In Another World Where Religion Prohibits Anal !

71. Council of Geezers

The panel of old geezers observed me from top to bottom as if checking out new merchandise. At last one of them coughed and official proceedings started. 

They mentioned my name and our issue and how I was in the wrong and everything that was written in the notice. 

Geezer 1 : So you want to appeal for re-investigation of this issue ? 

Hikaru : More like me trying to figure out how such a thing is even possible...

Geezer 2 : Do you not know the laws of our nation ? Young Boy...?

Hikaru – if law protects you from ripping off a legit business just with the group of envious fools, then something is wrong with them, isn’t it ?

Geezer 3 – You Brat ! You think you can insult the law his majesty made and walk away !?

Hikaru – And you think I don’t recognize the pieces of shit that buy from me and sell in their shops ?

The oldest looking geezer suddenly coughed and everyone looked at him. He seems to be the leader of this buffoons.

Old Geezer – Hikaru was it ? What exactly is your appeal about ?

Hikaru – To remove the unfair price clause you all signed against me.

Old Geezer – And why do you thing is that possible ? The clause breaks no law...

Hikaru – Do you guys know how much profit I make every single day..?

Old Lady – What does that have to do with anything ?

Hikaru – You are all merchants and shop[ owners right ?

Geezer 1 – Of course, this is merchant’s guild if you did not see the board outside...

Hikaru – I make more than 500 gold coins every single day... Can you calculate how much money I might have till now ? Not to mention the ViP customers who paid thousands....

All of their faces suddenly turned serious, the profit my shop made was by far the biggest in whole capital however putting a number to the fact was far more effective. Since I neither had manufacturing cost or transportation cost, and they were all unique and priced accordingly. Not to mention I let them go around freely in my shop, unlike most shops where they had to stand in lines. Plus I had air conditioners which made the temperature inside the shop very comfortable against the heat of outside.

Old Geezer – Did you file an appeal just to brag..? 

Hikaru – No, my point is I have too much money and very few places to spend it on... if only I had some enemies... I hear there are people you can pay to make someone disappear... 

Assassin's guild was loyal to no one, at the end of the day they were thieves and criminals. And I had enough money to buy whole guild, the only reason I was left alone by them was my strength. Let alone common streets no one in knight’s family was even close to what I could do alone, and they had seen that when I beat up House White’s knights to pulp.

Geezer 2 – YOU BASTARD !!

Old lady – Behave Yourself, Kirchoffe. Clearly the boy knows his advantages. 

Old Geezer – You want us as your enemy, Boy..? Are you sure ?

Hikaru – You are the one making me an enemy... I didn’t even know you guys existed till two days ago...

Old Geezer – The law is law, and I find nothing wrong with the request of this guild members to raise the price of a good product... 

Old lady – You can’t expect the world to leave you alone, when you are such an eyesore for everyone....

Hikaru – I know... That’s why I have an offer for you guys....

Geezer 1 – Ohhh ! And what is that..?

Hikaru – I will sell some of my products directly to you with discount on quantity. With this you can pick your own prices, since I won’t sell those stuff in my shop. How about it ?

Geezer 3 – That is....

Geezer 2 – Can we really trust him...?

Old Geezer – And you would do that out of your kindness...?

Hikaru – Of course not, I’m also businessman you know....

Old lady – What do you want ?

Hikaru – Membership of this panel since I have the biggest business in the capital and a lunch with you...

Geezer 1 – See ! Such a brat...

Geezer 3- I knew it.... Disrespect and Greedy...

Old lady – Dinner with me..?

I just simply nodded. She must be confused, but I just wanted to see how she had maintain that old body of hers... more than her body I was attracted to do it with a figure of authority and power... it just feels different when you bend over a proud woman and hear her moan cutely.

Old Geezer – Membership of the merchants council is voted by the members of guild, not selected randomly...

Hikaru – I am bringing thousands of gold worth of business with me, I bet if I run for president they will even vote me for that. But I don’t really wanna be so brash about it, membership is enough for me. Not like I can make big changes with just that, now can I ? is there also no law protecting president just like an independent business like mine ? 

The old man’s white eyebrows twitched at that, clearly he was very proud of this establishment and me pointing out their error in by-laws was gonna be a hard pill to swallow. 

Maybe just to prove that he was not afraid or that he genuinely like the business opportunity, but the old man nodded and asked for a vote. 

Two with me two against, at last the old geezer sighed, looked at me once and raised his own hand in my favour and I became the sixth member.

The meeting ended and everyone went on their own way after glaring at me one last time, only the old lady was left who approached me carefully.

Old lady – Am I right in assuming that it is a business that you are interested in..? 

Hikaru – Now.. now why would you assume that my beautiful lady ?

Her cheeks flushed at that, clearly not expecting me to hit on her. Even the young couples were not into sex that much so when one reaches their late thirties, sex is almost non-existence except for some exceptions like Beatrice. So it was normal that 60 year old lady was not expecting to be penetrated randomly any more.

Old lady – You do understand that I have a family right ? Not to mention you are a.....

She looked at me from head to toe to point out my age. 

Hikaru – Well, I guess I will have to find another merchant for the amazing deal I had thought about...

I pretended to turn around when I felt her hand holding me from the shoulder, I smiled. 

Hikaru – Oh ! Did you change your mind, My lady ?

Old lady – I guess a dinner is fine...

Hikaru – Very well then...

I told her to come at the most expensive restaurant at 8 in the evening and left the merchant's guild. I was just a basic member of the guild when I entered and I left as a council member. 

Who da fuck said money can’t buy everything..?

That evening I was greeted by the lady in silk waiting for me at the restaurant. She had dressed up, I guess she wasn’t that old in the heart. 

We talked about business and ate expensive meal, I made her an offer that was improved version of the same offer I discussed with the geezers but with better profit and selection of her choice. She was beyond happy about that and opened up more and more to me. To the point that when I suggested to take her to a hotel she hurriedly accepted as if waiting for it the whole time. 

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