In Another World Where Religion Prohibits Anal !

21. Are you okay Rachel ?

After resting for some time I helped Gven clean everything and make it look presentable enough. Though all that time she was working like a zombie, more lost in thought than worrying about the wet floor beneath her. 

I left after an hour later giving her one last squeeze to her ass and a kiss which lasted much longer than any we had done before. Her face when we parted looked unbearably cute. She did not speak, but her actions spoke louder.

The next day we entered the so-called 'Knowing Forest', even though no one had given me a satisfactory answer as to what it exactly knew to be called knowing forest. This time Rachel was helping with finding our way through the forest, she had some kind of spell going on which pointed the direction or something I think. 

So Irene had exchanged her place beside the driver with her resulting in her sitting face to face with me. She was definitely one of the hottest chick I had seen in this world, the nasty scar on her face did make it hard to notice that but she was really beautiful. Her hard toned muscles with her dark skin and light silver hair really pushed all my buttons. She had really nice toned ass I had noticed, she was the only woman I had seen who was so fit and had six packs. I so wanted to touch those. 

But the stare she gave me made me sigh. Why does she hate me for no reason at all ? Sure I fucked her mistress but that's not something to mad about, instead it should be seen as a favor since she was squeling so happily last night. 

Just thinking about last night made me hard, that look of satisfaction on her face as I came deep inside her was imprinted in my memory. 

It was going smoothly yet incredibly boring since there was nothing else to do, so when I heard some loud gurgling sounds from outside I was pretty excited to see what it was. Everyone went outside except the kids of course, though I didn't listen to them at all. 

At some distance William and the other guy were haking and slacing some green creatures, goblins I realized. And the other annoying gurgling sounds came from the left side of the carriage where I saw Rachel was hurting orbs of light towards the goblins. It looked like it hurt a lot, but there were too many. 

Just as my hand reached towards my gun, the swooshing sounds came from behind me and two arrows hit the goblins straight in their throats. I returned to see what the William and others were doing and it seemed everything was under control so I relaxed. They were doing their jobs at least. 

After that little fiasco we continued our journey and reached a little clearing in the forest where we stopped to rest and have lunch. There was a small stream of water coming from high in the mountains to the left. The water was cold yet crystal clear.

I saw Gvenniver and her maid going in the forest away from us with Irene together to guard them. Must be going for freshening up or a little bathing session I guess. I half thought about going after her and see that plump ass again but decided against it.

I went to sit with Rachel since the kids were eating and I was not hungry. I offered Rachel my portion of the food but she declined, since one of the adventure guys was cooking for them. 

Hikaru - Are all mages capable of using multiple types of spells ?

I sat beside her where she was resting alone.

Rachel - No, Only 4th circle and above mages can handle mastering two elements. And you can rarely get to meet even a 2nd circle mage on the streets. 

Hikaru - So you are one of the exceptions ?

Rachel - My case is different I just had a good affinity towards multiple elements since I was a kid. I am master of none.

Hikaru - Ahh it's like that. 

I changed the subject since she looked uncomfortable talking about her magic.

Hikaru - William was it hm ? 

Rachel Jerked her head towards me faster than she intended.

Rachel - What ?

Hikaru - Your reason for staying with them ?

She eyed me like seeing me for the first time. She was so cute looking so afraid that I had caught her little secret.

Hikaru - It's fine. I understand I won't tell anyone.

She still looked a bit skeptical at that but nodded anyway.

Rachel - Why are you so interested ? I have never met a child who was a merchant and carried himself like an adult.

I laughed at that, she was clearly pissed at me for mentioning William.

Hikaru - I am not interested in others just you...

She tilted her head sideways not understanding what I was saying.

Hikaru - I like you, miss healer. I know I am not what you want but I can't help being attracted to you.

Her eyes widened at that as if just realizing what I was doing for days, her face was completely red and she didn't know what kind of expressions she should make.

Rachel - Uhm Mee ? You...why would ?

Hikaru - Seriously? You joking with me right ? How could you ask that ? You look like those princesses in stories, you are beautiful, kind and intelligent. What's not to like ? Specially with a body like that...

Rachel - My body..!?  Heh ? This is the first time... someone said that to me....

Hikaru - Are all man blind where u from or what ? How could no one propose to you or show intrest in you till today ?

Rachel - They did propose but no one said what I looked like or about my personality. My parents rejected all their proposals on my behalf.

Hikaru - Oh yes that makes sense you are a sheltered girl who is I guess run away from home for some reason?

Her face went pale at that. Like I hit exactly where it hurt the most.

Rachel - That is..

Hikaru - It's fine, I don't really care if you are noble lady or something. I already promised not to tell anyone about it remember ?

She was genuinely afraid and a little pale, so I tried to stand up and give her some room. I guess that was a bit too much for her.

Hikaru -  Just saying though, if you really wanna go after William. You need to learn a lot about today's women. 

Her face showed some reaction at that but she stayed silent. So I left her.

That night when we were all sitting around the fire again, Rachel sneakily whispered in my ear while no one was looking...

Rachel - Teach me. I will be your girl for the duration of this trip if you teach me how to get him.

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