In A Cultivation World With The Highest intellect

The Girl

The village chief almost pisses in his pants from terror.

He thinks that Farco is angry because Brax wants to take all his wealth, but Farco is angry because Brax is about to completely ruin his plan, which the village chief is completely clueless about.

Farco is so furious that he wants to kill the old man in front of him, reducing him into a blood mist, but he controls his anger.

"You fucking mongrel, can't even do a job properly!" Farco shouts and kicks the old man, sending him tumbling to the ground.

This is him controlling his anger.

The old chief groans in pain. He feels as if his chest just got caved in.

"Get fucking back on your feet!" Farco yells angrily, seeing the pathetic sight in front of him.

Even with pain radiating in his chest, the old chief gets back to his feet, as he doesn't want to die. His legs wobble but he manages to stand up.

"Now get your pathetic existence out of my sight. I will have to deal with this myself," Farco growls.

"Thank you for showing mercy, my lord," the chief bows one last time and quickly leaves, not wanting to enrage Farco further.

Farco watches the old chief leave with his cold, ruthless eyes while clenching his fist in anger.

"This brat thinks he can ruin my plan and just leave with all the riches? Since he is here to deal with the bandits, I will make sure he deals with them," He says as a cold glint flashes in his eyes.

Since Plan A isn't working for him, he will have to go with Plan B. However it isn't much different, as the outcome he is seeking is the same.


Deep inside the forest, a bunch of rowdy men are fooling around, screaming, shouting, and laughing at each other around a massive campfire.

There are multiple makeshift tents all around the campfire. Some men walk around patrolling the surroundings with weapons in their hands, just in case something jumps out at them, as this is a forest.

Wild beasts roam these forests and are particularly active at night. Who knows from where they might pounce at them?

These patrolling men look at the men enjoying their time and grumble in jealousy as if they would like to switch roles. Suddenly one of the patrolling men jumps back in fright as an old man suddenly appears in front of him.

"INTRUDER!!!" He shouts alerting the others. Immediately, the whole crowd stops whatever they are doing and stares at the old man. They immediately brandish their weapons and give the old man a death glare.

"Who the fuck are you, motherfucker? Do you have a death wish or what?" One of the men asks, raising his voice in an intimidating manner.

"You barbaric idiots! Put down your weapons and take me to your boss," the old man orders.

"The fuck did you say???" One of them shouts and swings his sword at the old man, but before the old man can even make a move, the one who swung his sword gets slapped on his face and sent flying, crashing into a tree.

"BOSS!!!!!!!!!" Everyone shouts, seeing another person appear.

"You fucking idiots!! What are you doing pointing your weapons at our esteemed guest? Apologize right now!!" The new person shouts at his men.

The bunch of rowdy men look at their boss with terror, as he is a man who demands such emotion. He is massive, at least seven feet tall. He has a huge bulky frame with hard strong muscles, and he is a 4th-stage foundation-establishing realm cultivator.

Realizing they messed up, they immediately apologize to the old man standing next to their boss.

"Pick that punk up and feed him to my beasts," The boss says looking at the man who he almost killed with the slap.

The massive man then immediately turns to the old man and instantly changes his tone.

"Sir, sorry for the trouble. My men don't know about you, so they acted out of order. But don't worry, I will properly discipline them so that they never disrespect you ever again," the big man says with a sleazy smile on his ugly bald head.

"Hmph," The old man just grunts and stares at the big man with his cold eyes, sending chills down the big man's spine.

"How is the girl doing?" the old man asks.

"Stubborn as ever, but we will wear her down eventually," the big man says.

"I hope no one has laid a single finger on her. She is of great use to me," the old man says.

"Don't worry sir, I have made it clear to my men that she is off limits," the big man answers, as if he is very proud of this fact.

"Take me to her," The old man orders. "Right this way, sir," the big man guides the old man into the largest tent.

Inside the well-lit tent, there is a makeshift bed for the big man and multiple chests filled with gold and expensive stones. There are also some pouches with who knows what's in them.

On the other side of the room is a massive cage with a beautiful girl locked in. Brax will immediately recognize her as the girl he saw in the painting in Farco's daughter's room.

The girl's hands are cuffed, her hair is disheveled, her clothes are stained, and she has some light injuries on her body because of her struggle.

She lifts her head noticing the big man's entrance. Her eyes immediately radiate hatred for the big man, as he is her capturer. Seeing the look of anger on her face puts a smile on the big man's ugly mug.

The girl doesn't even get a chance to express her anger when she sees another person walk in right behind the big man. Her eyes go wide seeing the familiar face. It's her father's.

"You bastard!!! I am going to kill you!!! How dare you wear my father's face after killing him, let go of me right now!!!" she starts thrashing, trying to break free of the cuffs, but it is of no use. Instead, she hurt herself even more.

"Hahaha, look at you. You look so pretty when you are angry. Young master Jidi will be incredibly pleased when I hand you over to him," The old man gives a shitty grin.

Seeing the face of her father looking at her like this makes her shiver in disgust.

"I would rather kill myself first," she growls, but the old man just laughs it off as he takes none of her threats seriously because she is just a mortal. 

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