Chapter 29: Dress shopping


I rolled my eyes. She has been bragging to me about this for the past 5 minutes. Can we get to the point now? I looked towards Apollinaris, who said nothing the entire time and had a stupid shit-eating grin on her face.

“HAHAHAHA. But enough posturing. What was your issue again.”

“Why, you little!”

“What my mistress issue is.” Apollinaris interrupted. “Is that the litmus paper is not working? Even though she put her mana through it.

“Interesting,” she picked up the paper and inspected it. “I see no faults in the paper itself. Bad batch, maybe? Here.”

She passed me another sheet from a different box. Like before, I put my mana into it, but nothing happened… Just what's wrong with me?

“How fascinating….. I have never seen anything like this. Let me compare the two pieces of paper in the back. Can you give me a few minutes?”

“Sure.” I passed her back the sheet as she rushed off into the back. I looked at Apollinaris, who just shrugged. I guess she is just as lost as I am. Did Cindi not give me the ability to wield magic? No, that doesn’t make sense. I have mana, and my system has a section dedicated to just magic. So that must mean I can wield some type of magic, right? GAHH. This is so annoying. How can I be expected to do anything If I can't wield magic!? God, this is so infuriating! This is so an


I turned to look at Apollinaris, who had moved next. She wrapped her hand around mine.

“It's gonna be alright. Well, figure something out. Don’t worry” She gave me a smile. I squeezed her hand. This is such a familiar moment. Every time I used to get frustrated with a case, Alissa would always come and do the same thing. She would hold my hand and give me a hug. And tell me-


My hand yanked away from her. I looked around the room. I swear I heard Alissa right now.

“Diva! That hurt”
I quickly looked at her arm and noticed a significant scrape running along it. Thankfully I was wearing gloves. If it had been my claws…..

“I'm sorry.. I didn't mean… let me find something.”

“I'm fine.” She said, rubbing her arm.

“Are you sure I ca-“

“IM. FINE. What's gotten into you? Is everything okay? You’ve been acting weird for a while now.”

“Sorry. And no, I have been feeling that great for a while now.”

“Oh. Do you wanna talk about it?”


She gave me a concerned stare before finally nodding. I noticed blue mana come from her hand. Was she healing it? No. More like soothing it with cold water mana. Dammit. Curse you, Alissa. Get out of my head!

“ dammit!.” The dwarf said, coming out of the room.

“It turns out that- What happened in here. Why do you two both look like you’ve lost a relative?”

“Were fine. Continue.” Apollinaris chimed in.

The dwarf looked between the two of us and shrugged.

“As I was saying. It turns out that there is nothing wrong with the litmus paper. It's completely fine and registering as unused. look.” She took one of the pieces of paper and poured her mana into it. Suddenly, the paper began to crumble and darken as it slowly turned into dried earth.

“dammit, do you have any theories as to why it's not working?,” Apollinaris responded. She had stopped cooling her arm now.

She shook her head. “None at all. I am as stumped as you are. By all counts, this shouldn’t be possible. I don’t know what to tell ya.”

“so, after all that, we are still at square one,” I said. Dammit. This entire thing has been a waste of time.

“Haha ha….. sorry. But that’s all I've got.” She said, heading back to behind her counter.

“A piece of advice to help you find your answers. During my research and studying, I always found that it helps to have a change of perspective. Looking at things from a different angle can always help reveal answers. Here take this *used* piece of paper. Take it to another mage and get a second opinion. Who knows, maybe I did something wrong. I doubt it because there is no greater mage than I in this town, but who knows, oh, and that will be 5 silvers.”

I nodded to Apollinaris, who quickly paid. After that, we made our way out of the magic store.

“That was a waste of time. And sorry for.. ya know.”

“I told you it's fine. I can bearly feel it now.”

“I know, but it's not right. I shouldn't have done that. What can I do to say sorry.”

“You don’t have to, but if you are so dead set on apologising. Can you buy me a dress?”

“A dress? Whatever for?”
“No reason. I'm a girl. I like those sorts of things.”

I gave her a sceptical look. There is something she's not telling me. However, let's not push it and besides, we need some formal clothing for the meeting with the Ashdowns.

“Alright then. Let's visit a tailor.”

She smiled and went to ask for directions. She always looks cute when she smiles.


I shook my head. Stupid Alissa, even in another world, she still manages to hurt me.

“Got some directions, LETS GOOO!

I nodded and followed Appolinaris. We walked back towards the richer parts of town to find a tailor. On our way, the number of people on the streets had multiplied several times since this morning.

“It stinks.” Apollinaris sniffed the air and looked at me in confusion.

“What do you mean? It smells fine.”

I scoffed. “Can you not smell that? Too many humans in one place. This whole place smells like crap.”

“I think you're exaggerating.”


We continued walking until we eventually arrived in the wealthier areas of town without me saying a word. Appolinaris peeled off and asked a random person where the nearest tailor was. Thankfully it wasn’t too far away. A couple of minutes later. We arrived at the “Needle&stich boutique tailors”.

“This is the place.” She chirped.


A bell rang as We walked into the tailor. The place was filled with loads of different clothes ranging from long designer dresses and expensive suits for men. The room had an aroma of freshly cut linen and floral perfume. This place was truly hell. Suddenly, a young lady burst into the room.

“HI! And welcome to the needele&stich! How can I help you!” Her face was plastered with an 1 thousand mile smile. Appolinaris stepped forward.

“Hi. We are in need of clothing for a meeting with someone important. Can you arrange something for us.”

“Certainly!” The lady pulled a notepad and pencil from her pocket. “Is this a formal or casual affair?”


“Is there a theme at all”

“None, that I know of.”

“Perfect. Let me take your measu-”

“Before you continue, I must disclose something private. You see, my mistress has a condition that requires her body to be covered most of the time. So for the mistress's dress, could it be something that covers most of her body and maybe a headpiece as well.”

The lady looked me up and down.

“Hmmmm. It will be tricky but not impossible. I will need to take her measurements.”

“Is it possible you can do it whilst the mistress is fully clothed? Because of her condition, she has to stay as she is.”

“Of course.”

The woman walked up to me. She was quite short, still taller than Apollinaris. But still very short.

“Can you please raise one of your arms?”

I did as I was told. The women measured around my arms, waist and legs and did the same for Apollinaris.

“You have a very unique figure.”

Unique? Are you calling me fat?

“I'm sorry, that’s rude of me. I don’t mean it in a negative way. Anyway. I should be able to make you the dresses. When do you want them?”

“Is evening today or early tomorrow works for us.”

“Sure, but we charge extra for same-day production and delivery.”

“That’s fine.”

“perfect, that will cost 5” *DING* *DING*

I and my head snapped towards the door where a gaggle of women entered the store. At the front was a lady with long brown hair, green eyes and greenish skin. She was quite pretty to look at.

The lady looked towards me and smiled; however, that smile instantly disappeared as soon as she set eyes on Appolinaris. My gaze moved towards her, and her eyes were filled with the same anger and hatred I hadn't seen in a while. That could only mean one thing…

“Is that a pure spirit” I whispered. She nodded. Crap, not good.

“I thought this would be a classy establishment. But clearly, I was wrong if one of THEM was able to make it here.” She spat towards Appolinaris. Really, you're not even in your own home, and you still choose to be….. She already pissed me off, and I've only just met her. The gaggle of faceless people behind her slowly stopped talking as they listened to what was going on between us.

“Excuse me, ma’am.” The tailor spoke up. “ But I can assure you that this is one of the best tailors i-“

“Preposterous!”  She yelled as she stomped over towards us.

“No fine establishment would ever let these accursed creatures anywhere near them! I shall do you a favour and remove this….The thing right now!.” I saw a flash of red fire spark around her hand. She then raised her hand towards Apollinaris. At that moment, I moved, crossing the gap in an instant thanks to [ENHANCED REACTIONS]. My hand clamped around her wrist, snuffing out the flame. As long as I'm here, you will not lay a finger on her.

“Who are you? Let go of me!”

“Apologise”, I growled out. My hand squeezed harder. She started to yelp and moan in pain the more I squeezed.

“Aghh. uHmm. AHHH! Who are you!? Let go!”

“Not before you Apologise For Insulting my servant. She represents me, so an insult to her is an insult to me.” I squeezed her hand harder, causing even more yelps of pain to come out from her.

“I… would..neve..” My hand clamped around her wrist tighter. This woman is pissing me off. If only we were alone, I would slaughter them all right there and then. Suddenly, flame started to lick up my glove. I instantly pulled my hand away to avoid it getting burned. The flame instantly died down as she held her bright red and sore hand. The woman gazed at me with anger before quickly hiding her hand away.

“Let's go, ladies. This place is clearly going to the dogs if these sorts of people can come in.”

Without further word, she turned and left. The other women looked amongst themselves before following her.

“Fucking sheep, I swear.”

I turned towards the tailor, who was looking at me, shocked.

“Ahem, I still want to buy a dress.”

Her vision snapped out of it as she looked towards me.

“Ah, sorry about that, ma'am. Sure ehhhhh ill get the ehhhhh”

I sighed. “triple the prices of our dresses. I'm sure that will make up for the lost business.”

“No, it's not that.. It's just that.. I've never seen anyone stand up to her before. She tends to get her way.”

“Is that so…”

“Yes. Anyway. I'll get the book. You can have a look and choose the designs you want.” Before I could reply, she left. Leaving me and Apollinaris alone.

“Are you okay?”

She didn’t respond. I looked over at her and saw that her hand was dripping red crimson blood.

“Stupid question” I  tore a piece of cloth and wrapped it around her palm. Once I was done, I then pulled her into a hug. That bitch. I won't forgive her for this. Discretely, I let out one of my flies.

<Follow her. I want to know where she lives and anything and everything she does.>

I watched as a fly escaped from under my robe and flew under the door. I continued to hold Apollinaris. The stories she told never really did it justice. I can't believe she had to go to an entire school of people who saw her like that.

“I've decided.” Appolinaris pulled away. “You can do it. You can change me. I don’t care anymore. I'm tired of feeling like this.”

She looked up at me, her eyes filled with nothing but rage and determination.

My lips curled into a smile.

“Good” I guess I need to level up quickly.

“I think these dresses should do fine .” The tailor popped out holding a large red book with the numbers “28/50” embossed into it. We quickly cleaned ourselves up and headed over to look at the book. It was filled with hundreds of dresses with familiar themes and designs. I chose mine and left Apollinaris to choose hers. She said she wanted two. I dint argue. If this helps make her feel better, I don’t mind paying the bill.

“By any chance, do you know any good blacksmiths?” I asked.

“Not my area of expertise, sorry. Your better off going to the adventure guild for that sort of information.”


“No problem, that would be 6 gold pieces.”

I looked over to the Apollinaris, who gave the lady the money.

“Perfect. I'll deliver it too.”

“The jaded rabbit inn”

“No problem. Oh, just before you go here.” The lady tore a piece of paper from her notebook.

“If you are going to the blacksmiths and need to have armour made, take this. It has your measurements on them. Will save you the hassle.”

“Thank you.”

Without further word, we headed out of the shop.


AND I'M BACK. It was a nice, much-needed holiday. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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