IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 2

Suiting up, Jack readied himself for school, his face was well washed and his clothes were properly ironed, "Now all that's left is to wear shoes and I am off!" he said in confidence in front of a mirror, talking to one's self wasn't exactly normal but given that it helped him concentrate at times, he still did it, and besides, it didn't hurt anyone.
Leaving his apartment, Jack checked twice to see as to whether or not he has locked the place, and upon knowing that it was indeed locked the third time, he left, entering the bus, Jackson proceeded to open up his phone, put on his ear phones and listen to music,

the bus ride was uneventful, if not exciting, seeing that apparently, the world was doing well, and if that isn't a good news then he does not know what is,
Not that the world had any problems to begin with of course, none at all, just-

"Hey mutant! How about you bugger off?"

Racism. "Great," Jack spoke out loud, this again, why the hell is it always like this? His school was one of the more regular ones out there but damn, it didn't mean that this place should have kids encouraging discrimination in it, "Just because they have superpowers." He said once again, he looked at the scene in front of him, the "School Bully" Flash Thompson was beating up some kid out in the open, judging by how he cannot defend himself, Jack assumed that the kid's powers probably weren't that great, or, maybe he is just scared, Jack does not know.
Seeing that the bullying was done right at the gates of the School, Jack had to pass by them, and when he did, he said- "It's getting tiring flash, aren't you getting tired of this?" - as loud as he could, making sure that the guy head his words, and, well, he did, the bullying stopped and flash readied himself to look at the guy that interrupted him, "Listen here you-" but stopped himself, "Oh, Jack, didn't know you were here," Jack nodded, "yeah," he said,

"Come on, this guy's a freak, aren't you at least gonna, you know, hate him for it?" This was the exact sentence that came out of flash's mouth, it wasn't really that offensive but seeing that they are only 15, it was still quite taboo, they were still young, and encouraging this type of behavior was... unhealthy, so to say, "Come on dude, he was born that way, just like how you're born rich, hey, no one complains about that right?"

"Yeah right," Flash left it at this, he picked up his pace and eventually headed for the School, the mutant was left alone, and Jack, not caring about anything further than helping him, moved on as well, he heard the kid say thanks before he got out of ear shot,

Jack entered the School,

"So, as you can see here, Captain America, as they called him, managed to singlehandedly bring back the war from the brink," the teacher in front of him spoke, the blackboard that faced them all had several writings on it, though they were tasked to copy it, Jack left it at that and simply listened, the teacher tapped his stick on the board, causing chalk dust to fall off, "But that isn't really the case," He said, "Sure Captain America had a big influence but there are several more factors that one should take in, and that is the fact that the atomic bomb by this time had already been made, and that threat alone is enough to cause fear in the hearts of most leaders," He tapped the board again, "What I am saying here is that, all though heroes are great, what matters is fact, there are things that happen in the background that are often over shadowed, and these things may not may not be able to change an outcome all on their own, and that, that is what matters, what we are learning about isn't some press, we are learning about history, and analyzing every single bit of it is a good thing, most portions are often left unchecked, and these portions may have influence, it is a historians job to write these things down, all to the last detail." He didn't speak after this, assuming that he has finished, he grabbed the chalked and wrote about the different stuff that he has talked about, "Now, write these things down, these may or may not be important for a test," He said, and with an affirmation in the form of a choir that simply said "Yes" they all wrote the information down, Jack, this time, did the same.

As much as he hated to admit it, classes weren't that special, it is always this or that, and getting the answers right on the tests that would soon be put out wasn't that hard either, all you needed was a bit of knowledge about the topic and you would do great, and that is just the tip of the ice berg, although School was quite essential in this day and age, for Jack, it really wasn't that special, he is currently working as a waiter sure, but to him, that is often more than enough.

Lunch soon came, and going out the noisy hallway, Jack went to his locker and stored his things, it wouldn't be a surprise should he find some sort of love not inside of here, he had a lot of admirers, but seeing that they are simply to naive for him, Jack left them all alone, he was not interested in some high school romance, some people have told stories of them getting enough of it and eventually breaking, it was good, having a reason to go to school and all that but to him, his sole purpose of simply graduating alone is more than enough of a drive for him to go to this place, and not that he hated going here either, he wasn't exactly bullied nor was he some sort of strawman, he was in the middle ground, a background character that would simply melt in the background should he desire it,


"Screw off parker." says flash Thompson, it is the usual routine this time around, flash would find someone and then he would bully them, it just so happens to be that this time around, it was Peter, one of the more talented students of the School, if Jack's memories serve him right, he should be in the math club and he should be competing some time soon, though the guy was indeed smart, he was quite the meek little kid, someone who doesn't really know how to stand up for himself should he find trouble, though, fortunately, he has someone else for that.

"Stop this flash," a girl, no older than him and the others, stood in front of the bullied teen, she had red hair and freckles lined her face, she was quite the beaut, but other than that, she was quite normal regarding her grades, people usually call her Mary Jane, or Mj for short.

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