In Danmachi with My System

Chapter 14

The Frog Shooter's tongue shot out at me anew, a pink, glutinous mass hurtling toward my head. My stomach roiled with revulsion, but I managed to evade the onslaught with a nimble sidestep. There was no chance that thing was going to touch me again.

With a deft gesture, I unfurled the chain of my sword and aimed its edge at the foul tongue, intent on severing it with a clean swipe. But the tongue proved more elusive than it appeared, and my blade skidded across its surface like oil on water.

"Come on, seriously!"

I cursed, eyes wide. The tongue retreated into the toad's mouth with a slimy slurp. 

Ere I could devise my next move, the monster took a huge leap into the air, its shadow engulfing me like a giant cloud. My visage darkened as I beheld the enormity of the thing looming above. Should it descend upon me, I'd be flattened in the blink of an eye.

I didn't think twice. I tumbled across the ground just before it crashed down, but not swiftly enough. The toad's bulk crushed my leg. Pain surged up my right limb, striking my mind like a bolt of lightning.

[-50 HP]

Had I tarried a heartbeat longer, I'd have been pinned beneath that monstet, my HP bar drained.

I stood up as quickly as I could, disregarding the throbbing in my leg. I retracted my chainsword's chain and charged at the toad with all haste. The wind whipped my face, but I felt naught save the burning desire to tear the Frog Shooter to pieces.

When I drew near enough, I thrust forward, feeling the resistance of flesh as my blade plunged into its soft underbelly.

The toad flicked its tongue once more, striving to ensnare me. I ducked beneath its attack, slipping just under its gullet. Seizing the advantage, I slashed with all my might. My sword's blade left a deep furrow that stretched from one flank to the other. The monster reeled backward, writhing in pain.

"Okay, the eye..."

If the descriptions in the Guild's tome rang true, the weakest part of these colossal toads was their solitary eye. And now, it lay exposed.

I looked a nearby crevice in the wall, perfect for what I needed to do. With an impulse, I bounded towards it, and the Frog Shooter pursued, seething with rage, its eye fixed upon me. It bided its time. And when it lashed out with its tongue anew, I catapulted myself skyward.

The glutinous tongue adhered to the wall, granting me the opening I craved. Aloft, I contorted, twisting my body into an almost ungainly posture. I hurtled towards its head, aiming straight for its giant eye, and with the combined might of gravity and my leap's momentum, I held my chainsword steady, its point aimed true.

The blade pierced the toad's eye, and the monster convulsed before toppling backward. It crashed, belly up, its legs thrashing a few times before striving to right itself. Watching its pathetic kicks in the air as it rolled onto its back, I nearly guffawed.

I landed on my feet on top of it. Heedless of its rolling and wasting not a moment, I plunged my chain sword into its soft underbelly again and again. I persisted until the monster's struggles ceased entirely.

―Enemy defeated: Frog Shooter

―Experience gained: +10 Exp


[Experience progress]

―Current level: 6

―Exp: 120 / 700


"No more toads for today, please..."

I took a deep breath. A single bead of sweat slid down from my forehead to the tip of my nose, and then dripped.


The faint sound of something moving in the darkness was the only thing that filled my ears. My heart beat like a drum in my chest as I tried to stay calm.

"How the hell did I get into this situation...?"

I ran away. Yes. The cause of the silent noise following me was none other than seven War Shadows. Seven of them. If that wasn't bad luck, I don't know what was.

These monsters usually hunted alone, so meeting such a large group in the same place was frankly ridiculous. Most novice adventurers would be torn to shreds by just one of them. And I was up against seven.

"Great... splendid"

As icy sweat trickled down my brow, I frantically sought an escape from this dire strait. My boots gave me 50% less noise when I moved, and bless the day I got that drop. I ducked around a bend that opened into another cavern and, without a second thought, pressed myself flush against the wall, holding my breath.  

Disappear. Make myself as invisible as possible. Just as I was to my first love in high school.

I screwed my eyes shut and concentrated on the passageway I'd left behind. Perception was my highest attribute, and even though the war shadows weren't making any noise, they were still moving. That meant that there was some movement in the wind, however slight, that someone like me could sense if theyconcentrated hard enough. I counted mentally. 

Seven paces... six paces... five...

I could feel them coming closer. Each step made my body tense a little more. One pace.

I opened my eyes just as the first War Shadow passed me. By the time it noticed my presence, it was too late. My five fingers curled tightly around the hilt of the chainsword, and I swung it forward with all my strength. The metal blade plunged into its head before he could even react.

One down.

The War Shadow's body fell to the ground like a broken puppet, and the others stopped dead in their tracks, their eyes suddenly glowing with alarm. Their companion had died out of nowhere. And at that moment, they all turned their attention to me.


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