In Another Life

Chapter 16 - Back to the Capital

Chapter 16: Back to the Capital

Translator: Lao Xinxian

Proofread by Yin Jing


Heaven returns to Chaodu. After arranging everything well, he goes to the capital with the tricker and three hundred followers.

For the sake of Heaven’s safety, each of the six races sends ten of their own martial art masters in company with Heaven. Guo Jing also becomes Heaven’s bodyguard and assistant. Accompanied by “the Emperor of Force”, Heaven really feels at ease!

Huang Rong is in charge of the affairs of Chaodu. Meanwhile, the six races join in the task of construction. As for Old Gao, the butler, his main task is to develop the trade caravan and export goods from the mountain, which will be swapped for money, then food.

Within less than two months, earth-shaking changes have taken place in Chaodu. Indeed, Many places are still under construction, but the mental state of people is much better. Before leaving, Heaven gives an order to the patriarchs — people of all nations are welcomed in Chaodu, but anyone intends to spy on Chaodu will be killed with no exception.

Heaven returns to the capital with mixed feelings. Four months ago, he was nothing but an ignorant examinee, but now he is already a high-ranking official, the king of the forest, the leader of the six races!

Did I ever do good deeds? I don’t think so! Maybe that’s because when I was a child, I have picked up a penny by the road, then handed it over to the police?

The tricker is the happiest one among them. Seeing the cheering crowd and beauties throng to send them flowers, he nearly bursts into tears. “Scum, do you see that? That’s my life. My God, I do come back! I will no longer leave you!” He says to Heaven. Since Heaven returned to Chaodu, the tricker started calling him “scum”.

“Bah! After the ceremony, you can stay here if you like. But I have to warn you, once everything in Chaodu is settled, you will find it difficult to return to Chaodu.” Leaving aside the tricker, Heaven urges the horse to rush forward — he has left the tricker’s coach since he learned to ride horses.

Considering the large number of people who follow him, Heaven rents a whole inn instead of staying in the courier hostel prepared for officials. Thanks to the furs and local products provided by the six races, Heaven earns a lot all the way. Now he can be regarded as wealthy. Of course, as a magistrate, he should also give some gifts to the officials in the court, which is a matter of convention.

Undoubtedly, Heaven chooses to visit Grand Scholar Liu Dong at first. Even though Liu is pedantic, he has treated Heaven well. One must return any little help. Wearing shame on his face, Heaven presents him two catties of wild mushrooms, which is enough to get Liu moved. He holds Heaven’s hands tightly with eyes filled with tears. As for the humor of scholars, “It’s the thought that counts.”

Surely, Grand Scholar Liu receives a better gift than other officials, whose gifts are no more than a catty of pine nut. Even so, the mean tricker claims that the present is his and Heaven’s. What else can we do? says the tricker. It’s known to all that magistrates of hinterland are too poor to bribe!

There are still a few days left before the ceremony. Having settled everything, Heaven puts casual clothes on, and hangs out with five of his men. After all, he hasn’t enjoyed the view in the capital yet!

In the center of the capital is located a grand square, where various vendors exhibit a bewildering variety of goods. Wherever Heaven goes, people keep away from them consciously. Well, it isn’t because they realize that Heaven is somebody; it is because Heaven is followed by four gloomy muscular bodyguards of Bear race. In the bodyguards’ and Guo Jing’s company, Heaven really feels secure. What’s more, no one will bother to assassinate a magistrate from hinterland!

After walking around the square and buying many gadgets, they are hungry. Instead of returning to the inn, Heaven leads his followers into a luxurious restaurant, which seems to have such a good business that its hall is crowded with people. Finally they take their seats on the second floor. Knowing that Bears all have a gigantic appetite, Heaven says to the waiter, “I’d like to have 20 catties of beef, several delicious dishes and four jars of spirit.”

The waiter is really startled. He intends to say something, but seeing the fearsome Bears, he chooses to swallow his words, nods in acknowledgement and walks to the kitchen.

Their table is soon filled with dishes. Bears shovel meat into their mouths. Heaven and Guo Jing smile at each other. They just ignore the Bears, savoring the food slowly.

“The men upstairs, attention! My master is gonna have a party! Everyone irrelevant gets out of the way!” With a shout, a dozen servant-like wretches rush forward, driving nearly half of the consumers away. When there is someone reluctant to leave, they beat him up. In a moment, Heaven and his followers become the only ones who stay on the second floor.

“What? Don’t you hear me?” Comes a servant with a stick in hand. Other people also gather around.

In the past Heaven would be the fastest runaway, but now it’s different.

Now he is not only a man of condition but he is also accompanied by many tough men. Therefore, he doesn’t even take a look at them. “Blow! Throw them out!” That’s all he says.

Guo Jing doesn’t have to take action–with meat still in their hands, Bears throw all these servants down without effort, as if what they throw were sacks of rubbish. Since they can walk, Bears are supposed to learn fight and exercise. What’s more, they have inborn extraordinary strength! As for them, fighting with these servants is a piece of cake.

“How dare you beat my men? You are gonna die!” As a shout goes up, another dozen men come forward, among whom stands a domineering young man.

Guo Jing eyes them, then says in a low voice. “Your Grace, be careful. There are a few martial art experts among them.”

“Experts? Experts better than you?” Heaven asks cautiously. If they are more than “the Emperor of Force” could manage, he should change his way of speaking!

“Huh! I think nothing of them! I’m just worried about your safety.”

Heaven is reassured, thus he says to the youth, “Childish kid! Restaurant is a place for people to have meal. How can you drive everyone away? Have you ever been disciplined by your parents?” Actually, this guy is probably older than Heaven. So Heaven just wants to annoy him.

“Fuck, you court death! Master Du, whip him! Let him know what pain means!” As soon as the youth stops, a middle-aged man raises his hand. Whoosh! A soft whip is lashed out at Heaven.

Like a vicious snake the whip goes straight to Heaven’s face. At the same time Guo Jing raises his hand, too. With a crack, the end of the whip is held between a pair of chopsticks. When Guo Jing sways his wrist, the whip swerves back as if by the will of God.

The fact that his own whip is to attack himself shocks the middle-aged man. If he avoids it, the young master will become the target of the whip! It is at this moment that a man in black beside the youth comes forward, resolving the crisis by grasping the whip. But what just happened is enough to make the childe pale with fear.

The man in black has bright piercing eyes. He holds a fist salute, looking at Guo Jing. “Excellent kung fu. I’m He Bishi, the ‘Ironhand’. Who you are? Which organization do you belong to?”

Guo Jing doesn’t reply. Instead, he says to himself. “Ironhand He Bishi? The one who used to manage escorts in the Northern part of underworld? How does he become a watchdog?”

“Humph, you’d better be polite. I’ve been amnestied and become the security manager of Qian Family. Apologize to me, or I will set you straight!” Right after he finishes, the childe shouts. “Ignorant men! Do you know who I am? I’m Qian Xiaocang, one of the four noblest childes in the capital. My dad is Qian Gui, the assistant minister of Ministry of Revenue. Now kowtow and confess to me, then get out of the restaurant. Otherwise all of you will come to a bad end!”

Damn, he is the son of the old bastard, who proposed to send me to Chaodu! A malicious father and his annoying son! It’s time for them to suffer the consequences.

“Ah, so it’s you, Childe Qian. Nice to meet you.” Heaven puts on an expression of comprehension.

Seeing that Heaven has caved in, Childe Qian gets tough at once. “Fear me! In the capital, nobody dares to offend me. Kowtow and confess to me, give me 1000 taels of silver. Or I won’t let you off—my uncle is the Tidu of nine cities!” Tidu of nine cities is the equal to Minister of Public Security in modern world. Therefore, the implication of Qian’s words is that he will arrest Heaven if they refuse to obey him.

“Hey, what if we don’t do that?”

“Humph, of course you can. Do you have any beautiful sisters? Let them be my servant girls. I will forgive you if they serve me well!” says Qian with a lascivious smile.

Fuck. These words are enough for me to kill you, lest you continue to scourge others!


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