In Another World Where Religion Prohibits Anal !

53. Monster in Flesh


Eva - Hikaru, you are back !

Jace - Welcome back !

Everyone greeted me but I had already noticed their strained smiles so I immediately got to the point.

Hikaru - Where is Irene ?

Ava - She's in your room. Healing.

I immediately ran upstairs to check what was wrong with her and found Irene unconscious on our bed while the kids were looking after her. Jace also came behind me.

Jace - She drank a health potion.. She should heal after some rest...

However before she could finish I ran out of there and straight towards the adventures guild. I needed a Healer and as in luck I found Rachel in an adventurers tavern attached to the guild, drinking alone.

I asked her to come with me and she grumbled but agreed anyway. We ran back to the shop and she started examining her. After a while she finally spoke.

Rachel - She has just used a lot of energy in healing herself with the potions, I will replenish some of it but all she needs is rest.

I nodded and left her in my room to figure out what had happened when I was gone. 

Ava and Jace with occasional comments from Hermon, told the tale bit by bit and with every sentence my anger multiplied. 

A noble coming for my shop? And even that with such stupid and barbaric method? I knew I would eventually come under the radar of some nobles but such blatant disregard of law and acting like a common thief?

And fuck all that, injuring my friend in front of whole city? Did he really think that he will survive after doing this?

I had heard enough. It was clear that this man was a fool and nothing more, and there was only one way to deal with fools.

Hikaru - Does anyone know where this piece of shit lives ?

Jace - Sir Hikaru, the house white is pretty prestigious noble family.. it is not advisable to...


Jace visibly trembled at my response and nodded immediately.

Jake - Then show me.

Jace and I walked towards the noble district and kept walking past the gates. At last a large villa, bigger than all others that we passed by came in sight. Jace stopped there.

Hikaru - This is it?

Jace - Yes. But please liste...

I continued walking before she could say anything else. Two guards at the huge iron gate raised their spears and pointed towards him. He just continued walking and broke the spears in half when they came close to him.

Disturbed by the strange event the guards immediately rushed towards him, but just one enhanced dual punch in both directions at once landed on the rushing guards and sent them flying with their Armor out of shape and blood flowing through their mouths.

I kicked the large iron gate with increased strength and the gate also flew away inside. After rolling for some hundreds of meters it stopped in the middle of the garden. 

Hikaru continued his walking, listening the commotion one after another some 30 knights came out of the villa fully armored and in formation. I also took out a huge ass hammer out of my inventory and started smashing the ants.

They were so squishy like butter, their Armor was so easy to break that my simple power blows would sent them hundreds of meters tumbling, then they would just stay like that pissing in their Armor and cowering in fear.

After cleaning my way in, i finally entered the villa of the noble, the gates flew here too. But no one was on the other side only after some time did maids and butlers came running but I ignored them, my target was not among them.

After some time walking further in, finally a group of people came running and I turned around to look. It was the lady that had bought things from my shop.

Lady white - Master Hikaru ? What are you doing here ?

However before I could answer another fat figure accompanied by a group of armored men came running behind the lady.

Armond - Wha.. who is that kid? What's going on? 

A butler came forward from somewhere and spoke up to his lord.

Butler - We don't know who he is my lord, but he beat down all 30 knights of the house and came barging in.

Armond - What!? This kid did !?

Hikaru - You are the piece of shit that attacked my shop?

Armond - Hah ! So it's you ! I didn't know it was a kid. How dare you...

Hikaru - Shut the fuck up !

I slapped the knight that was creeping towards me from behind for sneak attack and sent him flying through the walls of the building

All present had their eyes wide open as if looking at their death in human form.

Hikaru - Now tell me, you fat shit ! What was your problem with my shop again?

Lady white - Master Hikaru, wha... What did you do..? What is happening?

Hikaru - Ask this garbage husband of yours... I'm guessing seeing you with my products his ass lit on fire and he came to destroy my shop while I was out of the city.

Lady white - Wha.. what !? Is that true Armond? What have you done ?

Armond - You don't understand, he is the devil. The gifts he gave you are robbing you of your grace !! He is enemy of our faith...

Lady white - What !? Have you lost your mind? What nonsense is that?

Armond - Hmph.. knights !

The last group of knights came towards him. Hikaru was surprised that this dumb fuckers still didn't understand even after seeing what he just did.

So he gave them another good example that they would never forget.

After sending every last one of them in all directions breaking through walls and rooms the peace returned once more.

The fat shit finally realized who he had messed with and before he could give one final reminder to the fat noble his wife stood between them. Even though she herself was shaking in fear she was more afraid for her dumb husband.

Lady white - Please master Hikaru let this matter go just once... I promise I will compensate you for your losses and make my husband understand completely what his mistakes are...

Hikaru - He will just come looking for trouble the first chance he gets... Without a thorough lessons fools never understand...

Lady white - Please I beg you.. just this once... I promise he will regret his decisions for lifetime... 

I pushed her out of the way and grabbed the fat fuck by his throat.

Hikaru - the only reason I'm letting you go is the respect I have for your wife ! If you ever dared to even touch one of my friends and employees, I will kill you !!

I glared at him and the fat shit pissed himself while being choked. I immediately threw him away, disgusted by his actions.

I glanced one last time at the lady white and walked out of the villa. At the main gate a huge crowd had gathered, peeking inside through the open gate. The noises had attracted all able bodied people this way. I walked towards them and found Jace standing at the front.

She sighed in relief when she saw him. And started waving. I met her and we both Started walking towards our shop, however looking at all these people an idea came to mind and I stopped and turned around.

Hikaru - Listen well people of this city ! I'm Hikaru of the Dimensional Delights shop. If any and when I say any it Fucking means any of you sick fuck noble or merchant or common criminal, dares to touch even a single hair of my employees, my friends then I swear upon every fucking thing fair in this world I will end your lineage from the roots.


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