In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)

Chapter 23: An eventful morning.

The first rays of sunlight came down through a balcony door that also served as a large window. Its frame was exquisitely crafted with the objective to let as much sunlight in. It was the main source of illumination to this room that served as a private office for the young man who was at his desk doing paperwork.

But it was not just that balcony door that was exquisitely crafted, not at all. The desk the young man was working on was made of elven wood, a material said to be a luxury among luxuries for its rarity. For it rarely left its place of origin through legal means and illegal attempts were met with death.

Still, the desk was neither something bought nor stolen, it was a gift from an elven dignitary as part of a set of three. Only the second of the set was still being used inside the castle, the third one left with its owner to a distant college while the first one was left to gather dust locked up in a never to be mentioned or opened storage room.

Bookshelves filled with expensive looking tomes, a closet filled with the finest suits, various maps of high quality hung on different walls, chairs that paired well with the desk and theme of the place and of course a sofa with a tea table in front of it.

All were exquisite.

If one were to describe the position of the one who owned the place, then two things would come to mind. First, a well-connected and prodigy merchant, given the young appearance of the man working in there or a prince of some country. If your conclusion was the latter, then congratulations are in order, for you are correct.

The young man with fine features was Licht vi Kyrie, the crown prince of the Kyrie Kingdom. He was loved by the people, always thought as a hardworking young man who was both smart and sensible by politicians and citizens alike. He was checking reports of almost everything on the kingdom, from market prices for meat in the capital, to the state of the different cities and villages within the kingdom. Just as he always does first thing in the morning.

You could say he was the perfect image of a responsible prince, but even he had his faults. At least one if you were to ask his personal maid who is always beside him. That is his hair. It was of an almost immaculate white, almost being the keyword here, the bangs that covered his left eye had a light pink color instead. The maid always tried to style the prince's hair in a way that those bothersome bangs would not cover her master's face, but they always returned to their place no matter what she did. Her master would then just laugh it off and tell her to try again the next day.

In any case, as the prince finished with one of the reports in his hand, his eyes wandered to an iron pin with an emblem that was lying on a corner of his desk. The emblem had a shield acting as a sword's sheath while the sun shone on the back of it. It was the emblem of an order of knights that had never existed in the kingdom...or at least that is how things were in the present.

Then, the door to his office suddenly opened when his mouth was turning into a dubious smile while looking at the pin.

"PRINCE! WHAT MOCKERY IS THIS?! Why have you denied my request for aid for Illumbee Village?!"

The man who entered without announcing himself and shouted angrily at the prince was Baron Cuhalin, the noble who oversaw the land where Illumbee Village was and other small cities here and there within it. He was well aware of the village's woes and was actively looking for a solution, as well as looking for help in the meantime. But to his dismay, not only the king ignored his formal requests for almost 2 years, but he gave control over the matter to the crown prince which had been ignoring him too, until now.

"Not only that, but you ban my forces from investigating the issue anymore?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR—?!"

"I'd suggest you cease from your prattling unless you wish those words to be the last."

Said the black-haired maid cutting off Baron Cuhalin, not only with her voice but her killing intent as well. Her eyes were fiercely stabbing at the Baron's figure, but he was not scared of her, no, he was responding in kind.

"You think a girl that has never been in the Front can intimidate me?! Ha! Think again when you become a Dragon Lord!"

The Baron scoffed at the maid while showing a confident and firm expression. Causing the maid's expression to grow fiercer as she prepared herself, but the raised hand of the prince stopped her.

"Now, now, it is natural for the Baron to react this way. So please, stand down, Mary. Besides, that is not the proper way to treat one of the heroes of the Draconic Front. But also, Baron Cuhalin, I ask of you to stop antagonizing my maid so that we may have a civilized discussion as fellow servants of the kingdom and its people."

Said the prince with a diplomatic tone. His maid quickly calmed herself and fixed her stance while the Baron gave a last glance to her, before moving his gaze towards the prince.

"Please, take a seat, Baron Cuhalin."

The prince moved his hand accordingly and showed the Baron the chair where he should be sitting on instead of standing halfway towards the exit.

"I am fine like this."

Declared the Baron in a calmer, but still firm tone, causing the prince to just nod while maintaining a calm smile.

"Very well then. Let us discuss the issue at hand. Based on the reports I have on the village in question, it seems that even with their hardships they are surviving through hunting and collecting in the nearby forest. The people are not sick, they are not starving for the moment and they have adapted to the situation, which led me to believe that they are simply going through what farmers call a 'rough patch'. That is why I refused to allocate not only the crown's resources, but also stopped you from doing so with your own. To this day, your forces have not found either a cause, or a solution to the problem. And so, I deemed investigating this matter any longer as a misplacing of your force's efforts and they shall be used for other matters of more importance. Where is the mockery in my rational analysis of the situation based on the evidence at hand, Baron? Pray tell."

Said the prince while receiving a cup of tea from his maid and offering one to the Baron who rejected it strongly. Even more, he seemed to be holding back his anger after listening to the Prince. He had formed a fist with his right hand and his face looked as if he would pop a vessel at any moment, but then he sighed.

"Then please, My Prince, is it true the information I received about an archpriest visiting the village from the capital with an escort made from your private forces?"

Baron Cuhalin had gone to great lengths to not only confirm that information and more, but also hide it from the eyes and ears that may or may not be spying on him. He was a passionate man, and while some may say that he was also reckless in his way of behaving in political events, he was also cautious when it mattered. More so in battle and this was a battle where he had to use words.

The prince raised an eyebrow when he heard what the Baron said but maintained his calm demeanor and even smiled fully.

"Yes, indeed. I advised my father in doing so and even offered part of my forces as escorts as a sign that the crown and her holiness were concerned about their situation. After all, as you can see, I hardly leave this office. Let alone the castle. So, I thought that was a better use for them at the time."

The Baron made a surprised expression that quickly turned into one of disappointment. He even shook his head while putting the side of his fist on his lips.

"My prince...I know."

Said the Baron in a serious, but saddened tone, while the Prince looked at him with a confused expression.

"What do you mean, Baron?"

"Do not play games with me, prince. I know about the archpriest saying it was all because of a curse the Goddess had placed."

"Ah, tha—"

"And I visited one more place before coming here."

The prince was interrupted by the Baron in a way that did not let him get a word in, for he would listen to the prince no more.

"It was her Holiness' cathedral."

The polite smile on the prince's face began to fade.

"She asked the Goddess herself if there was indeed a curse on the land and she answered that there was none."


The Prince was silent with an empty smile on his face and eyes.

"I omitted the part of the archpriest and your forces being involved, only mentioning that it was a rumor, because I had thought you were not directly involved, or worse, you were being used. But I see that I was wrong now. Your Mother...the Queen...would be disappointed in you, prince."

The Baron looked at the prince as he would an enemy while the prince just kept smiling.

"Mary, it seems the Baron is feeling unwell—"

The maid moved quickly while holding syringes in her hands. She intended to use whatever they had inside on the Baron but...


Something pierced the maid's shoulder as quickly as she had gotten near the Baron, stopping her in her tracks. It was a transparent spear.

"[Spirit Spear: Volg]. Like I said girl, come back when you become a Dragon Lord if you intend to hurt me."

So he said as he thrusted the spear even deeper into the maid’s shoulder, causing blood to come out of it.


The maid refused to acknowledge her pain with her voice and just glared at the Baron with her mouth shut while the prince was just there, sitting and watching.

"The Goddess also said something else to her Holiness...fuh!"


The maid was kicked on the stomach with enough force to push her to the prince's desk, but she quickly reacted and twisted her body in way that let her evade it completely. The downside was that she crashed with the balcony door, cracking the door’s glass, while the air inside her lungs left her.

"A forcefully forgotten ghost of this kingdom's recent past will come back serving a storm, bringing punishment to those who desecrated her name and to those whose plans have casted a shadow on this kingdom."

The Baron made his spear disappear and started walking towards the exit but not before glancing at the prince again.

"I shall pray for your soul, my princ—!"

When he turned around the prince was in front of him and had stabbed him with one of the syringes Mary had. The purple liquid quickly found its way into the Baron's body, weakening him to the point of being on the verge of losing consciousness. He fell to the floor and realized that the prince that was seated on his desk was but an illusion, one that started fading slowly. The last thing he saw was the prince smiling and those dead eyes of a different color each.

"Quite interesting what the Goddess said. Mary..."

The prince called out to the maid, who stood up and walked towards him with her wounds already healed.

"The Baron suddenly fell with a grave illness and so, he shall be staying in the usual place until he recovers. So, please take him to the guest room and make the appropriate letters. Ah, and send for our forces to capture or sabotage those whom the Baron was most likely to trust with whatever was his contingency plan. Knowing him, I am sure he had one. Also, call for the glazier and have the glass replaced."

Having said that, he walked over the Baron and sat on his chair as if nothing had happened.

"At once, My Prince."

The maid quickly carried the unconscious Baron outside of the Prince's office leaving said young man alone.

He then took the iron pin that he was looking at before the Baron’s abrupt entrance and smiled dubiously.

"The words of the Goddess can only mean one thing. I am going to see my dear big brother again! I can't hardly dear elder brother, Erevain!~~"

His tone would disturb anyone who was unfortunate enough to hear him, but he did not care and so he hummed happily while continuing with his work.


Morning came quickly after such an eventful night.

First, Erevain, then her telling me her secret and then the thing about the Goddess' Blood. Just thinking about that is making me have a flashback.

It is not because I'm still mad about not getting the flashback episode of Erevain. Nope, not at all.

And so, our conversation about the Goddess' Blood was like this…


"...the Goddess' blood?!"

I immediately looked at Erevain for an explanation.

"Yes, My Lord. It is one of, if not, the most, powerful gemstone in Arte and it is said to hold great power even in the size of a pebble."

"Hence the name?"

I asked confused. Like, why call it that if it's just a glorified OP battery? Also, my isekai expertise was telling me that this thing was going to be a problem...

"No, My Lord. The name comes from the legend attached to the origin of the stone. It is said that after its emissaries were defeated, the Evil God was weakened, leaving an opening for the Goddess who was fighting them to seal them. And she did, but at the cost of grave injuries to herself. The battle was of epic proportions as one would expect of Gods, they traversed the world pursuing and attacking each other. The Evil God had nothing to protect or care for, so he did not hold back while the Goddess had to, for the sake of the world she loves. If an attack of the Evil God caused a natural disaster, then she took it with her body. If an attack threatened a village, she shielded them with her body as well, and so she bled. She bled all around the world, for the world. And that blood was not absorbed by the earth since it held great power, no, instead it was swallowed by it, hidden in its depths until it turned to stone. That is why it is called by that name, My Lord."

Yep, it was going to be a problem.

So, I thought it was better to ask her but…

‘Is this true, Nerinne?’

"Zzz...sleeping with Ilya...try again in the morning...zzzz..."

This Goddess...

That was the answer I got…

But you know, I was sleepy too, so it was time for me and Erevain to go to sleep.

Oh yes, she stayed with me.


Some hours passed after that, and we are back from the flashback!

As for the rest of my morning, well, we had some breakfast at the inn, which was delicious, talked with Sylvie a bit and then we went on our way to the forest. I also left our still unnamed Maid-Knight guarding the old lady who is holding onto the Goddess' Blood. It seems Nerinne visited the poor newbie maid in her dreams and gave her quite the scare, because she was so obedient and submissive to the point I wondered if I was talking to the same stubborn person from yesterday.

Dark Nerinne strikes again huh...scary...

Ah, newbie maid also got the chance of showing some of her skills by setting up an alarm that will not only alert us if she needs help, but also show us what she is seeing like a live feed. That is certainly useful in those type of situations since we can plan accordingly. Ooooor just waltz through with my OP powers while throwing every bit of common sense out of the window because of isekai!

Anyways, I'm currently in the forest being guided by a really motivated, but still silent, Luca, with the rest of the Maid-Knights following behind me. The off-limits area is our destination, of course.

Meanwhile, Erevain is trying to act as if nothing happened last night, but every now and then I catch her sneaking a maiden-like glance at me before turning away embarrassed. She is being teased by Kris and Gabrielle right now.

"So how was last night, Leader?"

Says Gabrielle with a playful smile.

"Oh yes, I heard you spent the night with our Lord. Are you a full woman now, heh?"

Says Kris without sugarcoating it. Poor Erevain...although it seems she hasn't told them that I am a woman too. Hmm, another thing to add to the list of things to do after we finish with the village.

"S-Stop it you two! What happened last night is between our Lord and me!"

Says Erevain cutely flustered.

Aaaah friendship it sure is nice. Maybe I should have invested more time in those things instead of obsessing about being a high-level nerd back in my other world.


Pfft! As if!

I have no regrets! None! Why? Because I did it for love! For happiness! For waifu!!

"Fufufu~~, I see that you are quite energetic this morning, my dear Auros. Did something good happen last night, I wonder?"

Ah, nothing at all darling! Absolutely nothing happened that you didn't plan for to happen!

So? Did you enjoy the show you peeper of a Goddess?

"Mhm~. Indeed, I quite enjoyed it. All those tasty expressions you made were magnificent my dear~~. Although, I missed the heart shaped pupils this time...but at the same time it makes me happy, because that means I am the only one who can make you reach that limit, fufufu~~~."

Th-That is not something to be proud of!!!

"It also means that you truly love me, and it makes my heart go doki-doki!"


Not again! You are making me blush like this!!

"Are you alright, Master? You suddenly turned bright red."

"Ah...yes, Gabrielle. I am fine. Do not concern yourself."

She nods and gets back to her position in the group.

I can't tell her that it is the fault of Nerinne for saying things like that so suddenly and making me happy.

She might be a bit of a perv, and that may or may not be my fault, but she is truly my main heroine!

"Aww, I love you too Auros."

Then please answer the question I asked you last nig—

"Ilya says she loves you and misses you."


Tell our cinnamon roll that Father is going to wrap up this village thingy as quickly as possible just to go back and give her a big hug!

"I will, as for your is true. A long time ago I did fight an evil god who wanted to either take over my world or destroy it. The idiot was too lazy to create his own world and the only thing he did was complain a lot. When he realized that I and the other gods were ignoring him, he started acting out. And he chose my world as his objective because I was 'too young and naïve'. Seriously...and even after all the work those knights did, he still had enough power to almost kill me..."

I feel myself starting to get angry just by imagining Nerinne being in that situation...that bastard...

"It is fine, Auros. Do not make that fierce expression. You will worry your companions if they notice."

Nerinne's voice takes me out of these heavy emotions and...she is right, I might even scare them. I don't want that.

"Also, the fact that I am enjoying myself with you means that I beat him in the end, and he won’t bother anyone else anymore."

If the legend is right then you sealed him, right?

"Yes, I did. I won't tell you where for the moment since I do not see the point in doing so, but I will tell you that I am always keeping an eye on that place and if anything happens you will be the first one to know."

Good, if that happens, I will make sure to show that idiot the power of the body we made together! I'll also ignore the fact that we just totally raised a flag right now!

"Fufu~~, as for the gemstone, it is indeed my blood that has taken a new form after years of being underground. So, of course it holds great power."

Power that can be turned into a weapon if it falls in the wrong hands, right?

"Fufufufu~~~ no, you dummy. It is still a part of me, it does not matter what form it takes I would never hurt the world I created. It disappears the moment the gemstone senses that it is going to be used for an incorrect purpose. That is also why some people doubt its existence to this day, that is why it can only be used as an instrument of good, of rightful change. To heal a country that has fallen ill with a plague, to purify a lake that has been polluted by greedy idiots, or to bring a new era of infrastructure that betters the lives of the people and keeps them in balance with nature."

Aaah listening to Divine Grace mode Nerinne always heals me...

"Stop inventing such things as modes for me! I will pull your cheeks when you come back!"

Embarrassed Nerinne is fine too...

"Mou! I am telling you something important and you start with those things...!"

Hehe don't worry I got everything. I can say that I'm relieved to hear that about the gemstone, since I thought that it would be another problem like the black mineral we are going to study right now.

"That is indeed a problem, Auros. I did not create something like that, whatever it is, it is foreign to my should be careful when near it."

Is it related to the Evil God?

I mean, I've had this feeling that that black mineral is tied to something bigger and the way I see it, it doesn't get bigger than that.

"I am afraid that it might be the case, but I do not know enough to make any conclusion right now, I will be learning more about it at the same time as you."

Well, it seems you won't have to wait much longer then, Nerinne.

"We have arrived, right Luca?"

I say so while looking at the paper thin, dome shaped, barrier that has presented itself before us. She said it wasn't visible in her report, but I can see it clearly. Might be my OP senses, though.


Luca gets surprised for a moment, says that, and then nods with confidence.

"My Lord, we might encounter enemies once we enter the off-limits area, so please leave the combat to us."

Says Erevain with seriousness in her face and confidence in her voice, there's even some anticipation mixed in there. Heh, even she wants to test her new capabilities.

"Hmph. Very well, I shall only observe. Do not disappoint me."

I can't wait!!


They say in unison. So awesome!

"Then, let us enter."

I say so as I intend to walk through the barrier, but the moment I touch the barrier, it breaks. It doesn't make any sound whatsoever, but it looks like broken glass that is visible to anyone before dissipating.

Well...that surprised me to the point I almost let out a little yelp...

"Incredible, My Lord's presence was enough to break the barrier."

Says Erevain genuinely amazed while looking at me and the place where the barrier used to be while readying her longsword that was hidden.

Also…I swear I didn't mean it!

"As expected of our Master."

Gabrielle nods in agreement with a smug smile and adjusting her gauntlets.

I am glad you think highly of me, but this one wasn't my fault! Who would've known that that would happen to it?!

"Hah! Our Lord truly loves being direct, eh! This way the enemies are sure to come to us! This is going to be good!"

Kris seems hyped. I can feel she is brimming with fighting spirit; I almost feel sorry for her opponents.

She puts her hand on the handle of her anime big sword and easily pulls it off her back.

Ah, I forgot to mention that her maid outfit reduces the weight of her sword to 0 when she puts it on her back. That is why she doesn't need to carry it on her shoulders as she walks anymore. Nerinne thought of everything.

Now, I summon my helmet from my personal space and put it on just to not be left behind on doing something.

And nowhere to be found, huh.

The reason might be because of the people who started surrounding us just seconds after the barrier fell. That is most likely why the rest of the Maid-Knights were readying themselves too.

I need to say something though...

"They might hold useful information, do not kill them unless you deem it so. Even if you do, I won't punish you for it."

I am no hero of justice that puts others in danger just to keep everyone alive. Our opponents chose this path of being involved in the problems of the village, plus they already killed people and they know the consequences they might have to confront if they are ever caught.

Of course, I won't be doing mass killing or something like that. I have never killed someone. If I can talk it out, then I will, but if its combat then I shall leave it to their judgement and mine.

It might sound weird coming from me, but I must be realistic when the situation calls for it. Although now that I told them that, they will not kill them.

I hope I can convince them to redeem themselves by joining us, just like I planned to do with Erevain's group if they were actually criminals.

"As if I’d let you...! Ha!"

An arrow comes flying at me, but it is intercepted by Gabrielle grabbing it out of the air and returning it to whoever shot it.


Someone lets out a pained voice and falls from a tree.

"Please Master, take a step back."

Says Gabrielle with a calm smile on her face as she jumps at one of the robed persons who started coming out of their hiding place.

I do as she says, and I look around. There are already five unconscious enemies lying on the ground.

"We are more than them! They are only four so kill them! We have to!"

One of the robed men shouts that, he must be the one in charge of this group and he is getting nervous, desperate even. I would be too if my people started falling like flies one after the other and some even without knowing the reason.

"Wait, they were supposed to be fi—GAH!"

And there goes another one. Luca is doing a terrific job here; she is just knocking them unconscious but that just shows that her lethal potential inside a forest is high. At least against opponents that don't share my OP senses and instinct.


Three people go flying at the same time and do not get back up after touching the ground.

"That's all? And here I thought I could enjoy it! Come on! I'm right here!"

Kris shouts at the three people she sent flying with her sword. They are injured, but nothing that Gabrielle can't heal as she nods at me when I glance at her and point towards them.

It's so cool that even if I don't say anything she understood quickly. So dependable!

Speaking of which, she is just one punching everyone who gets near her. Maybe they thought she was the weakest because she wasn't wielding a weapon?

"Fire burn my enemies to cinders! [Great Fireball]"

The leader of the robed guys just casted a spell but...

"Moonlight and Earth, I beseech you protect me and my own! [Magic Shield]!"

...Erevain intercepts it with her own magic, creating a silvery shield that takes on the fireball as if it was nothing and that's not all...



She moves quickly towards the caster and brandishes her sword, taking him down in an instant.

This. Was. SO. AWESOME!!


It was an overwhelming victory.

"This wasn't even a warmup..."

Says Kris apparently depressed but judging with how she was smiling during the whole thing she still had some fun.

"Now, now, Kris. We have to be prudent, do not start with your usual attitude."

Says Gabrielle as if she were scolding a little sister who still wanted to play.

"We cannot let our guards down; they could be just the vanguard while our true opponents are readying themselves deeper in the forest."

While saying that, Erevain grabs the robed guy nearest to her and drops him where the others were lying.

"Luca tie them up and seal their magic. Gabrielle, heal the injured ones, but just to the point that they can talk, we cannot have them think that they can escape."

As expected of the head Maid-Knight, Erevain is quick and precise with her orders. Umu, she is good.

With that, all the robed guys were rounded up and carried with us to the place where Luca saw them when she came alone. Also, Erevain can use her [Magic Shield] as a platform to carry people so no one needed to physically carry them.

A few minutes later we arrived at the place where they were mining the black mineral.

"This is..."

I let out some words seeing the decay of the surrounding trees. They were dead and dry; it was worse than what Luca reported and that means this happened overnight.

And the whole place death. Even I know it and I don’t have any experience with being in a place like this before.

"My lord."

Erevain calls for me and points at a modified mill that still has traces of the black mineral that was milled into powder. Along with some empty crystal bottles, whatever liquid, or chemical those contained is impossible to know now. Although, it is highly likely that it was what they used to dilute the effects of the mineral.

So, I was right...


Says Luca returning from surveying the area and confirming what my senses already picked up.

There is no one here besides us and the people the Maid-Knights defeated. That means it was an 'all hands-on deck' type of situation.

Welp. They are idiots! How do you plan on maintaining an operation like this if you all get defeated at the same time?!!

You deserve to be the unnamed generic robed guys of isekais!!!

"Master, there is still some black mineral in its original state here."

Gabrielle points at a wheelbarrow full of it. Uwa...that's a lot!

"Gabrielle, stand back. We still do not know if it has any effect on us."

I say while beckoning her with my hand and she does as I say.

"Kris, you too, step back from the crevice."

Our tanned warrior was checking how profound the crevice was, but it might be dangerous since it was the place where they were mining the mineral.

"Kris, Grabrielle, question those people. Luca stand guard. Erevain, follow me at a prudent distance.  I will try and grab one of these to study it."

“““Yes, Master.”””

I give them their orders and they answer at the same time again. Umu, so good.

I walk towards the wheelbarrow and extend my hand.


If I'm honest with you, I'm kind of scared right now...

"I am here with you Auros."

Nerinne speaks up and takes care of my fear just like that.

"...yes, yes you are."

Let's do this.

I grab one of the black ores and...nothing happens.

It is still releasing miasma, but it seems I am not affected by it.

"Indeed...hmm, it must be because of your [Abnormal Status Resistance] being at its maximum. Also, if you pay close attention to it, your armor is rejecting the miasma. Just like the robes on those people and the outfits of the Maid-Knights."

You are right, Nerinne. It can be that since you made my armor and those outfits then, that could be why it is rejecting the miasma. But then…why do their robes do the same thing?

"In that case, they might be made from blessed cloth but that should Auros, ask them to check those robes. Tell them to look for the church's emblem."


"Gabrielle, Kris, look for the church's emblem on those robes."

They both look at me with a surprised face, but only for a moment.

"At once, Master."

Says Gabrielle checking from the back of one of the captured mobs.

"Yes, yes."

Meanwhile Kris goes for the front without a care in the world.

Not even five minutes pass before they both talk to me.

"I found one, Master."

Says Gabrielle, clearly not liking that she did find one.

"What's the meaning of this, Master? Is the Church involved?!"

Kris was genuinely shocked at the possibility of it.

"Do not jump to conclusions, Kris. It is more likely that these are stolen."

Gabrielle puts her hand on Kris' shoulder and tells her that with a calming tone.

Which is it Nerinne? Are they stolen? Or are we looking at a hidden faction of the church too?

" is none of those Auros. Blessed Cloth is a material I bestow to the head of the church. She then uses it as gifts in coronation ceremonies or the birth of some important people. She would not just forget to tell me that some were stolen from her personal chambers."

Then that leaves one suspect, the ones who receive it.

"Yes...that means that a King or someone close to them is behind these people. What are they thinking?"


She is obviously saddened by this revelation. After all, something she made as a gift is being used to hurt the people of her world.

"Auros...summon your holy weapon and try to purify this black mineral, please..."

You don't have to ask.

"Come: Nern."

I say so and my lance appears in my hand.

"By the power of this holy lance, be purified!"

The lance starts to shine in holy light and magical power starts spinning around it.


The mob guy's leader shouts in surprise while the Maid-Knights are just admiring what is about to happen.

I walk towards the crevice and thrust the lance inside it. Soon enough, a pillar of holy light sprouts from the ground covering the entire area.

As quick as it happened, as quick it ended.

I look at the wheelbarrow and all the black mineral there was now white and crumbling too.

That means...

"It means that the black mineral is indeed related to the Evil God. His energies corrupted some beasts and gave birth to the monsters that roam this world, even to this day. His blood brought illness and famine. When I defeated him, I made sure to purify the world from those energies and whatever remnants he had left, but it seems I was still too weak at the time. We need to assume that a quantity of his blood turned into this black mineral and that there’s more of it. But worse of all, that someone knows it exists and is actively looking for it, using it. And in the worst case of all, I do not want to think what would have happened if whoever is behind this obtained my gemstone blood and corrupted it with that mineral..."

So that is why I had this unshakable bad feeling about this...

If what you say is true, then whoever manages to do that would be able to...

"Wield incredible power to do whatever they want..."

Don't worry, we will not let that happen. You know, that right?

"Yes, Auros."

If we look at the silver lining, then it also means we already have a solution for the village's problems.


Mob leader interrupts my attempt to comfort my dear Goddess with his generic shouts. Erevain and the others stab him with their eyes, and I signal them to stand down.

"Yes, I am. Are you willing to talk?"

He is scared but I intimidate him with my pressure anyway.


Are you kidding me?!

"You are in no position to make demands like that. For all intents and purposes, you deserve divine punishment as well as your boss. Who do you work for? Why are you doing this? Why use the powder to try and move the villagers out of their village? Speak! Speak and I might use you as my servants to redeem yourselves in the eyes of the Goddess!"

I make my intimidating aura even stronger and take the leader by the neck. Ruthless edge alter tone is in.


The generic leader is overwhelmed and faints, but that seems to have worked even better. Because I can see that one of the mob guys at his side is ready to talk, so I turn to him.

"I-I...we don't know...we don't know who we are working for...we were just conscripted from a village at the other side of kingdom. They gave us training...gave us a map...these robes and told us to mine this...thing...! I knew it was wrong! I could feel it just by looking at it, but they said that they would destroy our village if we didn't mine it!! They said that it was for the good of the kingdom!! That it was to bring an end to the war! That it was for a new—GHAACK!"



Nerinne shouts at what she is witnessing while I’m left speechless due to the shock caused by what I’m seeing.

A flower of ice sprouting from his mouth. My instinct is telling me that if I don’t act fast enough not just him, but all the captured guys will die from the same thing. Asphyxiation.

I quickly extend my hand towards them and start my chant guided by the words that appeared in my mind thanks to my blessing and the instinct skill.

"Ice heed me and stop. I am the King of Storms and you are unneeded. Disappear. Dissipate. [Ice Dispel]!"

I clench my hand turning it into a fist, as if I were crushing the very ice magic that had started to affect every single one of them. And I hear it, the ice magic breaks and disappears from the throats of these guys.

That was close...if I was late for only a second, they would have encountered a bad end...

It really was too close—?!

“Kgh…! Kgh…!”


Why?! I stopped the magic, so why are they spitting this much blood?!




"Gabrielle, what is happening?!"

I ask her with urgency in my voice, and she was already chanting a spell to figure that out.

"Spirits of nature and light I ask of you, let me see what ails them, [Detect Wounds]!"

Her eyes glow with a lime-colored light, she raises her eyebrows and then she...shakes her head.

"The flower's 'roots'...created massive internal bleeding...there is nothing I can do to save them...I am sorry Master...I am really sorry…"


What can I do? Maybe I could use healing by Gabrielle's chant I need affinity with the nature element too...

I could try to use ice magic...slow their circulation and…no I don't have enough medical knowledge to do something like that...I might be totally wrong...

Nothing...nothing comes to mind...

Not even my instinct...

So...I can't save them...?

Damn it…

I can feel that my emotions are showing on my face...I bet I look so frustrated...!

"Gah...don't—*cough* make that face...yes...we were forced to do all of...this...because we were weak...but yer not...and the Goddess is with you...! Please...stop them...don't let used like us—*cough**cough*!"

It is clear that it is painful for him to talk but he still does it...even after what happened when he started talking before...

"I...*cough* saw a maid...the one who—*cough*! She brought...these the ones...who conscripted us...! They almost notice...I hid...! *cough**cough* She had...the coat of arms...of the King!"

Says the leader that I had intimidated into fainting, with his mouth completely drenched in red.

"Please...make making us hurt...our brothers..."

They don't have much longer...

"Auros. Let them touch Nern. I need to talk to them."


I understand.

"Please, if you have the strength then touch the Holy Lance. Everyone, help those who can't do so on their own."

"Yes, My Lord."

So, one by one their hands reach Nern.

And so, time stops as the last touches it. Then, holy light envelops them and Nerinne’s silhouette becomes visible to them, to each of them. She is face to face with everyone at the same time.

They can't believe their eyes; some are even crying...


"Do not part from this world burdened by guilt, for you are now forgiven. Just as your brothers were hurt, you were hurt by the sickness that ails the kingdom...but know that your sacrifice has only brought its end closer. And please, know that you are and always will be loved by this world."

She touches their faces like a mother who comforts their crying children would, with love. This is the Goddess of this world, its creator, and the woman that I love...

"Please tell me your names..."

The words come right out of my mouth...I try to take them back, but they smile at me...




They all tell me their names, and I etch them into my heart.

"I vow that we will find whoever is responsible and punish them."

I say so as I put my right hand where my heart is supposed to be. I've never done a vow like this, but I feel this is the correct way.


And with those words coming from one of them, the light of life that was barely holding on disappeared from their eyes.

"Go and be reborn. Go and live. Go and be happy."

Nerinne's voice is both sad and hopeful. She turns to me and hugs me before time resumes.


Gabrielle is astonished at what she has just witnessed.


While Kris is dumb founded. Looking at them and then looking at me again and again.


Luca doesn't have words that can express her thoughts.

"This ice..."

But Erevain is the only one to react differently. She is pondering about something. Something related to the ice that—

"Something is coming..."

I say while turning my head, alerted by both my instinct and my senses.

It is a flying object, and it is coming at a great speed towards me. It will hit in no time and if I were to evade it, it would hit Gabrielle and Kris but...I’m not the only one that can do something about it.

"[Crescent Moon Slash]!"

Erevain cuts the big icicle in half with her sword in a way that almost seems as if she is accustomed to intercepting this kind of attack, or at least that she knows of it, and then looks in the direction where it came from. Meanwhile, the icicle 's parts go past us, striking the trees that are behind us with incredible force.

Erevain's eyes, her expression, her whole body, it’s a level of seriousness I have never seen before in a person, and it seems that the other Maid-Knights are surprised by it too.

"It is her. Dragon Lord of The Eternal Winter, Bryn."

My eyes go wide as she says that, and it is something that happens to the others too.

But Erevain remains as she is, no, she is putting so much strength on the handle of her sword that it is shaking.

Hmm…so that is the one who made her know the power and ruthlessness of the Dragon Lords.

I look at the place she is looking at and expand my senses. I can feel it. Her massive and cold mana. Like a cool and calm blue flame.

And you know what? I'm still mad about what happened here, so let's scare that Dragon Lord a bit.

"I'll be back in a few minutes."

"My Lord, please let me—"

Erevain realizes what I am going to do and tries to take my place, but I interrupt her.

"Do not worry, I will just talk to her. You will be the one to defeat her. Trust me."

She looks at me, pauses for a moment, and nods.

"Very well, My Lord. I shall take you on your word."

I nod at her and start my chant.

"Space heed me and take me to my destination, [Teleport]!"


To be continued...(This chapter is dedicated to my best friend who passed away the day this chapter was originally uploaded. R.I.P my childhood friend, my brother, may you have multiple adventures wherever you are.)

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