Chapter 38: Negotiations

Several hours earlier….

“If you feel like you must repay me, I want you to make me mushrooms.”

“Oh, that’s easy enough” Her hands started to glow green and familiar brown mushrooms started to grow.

“No. Not that kind. I want you to stay here and make me psychedelic mushrooms.”


 “In case you have forgotten, we are trying to worm ourselves into the criminal underground of this world and to do that, we need to bring something they want. We can’t just waltz up and say, “Hey, criminal, I’m a criminal too. Let me into your super secret less-than-legal organisation” We are going to have to give them something to make them believe we are serious.”

“And you plan to get in using these special mushrooms.”

“Yes. Back in my old world, there were these mushrooms that my nation's government banned due to their unique psychedelic properties.”

“Im gonna need more than that. What were they called? What species did they belong to? Do they prefer pitch-black darkness, or are they fine with moderate shade? The texture, are they smooth to the touch or have a furry feeling. Did the-“

“I DON’T KNOW! I don’t know! The answer to all your questions is I don’t know. I wasn’t a mushroom specialist in my previous life.”

“ha, ha….Sorry... “

“It's fine; it's nice to see you so eager. The only thing I can tell you is that when eaten, they would cause very strong hallucinations like, so strong that you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference from reality.”

“hmmm, from what you described. It sounds like it was a type of Psilocybin mushroom. I can’t tell you the specific type without seeing it, but by your description of its effects, it sounds like it belongs to that family.”

“However, there was a problem or a good thing, depending on how you look at it. This mushroom type was not very addictive, meaning their use was never very prevalent.”

“And you want me to fix that part.”

A smile crept onto my face.

“If you dont mind.”

The present......

“what the hell is that?”

“This gentleman will blow your mind.”

In my hand was a fairly small mushroom but don’t let its size fool you. This thing packs a serious punch. I looked down and watched as the flesh of the mushroom changed colour between blue and green.

“In my hand is a business opportunity that, if played right, can make us all very wealthy.”

“HAHHAHAHA. I can't tell if you are incredibly brave or Stupid!“ the fat one said. “You butt into our business with nothing but a mushroom and claim that it will make us super-rich. Are you crazy?”

“Well, I have been told I am a little bit unhinged. But doesn’t that just make it more interesting. So why don’t you give me a chance  .”

“Never in a million years. Right andre…….andre?”

The lanky one Looked me up and down. Unlike his friend, he was much more calm and thoughtful.

“Can I take a closer look?” He said, holding out his hand.

I shook my head and pulled the mushroom closer.

“Haha.. smart. Never trust a face you’ve just met. I think we should hear her out.”

“What! You can’t be serious!”

“yes, I am. Look, SHE approached US with nothing but a small girl and a mushroom. She is either crazy, or she is that confident in her product.”

The skinny one turned to face me.

“I want to know more about these mushrooms. But not here. Too many ears.”

He looked around. He’s right; this place is too crowded for this kind of talk.

“Meet us at “the oldest house” opera theatre East Side of town. 3 days from now.”

“Sorry, I'm not familiar with that area, and frankly, I don’t trust you enough to believe this isn't a trap.”

His face twisted into a grin “ Oh, I like you. But I'm sorry, I'm not changing the location. I, too, have to think of my safety.”

“Well, then, we are at an impasse.”

“Not really, young lady. Because as it stands, you need us, but we don’t need you.”

“Well, I guess ill just have to take my business elsewhere.”

“Fine. But before you go. I want you to know that I'm well-connected in this town, VERY well-connected. I feel like it would be bad for you if rumours started spreading that made it so that nobody will ever do business with you.”

“And how do I know you're not bluffing?”

“It's not about if I'm bluffing. It's whether or not you can afford to call my bluff.”

Shit, he’s right. Dammit, what do I do? If this is a trap, I'm screwed. There is no way I'm getting out without revealing my true nature. I could always back out. No, he’s seen the mushroom. If he really wants it, he could just use force, putting all my other plans in motion. FUCK, SHIT, I guess ill have to play his stupid game.

I looked into his eyes whilst holding my best poker face.“When time do we meet.”

“In the evening, and relax. Honestly, I really do just want to talk with you.”

“Andre.” The fat one chimed in, “You can't be serious; she’s an unknown, a nobody. ” The fat one chimed in.

“I am serious, friend. I'm very interested in what she is bringing to the table and other things as well. Also, what's life without a little risk.” He said, winking at me; prick.

“As for us. I think we should call it a night and leave.”

“But the event has just started.” The fat one responded

“I know, but all this socialising has tuckered me out.” He tapped on the shoulders of one of his guards, and they started to head towards me.

“Do enjoy your night, and don’t stay out too late”, he said

“Good night, Andre and I look forward to meeting you again.”

He nodded as he, his partner and his guards disappeared into the hall.

I walked forward onto the balcony. And placed my hand on the stone railing.

“Diva….is everything alright?”

I ignored her. I'm not really in the mood for questions right now.

“Are you mad?”

“What makes you think that.”

She pointed at the railing. There were several visible cracks where my hands were.

“tch, let's go. I wanna get this stupid thing over with.”

I returned the mushroom to Apollinaris, who locked it back in her purse. I raised my elbow towards Apollinaris, and she stared at it tentatively.

I sighed. “I’m sorry. I just got a bit worked up there. I hate not being in control and being manipulated..... I have very bad experiences with it.”

Her face softened, and she wrapped her arm around mine

“I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have acted like that... I was just worried.”

“It's fine. Let’s go enjoy the night.”

We walked back into the main hall just as the music began to change.

“So uuuuuh..... what happens now?” Apollinaris spoke up.

“I don’t know. But we’ve got a way in. I just hate the way I got it. Fuck that Andre guy.”

“do you think it's a trap?”

“I don’t know. But the fact it's a location he is very familiar with is concerning. Whilst I don’t think he has malicious intent doesn’t mean I should be careful they are criminals, after all.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t be more help during the… ya know. Im not good at that sort of thing.”

I smiled. “It's fine, Apollinaris. Just you being there is enough.”

“Are you sure? I mean, you do so much. Whilst in return, I've done nothing.”

“Don’t sell yourself short, Apollinairis. Rember you made that mushroom, And you saved my life. Now please, let's just enjoy the rest of the night.”


And enjoy the night we did. We talked, drank and socialised with everyone here. Naturally, everyone was curious about what we did for the Ashdowns and what we chose for our reward; Unfortunately for them, we were very tight-lipped about that last part. Some merchants tried to enter business deals with me, but I declined. I had no real interest in what they were offering, and honestly, I hated how obviously they were trying to use me to get close to the Ashdowns.  

“How exhausting,” I said as I sat down on a seat.

“Yeahhhh”, Apollinaris responded whilst slumping onto the chair next to me. We picked a seat in one of the quieter parts of the hall.

“But it was fun. I had always dreamed of going to some fancy ball as a kid. Im so happy I've gotten to do it now……Thank you.”

“No need to thank me. Honestly, I needed this as well. It’s nice to wind down once in a while.”

“AHEM”, a voice resounded throughout the hall. Everyone looked towards the stage where the usher from earlier was standing.

“I hope you have all enjoyed this wonderful night. I am here to announce that the orchestra will be playing their final song of the night. So please, I urge everyone to head to the dance floor.”

The final dance, huh? I stood up and gave Apollinaris my hand.

“Can I have this dance”

Her face went bright red as she looked between me and my hand.


She slowly reached out and gave me her hand. I gently pulled her up as the music began to play. I quickly hurried onto the main floor as more and more people did the same. The music started to build and get more complex drums, cymbals and a whole host of brass instruments I could name. The music built more and more, reaching an apex before finally, the true symphony started.

I locked my hands with Apollinaris, and our hips began to sway.


“Hmmm… what is it?”

“I.. I can't dance.”

A small chuckle escaped me.

“Then follow me, ill lead.”

we began to move, small steps allowing her to get the rhythm.

 Soon we got bolder, our strides getting larger until we started to do the waltz.

“diva, why are we-“

“Shhhhhhh, don’t think; just enjoy the moment.”

She looked up at me, confused but then smiled. We continued to slowly waltz around the dance floor. I don’t know when exactly, but at some point, the music slowed down to a gentle rhythm. Without thinking, my hands went down to her hips, and I pulled her close into my chest. Apollinaris did the same as we swayed with the music.

 For this brief moment, it felt like we were the only two people in the world. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Hey, diva…”


“Do you remember that time I said I really like you”

“Yes. You were quite drunk. I'm surprised you even remember that night at all.”

“I wasn’t drunk….”

“if you say so.”


“Oh, okay..”

“Ever since that night, well, I've just had these feelings that…..God, this is so hard to say.”

“Go on. Say it. I’m all ears.”

She took a deep breath. I could feel her little heart racing.

“Diva, I want us-“


Suddenly my vision went white as a loud thunderous roar rocked the building.



“You look mad.”


Titus stomped around the office like a raging bull, smashing anything that unfortunately got in his way.

“I understand that, but I don’t think she’s a spy also, please can you not with the homophobic language”

Titus glared at his business partner Andre before letting out a sigh and sitting down. Several hours had passed since the Ashdown ball. The two had left quickly for Andre’s house on the other side of town.

“I’m sorry. But you have to know how stupid and risky this is. We are already struggling with that blonde bastard's crackdowns. We can’t afford to have more people in at the moment. WE.NEED.TO.BE.CAREFULL.”

Andre took a sip of his wine.

“I understand what you are saying, but we should give her a shot. The likelihood of her being a spy is small. No self-respecting spy would ever do what she did. Especially with the Ashdown present. And besides, her closeness with the family could be useful.”

“I see what you mean, but...”

“I get it. But think of it like this; If what she told is true about the mushroom, then we could be rolling in it. After the empire-wide crackdowns of fae dust, Glimmer shells and magic dragon, The market is open for something new. Think about the money we could earn”

“Hmmm, your right. It's just this all seems too good to be true. A golden goose comes to us right when we are struggling? Shit like that doesn’t happen to us……. Fine ill follow you. However, if this blows up.”

“I'll take the fall; I get it, I get it.”

“Good, maybe if we play this right, we can try and steal the mushrooms from her... sell it ourselves. We can always give it to “you know who”. They could Probably recreate it. “

“I would advise against that.”

Titus raised his eyebrow, perplexed.

“What's your reasoning?”

“I have none, but my gut is telling me that I should be careful.”

Titus let out a small laugh before taking a sip of brandy.

“You and that gut of yours. You think too much. You have to remember she is still a woman. One wave of the hand, and they bend to you.”

On cue, the large oak double doors opened. 2 naked women walked into the office. Their eyes were dull and lifeless like their will had been smashed to pieces. Titus walked up to them and wrapped his ogre-like hands over their rear.

“Look at these two. Fine” *smack* “loyal to a T broad’s I uh “collected”. ”

A long sigh escaped Andre.

“I don’t think those two are something you should be proud of.”

“Bah. Don’t pretend you're a Saint.”

Titus slipped one of his fingers inside one of the girls causing a small moan to escape her.

“If you have nothing more to say. I will be leaving. Tell your husband I-“


A large earthshaking sound went through the room. Several glass bottles fell to the ground scattering glass and 1000-year-old liquor onto the floor.

“WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!?” Titus yelled.

Andre quickly shot off his chair, ran to the window and yanked the curtain away. A large ploom of smoke illuminated by a bright orange flame could be seen where the Ashdown mansion was.

“Is that?” Titus asked.

“Yes….. yes it is.”

Suddenly the door burst open as several goons burst in, holding swords ready to fight.

“Boss, you hurt?”

“We're fine,” Andre said, staring at the fire.

“Andre…. Who could…”

“I don’t know. But I want to find out who and why. Did you lot hear me!?”

He turned back to his goons.

“I want everyone on the street to find the clowns responsible for this. Shit like this is bad for fucking everyone, ya understand!”


All the goons barreled out of the room, leaving Titus Andre and the girls alone.

“We must find who is responsible for this and deal with them. ”

“Seconded”, Titus said, looking towards the blazing inferno.

“Just what we fucking needed….”

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. It was a nightmare to write


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