So, where were we……

Previously on  ̶A̶M̶C̶'̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶l̶k̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶d̶e̶a̶d̶. Imperium Insectum.

A young hotshot detective named paul allen (No relation) was killed in the line of duty by the man he was chasing and his girlfriend. However, before passing into the afterlife, he caught the attention of a disgraced goddess. Using what little power she had left. She took him and reincarnated him in the world of Amsel, a beautiful world with a sordid past involving our goddess where she [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED] [REDACTED]. However, moving a soul from one world to another takes time, so after a long slumber, he Or should I say. she, finally awoke. Much to Paul's surprise Cindi had reincarnated him as a female but not just any female A QUEEN. The first of her own kind. Before our character could even figure out what was going on, Cindi magically delivered him a letter asking for our protagonist to lay waste to this world and get revenge on the gods of this world. After thinking it over, our protagonist agreed as part of that deal; our goddess bound herself to our protagonist as master and slave with our protagonist as master. (A/N READ chapters 1 to 3 )

With a goal in mind, our protagonist sets off into the woods. Cindi annoyingly spawned our protagonist, who named herself Diva, in the middle of nowhere. But thankfully, she was not alone inside her. Was an army of loyal royal flies. Armed with a system, which was another gift from Cindi. She safely navigated out of the thick forest and onto a road. It wasn’t civilisation, but it was a start. However, things didn’t stay rosy for Diva. While admiring a flower she had never seen before, she was ambushed by a group of bandits; she managed to fight them off and kill most of them except 1 but at a cost to her newfound family. Enranged, she vowed to never let this happen again by slaughtering them all. Because they can't kill you if you kill them first. With new resolve, our protagonist walked up to the remaining survivor, a girl named Ali. Diva wanted to kill her where she lay, as she was the one most responsible for the loss of her family, but she managed to hold back. As much as she hated to admit it, she needed her. With that in mind, Diva set off back into the forest whilst dragging the unconscious girl behind her. (A/N READ chapters 4 to 7)

After a while, the girl finally woke up, and Diva demanded she take her to her home. A group of bandits that large must have a base they worked from. It would make the perfect breeding ground for her family. So the petrified Ali, not wanting to get killed, took her to her home. Her home was a large bandit camp filled to the brim with bandits of all types. Diva yearned to go in and slaughter them with her own hands, but she knew she was not strong enough to take that many bandits at once…..yet, so she decided to use cunning instead. She waited till most of the camp was asleep and then released her flies among the bandits. Whilst similar in appearance to regular flies, the royal flies had a special trick up their sleeves the ability to use lethal venom. Using this, the flies snuck into the camp, found a victim and injected them with poison. In no time, the camp erupted into painful screams as everyone's inside boiled and ruptured due to the poison. Soon the camp was littered with bodies except one, the boyfriend of the girl diva kidnapped. Diva dragged the girl into the camp catching his attention. He tried to stop Diva but was quickly subdued, and in front of Ali's eyes, Diva killed him. At this moment, Ali wanted all the misery to end, but sadly this was only the beginning. Diva dragged Ali deeper into the camp, where she was locked up in a cage. Diva went to get some rest as it had been a very long day. (A/N READ chapters 8 )

The next day diva woke up refreshed after a good night's sleep. And after the bath she had the previous night during that bath, she learnt how she could expand her hive through the system she was given by Cindi. She learnt that inside her were several eggs, and those eggs could be used to make so many different types of children. The added benefit is that she could choose to impregnate herself or a host. Diva immediately wanted to test this part of her new body, and luckily she had just the perfect test subject. Diva went to grab Ali from her cage and took her into her room, where she was raped and impregnated with the new offspring of Diva. She was the first of many, MANY people she was going to do this to. (A/N READ chapters 9 to 11)

Once Diva had finished the deed, she realised that with children comes plenty of mouths to feed, and whilst she had a good amount of food available, she was going to need to find more. So she set off into the forest to hunt. In her hunting expedition, she discovered her body could digest pretty much anything from grass to tree bark, but the nutritional value of those things was minimal and not worth the effort of chewing it. Then, suddenly, she heard a commotion; she went to investigate and found a small girl being harassed by a large wolf. Diva seeing the opportunity to earn a loyal companion or another womb for her to use, sprung into action and slayed the monster saving her. (A/N READ chapters 12)


The girl was extremely grateful for what Diva did for her, so she told her her name. It was Apollinaris. She was a young 18-year-old moon spirit who escaped from the city of spirits. The two chatted as they recovered. During that chat, Diva learns that Apollinaris escaped after her mother was raped and murdered by the pure spirits in the city. The worse part of it was that she was betrayed by someone she trusted, Mr pigden a family friend who helped raise Appolinaris growing up. Filled with anger, she wanted to get revenge on all the people who wronged her. But she lacked the strength to do it. Diva seeing some potential in the girl, proposes that she helps her get revenge on the city. Apollinaris should then help Diva achieve her goals. Apollinaris was hesitant at first but agreed to help on the condition that a contract is made to prevent them from betraying each other. Additionally, the deal stipulated that they also couldn’t lie to each other as well. After ironing out the details, the contract was made, and the two were eternally bound. A/N READ chapters 13 to 16)

Some time passed, and during the night, Diva was woken by a commotion. It was Ali. She was ready to give birth. Diva hurried to grab Apollinaris, and over the course of a few hours, all 15 children were delivered. However, the joyous occasion was short-lived. Diva still had not gotten on top of the food issue. Whilst Appolinari's mastery of nature magic was useful in this regard, she needed to get more food. So later that night, she ventured into the night again to hunt. However, this time, she hatched a plan instead of looking for food; why doesn’t the food come to her. Using her [beastial call] ability, she yelled into the night, drawing all the animals in the area towards her. She then instigated a fight between 2 rival species of animals, which led to them all killing each other and any animals that got caught in the fight. Perfect, she had food, and she didn’t need to break a sweat getting it; however, this victory was short-lived, because her [beastial call]call was too good, and she attacked a large animal, an Alpha Manabeast. Diva was not ready for this fight, and the mana beast let her know that. It tore her to pieces and flung her around like a dog's chew toy putting her at death's door. The only thing that saved her was that during the fight, the beast ate one of her pincers, causing it to poison itself. It was a victory but not one she could be proud of. After the beast died, she hobbled and limped her way back to her nest. Where she eventually collapsed.(A/N READ chapters 17 to 19)

Diva awoke a few days later with her wounds all looked after. It turns out that whilst she was out, Apollinaris had been looking after her and healing her. This moment ignited a familiar feeling in her, but she immediately crushed it. Those feelings only get you killed. Whilst she was out. There were several more additions to her family. The combats units she made had finally hatched and were fully grown. She had mixed feeling about this. She was happy they were here but annoyed she missed the hatching of her first offspring. She vowed to never let this happen again. (A/N READ chapters 20)

 This leaves us approximately where we were last time.




Yes, I'm back. I've finished pretty much most of uni. I got given back one assignment pushing my graduation to November. But other than that, I'm happy to start writing again. So I thought id start with a recap for those who have forgotten what happened. I've put author notes next to each part so you can know what parts each paragraph relates to. I plan to release the real chapter 21 on Monday. I'm so excited to be back. so yeah see you soon. 


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