IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 52

After an entire day of school, most of which Jack easily aced, the teen decided to meet up with his girlfriend, to catch up and talk about their interest. The talk was going well until-

"Hey, what if you carry me around the city?" - Sheila mentioned something like this out of the blue, the baffled Jack looked at her as if the world ended, and she, in turn, looked at him back, the scene continued like this until a flustered Sheila tried to explain herself-

"I mean, of course I'm gonna wear a disguise and I'll also try to make my voice dubious and-"

Jack put his finger on her lips, shutting her up, he then went silent as the wide eyed Sheila waited for him to put his hand away from her face. Jack spoke- "I can take you," He replied, causing Sheila to beam- no, shine with excitement. She practically shuddered when Jack was halfway through his sentence, and that caused some concerns, "But what do you want to do exactly?" He asked her, and Sheila happily answered-

"Well, I obviously dont want to stop crimes, I just want to know what it feels like to fly, strap me on your back as you fly around, just like what you did to that white haired girl. Or should I say black cat?" Jack ignored Sheila as she tried to act smug, resulting in her pouting and hitting him in the chest, "What? You can bring some random girl to flight but you cant bring your own girlfriend?" she complained as she pinched Jack's chest. The teen frowned, she had a point, but technically-

"Look, I know it may seem like I'm the only one inside my body but-"

"There's two of you?" Sheila cut him off, and Jack's frown deepened. "Yeah," he replied with a stingy voice. Sheila laughed, and Jack couldnt help but cause his frown to go even deeper, "What's so funny?"

"Does that mean I have two boyfriends now?" She said, wiping a non-existent tear in her left eye. Then a tendril popped out of my neck, it was long and slender, and at it tip was a face, with two arrow like eyes and a massive maw.

"NO." Implant's voice was deep, and extremely unapproving. resolute even. This time, it was Jack's time to laugh, "See?" He cackled, and Sheila looked at the symbiote with interest, her eyes shining,

"Hey, can you... When we..." She was starting to ponder as she stretched her hand towards the symbiote. Of course, Implant moved away from the curious limb, his maw grew even more teeth as he snapped at her, Sheila wasnt detered by this as she pushed her hand even further, with her determination and obvious resolution, Implant eventually let her pet him, and she grinned like some child finding a new toy.
"Holy shit." the girl muttered in awe.

Her words put Jack back to his senses, he was quite speechless when his girlfriend wanted to include some alien into their sex but apparently the girl is just weird that way. "What kind of girlfriend did I find myself?" Jack muttered in disbelief, and Sheila looked at him, like he had just stated the most offensive word on the world.

"The best kind, DUH." She proclaimed.

"We're getting off tracked here," Jack retorted, and Sheila snorted, "Sure, ignore the fact that you've just called your girlfriend annoying." She muttered in annoyance, it was barely a whisper, but it was enough for Jack to hear. Ignoring her, the teen continued on-

"As you can see, there are two of us in this body, so, if you want permission to fly around, you're going to ask Implant for confirmation." He stated, and Sheila looked at the symbiote with expectation, and, just like earlier, the alien fell for the obvious lie, and he agreed to her joining him tonight.

"But only tonight." The symbiote said before going back inside Jack.

"No, I wanna go with you guys during week days." She stated, and Jack coughed in reply.

"How about this," He replied, "We're all gonna decide after this trip? I mean, you would probably find pretty boring, while I would undoubtedly want to keep you safe." He says as he pat Sheila on the head, the girl shook her head.

"Why would I find it boring?"

"I dont know, I'm not really gonna go fight crime when you're around."

Sheila pulled herself back at that sentence, and she seemingly pondered the implications of that. And then she spoke, "Or eat people." She says.

"We're actually not eating people now though, that's why we have so much chocolate on the fridge."

Sheila once again shook her head, "Fine. We'll decide on this trip. Ok?"

And Jack nodded.

The two soon prepared to leave, Jack had Implant flow over him whilst Sheila wore a thick hoodie along with a mask that resembled some sort of demon, Jack inferred that it was probably asian in origin but other than that, he could not tell any other detail. Surprisingly, Sheila had been obedient about most stuff, the teen thought that she would be more rowdy, but she wasnt. That made things easier for both Implant and Jack, as the symbiote emerged from his skin, they heard Sheila groan as Jack's mass grew to extreme heights, she asked where Implant stays inside Jack and the symbiote mere stated that he's everywhere inside his body, from the hair to his blood vessels, that's where he hid.
It sounded disgusting, but seeing that it didnt really make him feel uncomfortable, Jack ignored it. Implant has been inside of him for quite some time now after all.

When Implant fully took over, he got to his knees and, once again, appendages meant for people to cling to grew on his back, Sheila hasitily climbed on top of him and they were off from there.

The night time air was cold, from up here though, it was even worse, Sheila could feel her skin shiver as she clung to Implant for dear life, flying like this... She thought it would be more interesting, but apparently, it wasnt. She looked down on the ground below, and as she did, she thought about her own brother, Eddie Brock, she doesnt know what happened to him ever since he left their house at 18 years old, but she hopes that he's doing fine. She has seen signs of him as of late, whenever she read the news papers from the daily bugle, she would see his name pop up every so often as apparently he was both an editor and a photographer for the company.

Good for him.

As they flew, Sheila noticed a red suited man down below, he was swinging across the city, oblivous to the monster on top of him. She couldnt help but wonder how it feels to be these people, one that can fly through the sky with relative ease, and the other swings through the city helping people. Both lived different lives, but the girl felt like they were essentially the same, both stopped crimes in their own little ways and lately, their names had gotten popular, up to a point where there are toys being sold based off of them. Jack had talked about it apparently, that some people are trying to claim Implant's name for themselves but since the symbiote is currently a myth, with little to no background, the companies havent gotten much out of it.

Spider man on the other hand...

"I feel bad for him." Sheila suddenly states, and Implant grew an eye on the back of his head, it observed her freaked out reaction, but she eventually paid it no mind.

"Who?" The symbiote asked on his gravelly voice.

"Spider-Man." She replied.


"I mean, he doesnt even know that people are taking advantage of him." Sheila felt her ego drop as she says this, clearly, the superhero life she wanted had its problems, and now that she's currently at its fore front, it didnt seem that interesting for her, what did she want superpowers for? She asked herself silently. She pondered to a point that Implant removed the circular eye on the back of his head, she only noticed when she got back to her senses again.

"Say, Implant, how does it feel to be a vigilante?" She asked,

"It isnt much," The symbiote replied. "I mean, if you think about it, there really isnt anything special in what I do, cops do it all the time, and I am far less effecient than them, I do not have a landline that people can call into for help, and I do not have the time to help people all the time." Sheila thought about Implant's answer, and what it Implies.

"I guess your right." She said after a while, she pursed her lips as she once again took in the sights below her.

In their silence, Implant spoke, "For me, little girl, I do what I do as a necessity, because I wanted to eat. And, for Jack, he does what he does because he does not know what to do with his newly found strength." Implant's voice wasnt as deep as it was before, he sounded like a father lecturing his daughter about the world.

"Weird." She mumbled.

And the two silently flew from there. Occasionally, she would see Spider-Man down the street, almost as if Implant was purposefully trailing him, but, other than that, nothing interesting happened in their flight. And she got into a decision that, perhaps, she didnt actually want this sort of life.

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