Chapter 25: on the road again.

My eyes snapped open to see a big red and white mushroom cap pressed up against my face. I slowly dragged my body and sat up. It’s been a while since I’ve had a nightmare, especially one that bad. But why now? I looked over to Apollinaris. She was fast asleep and completely vulnerable. I could…. No! Apollinaris isn’t her. She can’t betray me. The contract won’t allow it. I shook my head. This isn’t the time for this.

I reached over and gently shook her. “Hey, wake up. It's time for us to go.”  She let out an annoyed moan. “5 more minute, ’s Mom…”

I rolled my eyes. “No. Now!”

She groaned once more before pulling herself up. She stretched her arms before looking at me, confused.

“Diva? What are you doing in here?”

I let out a small chuckle. “what? Do you not remember? That hurts. “

She racked her brain for a few minutes before it finally hit her. Her face went bright red. I raised my hand and rubbed the top of her head.

“I know I said I wouldn’t ask. But why were you crying?”

She looked at me for a few seconds before shrinking down.

“I just……miss my mom, my home, everything. I just want to go back home. ”

She struggled to get the words out in between the tears. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a hug.

“It's okay, I understand. How long have you been…”

“Every night. I just can't sleep properly at all. Every time I do, I dream about being under the floorboards again as my mother was…… you know.”

I nodded and pulled her deeper into a hug.

“Did spending the night with me help?”

I felt her nod against my shoulder.

“That’s good. If you ever want to, you can always come to sleep with me.”

“Thanks,” I held her in a hug for a while before I finally pulled away.

“Now, let's get the camp tidied up. We have a lot of travelling to do.”

She nodded, and we both left the tent. It didn’t take long for us to pack our gear up and get ready to move out.

“Diva? If it isn't too much of an issue. Can we walk?”

“What? Why? It's so much faster to fly.”

“I know. It's just…”

She glanced towards the workers who stood blissfully unaware.

“Look. We can't just fly into a Town. We need to be discreet, ya know. That's the whole point of our false identities.”

I thought it over, and she was right. We cant just fly in.

“Fine, but you're helping them carry stuff.”

She gave me a thumbs-up before we hit the road.

Sometime later…..

“Man, I wish I had my car,” We had been walking for what felt like hours with nothing but trees and miles of blue cloudless sky to keep us company. Dammit. Why did I listen to her? I looked up, and I could see two workers flying high above us. Out of sight of any people, we walk past.

“stop complaining also, whats a car?”

“Im not. Also, a car is…… imagine a horse and carriage but made out of metal, and instead of a horse, you have an engine that mixes fuel and oxygen to make an explosion that moves the car forwards or backwards.”

“What?! Using explosions to move! That sounds crazy and stupidly dangerous.”

“It's not I assure you. My car was a silver and black racing stripe 1967 ford mustang. I bought it with my first paycheck as a detective. Never let go of it since. I miss her.”

Appolinaris looked at me like I was a crazy person, But I ignored her. If we had her, we would already have been in this damned town.

“So these cars, then.”

“Yeah, what about them.”

“if They are like horses and carriages, right? Can they like carry goods and stuff?”

“Oh yeah, some are made for that exact purpose. Huge massive vehicles for moving tonnes of cargo at once.”

She stared at me once more before sighing.

“I can't imagine it. the whole thing seems…… a bit too…… crazy….”

Appolinaris ground to a halt.

“Apollinaris? What's the matter? Are we in danger?”

She shook her as she raised her hand and pointed. I followed her gaze only to see a horse and carriage on the side of the road. They were clearly stuck.

I looked back at her with a grin on my face.

“Are you thinking what I'm thinking?”

She grinned as well and nodded.


I quickly reached into my pack and pulled out The mask. I took one more deep breath before quickly placing it on my face.


*Titles Suppresed*



“I FUCKING HATE THIS THING.” The pain was way less than the first time, but it still fucking hurt.

I looked up towards Apollinaris, who was wearing a low-quality black cloak that went over her shoulders and a grey tunic With leather straps and belts holding it all together. It was clearly cheap clothes compared to what I was wearing, a long full-body black cloak covering all of my body. The cloak was very expensive and of high quality. This will help sell our story.

“Do you remember the story.”

“Yes, you are the rich travelling merchant “Lady D”  who wants to expand their business into doonvatel. Im a servant you bought. The reason you wear a mask is that at a young age, you were caught in a building fire that left you horribly disfigured.”

“Perfect. Now let’s go meet our new friends.”

We swiftly started walking towards them. The thought of meeting new humans was exciting for me. Maybe I could kidna- No! I shook my head. Focus Diva, as fun as that sound. We are not here for that….Yet.

It didn’t take time for us to arrive at the horse and carriage. The carriage itself wasn’t anything to write home about. It was made from a type of dark wood and had stained glass windows with curtains on the inside.

“Come on! You Piece of sh-“

“LANGUAGE! My children are in here.” Said a screechy female voice.

I looked towards Apollinaris and nodded. We quickly approached the caravan, where there was a man currently struggling with a broken wheel.

“Excuse me, may I be of assistance.” Appolinaris chimed in.

He snorted. The man raised his head up. He was an old man with grey hair and a grey handlebar moustache.

“A tiny little thing like you, what can yo-“

“REGINALD!” The same voice from earlier yelled from inside the carriage. There was a shackling sound as the door of the carriage was opened. From the carriage, a blue-eyed, blonde-haired lady stepped out wearing a dress.

“I'm sorry about my driver's rudeness,” She said, glaring at Reginald.

“ If you can help, It would be most welcome. I'll make it worth your time.”

Appolinaris turned to look at me, and I nodded. She approached the wheel. It turns out the wheel caught a pothole in the ground, breaking it in several places, making it completely useless. Appolinaris placed her hand on the ground. Suddenly, green mana flowed from her hand and into the ground. The earth around the wheel shook as the pothole suddenly filled with fresh earth.


I looked towards the window and saw a young boy staring with childish glee. Once the pothole was filled, Apollinaris placed her hands on the wheel. Green Mana flowed from her hands into it, causing the wood to grow and mend itself. After a few seconds, it was like the wheel was never stuck in the first place.

“Wow…. Th… th- thank you. However, can I repay you?”

“If it isn't too much to ask. Is it possible you could take my master and me to the town of doonvatel.”

“Of course! Please come in and sit. REGINALD!”

“Yes, ma’am,” he said sheepishly.

“ I imagine you have something to say to this lady.”

“Aha- ha, sorry for my earlier rudeness.”

Appolinaris gave her fakest, most sincere smile. “It is fine. All is forgiven.”

The driver gulped before quickly running away. The lady signalled for us to come in. Appolinaris signalled for me to enter the caravan first. She then followed after me. The inside of the caravan was a mix of carved wood and was upholstered in dark red velvet. In the corner by the opposing window sat a blonde-haired girl who looked eerily like her mother. She looked at both me and Appolinaris and scoffed before shuffling up closer to the window. Nice, I have an enemy, and I haven't even done anything. The door shut behind us as the mother took a seat across from us.

“I believe I haven't introduced myself.  I am Lucille Ashdown. She gave me a small bow.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” Apollinaris said.

“I am the humble servant of My mistress Lady D.” She said whilst bowing and gesturing towards me. I also did a small bow towards Miss Ashdown.

“Isn't it rude for a servant to speak without permission from their master?!” The moody girl chimed in.

“Veronica! Enough! Don’t be so rude! I am terribly sorry for her-“ I raised my hand up, and she stopped.

“I'm sorry for my apparent rudeness. As you see, my mistress has given me full permission to speak entirely on her behalf. The mistress is very eccentric, and she prefers only to speak when it's necessary to do so.”

Appolinaris smiled and gave a small bow.

“See Veronica. Everything has a reason. Now please apologise.” The daughter glared at her mother before looking at me.

“I am deeply sorry for my previous outburst. I do hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.” Her face contorted into a twisted smile, a deceitful facade so devoid of sincerity that it turned my stomach and sent shivers down my spine. Now I remember why I can't stand humans. I looked over to Apollinaris and nodded towards her.

“My mistress accepts your apology.”

“Splendid,” Lucille said gleefully. Really do you honestly believe your daughter meant that? How dense is this woman? Suddenly the carriage jerked forward, and the forest started to move past us at an impressive speed.

“If you dont mind me asking.”

I do mind, actually. Can you please stop talking.

“What do you plan to do in Doonvatel.”

“My mistress wants to see if her business can expand into doonvatel.”

“Oh, you’re a business lady… If that’s the case, ill introduce you to my husband. He is a well-known business figure In the town. I’m sure he will be able to introduce you to his partners. It’s the least I can do to thank you for helping us.”

“Thank you. My mistress is very grateful.”

She smiled back as she settled into her seat. I looked out the windows as all the trees merged into one. I closed my eyes and told the two workers to follow close by.

“Miss. Why do you have a mushroom for a head?” He was your typical blue-eyed blonde haired snotty kid.

“Istevan! That is very rude!”

Apollinaris chuckled. “I’m a moon spirit who owes her life to the kind mistress.”

“COOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL! Can you do the magic again?”

“Errr… not …….”



Apollinaris raised her hand, and blue mana rippled forth. The mana swiftly transformed into a slender stream of water, which gracefully weaved around the carriage, contorting itself into various intricate shapes. The sight got everyone’s attention, including that bitch of a daughter. Apollinaris kept up the spectacle for a while before. Eventually, the water returned to her and vaporised into thin air.


The boy raised both his hands up and strained. Blue Mana flowed from his hand, and a small bubble of water appeared above them, but just as quick as it came, it went. The ball collapsed and landed on his hand, splashing water onto him and the carriage.

“Istevan! How many times have I told you! No magic on the move!”

“Sorry, Mom!” The boy said, defeated, as he returned to his seat. After that, Apollinaris kept up a casual conversation with the women whilst I stared out the window. Hopefully, it won't take us too long to get there.


and the second half of the previous chapter. I originally planned for this to be one massive 6k word mega chapter. But Grammarly had other ideas. so here it is.
also, I'm thinking of getting some artwork commissioned. I'll have a poll below of some of the ideas I have. Don't feel the rush to vote I don't plan to have it made until late July.


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