Chapter arc review #1

Hi all. This isn't a chapter but a review and reflection on the story so far in this arc. Think of this as a glimpse into how I see the story. It also allows you guys to hold me accountable if I don't stick to these goals.



What were the main goals of this arc

  • Introduce the characters and events that will be important going on.
  • Deepen the relationship of Apollinaris and Diva.
  • Elaborate and deepen the lore of the world.

Were these Goals met Y/N?

  • Introduce the characters and events that will be important going on. Y
  • Deepen the relationship of Apollinaris and Diva. Y
  • Elaborate and deepen the lore of the world. Y

If no. Why?

  • N/A

What were the writing goals of this arc?

  • Improve spelling and Grammar.
  • Improve the flow of paragraphs and make them more interesting to read.
  • Reduce word count.


Were these Goals met Y/N?

  • Improve spelling and Grammar. ( Y, but there is always room to improve)
  • Improve the flow of paragraphs and make them more interesting to read. (Y, but there is always room to improve)
  • Reduce word count. N

If no. Why?

  • Reduce word count. My original aim with this goal was to reduce chapters from 3k words to around 1.5k to 2k words. The idea was to have shorter chapters, but more meaningful stuff happens in those chapters. The reason I feel this goal hasn’t been achieved is because my chapter length is still around 2.5k to 3k words. Having lots of words is not necessarily a bad thing it can be good to help keep the story pace.


Readers don’t seem to mind the longer length, so maintaining it shouldn’t be a problem. However, the downside is that editing the chapters is very time-consuming. That is why the release rate dropped from 3 times a week to 1 time a week. I'll keep writing as I am for now, and we will see in the future.


Goals for the next arc

  • Actually, start building the Hive. This is a pain point I have with his story. Whilst I have no issue with what happened story-wise, the hive part of this story is sorely lacking to the point that it's comical. This is at the top of my to-do list
  • Power up Diva and her crew even more.
  • Focus more on the lit RPG elements.


Writing goals for the next arc

  • Improve My action writing. I feel like my action/fight writing is very stiff to read. I want to improve it. It is an area I have not done much of. Also, the structure of the fight scenes and sequences is better. No more long action sequences. (its very fatiguing to write.)
  • Improve Smut writing. There is always room to improve. I feel like it has gotten better, but that is just my opinion.
  • Improve spelling and Grammar (Ongoing)
  • Look into wordcount

To do list

  • Update the glossary (PAAAAAAIIIIINNNNNNNN)
  • Apollinaris artwork commission
  • New cover for the story

Comments and concerns.

Maintaining scope in arcs. A problem this arc has is that it grew to be bigger than expected. What was supposed to be a slower slice-of-life arc where we learn about the world grew into something else entirely. I do not hate this arc for it. It was a lot of fun to write, and I learned A LOT from it. But going forward, I want arc’s to stay as I planned them. However, the problem is when you have a cool idea, it's hard to keep it bottled up sometimes; the idea is so cool that you just have to roll with it. However, this is definitely a me thing and something I have to work on.









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