knees and prostrate yourself before me? This should come naturally to your kind, after all. “

“What! There is no way I'm doing that!”

“oh, so you don’t want to apologise?”

Suddenly all the Royal guards pointed their weapons at me.

Mercy's smug smile was plastered all over her stupid face.  If we were alone……..

I looked towards the principal hoping for some sort of insight. Instead, His stoic expression was replaced with frustration. Finally, he took a deep sigh and nodded to me.


“Remember what I told you.”


I felt my anger start to swell, but I held it in and did what I was told. I dropped all the way to the ground and lowered my head and torso as much as I could to the ground.





Did this bitch just. I looked up as best I could and suddenly felt something force my head to the ground. This bitch just put her foot on my head. I swear to god I'm going to wring your neck when this is over.


“Ahhhhh, this is the way it's supposed to be. You people are supposed to be under our feet. Now, from the top.”

I could feel my teeth grinding into dust. Let's just get this over with quickly.

“I am very sorry for disrespecting you, Mercy. I am also very sorry for attacking you. It was unprovoked. I take all responsibility, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. ”

“Hmmm, I'm not so sure you mean it. To prove how sincere you are, kiss my feet.”

“OK, that’s enough!” The principal yelled. I twisted my head as best as I could to see him.

“Are you interrupting her apology” Angus chimed in.

“Angus, this is going too far, and you know it.  She has apologised. Let's move on.”

“Bah, you call that an apology. Go on, Mushy, Kiss her feat, or else I will end you.”

I felt a wave of mana wash over me, nearly crushing me. IN the same instance a bundle of gold vines wrapped around my torso pulling me away.

“Angus, enough!”

“Or what! what will you do!”

“What will I do!? DO NOT TEST ME, CHILD!?”

Suddenly a wave of mana stronger than Angus’s exploded from the principal. I could barely breathe under this extreme pressure.

“Remember, Angus. You are a child compared to me. Just because I am a teacher now doesn’t mean my fangs have dulled.”

Angus struggled to withstand the onslaught of mana coming from the principal. I looked to where Mercy was standing. She had collapsed on the floor unconscious.

The onslaught from the principal continued until finally.

“AlRIGHT, alright, I yield.”

My lungs took a deep breath of air as the mana from the principal dissipated into the room.

“Good. I trust Apollinaris’s apology was sufficient.”

Angus looked bitterly at the principal, but he kept it contained.

“It is sufficient. GUARDS. Collect my daughter. We are leaving.”

Without further word, he turned away. His guards and mercy followed swiftly behind.

The principal let out a deep sigh.

“I haven’t exhausted myself like that in a while. Apollinaris, you should go home. I’ve got lots of paperwork to catch up on.”

“Of course, sir, thank you. I just have one more question. Who are you? I mean, you managed to scare away the queen's head of security. No normal pure spirit could do that”

“ha ha ha. I would love to tell you, but I'm too tired right now. Maybe at a later date.”

“alright sir…”

I guess ill just have to wait. The principal grabbed my hand and escorted me off the academy premises.

“Stay safe, apollinaris. “

“You too, sir, and thank you.”

He gave me a brief nod before turning back to the academy.

I turned around and went home.

The journey home this time was a lot nicer even though nothing had changed. I dont know what it was. Maybe it was my talk with the principal or the fact I showed mercy I’m not the pushover she thinks I am.

I walked past all the expensive Pure spirit houses and buildings towards the city's outskirts. I could have taken the high-speed vine network. But my kind is not allowed on them, which was as annoying as it sounds. I walked for a good hour until I finally reached the outskirts of the moon spirit district.

“Finally, home sweet home. ”

Say Goodbye to the luxury buildings of the pure spirits and say hello to run-down and decrepit buildings and the occasional mud hut. To put it bluntly, This place was a shithole in every sense of the word. There was no form of law enforcement, so gangs ruled the streets. There was a constant, persistent smell of sewage everywhere you went, and what pissed me off the most was the fact that everyone just put up with it. Why are we moon spirits putting up with this shit? We are just as capable as pure spirits. Why is everyone okay with this? How are they not up in arms about it? I sighed. This wasn’t the time for that. Let's go home.

  I didn’t waste any time and started making my way through the moon spirit district. Thanks to my mom’s occupation and my going to the academy, I didn’t need to worry about the gangs. Hell, I was the pride of the moon spirit district because I managed to get in there. Nobody would even think about harming me, which was great for me but unfortunate for some girls living here. I ducked between alleyways and headed towards the more suburban areas of the moon spirit district. On the way, fellow moon spirits greeted and showered me in praise for making it. They even offered me what little they had to help with my studies.  Of course, I refused it all, because I didn’t need it, and mom told me that it was always a good idea to avoid owing people.

I walked past several streets until a red and white mushroom house finally came into view.


I ran up to the door, pulled out my house key and twisted the key into the keyhole.



I snapped my head towards the voice. It came from an old moon spirit. But wait, I  know this man. I recognised the pure grey mushroom cap he had, followed by The pale yellow skin with wrinkles all over it and the long grey beard that dangled from his chin.

“Mr Pigden!?

I ran over and gave him a large hug.

“OOOF, not so rough, Apollinaris. I'm still a frail old man.” I felt his hand gently start to rub my head.

 Mr Pigden was the old librarian back when there was a library down here. He would always invite me in and read me stories, and he was the one who taught me how to read and write as well.

“What are you doing here?”

“Oh, nothing, just going on a nice stroll in this area.”

I gave him an apprehensive look. “You shouldn’t do that; the local gangs wil-“

“Will do nothing.”

“Apollinaris I’m a weak, poor, frail old man. There is nothing I have that they would want. But enough about me. I want to talk about you. I heard you made it into the academy.”

“Yeah, I did. Thanks to you. “

“Oh, don’t thank me if one of us moon spirits is making it. We are all making it. Speaking of the academy, how’s it going?”

I felt a needle stab through my heart. How would he react to me telling him I got suspended? No.i can't let him know that.

“It's going well, Mr Pigden.”

“I'm looking forward to showing them what we moon spirits are capable of.” I said through gritted teeth.

“That’s good.” He said, stroking his beard. Me and Mr Pigden talked for a few minutes catching up on everything and anything. It was nice.

“That was a nice talk, Apollinaris, but I think it's time I leave you alone. I imagine you have a lot of studying to do. Oh, and if you ever want to talk or have me read you stories like old times. I live at number 5 Chanterelle lane. It's not too far from here.”

“Thanks, I’ll pop over.”

“I look forward to seeing you. Say hi to your mother for me.” He turned around and continued his walk. I did the same.

“Man, what a long day.”


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