Chapter 71: Skirmish


Sorry for this late chapter this one was tricky to write and get it as concise as I wanted. enjoy.

Black and green mana erupted from my hand around the stump where his arm was.

<I really need to learn better healing spells….>

The lesser heal is useful, but I have to cast it many times to heal anything properly. I looked towards the demi-human. His face had gone as a ghost, and his eyes had rolled back into his head. He was still alive. It was just the pain was too much for him. The black and green mana stopped, revealing a now healed stump.

<That will do for now>

I hoisted him up off the ground and swung him over my shoulder with ease. He was surprisingly light, or I'm too strong; either way, it doesn’t matter. I looked down at the ground towards the dismembered arm; how could I forget. I swooped up the arm and took a bite. His meat was a lot more different to humans. It was a lot more gamey than regular human meat, but then I guess that makes sense, looking at his race and occupation. I held the meat in one of my free arms and took one last look at the sight around me.

Purple blood was splashed all over the floor and trees. Guts hung from some of the lower hanging tree branches like messed up Christmas tree decorations. I really went to town, didn’t I? My body shook as I remembered the feeling of my claws tearing them apart.

<I want to do it again.>

I sighed as I took off into the sky and headed back home. Which was a lot more complicated, thanks to carrying this guy on my shoulders. Maybe I should just eat him instead of kidnapping him. No…. He’s a lot more useful alive. Like the assassin from before. I can use their cum as a growth accelerant for the eggs. I will need a lot of growth accelerant if I want to start building up my hive, especially now that I know there is a potential that the hive has been located. Dammit. I'll have to ask Apollinaris to investigate this for me.

I sighed. I wish she was here….

I continued flying until the clearing came into sight. The sun was finally starting to set, turning the sky a dark red. I smiled as I came in to land, where I was greeted by all my children and-

< MOTHER!> I was suddenly tackled to the ground by a very excited maid

< Oh Sally, you’re back>


I looked to the side to see 4 large black stallions happily grazing in the clearing, and next to them, the carriage they dragged here.

<How did you move them in the end?>

<That doesn’t matter! Are you okay?>

She started scanning my body, looking under and in between my arms and legs for any sort of damage.

<I’m fine, Sally. None of this stuff is from me.>

I dropped the man on the ground as Sally kept scanning me like a hawk.

<you look fine, but please stop running off like that! You might get hurt again?>

I let out a sigh... < Did Apollinaris tell you to keep an eye on Me....>

She gave me a sheepish look, telling me everything I needed. I want to be annoyed, but historically, nothing good happens when I go out alone like that.

<thank you for checking on me. I’m fine.> I looked around and noticed azuura busy talking to a few of the workers

<Azuura  Catch!>

I threw the arm at him, which he easily caught.

<Thank you, Mother!> he said as he devoured the arm.

I chuckled as I headed down into the cave

< Someone put him in one of the cages. Whilst I go rest. It’s been a very busy day.>

suddenly, Someone grabbed one of my arms. I turned around to see Sally with a disappointed look on her face.

<Mother.... I can't let you go while you look like that.> She Dragged me over to an old tree stump.


<Sally, this isn't really necessary.>

<Nonsense! I can’t let you go whilst looking like something that crawled out of the sewers!>

She held her hand out, and soon, a clear liquid started dripping out of her hands.

<I forgot you can do that....> One of the abilities I gave her was the ability to secrete cleaning fluid out of her hands. It was more for the children than for me.

She dripped the fluid onto my body and slowly rubbed it in. It had the smell of a really expensive soap.

<there is a lot here.... I’m gonna need help>

She let out a call, and so I was surrounded by 2 nurses who started helping Sally. They drenched me in more cleaning fluid, which started to foam on my body and drip down, collecting all the blood and guts in the process.

<mother.... your wings> one of the nurses complained.

<they are filthy. You have to look after them. Or they will get damaged and stop working.>

I let out a long sigh. I’m gonna be here a while, aren’t I......


Hi all, so for the following segment, the story has been switched to a 3rd person narrator. i tried to write this in first person, but it was very hard to follow and didn't make sense as you started reading I hope you can figure out why

Meanwhile, in a cave some distance away….

“Gwuaghaaaaaa!” the goblin screamed as his arm was easily crushed under the feet of his boss.

“YOU FAIL WHY?” The goblin screamed in a broken, crude tongue that tried to mirror the local language. He had just returned from a failed mission to capture a certain Demi-human.

“Sorry! ChiefChief! Man, person thing lost to Ant person thing!” The goblin pleaded. He was the only one to survive the mission; however, being a survivor doesn’t necessarily mean you will be warmly welcomed home. The survivor looked to his sides. Dozens of his kin watched and cackled as the Chief laid into him. However, those goblins knew to keep their laughter barely heard unless they wanted a piece of the Chief's wrath

“Ant person thing? Stop lie now!”

“Truth spoken, Chief Chief. My eye-eye see.”

“If truth. Where is others of Scout Party?”

“murder-slaughtered by Ant person thing. Me hide sneak, and watch away far. Ant person thing never see-see.”

The Chief roared in anger at the news, causing the surrounding cave to shake. His anger went through the cave and was felt by all the goblins above and below.

“Man, person thing lost, War party loss, You BraveStupid. Showing face here now.?”

“Sorry ChiefChief will fix”

“Fix you will”

The boss kicked the goblin across the room. pain seaared across his face and body but in his heart he knew he was lucky he’d seen plenty of his kin die to such blows

“take war party, get man person thing back, bring head of Ant person thing. If again fail you do, die perish like the rest! Location know do you?”

“Y..yes! ChiefChief!” The goblin reached into his crude pockets and wipped out a mysterious rock that glowed a bright red. The goblin waved it in random direction until the bright red turned into bright pearlescent green.



The Chief roared, sending the survivor scrambling out of the cave. The others who were watching slowly shrank away. Not wanting to get caught in the crossfire of the Chief's rage. As he rampaged and smashed his way around the cave until he reached what looked like a large stone door.

“WHY NO OPEN!”  His herculean club rose into the air, and with one heavy swing, the club came crashing down into the door. The door stood still, unmoving; the Chief's rage boiled again as the door mockingly stood unmoving.



POV: Combat unit

Night had fallen on the hive, signalling my time to check the perimeter. Every night, the 10 of us combat units patrol around the hive, looking for any sort of nighttime intruders. We usually don’t find anything except the stray mana beast who makes easy prey for us. I wonder if mother would like a piece of mana beast to eat? She looked hungry after she came back.

I thought about it as I patrolled my segment of the perimeter. My segment was on the western side of the hive and was dense with bushes and trees, making it hard to see deep into the forest; however, I had a simple solution to that. Occasionally, I would stop and scan the area. I find staying completely still makes it easier to listen and identify a threat before it even realises I'm here. However, tonight, standing still gave me no results. I reached into our hive weave to check up on my brothers. Everything was fine on their side as well.


My head snapped towards the bushes. Nothing should be around here at this time. I pinged the hive weave again to tell my brothers what just happened. 5 of them pinged back, telling me they were en route to help investigate.


It happened again, but it was a little bit closer this time. This isn't the regular behaviour similar to that of a mana-beast.

My mandibles opened, and my legs got ready to pounce. Whatever it is. I will kill it, plain and simple. The rustling got louder and louder; something was moving fast. If I had to guess, it’s gonna be here in about 5 seconds. 5…4…3…2…1..

I pounced forward just in time to see a baby deer peek through the bushes. I slammed into the deer, bringing it to the ground. The deer struggled underneath me. My pincers wrapped around its head, holding it in place. I guess it was nothing in the end


The deer suddenly jerked and then went limp. What’s surprising is that there is even a deer here in the first place. We've culled all the deer around the hive, so why is one so clo-


I lunged backwards just in time to see a large club crush the deer in front of me, sending bits of meat everywhere.

“Miss, how?” A loud booming voice came from the large creature holding the club.

“Ant person thing where!” the monster yelled.



POV: Diva

My body shot up like it was struck by lightning.

<Were under attack!>

I hopped out of my bed and crashed straight out of the door. The entire hive weave was alive with energy as everyone got ready. I sprinted out into the clearing where 2 of the combat units were waiting with Sally.

<Mother follow us. The rest are making their way!>

<No. You stay here.> Sallly snapped her head to me, confused.


<Someone has to hold the fort. Whilst I'm away. I can heal people, so it's better if I'm upfront supporting the combat units>

Sally wanted to argue, but she knew my reasoning was sound.

<Stay here and use the spitters as surveillance>

She nodded and retreated back to the cave, where Penn was coming out.

“I don’t know what's going on, but im coming with.”

I wanted to say no, but I didn’t know what we were dealing with. She might be useful.

“Climb onto the combat unit quickly. If you slow down for a moment, I'm leaving you.”

She ran and hopped onto his back with ease, and as soon as she landed, we took off into the forest and charged towards his last location. He had just started his patrol, so he shouldn’t be too far from the hive.

<Mother this way!>

The sounds of several footsteps rang behind me. I looked behind to see 9 combat units charging behind me as if I was in a scene out of an old western. I reached into the hive weave to check on him. He was still alive but didn’t respond when I tried to reach him.



<There you are!>

My leg muscles tensed as I shot off like a bullet towards him, leaving the rest behind.


The trees shook at the sound of something heavy hitting the ground up ahead. Dammit, he better be okay! I charged towards the boom, weaving in-between trees until a thick set of bushes came up.

<I can feel him. He’s behind there!> My legs tensed, and I shot forward, bursting through the bush line straight onto the other side.

<I’M HE->

My body stopped at what I saw. A large ugly goblin standing on the head of my child. Surrounded by dozens of fallen trees

“Ant Person thing Found.! Hahaha ea-!”

My body moved, and before I realised it, my claws were in his stomach.


In a flash, my tail swung around and cleanly sliced the goblin's head off. Blood decorated the floor around us as his head sailed past the bushes.



My head snapped towards my son.

< It's okay…. I'm here>

<Leave…Now….. More coming>

The trees rustled ahead of me. I quickly swept him into my arms and leapt backwards just in time to see several large goblins burst past the bushes.

<I guess that big one wasn’t a one off…>

The goblins were all around the same height, around 5 foot or so and had large arms and judging by the destruction caused by just one, those arms were not for show. I did a quick count; 8 goblins in total, all of them armed with clubs. We outnumber them, but not by much; we only have 10 total combat units.

“HAHAHAHAHA ME FOUND YOU! ANT PERSON THING!” a voice yelled. I looked up and noticed there was a smaller goblin similar to the ones I killed earlier.

<Dammit! It seems I wasn’t thorough in my slaughter.>

A Shrieky voice yelled from behind the bigger goblins.

“MAN PERSON THING GIVE NOW BACK!” grunting could be heard

Man person thing? Does he mean the demi-human? Is that how they found this place? Whatever, it doesn’t matter. Like hell am I giving back the demi-human, not after this? Suddenly, the air filled with the sound of thousands of tiny footsteps rang through the forest. They are finally here. The goblins looked around, confused.

“Wat u doin?” One of the goblins asked. I Ignored him to look at the combat unit. His chitin was fractured in several places, and a few of his legs were broken, but Internally, he was fine. He will, But he will need to recover for a few days.

“Dnt ignore me!”

The goblin charged at me, club swinging wildly. Too easy…

My head shot down as suddenly a combat unit flew over me and into the goblin, laying him flat onto the ground.


Suddenly, all of the combat units arrived and surrounded the goblins. The goblins shrunk back against each other as my children hissed and chattered their mandibles.

<My order is simple. Don’t let a single one of them leave here alive. Rip them to pieces. I DON’T WANT TO BE ABLE TO RECOGNISE ANY BIT OF THEM BY THE TIME YOUR DONE!>

They all hissed as they crept up towards them.

“Hahahahah. TINY BUG THINGS WANT FIGHT!” one of the goblins yelled, and suddenly the atmosphere changed. Their uncertainty was gone and was replaced with overconfident cockyness. The goblins readied their clubs and charged towards the combat units.

The Weave lit up with electricity as a plan formed in between them all. Divide and conquer; the oldest technique in the book. The combat units charged into the group of goblins. The goblins swung the clubs, trying to hit them, but what my children lacked in strength, they made up with agility, and they easily dodged the swings. They dove into the centre and split the goblins into 3 smaller groups.

I looked down at the injured worker below me.

<Do you want to fight?>

He nodded. I placed my hand and started casting my magic.

+25 Lesser healing used


The healing spell barely did anything. I checked my mana. The spell used 50 MP, leaving me with 750.

< I'm gonna have to be careful here>

+25 Lesser healing used


+25 Lesser healing used


+25 Lesser healing used


+25 Lesser healing used


<How do you feel>

<Okay, mother. I can fight like this>

He crawled off my body and went to join his brothers. He wasn’t fully healed, far from it in fact, but he was well enough to help.

I turned my attention back to the battle. The goblins were covered in cuts and scrapes from where my children had managed to damage them. It wasn’t much, but damage is damage. It will soon stack up over-


the goblin swung its club into the combat unit, sending it Flying into one of the trees

1X basic Combat unit killed


His body landed on the forest floor, limp and lifeless. no No NO! It’s happening again. I need to order a retreat and fight them myself. That’s the only way I can protect them. I wanted to give the order, but every one of my instincts told me no. Suddenly, memories of the house and the mansion filled my head. I can't keep repeating the same rash, stupid mistakes. I have to accept this. Dying on the battlefield is what they live for. It’s what they expect to happen. My heart went cold. I gave his body one last look before focusing back on the fight.

<We need to thin some of the numbers, and I think I know how.>

I closed my eyes, reached into the Weave, and took command of all of the units in the area. I quickly relayed the plan to all the units and pulled out my hand.

I held out my arm and summoned a swarm of 200 hundred royal flies onto the battlefield. The flies quickly flew away from me as I watched tentatively as they acted out my plan. The royal flies rushed in and started swarming around the goblins' faces, distracting them; in that split second of distraction, they pounced 2 combat units clamped their mandibles around the goblin's leg and, with a quick tug, dragged him to the ground, making sure to crush his legs in the process. With one goblin Effectively out of the fight, the 2 free combat units lunged upwards and onto the backs of the 2 remaining goblins, tackling them to the ground. After that, it was game over as the two combat units quickly placed their mandibles around the heads of the goblins and crushed them, leaving nothing but purple blood all over the floor.

The plan was acted out so quickly and efficiently that it was hard to believe we had been struggling with them before. In a few moments, almost all of the goblins were dead. Almost….

“ANNOYINGHBUG THING LET ESCAPE N-AWWWWWWWOO” The combat unit clamped down hard on his body, causing him to wail wildly.

<Don’t kill him. I want to have a chat with him…..>



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