In Harry Potter with OTS System

CHAPTER 67 – NORBERT-A!? Not a chance!

[The newly hatched dragoness has imprinted with you, and your magical signature. Do you wish to accept her as your first familiar?]

‘...What?’ It left to be said, but Logan was stupified by the sudden development. After all, who would expect that the functionality that never worked since the moment he started using the system, would suddenly start working? ‘Why? Muninn never activated the functionality…’

[Birds, same as dragons and other species, are known for their imprint, they kind of associate the first things they feel, hear or see once they are out of the egg as their parents, so technically, you just became a father, or could it be a mommy? Who knows.]

‘I still call it bullshit.’ Logan thought.

[The newly hatched dragoness has imprinted with you, and your magical signature. Do you wish to accept her as your first familiar?]

‘Should I?’ Logan pondered as he looked at the newly hatched dragoness staring intently at him, slowly getting closer. Without much thought, Logan just reached out to her and caressed her scally head. ‘She’s goddamn cute… Fuck it! It’s a dragon! I accept!’ And just as usual, without considering consequences, Logan went for the kill-*cough, cough* accepted a random situation that may, or may not, cause him trouble.

And just as he accepted, the dragoness shined on a golden light as she let out what looked to be a roar, alas, it was more like a squeal given her age.

“W-What’s goin’ on?” Hagrid was surprised.

“By Merlin’s beard…” Ron’s eyes widened as he looked at the weird situation, never had his brother told him about a dragon shining with a golden light. Hermione and Harry were as confused and shocked as the other two, while Logan was focused on the dragoness and the bunch of notifications popping up in front of him.

[Congratulations! After so long you’ve finally managed to get your familiar. A creature that will help you without second questions. The young hatchling is now bound to your soul forever. She will hear your commands and heed your calls.]

[1000pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! You’ve completed a hidden quest! Change Norberta’s fate. No matter what choice you take from here on, the fate of the dragoness wrongly called Norberta will forever change.]

[200pts have been earned.]

[Congratulations! Fuck you J.K.! Main Chain Quest has been updated! The hatchling that would originally be lost in the background, has been brought to the light. You’ve induced a new mutation into Norberta while providing some of your magic in the form of a spell during the hatching process, further magic was imbued into the small dragon while your magically shielded hands touched the egg. What changes are to come can only be unveiled over time. If the flap of a butterfly’s wings in the Amazo can cause a tornado in Texas, what can the flap of a dragon’s wing cause?]

[300pts have been earned.]

[New functionalities have been unlocked.]

[New items have been unlocked on the store.]

‘Shit! It’s payday!’ Logan exclaimed inwardly, as his eyes widened in shock. ‘I knew that meddling in this three guys’ story would give free points!’

“Logan, what’s ‘appenin’?” Hagrid asked as he looked through a book he took from who-knows-where. “There’s nothin’ abou’ this in the books!”

‘So… how do we explain this?’ Logan turned towards the now strange situation. “Um… Hagrid? You’re my friend, right?” He asked the giant.

“What yeh talking abou’?” He scoffed. “I jus’ allowe’ yeh to help me hatch a dragon, if that’s not friendship I don’ know what is!”

“Great.” Logan smiled. “Well, the thing is… the dragoness kind of imprinted with me.” He continued with an awkward smile as he scratched the back of his head.

“Huh?” All four of the presents were shocked to hear Logan’s words. “What do you mean that the… dragoness imprinted with you.” Hermione asked with a confused frown.

“Well, she kind of sees me as her parent, and well, a link was formed between us because of that.”

“Wait! That’s not possible!” Ron was shocked. “I’ve never heard of a link that would cause a dragon to shine like that.”

“It’s kind of a special link.” Logan shrugged, before turning to Hagrid. “I’m sorry Hagrid… I know you wanted to have a dragon yourself, but I’ll still leave her with you.”

“What yeh talking abou’.” Hagrid laughed. “I ‘ave hatche’ a dragon! I’m happy. As much as I would love to be considered its paren’, I’m still happy to ‘ave hatche’ it, and I’ll be able to take care of it. So don’ worry abou’ it Logan.”

‘Damn half-giant with his giant heart.’ Logan chuckled inwardly.

“Are you two nuts?” Hermione intervened. “You guys can keep it! It’s illegal! What if people find out!?” Unknown to them, while they were focused on the sudden golden light that embraced the hatchling, someone was trying to peek through a small gap in the pushed curtain.

“Hermione is right, Hagrid.” Ron nodded. “The ministry will not like the idea of a dragon at all.” And just as he finished saying that, a sound brought their attention. Quick enough to see a retreating head from the window.

‘Shit… I forgot about this!’ Logan’s eyes widened. ‘Well… Hatching a dragon is not really that bad considering what I’ve done before…’ He tried to console himself in the case that the Malfoy brat snitched on them. Meanwhile, Harry had run outside to check who might be, and just as Logan thought, it was Malfoy. He had seen the dragon. ‘Although in the movies this happened at night… and the punishment was because they were outside at night…’ Logan pondered.

“Great! Now Malfoy is going to tell everyone that we have a dragon here!” Ron whined at the situation. While the rest were just worried about what could happen to Hagrid, who would probably receive the worst punishment among everyone here.

“You shouldn’t worry too much.” Logan shrugged as he patted the small dragoness who was now pushing her head on his palm, letting out sounds that he swore were purrs.

[Please remember to name your new familiar to strengthen and complete the bonding]

“Mm…” Logan pondered.

“How can you not be worried? Malfoy, the biggest prick in Slytherin just found you, us, doing something illegal!” Hermione shouted, causing Logan to look at her with a tilted head.

“Miss Granger, you’re worrying too much.” Logan chuckled. “We just hatched a dragoness, not killed someone. Dumbledore will probably just laugh it out while telling us to solve the problem.” He shrugged.

“You can get expelled!” Hermione tried to retort.

“I don’t think so.” Logan shrugged. “I’ve done worst stuff than just hatching a dragon, heck, Weasly’s brothers have broken a lot of rules around here and they’re still studying.”

“Y-Yeah… that’s true.” Ron awkwardly smiled as he scratched the back of his head.

“You’re just overthinking.” Logan finally said as he looked into the dragoness' eyes. ‘I’m tempted to name her Syndragosa… but she’s black, and it's not a bundle of bones… mmm… this is hard…’

“Still… I don’t think they will let Hagrid or you keep her here…” Harry said as he looked at the happy-looking hatchling. “Even if they don’t punish you, it’s not like they’ll allow a dragon to stay in Hogwarts…”

“I can take care of her!” Hagrid said. “I’ve studied a lot abou’ how to take care of a dragon! An’ look a’ her! She’s a beauty!”

“Ryuko.” Logan said with a smile.

“Huh?” The rest turned to him. “Ryuko?” Hermione asked as she tilted her head before realization came to her.

“That’s her name. Ryuko.” He confirmed before she could even ask.

“Isn’t that Japanese?” Ron asked, confused.

“Yes.” Logan nodded.

“Why would you put it a Japanese name, do you even know what it means?” Hermione asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Um… yes?” He confirmed, in a perfectly confident way. Or so he thought. ‘System, give me a hand here.’

[Do you think I’m Google Translator or something?]

“You do?” Hermione asked, her deadpan fixed on Logan. “What does it means then?”

“...Dragon child.” He answered. ‘Come on, all my years seeing anime has to be of use here! Ryu means dragon, that’s certain, but the only thing I can think about Ko translates Kodomo or child.’

[Lars would have a field day with this right here.]

“Really?” Her eyes sharpened as she stared at him.

“Yes.” This time, he answered with more confidence. ‘Whatever, if it’s not that, I can just say I was confused. The name sounds great either way.’

[Congratulations on naming your first familiar, Ryuko! She’ll remember her name until the day Death knocks on her doors.]

[100 have been earned!]

“Leave it, Hermione.” Ron shook his head. “It’s a wicked name anyways.”

“Yeah.” Harry nodded.

“I was thinkin’ more of Norberta…” Meanwhile, Hagrid muttered on his own.

“...” Although that only gathered dead stares from the students.

“Anyways, we need to figure out what to do with Malfoy.” Hermione changed the topic. “If he tells anyone, we’ll be in trouble.”

“Relax, Miss Granger.” Logan shrugged. “Worrying too much would not do us any good. We better wait and see what he does, and then act accordingly. Meanwhile… we might have to figure out what to do with Ryuko… Harry’s right, they won’t let us keep her, even if we don’t get punished…”

“My brother might help with that…” Ron suddenly raised his hand. “He works in a dragon’s sanctuary in Rumania, they take care of this species there.”

“That could work.” Hermione and Harry both nodded, much to the terror of Hagrid, and also Logan.

‘Damn it! They’re taking my familiar away from me!’

[I would take a look into the new functionalities before bitching around.]

‘Huh? What the hell do you mean?’

[Ha… too much for your low IQ… Just open the interface!]

And just as the system said, grudgingly, Logan opened the system, only for his eyes to shine brightly.

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