Chapter 51: A game of hide and seek

Content warning: Violence, gore and abuse towards children. 


My head snapped towards her, and I gave her a toothy smile

“I think you should worry about yourself before anything else.”

Her eyes bulged as the realisation hit her.

“Because I'm nice, I’ll give you a few minutes to hide. GO!

She turned around and bolted. Hehehe, GOD, I've MISSED THIS. The excitement, the thrill of the kill, the look on her face as the life leaves her eyes. It's. So. Good!. Is this what being the monster in a horror movie feels like? I pulled my pincer out of her limp corpse and flicked it to the side, sending a splatter of blood across the nearby wall

<Mother, what should we do?>

<watch the perimeter. Alert me if someone tries to leave, poison them. No one leaves here alive>

<Yes, Mother!>

A small clutch of insects left me as I headed up the stairs. I watched the clock and waited until 5 minutes had gone by, and at the top of my voice, I yelled, “Ready or not, here I come!”

NEW CHALLENGE ADDED: They weren't wanted anyway…

Give the orphans a new home......... in the ground…

(Don’t let a single one of the  ̶A̶n̶n̶o̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶P̶e̶s̶t̶s̶   ̶V̶i̶l̶e̶ ̶V̶e̶r̶m̶i̶n̶  ̶U̶n̶w̶a̶n̶t̶e̶d̶ ̶b̶a̶g̶s̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶s̶e̶m̶e̶n̶   Bundles of joy and happiness escape alive)

Reward: 30 points


……I didn’t need any more encouragement, but thanks nonetheless

I stepped over the corpse and headed up the stairs, arriving at the top in no time. When I got to the top, I was in a long, empty corridor lined with doors on each side. My heart raced, pumping excitement and adrenaline throughout my body. I breathed in, drawing in all the smells around me. The smell of the ageing walls and floors. The musty stench of well-worn furniture and, of course, the worst scent of them all, Humans. All these smells mixed together and assaulted my nose.

I exhaled and let all my other senses go wild. My ears became more sensitive, and my vision became sharper. I started walking, relying more on my other senses than my vision. I sniffed the air like a well-trained bloodhound, looking for new scents. Suddenly, a new, more pungent scent hit my nose. It was a foul smell, but I followed it down the corridor until I was in front of a narrow wooden cupboard.

<*Huuurhhp* God, that’s awful!>

I instantly wrapped my hands around my nose, trying and failing to stop the smell. Without warning, I swiped my hands across the cupboard door. Taking it off its hinges and sending it flying into a nearby wall

“Found you…”

My hand swung down and wrapped itself around the little blonde boy's neck. I looked down to his crotch, where there was a dark stain and the awful stench of Piss that was still assaulting my fucking nose!

“So that was what I was smelling. You gonna regret making me smell that…”

The boy struggled in my grip as I raised him in the air. Tears streamed down his face.

“*HIC* Let me….GO……*HIC*..”

His tears dropped onto my hands. It's too bad his pleas are going to the wrong ears. I slowly pilled the pressure on his neck slowly and slowly. His face started to go bright pink, and he couldn’t breathe anymore. I kept increasing the pressure until…


Human (Child) LVL 1 slain!

110 XP Awarded

+ 71 (Bonus XP)



His body went limp in my hands as all the bones in his neck were pulverised. I dropped his corpse onto the ground, and I revelled in the satisfaction as I swiftly moved on.

“Now WHO’s Next…..”

A small whimper came from a room close by. I quickly turned and made my way to the noise. In no time, I found myself in front of another door.




“Anybody home….”

No response, of course. I wrapped my hand around the handle and, in one pull, took the door off its hinges, causing several ear-piercing screams to fill my ears.

“SILENCE!” I yelled as my pincer came out and skewered 2 of the 3 young things. The other two instantly shut as the life slowly dripped out of them onto the ground.

“See, was that hard?”. The other two groaned as they hung on my pincers. I slowly walked over to the last child.

“you!” I yelled, pointing at the small boy. “How old!”


“Good. Now tell me where the rest are.”

Tears started streaming from the young boy's eyes, and the familiar stench of Piss started to reach my nose. I frowned but did my best to ignore it. Just wait until they give you what you need, diva.

“D…..d..dont……Telll the Monster …….a thing!“ a weak voice spat out


I looked over to the voice to see it was one of the children hanging from my pincer. I gave the boy a smile and brought him closer to my face. “Has anyone ever told you it’s rude to interrupt adults when they are talking?” The child opened his mouth to speak, but before he could say a word. I flicked both of my pincers to the right,  sending them both flying into the wall and hitting it with a crunch as their heads cracked open and blood and brain matter spilled everywhere.

“Now, dont be like them and do something stupid. Tell me. WHERE. ARE. THE REST.”

The boy started crying as he started walking.


“Heheh, good boy. One moment, please...”

I raised another one of my pincers and plunged deep into a nearby cupboard. Immediately, I yanked my pincer out. It was dripping in blood and covered with bits of flesh and pink matter.

“Ooh, headshot.”

3x Human (Child) LVL 1 slain!

330 xp awarded

+214 (Bonus XP)


“Come on now. I haven't got all night.

The boy whimpered as I forced him to walk. We slowly walked out of the room and back down the corridor.


The kid suddenly dropped to his knees and started balling his eyes out, crying for help and begging for someone to help. Honestly, Fucking useless, I swear. I raised my leg and gave him a swift kick to the stomach, causing him to double over and throw up. In an instant, I raised my Foot and plunged it into the back of his head, crushing his head instantly.

“If you want something done. Do it yourself…..”

A few minutes earlier….

Oh lord, eupharn! What did we do to deserve this? Was it working with those people? But we had no choice!

“Sister…..What should we do……Is David okay?”

“I don’t…..i don’t know. I saw him run away down the corridor. I'm sure he’s fine.”

“What are we… going to do? Are we..” She started to cry, but I quickly pulled her into a hug.”

“I don’t know what to do yet, but We need to get to the other sisters who are sleeping in the basement. Maybe if we  can wake them, we can get help, but right now, we need to escape from that monster…”

The children looked around, panicking. Thankfully, the monster hadn't found us yet. I need to do something. If I don’t, then……..

“Listen, children. I want you all to hide under your beds and keep as quiet as possible. No noise, do you understand?”

Fear was plastered all over their faces, but they did as they were told. They knew now was not a time for playing around. Soon, all the children were hiding away under the beds. I did a quick headcount, and I was missing 5. Wherever they are, I hope they are okay. I looked around for a hiding spot and noticed a locker in the far corner.


I Dashed over to the locker and tucked myself inside. Luckily, I was thin enough to fit inside. I closed the locker door and waited. The room was dead silent. Quieter than it's ever been. God, I hope those others are okay.

I heard footsteps outside the door that caused my heart to race. I listened closely as the footsteps continued past our door and down the corridor. I let out an internal sigh of relief. How did a monster get into the city? Why is it here? And is Clarissa…. I shook my head. She couldn’t be.I refuse to believe it.

I continued to listen out in the room. There was nothing but silence and sometimes the crazed laughter of the monster. My heart raced. We can't stay here forever. It will eventually find us. I slowly started to open the locker door, only for a loud THUD coming from the other room to cause me to close it again. Dammit, maybe not yet.

 I looked through the slits in the locker, and I could see the eyes of one of the children glaring towards where I was. I wish I could tell them everything was gonna be okay and I had a plan, but I had no plan at all. Dammit, Clarrisa, why aren't you here when I need you. You would know what to do?

“Please! Someone help….I’m scarred!.....I can't! *HUAGHHAAAA*”

David? That was David's voice. He’s alive. I have to-


My heart stopped, and it all fell on me like a ton of bricks. Clarissa is probably dead. And the other kids as well. And we will probably joining them soon. I felt something warm and wet roll down my cheek. No lord eupharn…Why

“What a waste of time and energy. I had plans to make him pick and choose who dies as well. What a shame.”

A voice said as the door was opened

“Ooh, I smell lots of scared little lambs in here. ”

I leaned forward a little bit to get a better look. The monster glided past all of the beds. Dragging its claws through the bed sheets and ripping them to shreds

“Eeney Meaney miney moe.”

I could hear small whimpers come from some of the children. CRAP. Do something. ANYTHING. David is already dead, and more will join him IF YOU DON’T DO SOMETHING!!!!

“I wonder where my pincer will go.” The monster kept walking until it stopped in front of A bed close to my locker. Suddenly, a large, sharp appendage shot out of its back.

“I think there would be good.”

“NO!” I yelled as I leapt out of the locker and tackled the monster.


A swarm of children climbed out from under their beds and ran out of the room as i tried to keep the monster pinned.

“you are very brave to be spoiling my fun!”

“I won't let you harm them.”

“It's too late for that, my dear!”.

Before I could do anything, I was sent flying through the air and into the nearby wall.


Pain rocked through every part of my body. I could barely move my arms and my legs. I looked down to my Foot. It was bent 90 degrees the wrong way. Suddenly, the pain hit, and I could barely move. I screamed and yelped.

“tell me? Why are you interrupting my fun?”

My vision went blurry, and I could barely think with the pain.

“Do you honestly think you can save them?”

“AAAAAAAAAaaaaaagghhh!” I screamed as she stepped on my twisted foo.


I panted heavily as I struggled to deal with the pain. The monster took its Foot off my twisted Foot and knelt to my level. Without warning, she grabbed my Foot, and green and black mana wrapped around it. I tried to pull away, but the monster was strong. However, soon, the pain began to fade as my Foot started to feel like it used to.

The green mana stopped, and I looked up at the monster with confusion and fear. “Why”

The monster gave me a toothy grin as The monster leaned closer, and without warning, she planted her lips onto mine. Disgust filled me as she violated my tongue, but I was too weak to fight her off.

The monster pulled away with a satisfied smile. “Why? Because I wanted to, and I want you to watch as I slowly, painfully kill everything you cherish.”

I balled my fist up and tried to punch her, but she easily caught it. I tried to go for another punch with my other hand, and she easily caught that as well. Before I could do anything else, she hoisted me up off the ground and onto her shoulder.

“The more important question is, why is the “holy” orphanage working with criminals? Surely your god would treat that as blasphemy?” The monster said as it carried me out of the room

“LET ME GO!” I yelled as I punched and kicked her body. But they had no effect on her.

“Come on, stop that and answer the question.”


“hahaha, of course! I should have guessed; we all gotta do what we can to survive. Still feel like a bad idea, though.”


“I’m not judging why you did it. I’m the last person who’s ever gonna lecture you on what is right and wrong….Speaking of Food.”

The monster stopped at the body of David, and using nothing but her Foot and one arm, she tore the limb of David's body and started eating.

“So much better when it's warm.”

I kicked her body again to make her drop me, but she just ignored me like before. Lord Eupharn, if you can hear us, PLEASE HELP!


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