Chapter 27: Hungover

I woke to the site of a giant red mushroom cap. Apollinaris was pressed firmly against my chest. As I thought back to what happened the previous night, a grin formed across my face.

“She said she liked me.”

I looked towards her again. A part of me wasn’t lying when I said I liked her. I do like her. It's just….. that nightmare….BAH. It's way too early for this. I unwrapped myself from her and climbed off the bed. Maybe some breakfast could help clear my mind. They did say we got room service. I looked around the room for a phone, but then I remembered where I was. Dammit, what would they use instead of a phone? I searched the room as quietly as possible to not wake Appolinaris. I looked around the room and noticed a blue square rune engraved into my bedside table. I tiptoed past the appolinaris and towards the table. I inspected the square. It had intricate runes carved inside of it.

“This has to be it.”

I placed my finger on the square, and the rune lit up.

“Main desk. How can I be of service.” A voice echoed from the rune.

“SHHHHH! My friend is sleeping. Anyway, Is it possible I can have breakfast delivered to my room?”

“my bad, ma’am,” She said in a quieter tone “ What did you have in mind.”

“What do you recommend.”

“I would go for our chef's special. It's one of his favourite dishes to make.”

“Perfect, oh, can I also have a bowl of fruit with it as well?”

“Sure! I will let the chef know. It will be brought to your room in 30 minutes. Is there anything else I can help with?”

“No, you’ve been fantastic.”

“Thank you!” The blue glow started to fade away. I looked over to Apollinaris, who was still sleeping like a log. If I had to guess, the alcohol is still in her system.

I crept back into bed and opened up my system.

Horned Rabbit X20 (50xp each)

Deer X10 (100 xp each)

Mana beast X 9 (150 xp each.)

Feral Acid otter x 3 (150)

Total 3800 XP

Bonus xp (400)


Wait, only 400 bonus xp? Why so little I should have way more than that! I looked at the system menu perplexed, and then in the corner of my eye, a white mask could be seen glinting in the sun. That’s when it all hit me. It was suppressing my titles, which meant I didn’t get the bonus XP for most of those kills. A loud groan escaped me, causing Appolinaris to stir. Dammit, at this rate, it's gonna take me ages to level up. I need to find a replacement for that damned mask. I closed the system and slumped back into bed. There is no point getting worked up now. The least I can do now is check on the hive back home. I closed my eyes and activated [Hive Link]. The world around me swirled and disappeared as my vision became one with one of my royal flies.


<Yes, it's me. I'm just calling to see how everyone is doing.>

<Everyone is great. Let me show you!>

He excitedly flew off the branch and into the camp. The camp was pretty much how we left it, except There were 5 Combat units sleeping in the centre.

<How have they been?>

<Fine Mother, they’ve been going out every day to hunt since the day you left.”

< I see, Fly us closer>

He excitedly did as he was told. Flying us closer to inspect the combat units. When we approached closer, what I saw caused my stomach to turn

<What the…>

The combat units look like they’ve been through hell and back-covered head to toe in blood and mud. Scratches could be seen in their armour, and they had some injuries on their torso and legs. One of them opened their eyes as we flew close.

<Oh mother… It's you> His legs trembled like jelly as he tried to stand to greet me.

<sorry we didn’t mean to stop……. We’ll go back to- >


My voice echoed from the royal fly.

New ability added: Royal Mouthpiece.

Well, aren't you the introverted sort? Well, with this Nifty little skill, you can fulfil all of your anti-social needs.

(This skill allows you to use your royal flies as a mouthpiece for you, allowing you to communicate long distances.)


NOT NOW! The blue box instantly snapped out of existence.

<Oh is Mother disappointed in us..>  his head started to droop. Dammit, stop jumping to such wild conclusions.

<That’s not it. You are injured and tired. You need to rest. You are to stay here until you are recovered Okay?>

< alright, mother…..> He said, still sounding dejected.

<Im not angry or disappointed. You have done well, all of you. But if you keep working like this, you will die. Rest now, and you can better serve the hive later.”

<Yes, mother.> He dropped back down to the ground and closed his eyes. I watched him as he slowly drifted off back to sleep.

<Mother….. Are you..>

<Im fine! *Sigh* Sorry for shouting. Can you take me to the workers and the nurses.>

He didn’t respond and flew deeper into the cave. Dammit! I'm such a terrible mother. Here I am complaining about my slow xp gains whilst they are struggling every day! for Me! What the hell is wrong with me! Suddenly the royal fly lost balance in the air. Causing him to drop a few feet.

<Woah! Are you okay? What happened>

<Hnghhh… Mother, it's hard to fly when you’re so worked up.>

<Ah…..I’m sorry>

< It's fine. I'm okay now.>

<Are you sure? I coul>

<I’m Fine, Mother.>

 <…..Okay, if you say so…..>

I stayed silent as we flew deeper into the cave. I need to keep my emotions in check. I didn’t want them to get hurt because I couldn’t keep my emotions in check. We flew deeper into the cave until we eventually made it into the food/nursery room. The mushrooms had grown exceptionally since we'd left. Now it was covering every part of the room and the bodies of the prey my children collected. Inside this room, I saw the workers and nurses lying there in the centre of the room looking…… Bored?

I activated [Royal mouthpiece]

< What's the matter. You all look very bored.>

They all suddenly stirred to action.

<Nothing, Mother, everything is fine.> One of the workers responded.

<*SIGH* is it because there is Nothing to do?>

He looked away like he was a child that had been caught red-handed.

<Its fine… lets see….. Okay, I want you all to start working on the defences of the hive. I want you to build a sturdy wall to keep anything dangerous out. Can you do that? And if you can start expanding the hive underground, I mean. >

The faces on all 3 of them lit up.

<Yes, Mother!> All 5 of them scurried away in happiness.

<Also, Remember to put an entrance for us so we can actually go back inside the hive!>

They were long gone out of the room, But I think they heard me.

I looked to the nurses who were waiting expectantly.

<I want you to look after and tidy the camp until she finally gives birth. Once that happens, I want all your focus to be on her, okay. Make sure this room is ready for the new children.>

<Of course, Mother.>

They all scurried out of the room. I chuckled. It's nice to know everything here is well.


What the…


Oh, my breakfast.

<Sorry, child, but I have to go. See you. >

<Good bye mother>

My vision suddenly stirred, and I found myself back inside my room.

I quickly hopped off the bed and ran over to grab my mask.

<I hate this thing>

I slapped the mask onto my face and grabbed a nearby dressing gown. Luckily for me, it covered most of my insect features.

I walked over and opened the door. There a young boy was wearing a red waistcoat, a white shirt and and a small red hat.

 “your breakfast ma'am.” he said as he pointed to a small silver table with Multiple plates covered with expensive-looking silver lids. Next to them were several colourful drinks.

“May I” He signalled for me to let him into the room. I shook my head. Nope, My room, No humans allowed.

“I see” We stared at each other awkwardly for a moment before he decided to leave. He gave me a small bow and awkwardly hurried off. I grabbed the tray and pulled it into my room. A strong Aroma of meat and other goodies filled the room. I tossed the mask aside as I lifted the lid off. In front of me was a larger platter filled with all sorts of food. bacon, sausage, eggs and mush….. Wait a minute. The more I look at this.

“This is an English breakfast!”

Appolinaris stirred next to me again and slowly started to wake up.

“Unghhhhaaaa My head.” She wailed. She winced as she looked around the room.

“Good morning, Lightweight. Come get this food inside you. It will help with the headache.” I took a sausage off the plate and ate. The savoury meat melted in my mouth. I grabbed an empty plate, took a portion of food, and sat down. Appolinaris shuffled off the bed and walked towards the food like a zombie.

“How are you feeling!?”I yelled.

“AI, AI, AI, not too loud, Okay.”

I chuckled as I made swift work of the food. Safe to say, it was very delicious. I poured myself a glass of OJ and downed it all, and without missing a beat, I rushed to the bathroom. Today is a busy day. We have a meeting with Mrs Ashdown’s husband tomorrow. Still, before that, I want to learn as much as possible about this nation, the forest and Doonvatel. And speaking about the town. A town this large has to have a substantial criminal network, especially one this close to the border. I need to find a way into that.

<Bah, so much to do....>

I ran myself a quick hot bath and washed up. Making great use of the soap they gave us. Once I finished, I took one of the towels and dried myself off. I entered the room where Appolinaris was eating the remainder of the breakfast.

“This is really, REALLY good.” She said as she ate another sausage hole.

“Huh, I thought you would be vegetarian.”

She shook her head.” nope, we had meat very, VERY rarely. Also, Just because I used to live with the trees doesn’t mean I don’t eat meat, hell; there are plants in that forest that eat more meat than most predators.”

“Alright, alright. Sorry for assuming. When you're done, go and get ready. We have a busy day.”

She nodded at me. I turned around and started putting on my clothes which were the same boring old robe I came here with. Once I was done, all there was to do was to wait for Apollinaris. Who had just entered the bathroom. All in all it took us around 20 minutes to get ready and get out of the inn.

“How are you feeling,” I asked her.

“like crap, really, but ill push through. Hey, my memory is a bit fuzzy. Did I say some weird stuff last night?”

I let out a soft chuckle and walked away.

“What does that mean? Did I or didn’t I? Diva. Diva! Don’t walk away! Answer me! HEY!”

20 minutes later….

“Come onnnnnn. Tell me!”

“No. Now behave, you're making a scene.”

We made it to the centre of the town. On our way here, we asked for directions to the library. Well, I say I, but it was mainly Apolinaris who did the talking.

“Fine. But I will make you tell me.”

“Shush. Do you remember where the library is?”

She briefly looked around.

“the man said near the blacksmiths. Hold on”

She ran away and approached a random stranger. It's nice to see she’s gotten over the stares people were giving her. This town is interesting. It's not only humans that live here. We’ve got a mix of humans, demi-humans such as Beastmen and something akin to a lizard mixed with a human. Anyway, it didn’t matter what they were. They were all equally annoying.

“I got it! It’s Down here!”

She took off down the street without me. Honestly, it's like I’m going shopping with a child. However, It is nice seeing her so Happy. She rarely smiled before, Which is a shame because her smile is really nice and beautiful, even……

I thought back to our previous night. What if she really meant it? I mean, and she does like me, could I?.......with her?. I shook my head. No. This isn't the place for that. I need to focus on why I'm here. I can't get distracted and led on by my feelings again. That's how you end up dead in a warehouse.

“Hurry Up!”

I snapped out of my train of thought and started walking a bit faster. We walked past bakeries, clothing stores and all sorts on our way there until we finally arrived at the library. It was a large building with stone steps leading up to its entrance. Large stone pillars were posted at the entrance. We powered up the stairs and towards the large oak doors.

“Woooooo. This is one hell of a library.”

I grunted as we continued into the building. As soon as I opened the door, my nose was hit with the stench of ancient paper, parchment, and worn leather bindings. The delicate scent of ink, faded but not forgotten, lingered in the air. I smiled. This smell brought me back. I spent a lot of time in libraries studying to be a detective. I always found these places to be calming. I entered the library and towards the old, worn desk. As I approach the worn desk, a figure emerges from the shadows. The old librarian stands before me. Her posture and presence demanding respect. Time had etched several depp wrinkles into her face. Her hair was dotted with many wisps of grey strands. And her clothes were made of old tweed and were dotted with ink stains. That’s a librarian, alright.

“Visitors? At this time? No matter. ‘ow can ‘elp you love.” She said with a reassuring, friendly voice. Completely shattering the impression  I had of her. Guess she isn't like the battle axe of a librarian I had when I was younger.

“Ermmm ahhh we” Apollinaris stuttered.

“Don’t be shy, love; what do you want to know.” She said with a polite smile.

Appolinaris looked at me before nodding. I told her everything I was interested in beforehand. I didn’t ask for much or anything too extreme.

“y- Yes! Can we have a bestiary For the consecrated Forests? And as many books as you can that discuss the history, politics and geopolitics of this nation and the surrounding nations. Also, as many books as possible to do with magic and, if possible, any spell books you have. And how could I forget books about military history and military tactics and strategies would be nice, and anything to do with logistics and as many maps as you can.”

The lady stared at Apollinaris with disbelief.

“Crikey Love. You don’t ask for much do you” She said with a laugh.

“Is this all for you or-“

“No, it's for my mistress…..She has an insatiable thirst for knowledge.”

The lady chuckled again.

“I see…. Well love, I can get you everything else except the magical spell books. The union of magicians, wizards and warlocks have made It illegal for us to keep them. If you want those, you're going to have to visit a magician's store. I think there is one down the road from here. However, I can give you books about the theory and principles of magic, but that’s it.”

Apollinaris looked towards me, and I nodded at her.

“That’s fine.” She said.

“Splendid. Follow me, love.”

Apollinaris followed first, with me not too far behind. It’s very that there are no spell books here, But I will just have to add visiting that magic shop onto my list. I sighed internally. Why is it never easy? However, a nice silver lining about all this is that at least most of the information I want is here, which is good. Now, let's see what I can learn.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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