chapter 34: A night of pain. Part 2 18+


Sorry for the delay again. It's just shit luck after shit luck. I was babysitting for the past week so I had barely any free time. it also didn't help that this chapter was particularly hard to write and went through 2 or 3 rewrites. I'm still not happy but if I continue I probably won't release it. so here it is enjoy.
content warning: Rape, kidnapping

<Mother, over here>

I nodded. I quickly looked at both sides of the road. The street was completely desolate, good. I lifted the two of them onto my shoulders. Thankfully, they weren't too heavy. I took one last look before I shot across the street into the back alley on the other side. I made it.

<Just how far away is this place?>

 The air filled with a buzzing sound as one of my children flew down.

<Not too far away now.>

<good, Do you think anyone saw?>

He shook his head

<nice, lead the way.>

He nodded, and I followed him. We traipsed through smelly alleys and dimly lit streets until finally, we found it. It was an old warehouse tucked away in the corner of the city.

<Mother, we found this place. Will it do for a new hive?>

<looks fine on the outside. Is there a basement?>

<it does, but its quite small>

Size doesn’t matter; I can always expand.

<Show me the way in> I followed around to the rear of the building, where a small steel door was. The door was locked shut with a small grey lock.

<through here>

I raised my foot, and with one swift kick, the door swung open. The inside of the warehouse was barren. Exposed brick was made up the walls, and the roof was old and rusted. Thankfully the building was still watertight as there wasn’t a puddle in sight.

I followed him to a small office in the corner. Inside was a small wooden desk, an old filing cabinet, and, most peculiarly, a trapdoor. My son flew down and through a gap in the trap door. I dropped the two unconscious bodies and pulled the trapdoor open. There was a wooden ladder that led to a dark abyss. I started climbing down, and in no time at all, I was in the dark basement. I used my [insect vision] which illuminated the basement

The basement was indeed very small, filled with old boxes and a mattress laid on the ground. Squatters maybe? Either way, it didn’t matter. I wouldn’t be the one sleeping on it.

<this will do nicely. Too bad it is so dark>

<over here, mother. I found something.>

I looked over, and he had landed on a weird symbol engraved into the wall. I walked over and rubbed my thumb over it. “

<maybe you could put some mana into it? I saw some humans doing it to something similar when I was looking for a place.>

I nodded. I pressed my finger against the engraving, and I poured my mana into the symbol. Suddenly, the engraving ignited with blue fire that shot up and around the edges, illuminating the room.

<Thank you>

I quickly went back up, grabbed the two of them, and moved them downstairs. I threw the girl onto the mattress and moved the man towards a wall. In a swift motion, I undid his belt, and took off his pants; He won’t be needing those. I then quickly wrapped the belt around both of his hands and tied him to the wall.

“rise and shine,” I said, gently tapping his cheek

“Come on. Wake up. It took a lot of work to move the two of you here.”

I shook the man again, and he finally started to come around.

“W…wwww…..where am I… what's going- Where are my pants!”

“Oh darling, that should be the least of your concerns. Where you are isn't important and pants welllll…. For what I have planned, you won't be needing them.”

I sat on his lap. His face went bright red.

“Please just let me go.”

“You're saying no. but your body is telling me otherwise.”

I reached down and slowly wrapped my hand around his hard member. He shivered in my grasp.

“Nooooo Stooooop.”

“Shhhh, don’t squirm too much now. I don’t know my own strength, you see. You don’t want me to accidentally break something. Now, do you?”

I gently started to stroke his cock. For a skinny man, he was quite big. If I had to guess 6, or 7 inches? I guess the rumours are true for skinny Men. I continued stroking him up and down. The heat coming from his skin washed through my hand and up my body. Where they always this hot?

“Pleas-AHHHHH sto AHHHH p”

His face was red, and he was panting hard like a dog after a long run. My heart was racing as well. I increased the speed as I felt his dick get even harder in my hands. I leaned closer to the squirming man and planted my lips on his. My tongue twisted and twirled its way around his. He tried to fight me off, but he was too weak. After a few moments, I beat his tongue into submission. His cock stiffened even more in my hand. Could he be a closet submissive? I respond by increasing my speed. Up and down, my hand went soon; I started to feel his cock pulse in my hand. My heart started racing. Any moment now. He let out an earthshaking moan into my mouth as I felt something hot onto my armour. I pulled my lips away, dragging a long strain of saliva with me.

“That was fun. But look at the mess you made.”

He sat in a puddle of his own sweat and cum. His dick limped pathetically towards the ground like all the life had been taken out of it. He looked so pathetic I could just eat him up.

“Please…. No more- “

I placed my fingers on my lips and shushed him. The pleading look on his face. The mix of anger and fear in his face. Umph, I just can't get enough of him. I want to break him down, make him totally mine ruin him so much to the point that he can't even bear to live without me. Yes, that’s what ill do. My face twisted into a smile at the thought of fun to come.

“Shhh, pets shouldn’t make noise when their owners don’t want them to. And besides, you’ve made quite the mess; clean it up.”

I raised my cum soaked hand towards his lips. He looked between me and the hand; watching him fight with his pride was so fun.

“Come on now. We haven't got all night. If you take too long, I may have to make you do it, and trust me, you don’t want that.”

That seemed to be the encouragement he needed as his tongue timidly came out, and soon he started licking away the now cold cum all over my hands.

“Quickly now. I don’t want it to dry.”

He hurried along, his face twisted and contorted with disgust with every lick. But he knew better than to stop.

“Ack..*cough*… what the fuck.”

 I grinned. “Don’t forget here as well” I lowered myself a bit and pointed to the parts with armour. He didn’t need to be told and soon got to work.

“You really enjoy this, don’t you”

His head shot towards me in anger.

“I. do. Not. I would never enjoy…….this!”

“oh? Is that so. If that’s true, why has your little man been stood at attention this entire time?”

His eyes bulged as he looked down towards his member, and sure enough, there it was, stiff and harder than trigonometry.

“Lie all you want, but your body will always betray you.” I stood up and spread my soaking pussy lips.

“seeing how you're finished, come here and service me. it's not fair you get all the fun now, is it?” I walked and put my lips in front of his face.

“If you do a good job, ill let you cum in me. How does that sound? .”

I walked a little closer and waved my lower lips in front of his face. But annoyingly, he wasn’t playing.

“Come on now. Don’t be stubborn!”

I grabbed his head and smacked against my lips. I started to slowly gyrate on his face. Small ripples of pleasure washed over my body as my lips brushed against his mouth. I continued to entertain myself for a little while when suddenly his head tilted up, and I felt his tongue rub into my folds.

“Good Boy,” I said, gently rubbing his head. His tongue made its way around my folds and up inside me.

“Ahh! Right… there!” His tongue twisted up, and around my clit I gently humped against his face sending loads of pleasurable shocks through my body.

“You’re AHHHahHh, surprisingly goOOOOOod at this. I'll definitely keep you.”

His tongue suddenly got more aggressive as it worked its way deeper into my soaking channel. I don’t know how long he kept tongue fucking me, but all I do remember is The sound of my moans filling the basement. Im surprised that girl hasn’t woken up yet. Waves of pleasure started to rush all over more frequently, combined with An unbearable heat resonating from my crotch.  


An explosion of pleasure erupted from my core shaking my body that rocked my entire body. I wrapped my hands wrapped around his head and pulled him deeper into my pussy. Wave after wave washed through my body, causing My body to convulse ad spasm wildly. Eventually, my orgasm ended, and I slowly moved his head away from my pussy. His face was completely soaked all over like he had been standing outside in the rain.

“I don’t think I can wait any more.”

Before he could respond, I sat down on his legs with his member standing at attention. I looked towards him. His face held a delicious pleading expression.

“Please…. No more”

My lips twisted into a sadistic smile as I raised my pussy right of his member and lowered onto it.


The sudden intrusion was indescribable. He was hitting spots in my pussy that I didn’t know existed yet, and the best part was that it's not even all the way in.

“So wide”

I lowered myself even more. His penis went deeper and deeper into me. My moans filled the air as he slowly invaded my cunt until, finally, I hit the base. My cunt was twitching with pleasure, hungry to have more and more it will have. Slowly I started moving up and down on his cock. Going slowly at first but slowly increasing the speed over time. My body had a mind of its own as it tried to milk as much pleasure as it could. My thrust got more aggressive and more needy. I could feel my insides sucking him for everything. I fucked him as hard as I could. Slapping sounds filled the air as my crotch slammed into his meat. I looked into his eyes nd they were a mix of terror and pleasure my two favourite expressions. I bent over and slammed my lips into his and made out with him right there and then. As I fucked him, an idea popped into my head. I quickly opened up the hive management menu and specialised my eggs.


Are you sure you want to specialise

5 x workers

4x nurses

For: 5500 Biomass


Yes! YES! OF COURSE! The screen vanished out of existence as the same pleasurable moan radiated out from my crotch.


Every part of my body was filled with pleasure and excitement. The feeling of having sex and specialising my eggs was incredible. My body went into overdrive, slamming into him as hard and as fast as I could

“I'm close!” he yelled. I drove harder and harder into him as my orgasm was coming to a climax.

“Don’t you DARE! Let it out early.”

I slammed into him a few more times, trying to make my orgasm come sooner.

“I cant hold it……”


We came at the same time. Warmth shot up inside me as his seed went up and into my body. The warmth spread up and towards the heat where my eggs specialising. The warmth mixed and wrapped up with each other and became one.


200mls of Semen detected.

Please select 1 of the following.

1: convert semen into biomass

2: convert seamen into a growth accelerant (Reduces the gestation period of all currently selected eggs)

3: Storage (current storage 0 out of 1 litre)


I quickly selected option 2. there was a brief flash of intense heat in my crotch before disappearing.


Accelerant used

Gestation reduced by 12 Hours

Workers estimated gestation time 2.5 days.

Nurses 4.5 days


A wave of pride washed over me, I slowly started to pull out, but then a thought crossed my mind why should I stop now? He's pretty young; I'm sure there is plenty he could give me. I slowly slid back down and started rocking on his now limp penis.


I shook my head. We continue until every drop is in me. I mean, what's the hurry? The night is still young after alll….


Writing sex scenes from a female pov is really difficult as it turns out. any feedback you can give will be very much appreciated there will be more like this in the future so I want to make it good.

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