IMPLANT (A marvel Fanfic)

Chapter 6

Once again, the bus ride to oscorp was quite boring, or at least compared to the one he got when he went to school anyways, there was no mutant attack, no girl he had a one night stand with to tell him she was a mutant, overall, it was boring, comparatively. The bus was quite lively though, and what else would it be, it's a vehicle filled with hormonal teens, of course they are gonna get loud,
Anyhow, when they arrived at Oscorp, everyone was excited, including-

"Hey Jack, did you know my father worked for this place?" Someone said behind him, though, he might already know who this someone was, "Flash Thompson, you are back at it again I see," He replied, trying to sound as regal as possible, so what if your dad works here? he thought to himself. Apparently, the Sarcasm didn't reach the guy as he replied, "Yeah!" Excitedly, as dense as he was, Flash was still a great guy, barring all the bullying of course, but who cares about that? He wasn't affected! Is what he wanted to say but- "Flash, come on, I have said no, stop being such a bitch and move on with your life," He said, finally, taking out all his frustrations on the guy was... well, normal, he was the reason as for why he was frustrated in the first place after all. As for Flash, the guy acted meek, almost as if cold water had been poured down his face while he was enjoying his time, this surprised Jack, he didn't know that the guy would be able to act that way, let alone back down when he was scolded, it was weird, he wanted to say.

The tour went on,

They passed by several scientific materials soon enough, and they were all introduced to it, he did not listen and he doubts that this would be the ones pushed out for presentation, there would be more interesting things that could grab his attention later on, this one is just... not that great for him, scientific tools were something but he didn't really care about them,
"And this, this is the nation's most powerful camera-based microscope, the lenses are so amazing that they are able to zoom in to the tiniest particle, it is even rumored that you can easily upgrade this thing without much effort," The repetitiveness killed him, he didn't exactly like the whole, scientific expensive materials or whatever they are thing, they had caused his already thin attention span to shrunk even further,

They all continued to walk down the halls, and eventually, they reached something that interest Jack, spiders, the scientist stood in front of the entire class and waved her hand across the different set of glass boxes sitting in front of her, "These are genetically modified super spiders," She said, perking Jack's attention, "This is a new species born from different spiders with what most would call superpowers, these spiders have gotten a strong leap, a deadly, venomous bite, and a precognitive ability to sense danger before it has even happened, a spider sense of sorts." She said, the scientist's smile had gotten bigger as she explained the different sets of spiders that the ones on the boxes have gotten their capabilities from, guess she's one of the people who designed these things then, Jack thought to himself, given that she was more excited than the kids she was teaching, it might as well be probable.

From the corner of his eye, Jack was able to see Peter Parker once again, curious about his groupmate, he observed the school photographer talk to his child hood friend, Mary Jane, the guy was more excitable as he spoke to her, a crush of sorts he guessed. Judging by their movements, the conversation has gotten to a point where Peter asked Mary Jane to take a photo for him, probably for the school papers or something, and, at the corner of Jack's eye, he was able to see a small dot that slowly dropped down to Peter, ignoring it as some sort of dust, Jack moved on with his life, but not before looking above him, apparently Oscorp has a project about nuclear generators just above him, he did not know what was up with that but he guessed it's probably just some sort of power output or something. Curious as to what it actually is, Jack ran around and asked Flash, someone who he wanted to say sorry to for lashing out earlier, "Hey, sorry about what happened earlier but can you tell me about the nuclear generator at the top there?"

Flash looked at him and scoffed, "Fuck off Stephen," Ok, he was calling him by his last name, that's great, "You need something from me now so you go near me?" He said, and Jack replied with "Well, not really but I guess sure, I need something from you, what's up with the nuclear generator at the top?"

"It's said that they are trying to minimize it to a small size, I don't know what for but I assume its probably for military stuff." He replied before leaving him alone,

Huh, neat, guess Oscorp doesn't just dabble with genetics, he thought to himself, a surprise to be sure but he guessed it is a welcome one, he was pretty good at anything related to fixing stuff but Jack guessed that it probably takes more than that to go to Oscorp, how sad, well, he guessed that there still more days to his life that he knows what to do with so he left the thought alone, listening to the scientist now, Jack proceeded to sat idle and let his ear wander, but-

"Moving on, we will go to the real genetics lab this time." The scientist said,

And well, after that they left,

The genetics lab was... quite mundane, he did not expect it to be so... unexpected, it's quite weird seeing basic science stuff just lying around instead of the world's most powerful genetic engineering scientist or something, he has gotten bored and he wanted to take a leak, strutting out his hand, the scientist noticed him and when he asked for permission to go to the bathroom, he was permitted,

he left the class,

the sound of running water could be heard as Jack washed his hands, he was careless about what he was doing, after all, who would expect a green goo sitting atop the bathroom ceiling to suddenly pounce onto them?

It all went black,

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